A Time to Sow and a Time to Reap: Growth Based on General Purpose Technologies
Helpman, E. & M. Trajtenberg (1994)
Abstract: We develop a model of growth driven by successive improvements in 'General Purpose Technologies' (GPT's), such as the steam engine, electricity, or micro-electronics. Each new generation of GPT's prompts investments in complementary inputs, and impacts the economy after enough such compatible inputs become available. The long-run dynamics take the form of recurrent cycles: during the first phase of each cycle output and productivity grow slowly or even decline, and it is only in the second phase that growth starts in earnest. The historical record of productivity growth associated with electrification, and perhaps also of computerization lately, may offer supportive evidence for this pattern. In lieu of analytical comparative dynamics, we conduct simulations of the model over a wide range of parameters, and analyze the results statistically. We extend the model to allow for skilled and unskilled labor, and explore the implications for the behavior over time of their relative wages. We also explore diffusion in the context of a multi-sector economy.
Diffusion of General Purpose Technologies
Helpman, E. & M. Trajtenberg (1996)
The dynamics of a general purpose technology in a research and assimilation model
Nahuis, R. (1998)
Adjusting to a New Technology: Experience and Training
Helpman, E. & A. Rangel (1998)
Information Technology, Globalization and Social Development
Castells, M. (1998)
General Purpose Technologies and Surges in Productivity: Historical Reflections on the Future of the ICT Revolution
David, P.A. & G. Wright (1999)
Comparative Advantage and General Purpose Technologies
Chung, J. (2000)
The Production Recipes Approach to Modeling Technological Innovation: An Application to Learning by Doing
Auerswald, P., S. Kauffman, J. Lobo, & K. Shell (2000)
Population Growth, Technological Adoption and Economic Outcomes: A Theory of Cross-Country Differences for the Information Era
Beaudry, P. & D.A. Green (2001)
Do We Have A New E-Conomy?
Baily, N.M. & Lawrence, M. (2001)
How the Quality of Institutions Affects Technological Deepening in Developing Countries
Clarke, G.R.G. (2001)
Crisis and innovation in Japan: a new future through techno-entrepreneurship?
Whittaker, H. (2001)
Synching or sinking? The globalisation of software development
Heeks, R., S. Krishna, B. Nicholson & S. Sahay (2001)
Abstract: Global software outsourcing (GSO) - using foreign-based computer specialists to develop software - is big business. Many countries are involved, but India remains the leader. A hundred thousand Indian software professionals develop US$3bn of software a year for foreign clients (many of whom are listed in Fortune 500). How can those who commission and those who do GSO increase value and reduce costs? How do they interact?
Do We Have a 'New' Macroeconomy?
DeLong, J.B. (2001)
Productivity Growth in the 1990s: Technology, Utilization, or Adjustment? | Alternative
Basu, S., J.G. Fernald & M.D. Shapiro (2001)
New Economy Stock Valuations and Investment in the 1990s
Edison, H. & T. Slok (2001)
Wealth Effects and the New Economy
Edison, H. & T. Slok (2001)
Some Economics of Personal Activity and Implications for the Digital Economy
Galbi, D.A. (2001)
Technology dissemination and economic growth: Some Lessons for the New Economy
Quah, D. (2001)
Technology Foresight in a rapidly globalizing economy
Martin, B. (2001)
Productivity in the OECD Countries: A Critical Appraisal of the Evidence
Calderon, C. (2001)
Policy Learning and Public Sector IT: Contractual and E-Government Change
Dunleavy, P., H. Margetts, S. Bastow, J. Tinkler & H. Yared (2001)
Are ICTs the road to riches for the poor?
Heeks, R. (2001)
A General Purpose Technology at Work: The Corliss Steam Engine in the late 19th Century US
Rosenberg, N. & M. Trajtenberg (2001)
The creative response in economic development: the case of information processing technologies in US manufacturing, 1870-1930
Reinstaller, R. & W. Hölzl (2001)
Abstract: This paper presents a theoretical framework along "Classical" lines in which Schumpeter's concept of "Creative Response" is linked to a theory of induced innovation and the concept of technological regimes. We devote particular attention to the role of indivisibilities between factors of production. On the basis of this framework, we study the adoption of early information technologies, such as typewriters, calculators or Hollerith machines in US manufacturing in the period between 1870 and 1930. We show how the presence of a distinct bias in technical change in US manufacturing led to the opening of a window of opportunity for early information technologies, and how the presence of this bias influenced the technological search and adoption process of firms and how this found its final reflection in the rules and heuristics of the new regimemulation is found.
Technology in the Great Divergence
Clark, G. & R. Feenstra (2001)
You Say You Want A Revolution: Information Technology and Growth
Haacker, M. & J.H. Morsink (2002)
Information Technology in Asia: New Development Paradigms
Chia, S.Y. & J.J. Lim (editors) (2002)
Abstract: The information and communications technology (ICT) revolution that swept the world through the 1990s has impacted the economic, political, and social structures of countries throughout Asia. These have presented themselves both as digital opportunities as well as challenges. This volume presents a collection of papers by scholars on the new development paradigms afforded by this new technology, from the experience of the software capital of Bangalore to the policy dilemmas faced by transition economies such as Vietnam.
Hi-tech Innovation and Productivity Growth: Does Supply Create Its Own Demand?
Gordon, R.J. (2003)
Technology and the New Economy
Bai, C.E. & C.W. Yuen (2003)
Information Technology and Productivity Growth in Asia
Lee, I.H. & Y. Khatri (2003)
Cross-Country Technology Adoption: Making the Theories Face the Facts
Comin, D. & B. Hobijn (2003)
Elsevier New Economy Handbook
Jones, D.C. (editor) (2003)
Abstract: This collection of original articles on the New Economy provides an authoritative and wide-ranging summary of its characteristics, the models it spawned, and the ways it continues to influence markets and decisions. With a broader scope than other volumes, the New Economy Handbook offers thoughtful and measured investigations of economic change in many forms, from financial, product, and labor markets to auctions, industrial organization, and international frameworks. It also seeks to define the New Economy through statistics, country and sector examinations, and economic history. Traditionalists who doubt the existence of the New Economy will see themselves in many perspectives aired here, while utopians will find their beliefs both analyzed and challenged. Timely and useful, this book helps readers look past economic turbulence to the larger promises and implications of the digital revolution. The New Economy Handbook offers the first thorough investigation of the New Economy. Its poignancy is even more apparent in the wake of the 1990s technology bubble. Articles share a format that encourages accessibilty, including an outline, glossary, and summary, and an extensive index adds utility. It will primarily serve reference users in business schools, economics departments, public and university libraries, special libraries, and institutions/agencies concerned with finance, trade, e-commerce, banking, and other regulatory, trade, and commercial activities.
The Case of the Missing Productivty Growth: Or, Does Information Technology Explain why Productivity Accelerated in the US but not the UK?
Basu, S., J.G. Fernald, N. Oulton & S. Srinivasan (2003)
Dissemination of Technology in Market and Planned Economies
Iacopetta, M. (2004)
Steam as a general purpose technology: A growth accounting perspective
Crafts, N. (2004)
Are Technology Improvements Contractionary?
Basu, S., J. Fernald & M. Kimball (2004)
Neoclassical Growth and the Adoption of Technologies
Comin, D. & B. Hobijn (2004)
The Information Revolution and Developing Countries
Wilson, E.J. III (2004)
Abstract: In this book Ernest Wilson provides a clear, nuanced analysis of the major transformations resulting from the global information revolution. He shows that the information revolution is rooted in societal dynamics, political interests, and social structure. Using the innovative Strategic ReStructuring (SRS) model, he uncovers links between the big changes taking place around the world and the local initiatives of individual information activists, especially in developing countries. Indeed, Wilson shows that many of the structural changes of the information revolution, such as shifts from public to private ownership or from monopoly to competition, are driven by activists struggling individually and collectively to overcome local apathy and entrenched opposition to reform. Wilson applies his SRS model to the politics of Internet expansion in Brazil, China, and Ghana to illustrate the real-world challenges facing policy-makers and practitioners. Examples of such challenges include starting Internet companies, reforming regulatory laws, and formulating NGO strategies for dealing with the digital divide. Wilson identifies the tremendous possibilities for innovation and advancement in developing countries while acknowledging the structural, institutional, and cultural constraints that work against their realization.
General Purpose Technologies
Jovanovic, B. & P.L. Rousseau (2005)
Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase International Technology Transfer? Empirical Evidence from U.S. Firm-Level Data
Branstetter, L., R. Fisman & C.F. Foley (2005)
Gpt-Driven, Endogenous Growth
Carlaw, K.I. & R.G. Lipsey (2006)
ICT Use in the Developing World: An Analysis of Differences in Computer and Internet Penetration
Chinn, M.D. & R.W. Fairlie (2006)
The World Technology Frontier
Caselli, F. & W.J. Coleman (2006)
World Technology Usage Lags
Comin, D.A., B. Hobijn & E. Rovito (2006)
Information Technology Adoption and Political Regimes
Corrales, J. & F. Westhoff (2006)
Spatial Growth and Industry Age
Desmet, K. & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2007)
Optimal Technology and Development
Moscoso Boedo, H.J. (2007)
General Purpose Technologies and their Implications for International Trade
Petsas, I. (2009)
Technological Growth and Asset Pricing
Garleanu, N., S. Panageas & J. Yu (2009)
Why doesn’t technology flow from rich to poor countries?
Cole, H.L., J. Greenwood & J.M. Sánchez (2012)
Long-term growth driven by a sequence of general purpose technologies
Schaefer, A., D. Schiess & R. Wehrli (2014)
Misallocation, informality, and human capital: understanding the role of institutions
D'Erasmo, P., H.J. Moscoso Boedo & A. Senkal (2014)
Localized and Biased Technologies: Atkinson and Stiglitz's New View, Induced Innovations, and Directed Technological Change
Acemoglu, D. (2014)
Knowledge and Growth in the Very Long Run
Strulik, H. (2014)
Why Doesn't Technology Flow from Rich to Poor Countries? | Published
Cole, H.L., J. Greenwood & J.M. Sanchez (2015/16)
Do Poor Countries Really Need More IT? The Role of Relative Prices and Industrial Composition | Published
Eden, M. & P. Gaggl (2015/20)
The Internet as a general-purpose technology: Firm-level evidence from around the world | Published
Clarke, G.R.G., C.Z. Qiang & L.C. Xu (2015)
Is Co-Invention Expediting Technological Catch Up? A Study of Collaboration between Emerging Country Firms and EU Inventors
Giuliani, E., A. Martinelli & R. Rabellotti (2015)
Robots Are Us: Some Economics of Human Replacement
Benzell, S.G., L.J. Kotlikoff, G. LaGarda & J.D. Sachs (2015)
Robots and humans – complements or substitutes?
DeCanio, S.J. (2016)
General Purpose Technologies in Theory, Applications and Controversy: A Review
Bekar, C., K. Carlaw & R. Lipsey (2016)
Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in the Age of Automation
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2017)
Horizontal and Vertical Polarization: Task-Specific Technological Change in a Multi-Sector Economy
Lee, S.Y. & Y. Shin (2017)
On the possibility of automation-induced stagnation
Gasteiger, E. & K. Prettner (2017)
Prices of High-Tech Products, Mismeasurement, and Pace of Innovation
Byrne, D., S. Oliner & D. Sichel (2017)
Long Run Growth of Financial Technology
Farboodi, M. & L. Veldkamp (2017)
Accounting for Growth in the Age of the Internet The Importance of Output-Saving Technical Change
Hulten, C.R. & L.I. Nakamura (2017)
Contractionary Technology Shocks
Giuli, F. & M. Tancioni (2017)
Artificial Intelligence and the Modern Productivity Paradox: A Clash of Expectations and Statistics
Brynjolfsson, E., D. Rock & C. Syverson (2017)
Technology-Skill Complementarity in the Early Phase of Industrialization | Published
Franck, R. & O. Galor (2017/22)
Demand-led growth with endogenous innovation
Caminati, M. & S. Sordi (2017)
Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment
Korinek, A. & J.E. Stiglitz (2017)
Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Work
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2018)
AI as the next GPT: a Political-Economy Perspective
Trajtenberg, M. (2018)
ICT and economic growth - Comparing developing, emerging and developed countries
Niebel, T. (2018)
Modeling Automation
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2018)
Demographics and Automation | Published
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2018/22)
Does ICT Generate Economic Growth? A Meta-Regression Analysis
Stanley, T.D., H. Doucouliagos & P. Steel (2018)
The Digital Era, Viewed From a Perspective of Millennia of Economic Growth
Growiec, J. (2018)
Measuring the Bias of Technological Change
Doraszelski, U. & J. Jaumandreu (2018)
Should We Fear the Robot Revolution? (The Correct Answer is Yes) | Published
Berg, A., E.F. Buffie & L-F. Zanna (2018)
Perpetual growth, distribution, and robots
Nomaler, O. & B. Verspagen (2018)
The Exposure to Routinization: Labor Market Implications for Developed and Developing Economies
Das, M. & B. Hilgenstock (2018)
Technological revolutions and the Three Great Slumps: A medium-run analysis
Cao, D. & J-P. L'Huillier (2018)
The IT Revolution and the Globalization of R&D
Branstetter, L.G., B.M. Glennon & J.B. Jensen (2018)
Computerizing industries and routinizing jobs: Explaining trends in aggregate productivity
Aum, S., S.Y. Lee & Y. Shin (2018)
Structural transformation and the rise of information technology
Gallipoli, G. & C.A. Makridis (2018)
The Productivity J-Curve: How Intangibles Complement General Purpose Technologies | Published
Brynjolfsson, E., D. Rock & C. Syverson (2018/21)
Robots at Work
Graetz, G. & G. Michaels (2018)
Automation and New Tasks: How Technology Displaces and Reinstates Labor
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2019)
The Rise of Robots in China
Cheng, H., R. Jia, D. Li & H. Li (2019)
Automation, New Technology and Non-Homothetic Preferences
Struck, C.C. & A. Velic (2019)
The Industrial Revolution in Services
Hsieh, C-T. & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2019)
Time for Growth
Severgnini, B. & L. Boerner (2019)
The macroeconomic consequences of artificial intelligence: A theoretical framework
Huang, X., Y. Hu & Z. Dong (2019)
Automation, Skills and the Future of Work: What do Workers Think?
Mulas-Granados, C., R. Varghese, V. Boranova, A. de Chalendar & J. Wallenstein (2019)
The implications of automation for economic growth when investment decisions are irreversible
Antony, J. & T. Klarl (2019)
Technological Transitions with Skill Heterogeneity Across Generations
Adăo, R., M. Beraja & N. Pandalai-Nayar (2020)
Competing with Robots: Firm-Level Evidence from France
Acemoglu, D., C. LeLarge & P. Restrepo (2020)
Globotics and Development: When Manufacturing is Jobless and Services are Tradable
Baldwin, R. & R. Forslid (2020)
Growth, Automation and the Long Run Share of Labor | Published
Ray, D. & D. Mookherjee (2020/22)
Automation, stagnation, and the implications of a robot tax | Published
Gasteiger, E. & K. Prettner (2020/22)
Measuring the creation and adoption of new technologies using trade and patent data
Foster-McGregor, N., O. Nomaler & B. Verspagen (2020)
The Macroeconomics of Automation: Data, Theory, and Policy Analysis | Published
Jaimovich, N., I. Saporta-Eksten, H.E. Siu & Y. Yedid-Levi (2020/21)
The scientific revolution and its role in the transition to sustained economic growth
Lehmann-Hasemeyer, S.H.; K. Prettner & P. Tscheuschner (2020)
Some Applications of Lie Groups in Theory of Technical Progress
Vu, L.A., D.Q. Hoa, N.M. Tri & H.V. Hieu (2020)
Technological revolutions, structural change & catching-up
Fagerberg, J. & B. Verspagen (2020)
Automation and demographic change
Abeliansky, A. & K. Prettner (2020)
Automation and labor force participation in advanced economies: Macro and micro evidence
Grigoli, F., Z. Koczan & P. Topalova (2020)
COVID-19 and Implications for Automation
Chernoff, A.W. & C. Warman (2020)
Transatlantic Technologies: The Role of ICT in the Evolution of U.S. and European Productivity Growth
Gordon, R.J. & H. Sayed (2020)
Secular stagnation or technological lull?
Ramey, W.A. (2020)
Testing the automation revolution hypothesis
Scholl, K. & R. Hanson (2020)
Secular Trends and Technological Progress
Döttling, R. & E. Perotti (2020)
From Secular Stagnation to Robocalypse? Implications of Demographic and Technological Changes | Published
Basso, H.S. & J.F. Jimeno (2020/21)
Increasing returns to scale within limits: A model of ICT and its effect on the income distribution and occupation choice
Wang, T. & G.C. Wright (2020)
Is the IT revolution over? An asset pricing view
Ward, C. (2020)
Artificial Intelligence, Income Distribution and Economic Growth
Gries, T. & W. Naudé (2020)
The IT Revolution and Southern Europe's Two Lost Decades
Schivardi, F. & T. Schmitz (2020)
Growth factors in developed countries: A 1960-2019 growth accounting decomposition
Cette, G., A. Devillard & V. Spiezia (2020)
Robots and reshoring: Evidence from Mexican labor markets
Faber, M. (2020)
Robots and industrial labor: Evidence from Japan
Dekle, R. (2020)
Back to the past: the historical roots of labour-saving automation
Staccioli, J. & M.E. Virgillito (2020)
Artificial Intelligence, Growth and Employment: The Role of Policy
Aghion, P., C. Antonin & S. Bunel (2020)
ICT and capital biased technical change
DeStefano, T., R. Kneller & J. Timmis (2020)
Directed technical change and the British Industrial Revolution
Stern, D.I., J.C.V. Pezzey & Y. Lu (2020)
Redistributive Income Taxation with Directed Technical Change
Loebbing, J. (2020)
Robots and Labor in the Service Sector: Evidence from Nursing Homes
Eggleston, K., Y.S. Lee & T. Iizuka (2020)
Are We Approaching an Economic Singularity? Information Technology and the Future of Economic Growth
Nordhaus, W.D. (2021)
A Growth Model of the Data Economy
Farboodi, M. & L. Veldkamp (2021)
Automation Technology, Economic Growth, and Income Distribution in an Economy with Dynasties and Overlapping Generations
Sasaki, H. (2021)
Artificial Intelligence, Globalization, and Strategies for Economic Development
Korinek, A. & J.E. Stiglitz (2021)
The Work-at-Home Technology Boon and its Consequences
Davis, M.A., A.C. Ghent & J.M. Gregory (2021)
The contribution of robots to productivity growth in 30 OECD countries over 1975-2019
Cette, G., A. Devillard & V. Spiezia (2021)
Knowledge-Based Structural Change
Genna, K., C. Ghiglino, K. Nishimura & A. Venditti (2021)
Technology and skill: Twin engines of growth
Stokey, N.L. (2021)
How Does Automation Affect Economic Growth and Income Distribution in a Two-Class Economy?
Sasaki, H., T. Hagiwara, H. Pham, N. Fukatani, S. Ogawa &l N. Okahara (2021)
Inequality, Openness, and Growth through Creative Destruction
Schetter, U., A. Jäggi & M.T. Schneider (2021)
Technology and the Task Content of Jobs across the Development Spectrum
Caunedo, J., E. Keller & Y. Shin (2021)
A review on the economics of artificial intelligence
Lu, Y. & Y. Zhou (2021)
Technological progress and monetary policy: Managing the fourth industrial revolution
Poloz, S.S. (2021)
Labor costs and the adoption of robots in China
Fan, H., Y. Hu & L. Tang (2021)
Tasks, Automation, and the Rise in US Wage Inequality | Published
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2021/22)
The Race of Man and Machine: Implications of Technology When Abilities and Demand Constraints Matter
Gries, T. & W. Naudé (2021)
Robots, reshoring, and the lot of low-skilled workers
Krenz, A., K. Prettner & H. Strulik (2021)
Robots and Unemployment
Kudoh, N. & H. Miyamoto (2021)
Technological growth and hours in the long run: Theory and evidence
Reif, M., M.F. Tesfaselassie & M.H. Wolters (2021)
Robots and Firms
Koch, M., I. Manuylov & M. Smolka (2021)
The impact of artificial intelligence on economic growth and welfare
Lu, C-H. (2021)
Can ICTs increase tax compliance? Evidence on taxpayer responses to technological innovation in Ethiopia
Mascagni, G., A.T. Mengistu & F.B. Woldeyes (2021)
Automation, Growth, an Factor Shares in the Era of Population Aging | Published
Irmen, A. (2021)
Simulating Endogenous Global Automation
Benzell, S.G., L.J. Kotlikoff, G. LaGarda & V.Y. Ye (2021)
Harms of AI
Acemoglu, D. (2021)
Artificial intelligence and productivity: an intangible assets approach
Corrado, C., J. Haskel & C. Jona-Lasinio (2021)
Artificial intelligence as a general-purpose technology: an historical perspective
Crafts, N. (2021)
Robots For Economic Development
Calě, M. & G. Presidente (2021)
Do robots complement or substitute for older workers?
Battisti, M. & A.F. Gravina (2021)
Demographic change, secular stagnation and inequality: automation as a blessing?
Jacobs, A. & F. Heylen (2021)
Population Growth and Automation Density: Theory and Cross-Country Evidence
Abeliansky, A.L. & K. Prettner (2021)
Technological Obsolescence
Ma, S. (2021)
The Adjustment of Labor Markets to Robots
Dauth, W., S. Findeisen, J. Suedekum & N. Woessner (2021)
Demography, growth and robots in advanced and emerging economies
Lanzafame, M. (2021)
The Rise of the Machines: Automation, Horizontal Innovation, and Income Inequality
Hémous, D. & M. Olsen (2022)
Should Robots Be Taxed?
Guerreiro, J., S. Rebelo & P. Teles (2022)
Intelligent technologies and productivity spillovers: Evidence from the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Venturini, F. (2022)
Technology and Resilience
Comin, D.A., M. Cruz, X. Cirera, K.M. Lee & J. Torres (2022)
Robots and Firm Investment
Benmelech, E. & M. Zator (2022)
Human capital investment and perceived automation risks: Evidence from 16 countries
Innocenti, S. & M. Golin (2022)
Robots and Humans: The Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in an Endogenous Growth Model
Afonso, O., E. Sochirca & P.C. Neves (2022)
Technological waves and economic growth: thoughts on the digital revolution
do Amaral, J.F. (2022)
Will the AI revolution cause a great divergence?
Alonso, C., A. Berg, S. Kothari, C. Papageorgiou & S. Rehman (2022)
Liability for robots I: legal challenges
Guerra, A., F. Parisi & D. Pi (2022)
Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data
Parteka, A. & A. Kordalska (2022)
Fragile robots, economic growth and convergence
Klarl, T. (2022)
Automation, Market Concentration, and the Labor Share
Firooz, H., Z. Liu & Y. Wang (2022)
Alternative theories on economic growth and the co-evolution of macro-dynamics and technological change: a survey
Llerena, P. & A. Lorentz (2022)
Automation and the future of work: Assessing the role of labor flexibility
Fornino, M. & A. Manera (2022)
AI, Trade and Creative Destruction: A First Look
Trefler, D. & R. Sun (2022)
Inefficient Automation
Beraja, M. & N. Zorzi (2022)
Artificial Intelligence and Human Jobs
Lu, C-H. (2022)
Growth and Convergence Through Technolgical Interdependence
Jin, W. & Y. Zhou (2022)
Liability for robots II: an economic analysis
Guerra, A., F. Parisi & D. Pi (2022)
"Restrict foreigners, not robots": Partisan responses to automation threat
Wu, N. (2022)
Globotics and Macroeconomics: Globalisation and Automation of the Service Sector
Baldwin, R. (2022)
The contribution of industrial robots to labor productivity growth and economic convergence: A production frontier approach
Eder, A., W. Koller & B. Mahlberg (2022)
The Kaldor-Verdoorn Law's at the Age of Robots and AI
Borsato, A. & A. Lorentz (2022)
Growth with Automation Capital and Declining Population | Published
Sasaki, H. (2022/23)
Automation, Partial and Full
Growiec, J. (2022)
Understanding Growth Through Automation: The Neoclassical Perspective
Drozd, L.A., M. Taschereau-Dumouchel & M. Tavares (2022)
The role of robot adoption in green innovation: Evidence from China
Gan, J., L. Liu, G. Qiao & Q. Zhang (2023)
Automation and the displacement of labor by capital: Asset pricing theory and empirical evidence
Knesl, J. (2023)
Optimal Taxation of Robots
Thuemmel, U. (2023)
"Restrict foreigners, not robots": Partisan responses to automation threat
Wu, N. (2023)
Artificial intelligence and firm-level productivity
Czarnitzki, D., G.P. Fernández & C. Rammer (2023)
The Kaldor-Verdoorn Law at the Age of Robots and AI
Borsato, A. & A. Lorentz (2023)
Automated Deindustrialization: How Global Robotization Affects Emerging Economies-Evidence from Brazil
Stemmler, H. (2023)
Are Software Automation and Teleworkers Substitutes? Preliminary Evidence from Japan
Baldwin, R. & T. Okubo (2023)
A reconstruction of the time series of global technology from 5500 BC to the 2000s
Paradiso, A. (2023)
Task-interdependencies between Generative AI and Workers
Walkowiak, E. (2023)
Generation Next: Experimentation with AI
Charness, G., B. Jabarian & J.A. List (2023)
Long Tails, Automation and Labor
Kausik, B.N. (2023)
Labor Market Exposure to AI: Cross-country Differences and Distributional Implications
Pizzinelli, C., A.J. Panton, M.M. Tavares, M. Cazzaniga & L. Li (2023)
Regimes of robotization in Europe
Reljic, J., V. Cirillo & D. Guarascio (2023)
Information and communication technologies and medium-run fluctuations
Brianti, M. & L. Gáti (2023)
Economic Growth under Transformative AI
Trammell, P. & A. Korinek (2023)
The A.I. Dilemma: Growth versus Existential Risk
Jones, C.I. (2023)
Technology and Development: An Exploration of the Data
Kenny, C. & G. Yang (2023)
Labor shortage and early robotization in Japan
Deng, L., M. Fujio, X. Lin & R. Ota (2023)
Automation: Theory, Evidence, and Outlook
Restrepo, P. (2023)
Robots, tasks, and trade
Artuc, E., P. Bastos & B. Rijkers (2023)
Endogenous Capital-Augmenting Technological Change
Casey, G. & R. Horii (2023)
Hardware and Software over the Course of Long-Run Growth: Theory and Evidence
Growiec, J., J. Jablonska & A. Parteka (2023)
The Changing Economics of Knowledge Production
Abis, S. & L. Veldkamp (2024)
Is Schumpeter Right? Fintech and Economic Growth
Cevik, S. (2024)
Demand Shocks as Technology Shocks
Bai, Y>, J-V. Ríos-Rull & K. Storesletten (2024)
The Global Sanitary Revolution in Historical Perspective
Gallardo-Albarrán, D. (2024)
Artificial Intelligence and the Discovery of New Ideas: Is an Economic Growth Explosion Imminent?
Almeida, D., W. Naudé & T.N. Sequeira (2024)
The Economic Impacts and the Regulation of AI: A Review of the Academic Literature and Policy Actions
Comunale, M. & A. Manera (2024)
Scenarios for the Transition to AGI
Korinek, A. & D. Suh (2024)
Learning from Ricardo and Thompson: Machinery and Labor in the Early Industrial Revolution, and in the Age of AI
Acemoglu, D. & S. Johnson (2024)
Automation and unemployment: help is on the way
Nakamura, H. & J. Zeira (2024)
The Simple Macroeconomics of AI
Acemoglu, D. (2024)
Broadband Internet Access, Economic Growth, and Wellbeing
Johnson, K.R. & C. Persico (2024)
Information Technology and Returns to Scale
Lashkari, D., A. Bauer & J. Boussard (2024)
Automation and Rent Dissipation: Implications for Wages, Inequality, and Productivity
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2024)
Engaged robots, disengaged workers: Automation and political alienation
Gonzalez-Rostani, V. (2024)
Innovation Systems: City-State, National, Continental and Sub-National
Microsoft Word Document
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Is Public R&D a Complement or Substitute for Private R&D? A Review of the Econometric Evidence
David, P.A., B.H. Hall, & A.A. Toole (1999)
Should the Government Subsidize Supply or Demand in the Market for Scientists and Engineers?
Romer, P.A. (2000)
Innovation Policy and the Economy
Jaffe, A., J. Lerner & S. Stern (ed.)
Intellectual Property Rights and International R&D Competition
Scandizzo, S. (2001)
Perfectly Competitive Innovation
Boldrin, M. & D.K. Levine (2001)
R&D and Technology Spillovers via FDI: Innovation and Absorptive Capacity
Kinoshita, Y. (2001)
Growth and North-South Wage Gap
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Perfectly competitive innovation
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The Lives and Death of Moore's Law
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The Progress of Science and Useful Arts: Why Copyright Today Threatens Intellectual Freedom
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R&D and Development
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Strategic Approaches to Science and Technology in Development
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Seventeen Famous Economists Weigh in on Copyright: The Role of Theory, Empirics, and Network Effects
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On the Timing of Innovation in Stochastic Schumpeterian Growth Models
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Organization and Inequality in a Knowledge Economy
Garicano, L. & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2005)
The International Dynamics of R&D and Innovation in the Short and in the Long Run
Bottazzi, L. & G. Peri (2005)
Diversification, Innovation, and Imitation Inside the Global Technological Frontier
Klinger, B. & D. Lederman (2006)
World Technology Usage Lags
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Implementing Technology
Comin, D. & B. Hobijn (2007)
International R&D Spillovers and Institutions
Coe, D.T., E. Helpman & A. Hoffmaister (2008)
International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Technology Spillovers
Keller, W. (2009)
Gravity in the Weightless Economy
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Microeconomics of Technology Adoption
Foster, A.D. & M.R. Rosenzweig (2010)
Organizing growth
Garicano, L. & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2012)
Technological Innovation, Resource Allocation, and Growth | Published
Kogan, L., D. Papanikolaou, A. Seru & N. Stoffman (2012/17)
Financial development and innovation: Cross-country evidence
Hsu, P-H., X. Tian & Y. Xu (2014)
Why Don't Poor Countries Do R&D? | Published
Goni, E. & W.F. Maloney (2014/17)
R&D Policy and Schumpeterian Growth: Theory and Evidence
Minniti, A. & F. Venturini (2014)
International technology adoption, R&D, and productivity growth
Choi, S.M., D.T. González & P. Gray (2014)
R&D and aggregate fluctuations
Artuç, E. & P.M. Pourpourides (2014)
Human Capital and the World Technology Frontier
Madsen, J.B. (2014)
Immigration, International Collaboration, and Innovation: Science and Technology Policy in the Global Economy
Freeman, R.B. (2014)
Knowledge Spillovers, ICT and Productivity Growth
Corrado, C., J. Haskel & C. Jona-Lasinio (2015)
New Ideas in Invention
Packalen, M. & J. Bhattacharya (2015)
Cities and Ideas
Packalen, M. & J. Bhattacharya (2015)
Religion and Innovation
Benabou, R., D. Ticchi & A. Vindigni (2015)
Robots: Curse or Blessing? A Basic Framework
Sachs, J.D., S.G. Benzell & G. LaGarda (2015)
Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in a Product-cycle Model of Skills Accumulation
Chen, H-J. (2015)
Culture, Institutions and Democratization
Gorodnichenko, Y. & G. Roland (2015)
International trade and R&D spillovers
Fracasso, A. & G.V. Marzetti (2015)
Innovation, public capital, and growth
Agenor, P-R. & K.C. Neanidis (2015)
Growth Cycles in a Two-country Model of Innovation
Konishi, K. (2015)
Inflation, R&D and growth in an open economy
Chu, A.C., G. Cozzi, C-C. Lai & C-H. Liao (2015)
Is Financial Support for Private R&D Always Justified? A Discussion Based on the Literature on Growth
Montmartin, B. & N. Massard (2015)
Growth and innovation in the presence of knowledge and R&D accumulation dynamics
Verba, M. (2015)
The Risks of Innovation: Are Innovating Firms Less Likely to Die?
Fernandes, A.M. & C. Paunov (2015)
Innovation, product cycle, and asset prices
Jinnai, R. (2015)
Endogenous transport price and international R&D rivalry
Takauchi, K. (2015)
Aggregate implications of innovation policy | Published
Burstein, A. & A. Atkeson (2015/19)
Innovation and growth with financial, and other, frictions | Published
Chiu, J., C. Meh & R. Wright (2015/17)
Liquidity, Innovation, and Endogenous Growth | Published
Malamud, S. & F. Zucchi (2015/19)
Insider Trading and Innovation
Levine, R., C. Lin & L. Wei (2015)
Imitation: A catalyst for innovation and endogenous growth
Collins, T. (2015)
Global Innovation Races, Offshoring and Wage Inequality
Impullitti, G. (2015)
Innovation Allocation, Knowledge Composition and Long-Run Growth
Li, N. & J. Cai (2015)
Corruption's asymmetric impacts on firm innovation
Paunov, C. (2015)
Innovation, Inequality and a Golden Rule for Growth in an Economy with Cobb-Douglas Function and an R&D Sector
Welfens, P.J.J. (2015)
Unions, Innovation and Cross-Country Wage Inequality
Chu, A.C., G. Cozzi & Y. Furukawa (2015)
Market failure, government inefficiency, and optimal R&D policy
Perez-Sebastian, F. (2015)
Optimal growth through product innovation
Lentz, R. & D.T. Mortensen (2016)
Patent claims and economic growth
Niwa, S. (2016)
Informality, Innovation, and Aggregate Productivity Growth
Schipper, T. (2016)
Quantifying the Effects of Patent Protection on Innovation, Imitation, Growth, and Aggregate Productivity
Bento, P. (2016)
Management as a Technology?
Bloom, N., R. Sadun & J. Van Reenen (2016)
Strategic R&D Commitment and the Gains from Trade
Strategic R&D Commitment and the Gains from Trade (2016)
Persistence of innovation and patterns of firm growth
Guarascio, D. & F. Tamagni (2016)
Patents vs R&D Subsidies on Income Inequality
Chu, A.C. & G. Cozzi (2016)
Knowledge Spillovers, Innovation and Growth
Aghion, P. & X. Jaravel (2016)
Quality Growth: From Process to Product Innovation Along the Path of Development
Jaimovich, E. (2016)
The spillover effects of innovative ideas on human capital
Alpaslan, B. & A. Ali (2016)
Innovation Network
Acemoglu, D., U. Akcigit & W. Kerr (2016)
China as number one? Evidence from China's most recent patenting surge
Hu, A.G.Z., P. Zhang & L. Zhao (2016)
Bombs, Brains, and Science: The Role of Human and Physical Capital for the Creation of Scientific Knowledge
Waldinger, F. (2016)
The switch from patents to state-dependent prizes for technological innovation
Lin, H.C. (2016)
On the Cyclicality of R&D Activities | Published
Mand, M. (2016/19)
International, intersectoral, or unobservable? Measuring R&D spillovers under weak and strong cross-sectional dependence
Mitze, T., A. Naveed & N. Ahmad (2016)
Growth through Heterogeneous Innovations | Published
Akcigit, U. & W.R. Kerr (2016/18)
Comparing Persistence of Product and Process Innovation: A Discrete-Time Duration Analysis of Innovation Spells
Corcoles, D., A. Triguero & M.C. Cuerva (2016)
Patent Buyout in a Model of Endogenous Growth
Radhakrishnan, P. (2016)
How Destructive is Innovation? | Published
Garcia-Macia, D., C-T. Hsieh & P.J. Klenow (2016/19)
China's Rising IQ (Innovation Quotient) and Growth: Firm-level Evidence | Published
He, H., N. Li & J. Fang (2016/20)
Back to Basics: Basic Research Spillovers, Innovation Policy and Growth | Published
Akcigit, U., D. Hanley & N. Serrano-Velarde (2016/21)
Human Accomplishment and Growth in Britain since 1270: The Role of Great Scientists and Education
Madsen, J.B. (2016)
The Impact of Institutions on Innovation
Donges, A., J-M.A. Meier & R.C. Silva (2016)
The Rise of American Ingenuity: Innovation and Inventors of the Golden Age
Akcigit, U., J. Grigsby & T. Nicholas (2017)
Human-capital spillover, population and R&D-based growth
Diwakar, B. & G. Sorek (2017)
From "Made in China" to "Innovated in China": Necessity, Prospect, and Challenges
Wei, S-J., Z. Xie & X. Zhang (2017)
Capital- and Labor-Saving Technical Change in an Aging Economy
Irmen, A. (2017)
Contribution of R&D capital to differences in Tobin's q among Japanese manufacturing firms: Evidence from an investment-based asset pricing model
Suzuki, K. & R. Chida (2017)
Exchange rate undervaluation and R&D activity
Chen, S-S. (2017)
The Market Value of R&D in Emerging Economies: Evidence from India
Kanwar, S. & B.H. Hall (2017)
Entrepreneurial Status, Social Norms, and Economic Growth
Varvarigos, D. & N. Kontogiannis (2017)
A dynamic model of open source vs proprietary R&D
Tesoriere, A. & L. Balletta (2017)
Irrigation, Collectivism and Long-Run Technological Divergence
Buggle, J.C. (2017)
Structural Reforms, Innovation and Economic Growth
Aoki, K., N. Hara & M. Koga (2017)
Financial dependence and innovation: The case of public versus private firms
Acharya, V. & Z. Xu (2017)
Testing R&D-Based Endogenous Growth Models
Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2017)
R&D policy, productivity growth and distance to frontier
Minniti, A. & F. Venturini (2017)
Comparative Advantage in Innovation and Production
Somale, M.A. (2017)
Estimating the bias in technical change: A nonparametric approach
Hampf, B. & J.J. Krüger (2017)
Rising Longevity, Fertility Dynamics, and R&D-based Growth
Futagami, K. & K. Konishi (2017)
Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find? | Published
Bloom, N., C.I. Jones, J. Van Reenen & M. Webb (2017/20)
Patents and Growth in OLG Economy with Physical Capital | Published
Diwakar, B., G. Sorek & M. Stern (2017/21)
AI and the future of the brain power society: When the descendants of Athena and Prometheus work together
Fujita, M. (2017)
Receptivity and Innovation
Furukawa, Y., T-K. Lai & K. Sato (2017)
Artificial Intelligence and Economic Growth
Aghion, P., B.F. Jones & C.I. Jones (2017)
Absorptive capacity, technology spillovers, and the cross-section of stock returns
Oh, J-M. (2017)
The Effects of Negative Population Growth: An Analysis Using a Semiendogenous R&D Growth Model
Sasaki, H. & K. Hoshida (2017)
Why Entrepreneurs Choose Risky R&D Projects - But Still Not Risky Enough
Damsgaard, E.F., P. Hjertstrand, P-J. Norbäck, L. Persson & H. Vasconcelos (2017)
The direction of innovation
Bryan, K.A. & J. Lemus (2017)
Revisiting the National Innovation System in Developing Countries
Maloney, W.F. (2017)
Engineering Growth: Innovative Capacity and Development in the Americas
Maloney, W.F. & F. Valencia Caicedo (2017)
Rise of the Machines Redux - Education, Technological Transition and Long-run Growth
Rahman, A.S. (2017)
Debt market friction, firm-specific knowledge capital accumulation and macroeconomic implications
Wang, Y. (2017)
Does Import Competition Induce R&D Reallocation? Evidence from the U.S.
Xu, R. & K. Gong (2017)
Creativity over Time and Space | Published
Serafinelli, M. & G. Tabellini (2017/22)
Who Becomes an Inventor in America? The Importance of Exposure to Innovation | Published
Bell, A.M., R. Chetty, X. Jaravel, N. Petkova & J. Van Reenen (2017/19)
Variety Expansion Redux: A Cross-Country Estimation of the Spillover Effects of Innovation and Imitation
Lim, K.Y. & A. Raza (2017)
Econometric evidence on the depreciation of innovations
de Rassenfosse, G. & A.B. Jaffe (2018)
Innovation, Reallocation, and Growth | Published
Acemoglu, D., U. Akcigit, H. Alp, N. Bloom & W.R. Kerr (2018)
Global Collaborative Patents
Kerr, S.P. & W.R. Kerr (2018)
How different kinds of innovation affect exporting
Dohse, D. & A. Niebuhr (2018)
A dynamic North-South model of demand-induced product cycles
Foellmi, R., S.H. Grossmann & A. Kohler (2018)
Short-Run Pain, Long-Run Gain? Recessions and Technological Transformation. | Published
Kopytov, A., N. Roussanov & M. Taschereau-Dumouchel (2018)
Innovation, Productivity Dispersion, and Productivity Growth
Foster, L., C. Grim, J.C. Haltiwanger & Z. Wolf (2018)
Innovation and product reallocation in the great recession
Argente, D., M. Lee & S. Moreira (2018)
Innovation, productivity, and monetary policy
Moran, P. & A. Queralto (2018)
Dancing with the Stars: Innovation Through Interactions
Akcigit, U., S. Caicedo, E. Miguelez, S. Stantcheva & V. Sterzi (2018)
Knowledge Transfer Abroad: The Role of U.S. Inventors within Global R&D Networks
Branstetter, L., B. Glennon & J.B. Jensen (2018)
Frontier Knowledge and Scientific Production: Evidence from the Collapse of International Science
Iaria, A., C. Schwarz & F. Waldinger (2018)
Why Has Economic Growth Slowed When Innovation Appears to be Accelerating?
Gordon, R.J. (2018)
Innovation, FDI, and the long-run effects of monetary policy
Chen, H-J. (2018)
R&D Growth and Business Cycles Measured with an Endogenous Growth DSGE Model
Hasumi, R., H. Iiboshi & D. Nakamura (2018)
Endogenous Growth and Real Effects of Monetary Policy: R&D and Physical Capital Complementarities in a Cash-in-Advance Economy
Mazeda Gil, P. & G. Iglésias (2018)
The Impact of Exports on Innovation: Theory and Evidence
Aghion, P., A. Bergeaud, M. Lequien & M.J. Melitz (2018)
The Real Exchange Rate, Innovation and Productivity: Regional Heterogeneity, Asymmetries and Hysteresis
Alfaro, L., A. Cunyat, H. Fadinger & Y. Liu (2018)
Have R&D Spillovers Changed?
Lucking, B., N. Bloom & J. Van Reenen (2018)
Inflation, liquidity and innovation
Evers, M., S. Niemann & M. Schiffbauer (2018)
Patentability, R&D Direction, and Cumulative Innovation
Chen, Y., S. Pan & T. Zhang (2018)
Finding Needles in Haystacks: Artificial Intelligence and Recombinant Growth
Agrawal, A., J. McHale & A. Oettl (2018)
The Race between Man and Machine: Implications of Technology for Growth, Factor Shares, and Employment
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2018)
Hierarchical growth: Basic and applied research
Gersbach, H., G. Sorger & C. Amon (2018)
Public Contracting for Private Innovation: Government Expertise, Decision Rights, and Performance Outcomes
Bruce, J.R., J.M. de Figueiredo & B.S. Silverman (2018)
Innovation, specialization and growth in a model of structural change
Andergassen, R., F. Nardini & M. Ricottilli (2018)
Bigger Than You Thought: China's Contribution to Scientific Publications
Xie, Q. & R.B. Freeman (2018)
Higher Education Subsidy Policy and R&D-based Growth
Morimoto, T. & K. Tabata (2018)
Dismissal Laws, Innovation, and Economic Growth
Subramanian, K.V. (2018)
Innovation and Production in the Global Economy
Arkolakis, C., N. Ramondo, A. Rodríguez-Clare & S. Yeaple (2018)
Patents in the Long Run: Theory, History and Statistics
Diebolt, C. & K. Pellier (2018)
South Korea's transition from imitator to innovator: The role of external demand shocks
Branstetter, L.G. & N. Kwon (2018)
Creditor rights and innovation: Evidence from patent collateral
Mann, W. (2018)
Taxation and Innovation in the 20th Century | Published
Akcigit, U., J. Grigsby, T. Nicholas & S. Stantcheva (2018/22)
Should the Government Subsidize Innovation or Automation?
Chu, A.C., G. Cozzi, Y. Furukawa & C-H. Liao (2018)
Technology Network, Innovation, and Growth
Huang, J. (2018)
Robots, Trade, and Luddism: A Sufficient Statistic Approach to Optimal Technology Regulation | Pubished
Costinot, A. & I. Werning (2018/23)
Transitional Dynamics in Aggregate Models of Innovative Investment
Atkeson, A., A. Burstein & M. Chatzikonstantinou (2018)
Discretely Innovating: The Effect of Barriers to Entry on Innovation and Growth
Bond-Smith, S. (2018)
Do patent rights matter? 40 years of innovation, complexity and productivity
Sweet, C. & D. Eterovic (2019)
Barriers to firm growth in open economies
Piguillem, F. & L. Rubini (2019)
Household Innovation, R&D, and New Measures of Intangible Capital
Sichel, D. & E. von Hippel (2019)
Advertising, Innovation and Economic Growth | Published
Roldan, P. & L. Cavenaile (2019/21)
R&D Networks: Theory, Empirics and Policy Implications
König, M.D., X. Liu & Y. Zenou (2019)
Innovation, Automation, and Inequality: Policy Challenges in the Race against the Machine | Published
Prettner, K. & H. Strulik (2019/20)
Optimal Capital Taxation in an Economy with Innovation-Driven Growth
Chen, P-H., A.C. Chu, H. Chu & C-C. Lai (2019)
The Unequal Gains from Product Innovations: Evidence from the U.S. Retail Sector
Jaravel, X. (2019)
Tax Policy for Innovation
Hall, B.H. (2019)
An inverted-U effect of patents on economic growth in an overlapping generations model
Nakabo, Y. & K. Tabata (2019)
Longevity and Technological Change
Gehringer, A. & K. Prettner (2019)
Human Capital and Innovation in a Monetary Schumpeterian Growth Model
Chu, A.C., L. Ning & D. Zhu (2019)
Corporate tax policy and heterogeneous firm innovation: Evidence from a developing country
Shao, Y. & C. Xiao (2019)
Government debt and the returns to innovation
Croce, M.M., T.T. Nguyen, S. Raymond & L. Schmid (2019)
Left Behind: Creative Destruction, Inequality, and the Stock Market | Published
Kogan, L., D. Papanikolaou & N. Stoffman (2019/20)
Research and development and trade policies for product innovation in the presence of foreign competition
Buryi, P. & S. Lahiri (2019)
Innovation Offshoring with Fully Endogenous Growth
Davis, C. & K. Hashimoto (2019)
Endogenous Technology Adoption and R&D as Sources of Business Cycle Persistence
Anzoategui, D., D. Comin, M. Gertler & J. Martinez (2019)
Creativity-Enhancing Technological Change in the Production of Scientific Knowledge
Link, A. & J. Scott (2019)
Effects of R&D Subsidies in a Hybrid Model of Endogenous Growth and Semi-Endogenous Growth | Published
Chu, A.C. & X. Wang (2019/22)
Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations
Bahar, D., P. Choudhury & H. Rapoport (2019)
A Toolkit of Policies to Promote Innovation
Bloom, N., J. Van Reenen & H. Williams (2019)
Heads I win, tails you lose: Asymmetric taxes, risk taking, and innovation
Albertus, J.F., B. Glover & O. Levine (2019)
Innovation and Economic Growth: Does Internet Matter?
Bakari, S. (2019)
An Analysis of the Importance of Both Destruction and Creation to Economic Growth
Huffman, G. (2019)
Overlapping Ownership, R&D Spillovers, and Antitrust Policy
Lópezm, A.L. & X. Vives (2019)
Uncertainty-Induced Reallocations and Growth
Bansal, R., M.M. Croce, W. Liao & S. Rosen (2019)
Structural Transformation of Innovation
Comin, D., D. Lashkari & M. Mestieri (2019)
Dynamic Effects of Patent Policy on Innovation and Inequality in a Schumpeterian Economy
Chu, A.C., Y. Furukawa, S. Mallick, P. Peretto & X. Wang (2019)
How does mortality affect innovative activity in the long run?
Herzer, D. (2019)
R&D, innovation spillover and business cycles
Aysun, U. & Z. Yom (2019)
Uncertainty-Induced Reallocations and Growth
Bansal, R., M.M. Croce, W. Liao & S. Rosen (2019)
Good value for public money? The case of R&D policy
Aiello, F., G. Albanese & P. Piselli (2019)
Innovation and inequality in a monetary Schumpeterian model with heterogeneous households and firms
Chu, A.C., G. Cozzi, H. Fan, Y. Furukawa & C-H. Liao (2019)
Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations
Bahar, D., P. Choudhury & H. Rapoport (2019)
Disruptive Innovation by Heterogeneous Incumbents and Economic Growth: When do incumbents switch to new technology?
Ohki, K. (2019)
Financial development and innovation-led growth: Is too much finance better?
Zhu, X., S. Asimakopoulos & J. Kim (2019)
The Intellectual Spoils of War? Defense R&D, Productivity and International Spillovers
Moretti, E., C. Steinwender & J. Van Reenen (2019)
Do foreign investment and trade spur innovation?
Gorodnichenko, Y., J. Svejnar & K. Terrell (2019)
Innovation-led growth in a time of debt
Ferraro, D. & P.F. Peretto (2019)
Dynamic analysis of demographic change and human capital accumulation in an R&D-based growth model
Okada, K. (2019)
Growth effects and welfare costs in an innovation-driven growth model of money and banking
Mao, S-Z., C-Y. Huang & J-J. Chang (2019)
Innovate to Lead or Innovate to Prevail: When do Monopolistic Rents Induce Growth?
Piazza, R. & Y. Zheng (2019)
Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Technology Licensing in Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation
Gentile, E. (2019)
The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI
Growiec, J. (2019)
Counting innovations: Schumpeterian growth in discrete time | Published
Cozzi, G. & S. Galli (2019/20)
Economic policy uncertainty, cost of capital, and corporate innovation
Xu, Z. (2020)
Product Innovation, Product Diversification, and Firm Growth: Evidence from Japan's Early Industrialization | Published
Braguinsky, S., A. Ohyama, T. Okazaki & C. Syverson (2020/21)
Unpacking Skill Bias: Automation and New Tasks
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2020)
Indeterminate equilibrium growth with product and R&D spillovers
Park, H. (2020)
Debt, Innovation, and Growth
Geelen, T., J. Hajda & E. Morellec (2020)
China: From imitator to innovator?
Zhan, F., J. Proelss & D. Schweizer (2020)
Growth, R&D, and uncertainty
Tsuboi, M. (2020)
Innovation in the Global Firm
Bilir, L.K. & E. Morales (2020)
Simultaneous innovation and the cyclicality of R&D
Gabrovski, M. (2020)
Public support to R&D, productivity, and spillover effects: Firm-level evidence from Chile
Crespi, G., L.F. Garone, A. Maffioli & E. Stein (2020)
Tax Credits and Small Firm R&D Spending
Agrawal, A., C. Rosell & T. Simcoe (2020)
Immigration, Innovation, and Growth
Burchardi, K.B., T. Chaney, T.A. Hassan, L. Tarquinio & S.J. Terry (2020)
Education and Innovation: The Long Shadow of the Cultural Revolution
Huang, Z., G.M. Phillips, J. Yang & Y. Zhang (2020)
Taxation and Innovation: What Do We Know?
Akcigit, U. & S. Stantcheva (2020)
Education policy and R&D based growth in an overlapping generations model
Okada, K. (2020)
Can Pandemic-Induced Job Uncertainty Stimulate Automation?
Leduc, S. & Z. Liu (2020)
Technology and Time Inconsistency
Harstad, B. (2020)
Innovation and imitation
Benhabib, J., E. Brunet & M. Hager (2020)
Does foreign exchange derivatives market promote R&D? International industry-level evidence
Hao, X., Q. Sun & F. Xie (2020)
Examination and Approval of New Patents in an Endogenous Growth Model
Akimoto, K. & T. Morimoto (2020)
International talent inflow and R&D investment: Firm-level evidence from China
Wei, H., R. Yuan & L. Zhao (2020)
Venture Capital's Role in Financing Innovation: What We Know and How Much We Still Need to Learn
Lerner, J. & R. Nanda (2020)
Effects of Monetary Policy in a Model with Cash-in-Advance Constraints on R&D and Capital Accumulation
Maeda, D. & Y. Saito (2020)
Inflation, liquidity and innovation
Evers, M., S. Niemann & M. Schiffbauer (2020)
The impact of external R&D financing on innovation process from a supply-demand perspective
Kou, M., Y. Yang & K. Chen (2020)
Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from US Patents
Autor, D., D. Dorn, G.H. Hanson, G. Pisano & P. Shu (2020)
Bi-directional R&D spillovers and operating performance: A two-tier stochastic frontier model
Hu, Z. & K. Pei (2020)
A Calculation of the Social Returns to Innovation
Jones, B.F. & L.H. Summers (2020)
Tapping into Talent: Coupling Education and Innovation Policies for Economic Growth
Akcigit, U., J.G. Pearce & M. Prato (2020)
Crisis Innovation
Babina, T., A. Bernstein & F. Mezzanotti (2020)
Optimal R&D Subsidies with Heterogeneous Firms in a Dynamic Setting
Hall, J.D. & C.A. Laincz (2020)
Endogenous sigma-augmenting technological change: An R&D-based approach
Kemnitz, A. & M. Knoblach (2020)
Scientific Education and Innovation: From Technical Diplomas to University Stem Degrees
Bianchi, N. & M. Giorcelli (2020)
Knowledge as Property Rights Under the Ratchet Effect of Innovation
Tan, T.Y. (2020)
Market manipulation and innovation
Cumming, D., S. Ji, R. Peter & M. Tarsalewska (2020)
Patent policy, imitation incentives, and the rate of cumulative innovation
Krasteva, S., P. Sharma & C. Wang (2020)
International Trade and Innovation Dynamics with Endogenous Markups
Cavenaile, L., P. Roldan-Blanco & T. Schmitz (2020)
The Dynamic Impact of Exporting on Firm R&D Investment | Published
Maican, F.G., M. Orth, M.J. Roberts & V.A. Vuong (2020/23)
What Will Drive Long-Run Growth in the Digital Age?
Growiec, J. (2020)
Are 'Flow of Ideas' and 'Research Productivity' in secular decline?
Cauwels, P. & D. Sornette (2020)
An analysis of the importance of both destruction and creation to economic growth
Huffman, G.W. (2020)
Implications of tax policy for innovation and aggregate productivity growth
Ferraro, D., S. Ghazi & P.F. Peretto (2020)
R&D investment under time-inconsistent preferences
Hu, F., F. Zhang & Z. Zou (2020)
A global decline in research productivity? Evidence from China and Germany
Boeing, P. & P. Hünermund (2020)
Beyond 140 Characters: Introduction to The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth
Andrews, M.J., A. Chatterji & S. Stern (2020)
Economic development and the structure of cross-technology interactions | Published
Bondarev, A. & F.C. Krysiak (2020/21)
Innovation through iteration: Policy feedback loops in China's economic reform
Leutert, W. (2021)
The Economics of Crisis Innovation Policy: A Historical Perspective
Gross, D.P. & B.N. Sampat (2021)
Private and Social Returns to R&D: Drug Development and Demographics
Benmelech, E., J.C. Eberly, j.L. Krieger & D. Papanikolaou (2021)
Intellectual Property and Product Market Competition Regulations in a Model with Two R&D Performing Sectors
Jerbashian, V. (2021)
Optimal growth through innovation, investment, and labor
Wan, J. & J. Zhang (2021)
Productivity growth and business model innovation
Wannakrairoj, W. & C. Velu (2021)
Welfare Effects of Patent Protection in a Semi-Endogenous Growth Model | Published
Iwaisako, T. (2021)
Innovation capability, credit constraint and the cyclicality of R&D investment
Xue, J., C.K. Yip & J. Zheng (2021)
The paradox of innovation
Sabl, A. (2021)
R&D-based Economic Growth in a Supermultiplier Model
Nomaler, O., D. Spinola & B. Verspagen (2021)
Stock market liberalization and innovation
Moshirian, F., X. Tian, B. Zhang & W. Zhang (2021)
Uncertainty, Investor Sentiment, and Innovation
Dicks, D. & P. Fulghieri (2021)
Endogenous life expectancy and R&D-based economic growth
Tscheuschner, P. (2021)
The link between intellectual property rights, innovation, and growth: A meta-analysis
Cunha Neves, P., O. Afonso, D. Silva & E. Sochirca (2021)
A cost-benefit analysis of R&D and patents: Firm-level evidence from China
Chen, Z., J. Zhang & Y. Zi (2021)
Economic growth and innovation complexity: An empirical estimation of a Hidden Markov Model
Bucci, A., L. Carbonari, P.M. Gil & G. Trovato (2021)
Deep recessions, slowing productivity and missing (dis-)inflation in the euro area
Schmöller, M.E. & M. Spitzer (2021)
Children's Health, Human Capital Accumulation, and R&D-Based Economic Growth
Baldanzi, A., A. Bucci & K. Prettner (2021)
Inflation, economic growth and education expenditure
Sequeira, T.N. (2021)
The Geography of Unconventional Innovation
Berkes, E. & R. Gaetani (2021)
Variety of national innovation systems (NIS) and alternative pathways to growth beyond the middle-income stage: Balanced, imbalanced, catching-up, and trapped NIS
Lee, K., J. Lee & J. Lee (2021)
Executive compensation incentives, risk level and corporate innovation
Zhou, B., Y-M. Li, F-C. Sun & Z-G. Zhou (2021)
Financial crisis, Bank failures and corporate innovation
Contreras, S., A. Ghosh & J.H. Kong (2021)
R&D productivity and the nexus between product substitutability and innovation: Theory and experimental evidence
Ioannou, C.A., M. Makris & C. Ornaghi (2021)
Modeling R&D spillovers to productivity: The effects of tax credits
von Brasch, T., A. Cappelen, H. Hungnes & T. Skjerpen (2021)
Crisis Innovation Policy from World War II to COVID-19
Gross, D.P. & B.N. Sampat (2021)
The local innovation spillovers of listed firms
Matray, A. (2021)
Innovation, Growth, and Optimal Monetary Policy
Annicchiarico, B. & A. Pelloni (2021)
Inflation and Growth: A Non-Monotonic Relationship in an Innovation-Driven Economy
Zheng, Z., C-Y. Huang & Y. Yang (2021)
R&Policy in the Economy with Structural Change and Heterogeneous Spillovers
Bondarev, A. (2021)
Secular Stagnation, R&D, Public Investment and Monetary Policy: A Global-Model Perspective
Cova, P., A. Notarpietro, P. Pagano & M. Pisani (2021)
Government Financing of R&D: A Mechanism Design Approach
Lach, S., Z. Neeman & M. Schankerman (2021)
Redistributive Policy and R&D-based Growth | Published
Tabata, K. (2021/24)
Heterogeneous Firms, R&D Policies and the Long Shadow of Business Cycles
Benedetti-Fasil, C., G. Impullitti, O. Licandro & P. Sedlacek (2021)
Does Offshoring Production Reduce Innovation: Firm-Level Evidence from Taiwan
Branstetter, L.G., J-R. Chen, B. Glennon & N. Zolas (2021)
Growing like Google: Endogenous Growth with Global Network Externalities
Cordoba, J.C. & S. He (2021)
Encouraging domestic innovation by protecting foreign intellectual property
Gmeiner, R. & M. Gmeiner (2021)
Innovation: Market Failures and Public Policies
Bryan, K.A. & H.L. Williams (2021)
Measuring Technological Innovation over the Long Run
Kelly, B., D. Papanikolaou, A. Seru & M. Taddy (2021)
Innovation and FDI: Does the target of intellectual property rights protection matter?
Chen, H-J. (2021)
Innovation Strategy and Economic Development
Braun, M., L.F. Cespedes & S. Bustos (2021)
Are neutral and investment-specific technology shocks correlated?
Moura, A. (2021)
Prizes versus Contracts as Incentives for Innovation
Che, Y-K., E. Iossa & P. Rey (2021)
The Effect of High-Tech Clusters on the Productivity of Top Inventors
Moretti, E. (2021)
Technological and non-technological drivers of productivity dynamics in developed and emerging market economies
Dieppe, A., N. Francis & G. Kindberg-Hanlon (2021)
Crisis-Induced Innovation: Quality Upgrading in Chinese Industrial Clusters
Hu, X., J. Ruan & X. Zhang (2021)
Low-Quality Patents in the Eye of the Beholder: Evidence from Multiple Examiners
de Rassenfosse, G., W.E. Griffiths, A.B. Jaffe & E. Webster (2021)
Creative Destruction, Distance to Frontier, and Economic Development
Peters, M. & F. Zilibotti (2021)
Factor Supply Elasticities, Returns to Scale, and the Direction of Technological Progress
Li, D. & B. Benjamin (2021)
The Effects of Taxes on Innovation: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Stantcheva,S. (2021)
R&D Heterogeneity and the Impact of R&D Subsidies
Galaasen, S.M. & A. Irarrazabal (2021)
Beraja, M., A. Kao, D.Y. Yang & N. Yuchtman (2021)
Measuring intangible assets-A review of the state of the art
Van Criekingen, K., C. Bloch & C. Eklund (2021)
Thinking outside the box: The cross-border effect of tax cuts on R&D
Schwab, T. & M. Todtenhaupt (2021)
Innovation Networks and Innovation Policy
Liu, E. & S. Ma (2021)
Effects of patent policy on growth and inequality: A perspective of exogenous and endogenous quality improvements
Lu, Y-X. & C-C. Lai (2021)
Research Effort and Economic Growth
Razzak, W. (2021)
Concentration, stagnation and inequality: An agent-based approach
Terranova, R. & E.M. Turco (2022)
Innovation and product market concentration: Schumpeter, arrow, and the inverted U-shape curve
Delbono, F. & L. Lambertini (2022)
Leisure and innovation in horizontal R&D-based growth
Boikos, S., A. Bucci & T. Stengos (2022)
Robust relation between public procurement for innovation and economic development
Bento, N., C. Sousa, P. Trindade, R.P. Mamede, M. Fontes & T. Alves (2022)
The impact of domestic and foreign R&D on TFP in developing countries
Herzer, D. (2022)
How stimulative are low real interest rates for intangible capital?
Caggese, A. & A. Pérez-Orive (2022)
Growing through endogenous innovation cycles
He, S. (2022)
On the macroeconomic effects of news about innovations of information technology
Ahmed, M.I. & Q.F. Farah (2022)
Patent Publication and Innovation | Published
Hegde, D., K.F. Herkenhoff & C. Zhu (2022/23)
Sticky Wages in a World of Ideas
Huang, K.X.D., M. Katayama, M. Shintani & T. Tsuruga (2022)
The Education-Innovation Gap
Biasi, B. & S. Ma (2022)
Are Ideas Really Getting Harder To Find? R&D Capital and the Idea Production Function
Growiec, J., P. McAdam & J. Muck (2022)
Optimal Taxation and R&D Policies
Akcigit, U., D. Hanley & S. Stantcheva (2022)
A Year Older, A Year Wiser (and Farther from Frontier): Invention Rents and Human Capital Depreciation
Aghion, P., U. Akcigit, A. Hyytinen & O. Toivanen (2022)
R&D, patents, and financing constraints of the top global innovative firms
Milani, S. & R. Neumann (2022)
Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers versus Technology Markets
Arque-Castells P. & D. Spulber (2022)
Cultural diversity and innovation-oriented entrepreneurship
Prenzel, P., N. Bosma, V. Schutjens & E. Stam (2022)
Does Government Spending Crowd Out R&D Investment? Evidence from Government-Dependent Firms and Their Peers
Ngo, P.T.H. & J. Stanfield (2022)
The impact of economic policy uncertainty and monetary policy on R&D investment: An option pricing approach
de la Horra, L.P., J. Perote & G. de la Fuente (2022)
Optimal tax policy and endogenous growth through innovation
Gross, T. & P. Klein (2022)
Effects of R&D policy on income inequality in a growth model with heterogeneous assets and skills
Chan, Y.T., Y. Yang & Z. Zheng (2022)
Merger and process innovation
Mukherjee, A. (2022)
Hollowing out and slowing growth: The role of process innovations
Zhu, W. (2022)
Measuring Knowledge
Heckman, J.J. & J. Zhou (2022)
Interactive effects of monetary policy and patent protection: The role of endogenous innovation size
Lu, Y-X. (2022)
Currency volatility and global technological innovation
Hsu, P-S., M.P. Taylor, Z. Wang & Q. Xu (2022)
Population Aging and Inventive Activity
Irmen, A. & A. Litina (2022)
Patent Screening, Innovation, and Welfare
Schankerman, M. & F. Schuett (2022)
Flow of Ideas: Economic Societies and the Rise of Useful Knowledge
Cinnirella, F., E. Hornung & J. Koschnick (2022)
Monitoring innovation
Rodivilov, A. (2022)
R&D Capital: An Engine of Growth
Growiec, J. (2022)
The impact of international sanctions on innovation of target countries
Wen, J., X. Zhao & C-P. Chang (2022)
Natural Selection and Innovation-Driven Growth
Chu, A., G. Cozzi & H. Fan (2022)
Promoting Innovation: The Differential Impact of R&D Subsidies
Cherif, R., F. Hasanov, C. Grimpe & W. Sofka (2022)
Innovation union: Costs and benefits of innovation policy coordination
Milicevic, T.B., F. Defever, G. Impullitti & A.H. Spencer (2022)
Genetic, Cultural, And Historical Determinants Of Knowledge Creation
Gören, E. (2022)
Spatial externalities, R&D spillovers, and endogenous technological change
Tsangaris, S., A. Xepapadeas & A. Yannacopoulos (2022)
Drivers of productivity change in global value chains: Reallocation vs. innovation
Savin, I. & P. Mundt (2022)
Lower for longer under endogenous technology growth
Elfsbacka Schmöller, M. & M. Spitzer (2022)
Economic impacts of AI-augmented R&D
Besiroglu, T., N. Emery-Xu & N. Thompson (2023)
Disruptive innovation in the economic organization of China and the West
Root, H.L. (2023)
R&D Lags in Economic Models
Wang, S., J.M. Alston & P.G. Pardey (2023)
Acquiring for innovation: Evidence from the U.S. technology industry
Kaufmann, M. & D. Schiereck (2023)
The Effects of population growth on patents and economic growth dynamics
Kushwaha, R.N. & T. Ghosh (2023)
R&D Capital and the Idea Production Function
Growiec, J., P. McAdam & J. dup Muck (2023)
Innovation convergence
Hardy, B. & C. Sever (2023)
Optimal mix of R&D subsidy and patent protection in a heterogeneous-industry R&D-based growth model
Iwaisako, T. (2023)
Moonshot: Public R&D and Growth
Kantor, S. & A.T. Whalley (2023)
Endogenous technology cycles in dynamic R&D networks
König, M.D. & T. Rogers (2023)
Financial Disruptions and the Organization of Innovation: Evidence from the Great Depression
Babina, T., A. Bernstein & F. Mezzanotti (2023)
The Impact of Regulation on Innovation
Aghion, P., A. Bergeaud & J. Van Reenen (2023)
Why do governments subsidize R&D-Intensive foreign direct investment?
Long, Y. & D. Cai (2023)
Foreign Competition and Innovation
Helpman, E. (2023)
Understanding R&D transitions: From bottom to top?
Alvarez, R., C. Bravo-Ortega & D. Poniachik (2024)
Trade, innovation and optimal patent protection
Hémous, D., S. Lepot, T. Sampson & J. Schärer (2023)
The aggregate effects of the decline of disruptive innovation
Bräuer, R. (2023)
Artificial intelligence, firm growth, and product innovation
Babina, T., A. Fedyk, A. He & J. Hodson (2024)
Market Power and Innovation in the Intangible Economy
De Ridder, M. (2024)
Does FinTech Increase Bank Risk Taking?
Elekdag, S.A., D. Emrullahu & S. Ben Naceur (2024)
Migration and Innovation: Learning from Patent and Inventor Data
Lissoni, F. & E. Miguelez (2024)
R&D finance and economic growth: a Schumpeterian model with endogenous financial structures
Shaw, M-F., J-J. Chang & C-C. Lai (2024)
Do Stronger Patents Lead to Faster Innovation? The Effect of Clustered Search
Das, K. & N. Klein (2024)
Growing through spinoffs: Corporate governance, entry dynamics, and innovation
Iacopetta, M., R. Minetti & P. Murro (2024)
Does China Have an "Innovation Paradox"? Evidence from Chinese Colleges and Universities
Feng, W., H. Yuan & X. Shao (2024)
Economic Growth through Basic Research by Firms: A Science Linkage Approach
Nirei, M., K. Oikawa & M. Oroku (2024)
Love of novelty: a source of innovation-based growth… or underdevelopment traps?
Furukawa, Y., T-K. Lai & K. Sato (2024)
Enterprise R&D, manufacturing innovation and macroeconomic impact: An evaluation of China's Policy
Zheng, Q., X. Wang & C. Bao (2024)
Financial Innovation in the Twenty-First Century: Evidence from US Patents
Lerner, J., A. Seru, N. Short & Y. Sun (2024)
Exploring the constraints on artificial general intelligence: A game-theoretic model of human vs machine interaction
Ismail, M.S. (2024)
Innovation without growth? Exploring the (in)dependency of innovation on economic growth
Heyen, N.B., A. Zenker, H. Aichinger, T. Bratan, T. Kaufmann & E. Schnabl (2024)
The long-run effects of monetary policy: The role of R&D investment in economic growth
Alam, M.J. & E. Alvi (2024)
Can we map innovation capabilities?
Moscatelli, F., C. Chacua, S.G. Matha, M. Hartog, E.H. Rodriguez, J. Raffo & M.A. Yildirim (2024)
Estimating Idea Production: A Methodological Survey
Erdil, E., T. Besiroglu & A. Ho (2024)
R&D tax credits and innovation
Melnik, W. & A. Smyth (2024)
Diffusion of Innovations Summary | Book
Rogers, E.M. (1995)
Abstract: Since the first edition of this landmark book was published in 1962, Everett Rogers's name has become "virtually synonymous with the study of diffusion of innovations," according to Choice. The second andthird editions of Diffusion of Innovations became the standardtextbook and reference on diffusion studies. Now, in the fourthedition, Rogers presents the culmination of more than thirty years ofresearch that will set a new standard for analysis and inquiry. The fourth edition is (1) a revision of the theoretical framework andthe research evidence supporting this model of diffusion, and (2) anew intellectual venture, in that new concepts and new theoreticalviewpoints are introduced. This edition differs from its predecessorsin that it takes a much more critical stance in its review andsynthesis of 5,000 diffusion publications. During the past thirtyyears or so, diffusion research has grown to be widely recognized, applied and admired, but it has also been subjected to bothconstructive and destructive criticism. This criticism is due in largepart to the stereotyped and limited ways in which many diffusionscholars have defined the scope and method of their field of study.Rogers analyzes the limitations of previous diffusion studies, showing, for example, that the convergence model, by whichparticipants create and share information to reach a mutualunderstanding, more accurately describes diffusion in most cases thanthe linear model.
Technological Diffusion Patterns and their Effects on Industrial Dynamics
Van Dijk, M., & O. Nomaler (2000)
Understanding the Digital Divide
OECD (2000)
Global Bridges - Digital Opportunities
Digital Opportunity Task Force (2001)
The Geography and Channels of Diffusion at the World's Technology Frontier
Keller, W. (2001)
Cross-Country Technology Diffusion: The Case of Computers
Caselli, F. & W.J. Coleman II (2001)
Policy Reform, Economic Growth, and the Digital Divide: An Econometric Analysis
Dasgupta, S., S. Lall & D. Wheeler (2001)
Bridging the Digital Divide: How Enterprise Ownership and Foreign Competition Affect Internet Access in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Clarke, G.R.G. (2001)
Reaching Across the Divide: The Challenges of Using the Internet to Bridge Disparities in Access to Information
Miller, A. (2001)
ICT revolution: creating a southern info-underclass?
Skuse, A. (2001)
Abstract: Who are the winners and losers in the ICT revolution? What are the likely consequences of the slow development of ICT infrastructure in many developing countries? As globalisation deepens, what have we learnt about the economic growth and poverty reduction potential of new information technologies?
Second-Level Digital Divide: Differences in People's Online Skills
Hargittai, E. (2002)
IT: are the poor being left out in the cold?
O'Farrell, C. & P. Norrish (2002)
Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide
Warschauer, M. (2002)
Community radio - bridging the digital divide
Buckley, S. (2002)
Exploring the Future of the Digital Divide through Ethnographic Futures Research
Mitchell, M.M. (2002)
International Technology Diffusion | Published
Keller, W. (2002/2004)
Frictionless Technology Diffusion: The Case of Tractors | Published
Manuelli, R. & A. Seshadri (2003/14)
Regional Integration and Technology Diffusion: The Case of the North America Free Trade Agreement
Wang, Y. & M. Schiff (2003)
Connection discrepancies: Unmasking further layers of the digital divide
Davison, E. & A.R. Cotten (2003)
The Determinants of the Global Digital Divide: A cross-country analysis of computer and internet penetration | Alternative
Chinn, M.D. & R.W. Fairlie (2004)
Abstract: To identify the determinants of cross-country disparities in personal computer and Internet penetration, we examine a panel of 161 countries over the 1999-2001 period. Our candidate variables include economic variables (income per capita, years of schooling, illiteracy, trade openness), demographic variables (youth and aged dependency ratios, urbanization rate), infrastructure indicators (telephone density, electricity consumption), telecommunications pricing measures, and regulatory quality. With the exception of trade openness and the telecom pricing measures, these variables enter in as statistically significant in most specifications for computer use. A similar pattern holds true for Internet use, except that telephone density and aged dependency matter less. The global digital divide is mainly - but by no means entirely - accounted for by income differentials. For computers, telephone density and regulatory quality are of second and third importance, while for the Internet, this ordering is reversed. The region specific explanations for large disparities in computer and Internet penetration are generally very similar. Our results suggest that public investment in human capital, telecommunications infrastructure, and the regulatory infrastructure can mitigate the gap in PC and Internet use.
Who benefits from the digital divide?
Luyt, B. (2004)
Geography matters: Mapping human development and digital access
Birdsall, S.A. & W.F. Birdsall (2005)
Science and the diffusion of knowledge
Sorenson, O. & L. Fleming (2005)
Financial Development, the Structure of Capital Markets, and the Global Digital Divide
Yartey, C.A. (2006)
Five Facts You Need to Know About Technology Diffusion
Comin, D., B. Hobijn & E. Rovito (2006)
Technology Diffusion and Postwar Growth
Comin, D.A. & B. Hobijn (2010)
An Intensive Exploration of Technology Diffusion
Comin, D.A. & M. Mestieri (2010)
The Spatial Diffusion of Technology
Comin, D.A., M. Dmitriev & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2012)
Endogenous Growth and International Technology Diffusion
Waugh, M., C. Tonetti & J. Perla (2012)
Technology diffusion and growth
Luttmer, E.G.J. (2012)
Technology Diffusion: Measurement, Causes and Consequences
Comin, D.A. & M. Mestieri (2013)
The diffusion of health technologies: Cultural and biological divergence
Hansen, C.W. (2013)
Innovation, Diffusion, and Trade: Theory and Measurement | Published
Santacreu, A.M. (2014/15)
Immigration and the Diffusion of Technology: The Huguenot Diaspora in Prussia
Hornung, E. (2014)
Financial Development and Technology Diffusion
Comin, D. & R. Nanda (2014)
Book Translations as Idea Flows: The Effects of the Collapse of Communism on the Diffusion of Knowledge
Abramitzky, R. & I. Sin (2014)
Zvi Griliches and the Economics of Technology Diffusion: Linking innovation adoption, lagged investments, and productivity growth
David, P.A. (2015)
Equilibrium Technology Diffusion, Trade, and Growth | Published
Perla, J., C. Tonetti & M.E. Waugh (2015/21)
Has the Internet Fostered Inclusive Innovation in the Developing World?
Paunov, C. & V. Rollo (2015)
Does skill-biased technical change diffuse internationally?
Schulte, P. (2015)
Why some countries are slow in acquiring new technologies? A model of trade-led diffusion and absorption
Das, G.G. (2015)
On the Direction of Innovation | Published
Squintani, F. & H.A. Hopenhayn (2015/21)
Technology Transfer and North-South
Davies, M. (2016)
How might the South be helped by Northern technology yet harmed by Northern money?
Cheng, W. & D. Zhang (2016)
Inventor Diasporas and the Internationalization of Technology | Published
Miguélez, E. (2016/18)
On vertical relations and the timing of technology adoption
Alipranti, M., C. Milliou & E. Petrakis (2016)
Does the digital divide across countries lead to convergence? New international evidence
Rath, B.N. (2016)
Distance to the Technology Frontier and the Allocation of Talent
Porzio, T. (2016)
The Global Diffusion of Ideas | Published
Buera, F.J. & E. Oberfield (2016/20)
Culture, Diffusion, and Economic Development
Harutyunyan, A. & O. Ozak (2016)
Price Setting and Rapid Technology Adoption: The Case of the PC Industry
Copeland, A. & A.H. Shapiro (2016)
North-South FDI and directed technical change
Li, S-A., S. Pan & S. Chi (2016)
The Creation and Diffusion of Innovation in Developing Countries: A Systematic Literature Review
Zanello, G., X. Fu, P. Mohnen & M. Ventresca (2016)
Distance to the Pre-industrial Technological Frontier and Economic Development | Published
Özak, O. (2016)
Abstract: This research explores the effects of the geographical distance to the pre-industrial technological frontier on economic development. It establishes theoretically and empirically that there exists a persistent non-monotonic effect of distance to the frontier on development. In particular, exploiting a novel measure of the travel time to the technological frontier and variations in its location during the pre-industrial era, it establishes a robust persistent U-shaped relation between the distance to the pre-industrial technological frontier and economic development. Moreover, it demonstrates that isolation from the frontier has had a positive cumulative effect on innovation and entrepreneurial activity levels, suggesting isolation may have fostered the emergence of a culture conducive to innovation, knowledge creation, and entrepreneurship.
Demand-Pull, Technology-Push, and the Sectoral Direction of Innovation
Comin, D., D. Lashkari & M. Mestieri (2016)
Technology adoption: Hysteresis and absence of lock-in
Colla, P. & F. Garcia (2016)
Why Risky Sectors Grow Fast
Imbs, J. & B. Grassi (2016)
Technology transfer and spillovers from FDI in transition economies: A meta-analysis
Iwasaki, I. & M. Tokunaga (2016)
Technology Diffusion, Pareto Distribution, and Patent Policy
Kishi, K. (2016)
The Lion on the Move Towards the World Frontier: Catching Up or Remaining Stuck?
Ungor, M. & T.M. Harchaoui (2016)
The unilateral implementation of a sustainable growth path with directed technical change
van den Bijgaart, I. (2017)
To Augment Or Not To Augment? A Conjecture On Asymmetric Technical Change
Struck, C. & A. Velic (2017)
Reconciling Models of Diffusion and Innovation: A Theory of the Productivity Distribution and Technology Frontier | Published
Benhabib, J., J. Perla & C. Tonetti (2017/21)
R&D tax incentives and the emergence and trade of ideas
Bösenberg, S. & P.H. Egger (2017)
Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor Markets | Published
Acemoglu, D. & P. Restrepo (2017/20)
Skill Premium and Technological Change in the Very Long Run: 1300-1914
Luo, R. (2017)
Heterogeneous Technology Diffusion and Ricardian Trade Patterns | Published
Kerr, W.R. (2017)
Volatility and slow technology diffusion
Ferraro, D. (2017)
International intellectual property rights protection and economic growth with costly transfer
Ohki, K. (2017)
ICT diffusion across US and EU industries: Does upstream regulation matter?
Papaioannou, S.K. (2017)
Imperfections in International Technology Flows
Atanasov, I. (2017)
Technology Adoption, Capital Deepening, and International Productivity Differences | Published
Chen, C. (2017/20)
Lemon Technologies and Adoption: Measurement, Theory and Evidence from Agricultural Markets in Uganda
Bold, T., K.C. Kaizzi, J. Svensson & D. Yanagizawa-Drott (2017)
Organizational Barriers to Technology Adoption: Evidence from Soccer-Ball Producers in Pakistan
Atkin, D., A. Chaudhry, S. Chaudry, A.K. Khandelwal & E. Verhoogen (2017)
Vertical Integration Smooths Innovation Diffusion
Filippini, L. & C. Vergari (2017)
Trust and technology transfers
Garcia-Vega, M. & E. Huergo (2017)
Directed Technological Change & Cross Country Income Differences: A Quantitative Analysis
Jerzmanowski, M. & R. Tamura (2017)
Dynamic heterogeneous R&D with cross-technologies interactions
Bondarev, A. & F.C. Krysiak (2017)
A Dynamic Model of the Choice of Technology in Economic Development
Zhou, H. & R. Zhou (2017)
Bridging the digital divide in the G20: skills for the new age
Chetty, K., U. Aneja, V. Mishra, N. Gcora & J. Josie (2017)
Contagion exposure and protection technology
Cerdeiro, D.A. (2017)
International Trends in Technological Progress: Evidence from Patent Citations, 1980-2011
Kwon, S., J. Lee & S. Lee (2017)
The Magnitude of the Task Ahead: Macro Implications of Heterogeneous Technology
Eberhardt, M. & F. Teal (2017)
Scale versus Scope in the Diffusion of New Technology: Evidence from the Farm Tractor
Gross, D.P. (2017)
Migration, Knowledge Diffusion and the Comparative Advantage of Nations
Bahar, D. & H. Rapoport (2018)
Designing Dynamic Subsidies to Spur Adoption of New Technologies
Langer, A. & D. Lemoine (2018)
The Local Influence of Pioneer Investigators on Technology Adoption: Evidence from New Cancer Drugs
Agha, L. & D. Molitor (2018)
International Technology Sourcing and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from OECD Countries
Chen, S. & E. Dauchy (2018)
International Joint Ventures and Internal vs. External Technology Transfer: Evidence from China
Jiang, K., W. Keller, L.D. Qiu & W. Ridley (2018)
Technology adoption, adaptation and growth
Lahiri, R., J. Ding & Z. Chinzara (2018)
Spinning the Web: The Impact of ICT on Trade in Intermediates and Technology Diffusion
Juhasz, R. & C. Steinwender (2018)
If Technology Has Arrived Everywhere, Why Has Income Diverged?
Comin, D. & M. Mestieri (2018)
The Knowledge-Diffusion Bottleneck in Economic Growth and Development
Staley, M. (2018)
Idea Flows and Economic Growth
Buera, F.J. & R.E. Lucas, Jr. (2018)
Innovation, Knowledge Diffusion, and Globalization
Lind, N. & N. Ramondo (2018)
International R&D Spillovers, Innovation by Learning from Abroad and Medium-Run Fluctuations
Okada, T. (2018)
Population relatedness and cross-country idea flows: evidence from book translations
Dickens, A. (2018)
International Knowledge Spillovers
Eugster, J., G. Ho, F. Jaumotte & R. Piazza (2018)
Invisible Geniuses: Could the Knowledge Frontier Advance Faster? | Published
Agarwal, R. & P. Gaule (2018/20)
Germs, Social Networks and Growth
Fogli, A. & L. Veldkamp (2018)
Redistributive policies and technology diffusion
Magalhăes, M. & T.N. Sequeira (2019)
Markets, Externalities, and the Dynamic Gains of Openness
Monge-Naranjo, A. (2019)
A simple model of growth cycles with technology choice
Umezuki, Y. & M. Yokoo (2019)
Technology Adoption During the Process of Development: Implications for Long-Run Prospects
Mies, V. (2019)
Trade, Technology, and the Great Divergence
O'Rourke, K.H., A. Rahman & A.M. Taylor (2019)
Technology Gaps, Trade and Income | Published
Sampson, T. (2019/23)
Time Allocation, the Dynamics of Interaction, and Technology Adoption
Gomes, O. (2019)
Establishment productivity convergence and the effect of foreign ownership at the frontier
Klein, M.A. (2019)
Geography, Ties, and Knowledge Flows: Evidence from Citations in Mathematics
Head, K., Y.A. Li & A. Minondo (2019)
Markets, Externalities, and the Dynamics Gains of Openness
Monge-Naranjo, A. (2019)
Technology Gaps, Trade and Income
Sampson, T. (2019)
Technology adoption and pro-social preference
Soubeyran, R. (2019)
Did technology transfer more rapidly East-West than North-South?
Pavlik, J.B. & A.T. Young (2019)
Using panel VAR to analyze international knowledge spillovers
Hovhannisyan, N. & N. Sedgley (2019)
Directed technological change & cross-country income differences: A quantitative analysis
Jerzmanowski, M. & R. Tamura (2019)
International knowledge flows between industry inventors and universities: The role of multinational companies
Fassio, C., A. Geuna & F. Rossi (2019)
The Speed of Innovation Diffusion in Social Networks
Young, H.P., I. Arieli, Y. Babichenko & R. Peretz (2019)
A tale of two countries: Directed technical change, trade and migratory movements
Leite, D.N., O. Afonso & S.T. Silva (2019)
Technology Adoption Under Uncertainty: Take-Up and Subsequent Investment in Zambia
Oliva, P., B.K. Jack, S. Bell, E. Mettetal & C. Severen (2020)
The Limits of Lending? Banks and Technology Adoption across Russia
Bircan, C. & R. De Haas (2020)
A tale of two property rights: Knowledge, physical assets, and multinational firm boundaries
Kukharskyy, B. (2020)
The effects of barriers to technology adoption on japanese prewar and postwar economic growth
Ikeda, D. & Y. Morita (2020)
Does global value chains participation really promote skill-biased technological change? Theory and evidence from China
Shen, C. & J. Zheng (2020)
Measuring the efficiency of digital convergence
Mitrovic, D. (2020)
Human Capital as Engine of Growth - The Role of Knowledge Transfers in Promoting Balanced Growth Within and Across Countries
Ehrlich, I. & Y. Pei (2020)
Rising longevity, increasing the retirement age, and the consequences for knowledge-based long-run growth
Kuhn, M. & K. Prettner (2020)
Labour market mobility, knowledge diffusion and innovation
Braunerhjelm, P., D. Ding & P. Thulin (2020)
Do university technology transfers increase firms' innovation?
García-Vega, M. & O. Vicente-Chirivella (2020)
It Takes a Village: Peer Effects and Externalities in Technology Adoption
Ferrali, R., G. Grossman, M.R. Platas & J. Rodden (2020)
The role of R&D and knowledge spillovers in innovation and productivity
Audretsch, D.B. & M. Belitski (2020)
A New Impetus for Endogenous Growth: R&D Offshoring via Virtual Labor Mobility
Nakanishi, N. & N.V. Long (2020)
Innovation adoption and collective experimentation
Sadler, E. (2020)
International R&D spillovers and asset prices
Gavazzoni, F. & A.M. Santacreu (2020)
Public technology transfer, commercialization and business growth
Min, J-W., Y. Kim & N.S. Vonortas (2020)
The impact of knowledge diffusion on economic growth across countries
Perez-Trujillo, M. & M. Lacalle-Calderon (2020)
Technology Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Industrialization in France | Published
Juhász, R., M.P. Squicciarini & N. Voigtländer (2020/24)
Knowledge Spillovers through Networks of Scientists
Zacchia, P. (2020)
Digital technology diffusion: A matter of capabilities, incentives or both?
Nicoletti, G., C. von Rueden & D. Andrews (2020)
Technology Diffusion | Published
Stokey, N. (2020/21)
Patent protection, innovation, and technology transfer in a Schumpeterian economy
Zheng, Z., C-Y. Huang & Y. Yang (2020)
Regulations and technology gap in Europe: The role of firm dynamics
Amoroso, S. & R. Martino (2020)
Tractor vs. animal: Rural reforms and technology adoption in China
Chen, S. & X. Lan (2020)
On the diffusion of competing innovations
Badia, B.D., Y. Tauman & B. Tumendemberel (2020)
Technology Within and Across Firms
Cirera, X., D.A. Comin, M. Cruz & K.M. Lee (2020)
Creditor Rights, Technology Adoption, and Productivity: Plant-Level Evidence
Ersahin, N. (2020)
Patent Policy and Economic Growth: A Survey
Chu, A.C. (2020)
Demographic Structure, Knowledge Diffusion, and Endogenous Productivity Growth | Published
Davis, C., K. Hashimoto & K. Tabata (2020/22)
Do the 'smart kids' catch up? Technological capabilities, globalisation and economic growth
Graebner, C., P. Heimberger & J. Kapeller (2020)
Idea Diffusion and Property Rights
Jovanovic, B. & Z. Wang (2020)
A Technology-Gap Model of Premature Deindustrialization
Fujiwara, I. & K. Matsuyama (2020)
ICT diffusion, financial development, and economic growth: An international cross-country analysis
Cheng, C-Y., M-S. Chien & C-C. Lee (2021)
Advanced Technologies Adoption and Use by U.S. Firms: Evidence from the Annual Business Survey
Zolas, N., Z. Kroff, E. Brynjolfsson, K. McElheran, D.N. Beede, C. Buffington, N. Goldschlag, L. Foster & E. Dinlersoz (2020)
It takes two: Experimental evidence on the determinants of technology diffusion
Hardy, M. & J. McCasland (2021)
'Mobile'izing Agricultural Advice Technology Adoption Diffusion and Sustainability
Cole, S.A. & A.N. Fernando (2021)
Knowledge Spillovers and Corporate Investment in Scientific Research
Arora, A., S. Belenzon & L. Sheer (2021)
No inventor is an island: social connectedness and the geography of knowledge flows in the US
Diemer, A. & T. Regan (2021)
Big Push in Distorted Economies
Buera, F.J., H. Hopenhayn, Y. Shin & N. Trachter (2021)
Skill Bias magnified: Identifying the role of international technology diffusion
Schulte, P. (2021)
Distance to the pre-industrial technological frontier, patience, and economic development
Möhrle, S. & U. Sunde (2021)
Language Barriers in Multinationals and Knowledge Transfers
Guillouet, L., A. Khandelwal, R. Macchiavello & M. Teachout (2021)
Labor productivity and technology heterogeneity
Walheer, B. (2021)
Culture, intellectual property rights, and technology adoption
Jayasekara, D.N. & P.G. Fredriksson (2021)
Digital adoption, automation, and labor markets in developing countries
Shapiro, A.F. & F.S. Mandelman (2021)
Internet Access and its Implications for Productivity, Inequality, and Resilience
Barrero, J.M., N. Bloom & S.J. Davis (2021)
Product innovation, diffusion and endogenous growth
Klein, M.A & F. Sener (2021)
Axis-orientation and knowledge transmission: evidence from the Bantu expansion
Blouin, A. (2021)
Scrapping, Renewable Technology Adoption, and Growth
Adăo, B., B. Narajabad & T. Temzelides (2021)
Cross-Border Institutions and the Globalization of Innovation
Bian, B., J-M. Meier &T. Xu (2021)
Technology Adoption Under Costly Information Processing
Naeher, D. (2022)
Knowledge Diffusion, Trade, and Innovation across Countries and Sectors
Cai, J., N Li & A.M. Santacreu (2022)
Patents, trade secrets and international technology transfer
Klein, M.A. (2022)
Global Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion | Published
Lind, N. & N. Ramondo (2022/23)
What prevents spillovers from the pool of knowledge?
Lööf, H. (2022)
Site-specific agronomic information and technology adoption: A field experiment from Ethiopia
Ayalew, H., J. Chamberlin & C. Newman (2022)
Knowledge and Adoption of Complex Agricultural Technologies: Evidence from an Extension Experiment
Hörner, D., A. Bouguen, M. Frölich & M. Wollni (2022)
A Technology-Gap Model of Premature Deindustrialization
Fujiwara, I. & K. Matsuyama (2022)
Competition and Multilevel Technology Adoption: A Dynamic Analysis of Electronic Medical Records Adoption in U.S. Hospitals
Wang, Y. (2022)
The Wheels of Change: Technology Adoption, Millwrights and the Persistence in Britain's Industrialisation
Mokyr, K., A. Sarid & K. van der Beek (2022)
Overconfidence and Technology Adoption in Health Care
Comin, D.A., J.S. Skinner & D.O. Staiger (2022)
Trouble with zero: The limits of subsidizing technology adoption
Shukla, P., H.K. Pullabhotla & K. Baylis (2022)
ICT, Technological Diffusion and Economic Growth in Chinese Cities
Li, Q. & Y. Wu (2022)
The diffusion of technological progress in ICT
Elstner, S., C. Grimme, V. Kecht & R. Lehmann (2022)
Mass Migration and Technological Change
Andersson, D., M. Karadja & E. Prawitz (2022)
Talents and Cultures: Immigrant Inventors and Ethnic Diversity in the Age of Mass Migration
Campo, F., M. Mendola, A. Morrison & G. Ottaviano (2022)
Digitalization and Resilience
Copestake, A., J. Estefania-Flores & D. Furceri (2022)
Sooner rather than later: Social networks and technology adoption
Chowdhury, S., V. Satish, M. Sulaiman & Y. Sun (2022)
Surname distance and technology diffusion: the case of the adoption of maize in late imperial China
Bai, Y. & J.K-S. Kung (2022)
Technology Adoption and Late Industrialization
Choi, J. & Y. Shim (2022)
The importance of access to knowledge for technological progress in the Industrial Revolution
Hornung, E., J. Koschnick & F. Cinnirella (2022)
Determinants and Social Dividends of Digital Adoption
Amaglobeli, D. & M. Moszoro (2023)
Growth and Transformative Effects of ICT Adoption: A Survey
Vergara Cobos, E.B. & E.A. Malasquez Carbonel (2023)
Foreign Technology Adoption as a Flying Propeller
Hu, Y., T. Kunieda, K. Nishimura & P. Wang (2023)
Strategic Complementarities in a Dynamic Model of Technology Adoption: P2P Digital Payments
Alvarez, F.E., D. Argente, F. Lippi, E. Méndez & D. Van Patten (2023)
Timing of technology adoption in the presence of patent licensing
Sun, C.-H. (2023)
The Digital Welfare of Nations: New Measures of Welfare Gains and Inequality
Brynjolfsson, E., A. Collis, A. Liaqat, D. Kutzman, H. Garro, D. Deisenroth, N. Wernerfelt & J.J. Lee (2023)
Exporting the Surveillance State via Trade in AI
Beraja, M., A. Kao, D.Y. Yang & N. Yuchtman (2023)
Shocks and Technology Adoption: Evidence from Electronic Payment Systems
Crouzet, N., A. Gupta & F. Mezzanotti (2023)
Trade and diffusion of embodied technology: an empirical analysis
Ayerst, S., F. Ibrahim, G. MacKenzie & S. Rachapalli (2024)
Do Capital Inflows Spur Technology Diffusion? Evidence from a New Technology Adoption Index
Cugat, G. & A. Manera (2024)
Fast and Slow Technological Transitions
Adăo, R., M. Beraja & N. Pandalai-Nayar (2024)
Automation, global value chains and functional specialization
Fontagné, L., A. Reshef, G. Santoni & G. Vannelli (2024)
Gaining Steam: Incumbent Lock-in and Entrant Leapfrogging
Hornbeck, R., S.H-M. Hsu, A. Humlum & M. Rotemberg (2024)
Technology Transfer in Global Value Chains
Sampson, T. (2024)
Migration, technology diffusion, and growth
Ikhenaode, B.I. & C.P.Parello (2024)
Knowledge Diffusion Through FDI: Worldwide Firm-Level Evidence
Ahn, J., C. Kim, N. Li & A. Manera (2024)
Strategic innovation and technology adoption under technological uncertainty
Ye, F., N. Paulson & M. Khanna (2024)
From Adoption to Innovation: State-Dependent Technology Policy in Developing Countries
Choi, J. & Y. Shim (2024)
Codification, Technology Absorption, and the Globalization of the Industrial Revolution
Juhász, R., S. Sakabe &am; D. Weinstein (2024)
Some Economics of the Internet
MacKie-Mason, J.K. & H.R. Varian (1994)
Abstract: This paper was prepared for the Tenth Michigan Public Utility Conference at Western Michigan University March 25–27, 1993. We describe the history, technology and cost structure of the Internet. We also describe a possible smart-market mechanism for pricing congestion on the Internet.
Economic FAQs about the Internet
MacKie-Mason, J.K. & H.R. Varian (1996)
Abstract: This is a set of Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) about the economic, institutional, and technological structure of the Internet. We describe the history and current state of the Internet, discuss some of the pressing economic and regulatory problems, and speculate about future developments.
Special Issue on Internet
McKnight, L.W. & J.P. Bailey (eds) (1996)
Abstract: The Internet has rapidly become an important element of the economic system. The lack of accepted metrics for economic analysis of Internet transactions is therefore increasingly problematic. This book, one of the first to bring together research on Internet engineering and economics, attempts to establish such metrics. The chapters, which developed out of a 1995 workshop held at MIT, include architectural models and analyses of Internet usage, as well as alternative pricing policies. The book is organized into six sections: Introduction to Internet Economics, The Economics of the Internet, Interconnection and Multicast Economics, Usage Sensitive Pricing, Internet Commerce, and Internet Economics and Policy.
Economics of Networks
Economides, N. & D. Encaoua (eds) (1996)
Abstract: A special issue of the International Journal of Industrial Organization on the Economics of Networks.
Internet Economics: An Annotated Bibliography
Klopfenstein, B.C. (1997)
Information Rules
Shapiro, C. & H.R. Varian (1998)
Abstract: In a marketplace that depends so thoroughly on cutting-edge information technology, can classic economic principles still offer any real strategic value? Yes! say Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian. In Information Rules, they reveal that many conventional economic concepts can provide the insight and understanding necessary to succeed in the information age. Shapiro and Varian argue that if managers seriously want to develop effective strategies for competing in the new economy, they must understand the fundamental economics of information technology. Whether information takes the form of software code or recorded music, is published in a book or magazine, or even posted on a website, managers must know how to evaluate the consequences of pricing, protecting, and planning new versions of information products, services, and systems. The first book to distill the economics of information and networks into practical business strategies, Information Rules is a guide to the winning moves that can help business leaders-from writers, lawyers, and finance professionals to executives in the entertainment, publishing, and hardware and software industries--navigate successfully through the information economy.
The Economic and Social Impacts of Electronic Commerce: Preliminary Findings and Research Agenda
OECD (1999)
The AGB Global Action Plan for Electronic Commerce
Alliance of Global Business (1999)
A Quantitative Assessment of Electronic Commerce
Schukhnecht, L. & R. Perez-Esteve (1999)
The Internet Economy: The World's Next Growth Engine
Business Week (Oct 4th, 1999)
Weaving the Multilingual Web
Yergeau, F. & M. Durst (1999)
E-Commerce: Impacts and Policy Challenges
Coppel, J. (2000)
The Effects of Business-to-Business E-Commerce on Transaction Costs
Garicano, L. & S.N. Kaplan (2000)
Electronic Commerce in Developing Countries: Issues for Domestic Policy and WTO Negotiations
Mann, C.L. (2000)
Transatlantic Issues in Electronic Commerce
Mann, C.L. (2000)
Dot Coms and Productivity in the Internet Economy
Whinston, A., A. Barua, J. Shutter, B. Wilson & J. Pinnel 2001
January 2001 Internet Economy Indicators
Whinston, A., A. Barua, J. Shutter, B. Wilson & J. Pinnel 2001
Internet Capitalist
SG Cowen Research Team (2001)
Pricing, Agents, Perceived Value and the Internet
Bradford, P.G., H.E. Brown & P.M. Saunders (2001)
Prospects for an Information Technology-Led Productivity Surge
Bresnahan, T.F. (2001)
NAIS Interim Report
NGO & Academic ICANN Study Group (2001)
Abstract: In preparation for the upcoming ICANN meeting in Stockholm, NAIS has released its Interim Report on last year's At Large election and on the future of the public role in ICANN. The full Interim Report includes detailed regional analyses of the 2000 election.
E-Commerce Web Queries: Excite and Ask Jeeves Study
Spink, A. & O. Gunar (2001)
Abstract: Web queries are a key process in e-commerce. Web queries are a primary means for translating people's business product, service and information needs for e-commerce. This paper reports a study of business related queries submitted to the Excite and Ask Jeeves Web search services. We sampled a log of 10,000 Excite queries and 10,000 Ask Jeeves question format queries from 20 December 1999 to examine the business queries. Findings include: (1) business queries often include more search terms, are less modified, lead to fewer Web pages viewed, and include less advanced search features, than non-business queries; (2) company or product name queries were the most common form of business; and, (3) Ask Jeeves business queries in question form were largely limited to the format "Where can I buy ..." or the request "I want to buy ...". The study provides insights into the beginnings of e-commerce Web searching.
Risks of the Passport Single Signon Protocol
Kormann, D.P. & A.D. Rubin (2001)
Abstract: Passport is a protocol that enables users to sign onto many different merchants' web pages by authenticating themselves only once to a common server. This is important because users tend to pick poor (guessable) user names and passwords and to repeat them at different sites. Passport is notable as it is being very widely deployed by Microsoft. At the time of this writing, Passport boasts 40 million consumers and more than 400 authentications per second on average. We examine the Passport single signon protocol, and identify several risks and attacks. We discuss a flaw that we discovered in the interaction of Passport and Netscape browsers that leaves a user logged in while informing him that he has successfully logged out. Finally, we suggest several areas of improvement.
The Internet's Dilemma: What Good Is the Stupid Network If the Other Guys Own It?
Cook, G. (2001)
Protecting Intellectual Property and Regulating MP3: A First Amendment Trojan Horse?
Schmidt, D.E amp; E.W. Crowder (2001)
Electronic Finance: Reshaping the Financial Landscape Around the World
Claessens, S., T. Glaessner & D. Klingebiel (2001)
E-Finance in Emerging Markets: Is Leapfrogging Possible?
Claessens, S., T. Glaessner & D. Klingebiel (2001)
Re-engineering Scientific Credit in the Era of the Globalized Information Economy
Mirowski, P. (2001)
The Economics of Software Distribution over the Internet Revisited
Ilan, Y. (2001)
DotCom Mania: The Rise and Fall of Internet Stock Prices
Ofek, E. & M. Richardson (2001)
Empowering the Customer or Empowering the Telco? Betting Your Company's Future on Your Understanding of the Right Mix of Technology, Economics and Policy
Cook Report (2002)
Globalization of Information: Intellectual Property Law Implications
Nayyer, K. (2002)
Self-Selection Strategies for Information Goods
Dedeke, A. (2002)
The Internet in India and China
Press, L., W. Foster, P. Wolcott & W. McHenry (2002)
Abstract: This article compares the diffusion of the Internet in China and India. Using a six-dimension framework for characterizing the state of the Internet in a nation, we observe that, while both nations have made significant progress since our last comparison (in 1999), China enjoys a substantial lead over India. We also examine determinants of Internet diffusion. We find that the Chinese Internet has benefited from economic and trade reform begun in the late 1980s, a strong government commitment to the Internet, complementary human and capital resources, etc. The two nations have very different governments and policies, leading to differing approaches to the introduction of telecommunication competition and infrastructure development. China has pursued a strategy of competition among government-owned organizations while India has set policy via recommendations of publicly visible task forces. It remains to be seen whether India's relatively transparent and market driven approach to Internet policy (and access) will prove effective in the long run. India and China have approximately 40 percent of the world population, and most of their inhabitants live in rural villages that lack basic telephone service. If the Internet is to succeed in raising the level of human development and curtailing migration to teeming urban centers, it must succeed in India and China. What we learn there may enable us to provide communication and information to the world's 1.5 million unconnected villages.
Poor Connections: Trouble on the Internet Frontiers
RAND (2002)
Abstract: Numerous obstacles keep the information revolution from spreading unfettered to the furthest reaches of the globe. RAND researchers have looked at four regions where the "information superhighway" has hit roadblocks: China, Russia, Latin America, and parts of the Middle East. The researchers map the obstacles unique to each region and, where possible, point the way toward potentially overcoming them.
The Global Internet Economy
Kogut, B. (editor) (2003)
Abstract: By 2002, all but a handful of countries were connected to the Internet. The intertwining of the Internet and the globalization of finance, corporate governance, and trade raises questions about national models of technology development and property rights. The sudden ability of hundreds of millions of users to gain access to a global communication infrastructure spurred the creation of new firms and economic opportunities. The Internet challenged existing institutions and powerful interests: Technology was global, but its economic and business development was molded in the context of prevailing national institutions. Comparing the experiences of seven countries--France, Germany, India, Japan, Sweden, South Korea, and the United States--this book analyzes the rise of the Internet and its impact on changing national institutions. Each country chapter describes how the Internet developed, evaluates the extent to which the Silicon Valley model was adopted, and suggests why certain sectors and technologies developed faster than others. The book also analyzes specific Internet sectors and regulations across countries. It shows that the Internet's effects are more evolutionary than revolutionary. At the same time, the impact of broad cultural change on entrepreneurial aspirations is clearly visible in certain nations, especially India and Sweden.
Electronic citizenship and global social movements
Tsaliki, L. (2003)
The Global Internet Economy
Kogut, B. (editor) (2003)
Regulation and Internet Use in Developing Countries
Wallsten, S. (2003)
The Internet in Developing Nations: Grand Challenges
Press, L. (2004)
Cons in the panopticon: Anti-globalization and cyber-piracy
Rajagopal, I. & N. Bojin (2004)
The Economics of the Internet Backbone
Economides, N. (2004)
Abstract: This paper discusses the economics of the Internet backbone. The author discusses competition on the Internet backbone as well as relevant competition policy issues. In particular, he shows how public protocols, ease of entry, very fast network expansion, connections by the same Internet Service Provider (“ISP”) to multiple backbones (ISP multi-homing), and connections by the same large web site to multiple ISPs (customer multi-homing) enhance price competition and make it very unlikely that any firm providing Internet backbone connectivity would find it profitable to degrade or sever interconnection with other backbones in an attempt to monopolize the Internet backbone.
Diffusion of the Internet: a cross-country analysis
Andres, L., D. Cuberes, M.A. Diouf & T. Serebrisky (2007)
Economies of the Internet
Jarrett, K. & D.E. Wittkower (2016)
The lost race against the machine: Automation, education, and inequality in an R&D-based growth model
Prettner, K. & H. Strulik (2017)
Automation, Education, and Population: Dynamic Effects in an OLG Growth and Fertility Model
Peralta, C. & P.M. Gil (2021)
E-commerce During Covid: Stylized Facts from 47 Economies
Alcedo, J., A. Cavallo, B. Dwyer, P. Mishra & A. Spilimbergo (2022)
Monetary Policy in a World Without Money
Woodford, M. (2000)
Decoupling at the Margin: The Threat to Monetary Policy from the Electronic Revolution in Banking
Friedman, B.M. (2000)
Offshore E-Money Issuers and Monetary Policy
Krueger, M. (2001)
Currency of the Net - e-Money : potential untapped
Dasot, P. (2001)
Abstract: The paper aims to unravel the future implications of digitized money, i.e. e-Money. The Internet revolution has not left the financial sector untouched. e-Money shall be its fallout. The paper explores the impact of e-Money envisaged on businesses and monetary transactions as a whole. The infinite time divisibility of currency on the net shall help e-Money acquire a truly universal character and shall make it the driver of the global e- economy. This would also considerably affect the control functions of the Central Banks.
Digital Finance
Grabbe, J.O. (2001)
The inefficiency of Bitcoin
Urquhart, A. (2016)
Banning bitcoin
Hendrickson, J.R. & W.J. Luther (2017)
Some Simple Bitcoin Economics
Schilling, L. & H. Uhlig (2018)
Bitcoin: Medium of exchange or speculative assets?
Baur, D.G., K.H. Hong & A.D. Lee (2018)
Virtual relationships: Short- and long-run evidence from BitCoin and altcoin markets
Ciaian, P., M. Rajcaniova & D. Kancs (2018)
Blockchain Economics
Abadi, J. & M. Brunnermeier (2018)
Technology and Economic Benefits of Biotechnology
McGloughlin, M. (1999)
Economic Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology
Various authors (U.S. Dept of Agriculture) (2001)
Human Genome Special Issue
Science Feb 16, 2001
Are Intellectual Property Rights Stifling Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries?
Pardey, P.G., B.D. Wright & C. Nottenburg (2001)
Abstract: The report discusses the effects of intellectual property rights on the use of biotechnology in developing countries. It also gives insight on how production and trade patterns affect intellectual property rights and how they will change with the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property.
Commercializing Knowledge: University Science, Knowledge Capture, and Firm Performance in Biotechnology
Zucker, L.G., M.R. Darby & J.S. Armstrong (2001)
The Future of Genetically Modified Crops: Lessons from the Green Revolution
Wu, F. & W. Butz (2004)
Abstract: Concern about supplying sufficient food for the Earth’s population has concerned humankind since antiquity, and has been the focus of commentary from such notables as Thomas Malthus and countless others. Most recently, there has been growing concern about the so-called “Gene Revolution”, in which “genetically modified (GM) crops are tailored to address chronic agricultural problems in certain regions of the world.” Concern over this question has led the RAND organization to sponsor this 116-page monograph that “investigates the circumstances and processes that can induce and sustain this new agricultural revolution." Authored by Felicia Wu and William Butz, this document contains chapters on the 20th century’s “Green Revolution” and “Lessons for the Gene Revolution from the Green Revolution". Throughout the work, the authors also weave a insightful narrative that assesses the agricultural, technological, sociological, and political differences between these two different movements.