The Structure of Simple General Equilibrium Models
Jones, R.W. (1965)
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze the structue of the simple competitive model of production in a manner designed to highlight both the dual relationship and the similarity that exists among a number of traditional problems in comparative statics and economic growth.
Comparative Advantage, Trade, and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods
Dornbusch, R., S. Fischer & P.A. Samuelson (1977)
Abstract: This paper discusses Ricardian trade and payments theory in the case of a continuum of goods. The analysis thus extends the development of many-commodity, two-country comparative advantage analysis. Perhaps surprisingly, the continuum assumption simplifies the analysis neatly in comparison with the discrete many-commodity case.
Short-Run Capital Specificity and the Pure Theory of International Trade
Neary, J.P. (1978)
Abstract: The aim of this article is threefold. First, it presents a new diagrammatic technique to illustrate the short-run capital specificaity adjustment process in a small open economy. Second, the implications of the short-run capital specificity adjustment process are examined in the context of an open economy with pre-existing factor market distortions. The third aim of the paper is to point out the central role of the asumption of intersectoral capital mobility in international trade theory.
Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade
Krugman, P.R. (1980)
Abstract: The basic model of this paper is one in which there are economies of scale in production and firms can costlessly differentiate their products. In this model, which is derived from recent work by Dixit and Stiglitz, equilibrium takes the form of Chamberlinian monopolistic competition. When two imperfectly competitive economies of this kind are allowed to trade, increasing returns produce trade and gains from trade even if the economies have identical tastes, technology, and factor endowments.
Decreasing Costs in International Trade and Frank Graham's Argument for Protection
Ethier, W.J. (1982)
Abstract: Over half a century ago Frank Graham argued that decreasing costs could justify protection. Although this contention stimulated a large literature, a correct analysis has never been made. The present paper attempts to fill this gap. It is shown that a greater degree of increasing returns actually reduces its likelihood. Furthermore, increasing returns yield a positive analysis nearly completely symmetric to that of Ricardian constant costs. A new analytical tool, the allocation curve, is introduced, with which Marshallian stability is fully analogous to Walrasian instability with offer curves.
Market Structure and Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the International Economy
Helpman, E. & P. Krugman (1999)
Abstract: Market Structure and Foreign Trade presents a coherent theory of trade in the presence of market structures other than perfect competition. The theory it develops explains trade patterns, especially of industrial countries, and provides an integration between trade and the role of multinational enterprises. Relating current theoretical work to the main body of trade theory, Helpman and Krugman review and restate known results and also offer entirely new material on contestable markets, oligopolies, welfare, and multinational corporations, and new insights on external economies, intermediate inputs, and trade composition.
The Boundaries of Multinational Enterprises and the Theory of International Trade
Markusen, J.R. (1995)
Abstract: This paper presents a diagrammatic technique to illustrate the short-run capital specificity adjustment process in a small open economy. It also considers the implications of the short-run capital specificity adjustment process in the context of the small open economy with pre-existing factor market distortions. Finally, it points out the central role of the assumption of intersectoral capital mobility in traditional international trade theory.
An Empirical Assessment of the Proximity-Concentration Trade-off Between Multinational Sales and Trade
Brainard, S.L. (1997)
Abstract: This paper empirically investigates the role of transport costs, trade and investment barriers, production scale economies, and firm- specific advantages in determining the use of overseas production relative to exports. The proximity-concentration hypothesis is robust in explaining the share of total sales accounted for by affiliate sales: this share is greater the higher are transport costs and trade barriers and the lower are plant scale economies and investment barriers. Although strictly speaking, the proximity-concentration hypothesis applies to the shares of affiliate sales and exports rather than the levels, the effects of trade and investment barriers on the levels are similar to their effects on the shares, controlling for simultaneity, and so is that of freight factors in the trade estimates. The elasticity of inward and outward net affiliate sales with respect to tariffs is around 0.45, and that with respect to NTBs is an additional 0.17. The elasticity of both imports and exports with respect to freight factors is -1. However, the effect of freight factors on the level of affiliate sales is not robust, and the probability of observing any affiliate sales is increasing in proximity. The overall complementarity between trade and affiliate sales arises in part because relative income and intellectual property intensity increase both. In contrast, affiliate sales and trade move in opposite directions with increases in advertising intensity, suggesting that advertising-intensive products require a local presence.
Integration of Trade and Disintegration of Production in the Global Economy
Feenstra, R.C. (1998)
Abstract: The last few decades have seen a spectacular integration of the global economy through trade. The rising integration of world markets has brought with it a disintegration of the production process, however, as manufacturing or services activities done abroad are combined with those performed at home. I compare several different measures of foreign outsourcing, and argue that they have all increased since the 1970s. I also consider the implications of globalization for employment and wages of low-skilled workers, and for trade and regulatory policy, such as labor standards.
The Six Major Puzzles in International Macroeconomics: Is There a Common Cause?
Obstfeld, M. & K. Rogoff (2000)
Abstract: The central claim in this paper is that by explicitly introducing costs of international trade (narrowly, transport costs but more broadly, tariffs, nontariff barriers and other trade costs), one can go far toward explaining a great number of the main empirical puzzles that international macroeconomists have struggled with over twenty-five years. Our approach elucidates J. McCallum's home bias in trade puzzle, the Feldstein-Horioka saving-investment puzzle, the French-Poterba equity home bias puzzle, and the Backus-Kehoe-Kydland consumption correlations puzzle. That one simple alteration to an otherwise canonical international macroeconomic model can help substantially to explain such a broad arrange of empirical puzzles, including some that previously seemed intractable, suggests a rich area for future research. We also address a variety of international pricing puzzles, including the purchasing power parity puzzle emphasized by Rogoff, and what we term "the exchange rate disconnect puzzle." The latter category of riddles includes both the Meese-Rogoff exchange rate forecasting puzzle and the Baxter-Stockman neutrality of exchange rate regime puzzle. Here, although many elements need to be added to our extremely simple model, trade costs still play an essential role.
Exports and Information Spillovers
Nicita, A. & M. Olarreaga (2000)
Integration vs Outsourcing in Industry Equilibrium
Grossman, G. & E. Helpman (2001)
Abstract: We develop an equilibrium model of industrial structure in which the organization of firms is endogenous. Differentiated consumer products can be produced either by vertically integrated firms or by pairs of specialized companies. Production of each variety of consumer good requires a unique, specialized component. Vertically integrated firms can manufacture the components they need in the quantity and type that maximizes profits, but they face a relatively high cost of governance.
How Reasonable Are Assumptions Used in Theoretical Models? Computational Evidence on the Likelihood of Trade Pattern Changes
Abrego, L., R. Riezman & J. Whalley (2001)
International Trade in Manufactured Products - A Ricardo-Heckscher-Ohlin Explanation with Monopolistic Competition
Choudri, E. & Hakura, D. (2001)
Financial Frictions in Business Cycles, Trade and Growth
Wynne, J.L. (2001)
A Unified Approach to Intra-Industry Trade and Direct Foreign Investment
Markusen, J.R. & K.E. Maskus (2001)
Who Dies? International Trade, Market Structure, and Industrial Restructuring
Bernard, A.B. & J.B. Jensen (2001)
Financial Development and International Trade: Is There a Link?
Beck, T. (2001)
Financial Dependence and International Trade
Beck, T. (2001)
Trade Liberalisation, Product Variety and Growth in a Small Open Economy: A Quantitative Assessment
Rutherford, T. & D. Tarr (2001)
Injury Investigations in Anti-Dumping and the Super-Additivity Effect: A Theoretical Explanation
Gupta, P. & A. Panagariya (2001)
Tariffs, Terms or Trade, and The Real Exchange Rate in and Intertemporal Optimizing Model of the Current Account
Edwards, S. (2001)
International Trade and the Environment: A Framework for Analysis
Copeland, B.R. & M.S. Taylor (2001)
Do Factor Endowments Matter for North-North Trade?
Davis, D.R. & D.E. Weinstein (2001)
Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle
Anderson, J.E. & E. van Wincoop (2001)
Abstract: The gravity model has been widely used to infer substantial trade flow effects of institutions such as customs unions and exchange rate mechanisms. McCallum [1995] found that the US-Canada border led to trade between provinces that is a factor 22 (2,200%) times trade between states and provinces, a spectacular puzzle in light of the low formal barriers on this border. We show that the gravity model usually estimated does not correspond to the theory behind it. We solve the 'border puzzle' by applying the theory seriously. We find that national borders reduce trade between the US and Canada by about 44%, while reducing trade among other industrialized countries by about 30%. McCallum's spectacular headline number is the result of a combination of omitted variables bias and the small size of the Canadian economy. Within-Canada trade rises by a factor 6 due to the border. In contrast, within-US trade rises 25%.
The Factor Content of Trade
Davis, D.R. & D.E. Weinstein (2001)
The Merits of Horizontal versus Vertical FDI in the Presence of Uncertainty | Published
Aizenman, J. & N. Marion (2001)
Market Entry Costs, Producer Heterogeneity, and Export Dynamics
Das, S., M.J. Roberts & J.R. Tybout (2001)
Foreign Direct Investors in Three Financial Crises
Lipsey, R.E. (2001)
Foreign Direct Investment
Hatzius, J.(2001)
Foreign Direct Investment in a World of Multiple Taxes
Desai, M.A. & J.R. Hines Jr. (2001)
Pollution Havens and Foreign Direct Investment: Dirty Secret or Popular Myth?
Smarzynska, B.K. & S.J. Wei (2001)
Determinants of, and the Relation Between, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth: A Summary of the Recent Literature
Lim, E.G. (2001)
Foreign Direct Investment and the Operations of Multinational Firms: Concepts, History, and Data
Lipsey, R.E. (2001)
Home and Host Country Effects of FDI
Lipsey, R. (2002)
Entrepreneurship in International Trade
Rauch, J.E. & J. Watson (2002)
Bilateral Trade and Opportunism in a Matching Market
Ramey, G. & J. Watson (2001)
Abstract: We develop a model of bilateral contracting in a dynamic market setting. Asset owners must be paired via a matching process in order to form productive relationships involving long-term investments and ongoing effort. Market frictions shape the owners' incentives to invest in the absence of complete contracts. We identify cases in which there exists an optimal positive level of market friction implementing first-best investment levels. We also endogenize the choice between integrated and nonintegrated organizational forms. Changes in structural variables can induce crashes by disrupting existing relationships.
Attracting FDI in a Politically Risky World
Janeba, E. (2001)
Courting FDI: Is Competition Bad?
Fernandez-Arias, E., R. Hausmann & E. Stein (2001)
Trade Integration and Risk Sharing
Kraay, A. & J. Ventura (2002)
Trade Openness and Investment Instability
Razin, A., E. Sadka & T. Coury (2002)
Trade with Labor Market Distortions and Heterogeneous Labor: Why Trade Can Hurt
Krishna, K., A. Mukhopadhyay & C. Yavas (2002)
Trade Integration and Growth
Cunat, A. & M. Maffezzoli (2002)
Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets: Income, Repatriations and Financial Vulnerabillities
Lehmann, A.C. (2002)
The Rise and Fall of World Trade, 1870-1939
Estevadeordal, A., B. Frantz & A.M. Taylor (2002)
Abstract: Measured by the ratio of trade to output, the period 1870 1913 marked the birth of the first era of trade globalization and the period 1914 39 its death. What caused the boom and bust? We use an augmented gravity model to examine the gold standard, tariffs, and transport costs as determinants of trade. Until 1913 the rise of the gold standard and the fall in transport costs were the main trade-creating forces. As of 1929 the reversal was driven by higher transport costs. In the 1930s, the final collapse of the gold standard drove trade volumes even lower.
Trade and Food Security: Conceptualizing the Linkages
Panagariya, A. (2002)
Export-Platform Foreign Direct Investment
Ekholm, K., R. Forslid & J. Markusen (2003)
Traders, Cops and Robbers | Published
Anderson, J.E. & O. Bandiera (2003)
Helpman, E., M.J. Melitz & S.R. Yeaple (2003)
The Effects of Multinational Production on Wages and Working Conditions in Developing Countries
Brown, D.K., A.V. Deardorff & R.M. Stern (2003)
Firms, Contracts, and Trade Structure | Published
Antras, P. (2003)
Abstract: Roughly one-third of world trade is intrafirm trade. This paper starts by unveiling two systematic patterns in the volume of intrafirm trade. In a panel of industries, the share of intrafirm imports in total U. S. imports is significantly higher, the higher the capital intensity of the exporting industry. In a cross section of countries the share of intrafirm imports in total U. S. imports is significantly higher, the higher the capital-labor ratio of the exporting country. I then show that these patterns can be rationalized in a theoretical framework that combines a Grossman-Hart-Moore view of the firm with a Helpman-Krugman view of international trade. In particular, I develop an incomplete-contracting, property-rights model of the boundaries of the firm, which I then incorporate into a standard trade model with imperfect competition and product differentiation. The model pins down the boundaries of multinational firms as well as the international location of production, and it is shown to predict the patterns of intrafirm trade identified above. Econometric evidence reveals that the model is consistent with other qualitative and quantitative features of the data.
Trade, Growth and the Environment | Published
Copeland, B.R. & M.S. Taylor (2003)
Abstract: For the last ten years environmentalists and the trade policy community have engaged in a heated debate over the environmental consequences of liberalized trade. The debate was originally fueled by negotiations over the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Uruguay round of GATT negotiations, both of which occurred at a time when concerns over global warming, species extinction and industrial pollution were rising. Recently it has been intensified by the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and proposals for future rounds of trade negotiations. The debate has often been unproductive. It has been hampered by the lack of a common language and also suffered from little recourse to economic theory and empirical evidence. The purpose of this essay is set out what we currently know about the environmental consequences of economic growth and international trade. We critically review both theory and empirical work to answer three basic questions. What do we know about the relationship between international trade, economic growth and the environment? How can this evidence help us evaluate ongoing policy debates? Where do we go from here?
The Role of Information in Driving FDI Flows: Host-Country Transparency and Source-Country Specialization
Mody, A., A. Razin & E. Sadka (2003)
Policy designs in a dynamic model of infant industry protection
Kaneda, M. (2003)
Catch-up in turn in a multi-country international trade model with learning-by-doing and invention
Nakajima, T. (2003)
Domestic Labour Markets and Foreign Direct Investment
Haaland, J. & I. Wooton (2003)
International Trade under Oligopoly Conditions
Ruffin, R.J. (2003)
Abstract: The paper gives a simple representation of how oligopoly affects the general theory of international trade. Three points are emphasized: the simplicity of trade under oligopoly in the Ricardian model; the equations describing the general equilibrium of a world economy with any number of goods, countries, and factors under oligopolistic conditions and an integrated world market; and a complete description of the solution of a Mill–Ricardo–Cournot model with oligopoly in one sector and perfect competition in the other.
The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity | Published
Melitz, M.J. (2003)
Abstract: This paper develops a dynamic industry model with heterogeneous firms to analyze the intra-industry effects of international trade. The model shows how the exposure to trade will induce only the more productive firms to enter the export market (while some less productive firms continue to produce only for the domestic market) and will simultaneously force the least productive firms to exit. It then shows how further increases in the industry's exposure to trade lead to additional inter-firm reallocations towards more productive firms. The paper also shows how the aggregate industry productivity growth generated by the reallocations contributes to a welfare gain, thus highlighting a benefit from trade that has not been examined theoretically before. The paper adapts Hopenhayn's (1992a) dynamic industry model to monopolistic competition in a general equilibrium setting. In so doing, the paper provides an extension of Krugman's (1980) trade model that incorporates firm level productivity differences. Firms with different productivity levels coexist in an industry because each firm faces initial uncertainty concerning its productivity before making an irreversible investment to enter the industry. Entry into the export market is also costly, but the firm's decision to export occurs after it gains knowledge of its productivity.
Global Sourcing | Published
Antras, P. & E. Helpman (2003)
Inequality and Trade
Mitra, D. & V. Trindade (2003)
National Treatment and the Choice Between Exports and FDI
Hoekman, B. & K. Saggi (2003)
Conditions for Factor Price Equalization in the Integrated World Economy Model
Qi, L. (2003)
Aid versus Trade Revisited: Donor and Recipient Policies in the Presence of Learning-by-Doing
Adam, C.S. & S. A O'Connell (2003)
Financial Globalization, Portfolio Diversification, and the Pattern of International Trade
Koren, M. (2003)
Tariffs and the Great Depression Revisited
Crucini, M.J. & J. Kahn (2003)
Optimal Integration Strategies for the Multinational Firm | Published
Grossman, G.M., E. Helpman & A. Szeidl (2003/06)
Abstract: We examine integration strategies of multinational firms that face a rich array of choices of international organization. Each firm in an industry must provide headquarter services from its home country, produce intermediate inputs, and assemble the intermediate goods into final products. Both production of intermediate goods and assembly can be performed at home, in another Northern' country, in the low-wage South,' or in several of these locations. We study the equilibrium choices of firms that differ in productivity (and thus size), focusing on the role of industry characteristics such as the fixed costs of foreign subsidiaries, the cost of transporting intermediate and final goods, and the share of the consumer market that resides in the South in determining optimal integration strategies.
International outsourcing and factor prices with multistage production
Kohler, W. (2004)
Factor Proportions and the Structure of Commodity Trade
Romalis, J. (2004)
Abstract: This paper examines how factor proportions determine the structure of commodity trade. It integrates a many-country version of a Heckscher-Ohlin model with a continuum of goods with Paul R. Krugman's (1980) model of monopolistic competition and transport costs. The commodity structure of production and bilateral trade is fully determined. Two main predictions emerge. Countries capture larger shares of world production and trade of commodities that more intensively use their abundant factors. Countries that rapidly accumulate a factor see their production and export structures systematically shift towards industries that intensively use that factor. Both predictions receive support from detailed trade data.
Mergers and the Composition of International Commerce
Nocke, V. & S. Yeaple (2004)
Specific Factors, Learning, and the Dynamics of Trade
Bajona, C. (2004)
The Impact Of Regulatory Stringency On The Foreign Direct Investment Of Global Pharmaceutical Firms
Ahlering, B. (2004)
Trade, Foreign Direct Investment or Acquisition: Optimal Entry Modes for Multinationals | Published
Eicher, T. & J.W. Kang (2004/2005)
Why Some Firms Export
Bernard, A.B. & J.B. Jensen (2004)
International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics with Heterogeneous Firms | Published
Ghironi, F. & M.J. Melitz (2004)
Variety Growth and World Welfare
Broda, C. & D.W. Weinstein (2004)
Learning on the Quick and Cheap: Gains from Trade Through Imported Expertise
Markusen, J.R. & T.F. Rutherford (2004)
Managerial incentives and the international organization of production
Grossman, G.M. & E. Helpman (2004)
A Theory of North-South Trade and Globalization | Published
Segerstrom, P. & E. Dinopoulos (2004/10)
When trade requires coordination
Katz, K. & A. Matsui (2004)
Comparative Advantage and Heterogeneous Firms
Bernard, A.B., S. Redding & P.K. Schott (2004)
The Impact of Trade on Intraindustry Reallocation and Aggregate Industry Productivity: A Comment
Baldwin, R.E. & F. Robert-Nicoud (2004)
Quality, trade, and growth
Fan, C.S. (2004)
Social Networks and Trade Liberalization
Pandey, M. & J. Whalley (2004)
The Home-Market Effect and Bilateral Trade Patterns
Hanson, G.H. & C. Xiang (2004)
Trade Liberalization with Heterogenous Firms
Baldwin, R. & R. Forslid (2004)
Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization
Samuelson, P.A. (2004)
Abstract: Autarky real per capita well being, does not deny that new technical Chinese progress in goods that America previously had competitive advantage in can, ceteris paribus, lower permanently measurable per capita U.S. real income. Nor does it deny that technical progress in China's export goods can, ceteris paribus, hurt permanently her own net measurable per capita real income itself when demand inelasticity prevails. Ergo, the winds of dynamic comparative advantage cannot be counted on to create in each region new net gains of the gainers assuredly greater than the new net losses of the losers. However, correct Ricardian theory does imply that worldwide real income per capita does gain net, so that winners' winnings will suffice worldwide to more than compensate losers' losings--some cold comfort in a scenario of many semi-autonomous nations.
Trade, Tragedy, and the Commons
Copeland, B.R. & M.S. Taylor (2004)
Trade-related Job Loss and Wage Insurance: a Synthetic Review
Kletzer, L.G. (2004)
Aspects of International Fragmentation
Kohler, W. (2004)
Schumpeterian Growth, North-South Trade and Wage Rigidity
Grieben, W-F. (2004)
Sorting It Out: International Trade and Protection With Heterogeneous Workers | Published
Ohnsorge, F. & D. Trefler (2004/07)
Abstract: Each worker brings a bundle of skills to the workplace, for example, quantitative and communication skills. Since employers must take this bundle as a package deal, they choose workers with just the right mix of skills. We show that international differences in the distribution of worker skill bundles—for example, Japan's abundance of workers with a modest mix of both quantitative and teamwork skills—have important implications for international trade, industrial structure, and domestic income distribution. Formally, we model two-dimensional worker heterogeneity and show that the second moments of the distribution of skills are critical, as in the Roy model.
“Facts available” dumping allegations: when will foreign firms cooperate in antidumping petitions?
Moore, M.O. (2004)
Government procurement: market access, transparency, and multilateral trade rules
Evenetta, J.J. & B.M. Hoekman (2004)
The Muddles over Outsourcing
Bhagwati, J., A. Panagariya & T.N. Srinivasan (2004)
A simple model of firm heterogeneity, international trade, and wages
Yeaple, S.R. (2004)
Outsourcing in a Global Economy
Grossman, G.M. & E. Helpman (2005)
Abstract: We study the determinants of the location of subcontracted activity in a general equilibrium model of outsourcing and trade. We model outsourcing as an activity that requires search for a partner and relationship-specific investments that are governed by incomplete contracts. The extent of international outsourcing depends inter alia on the thickness of the domestic and foreign market for input suppliers, the relative cost of searching in each market, the relative cost of customizing inputs and the nature of the contracting environment in each country.
Trade policy and quality leadership in transition economies
Moraga-González, J.L. & J-M. Viaene (2005)
Institutional Quality and International Trade
Levchenko, A.A. (2004)
Welfare Effects of Intellectual Property in a North-South Model of Endogenous Growth with Comparative Advantage
Saint-Paul, G. (2004)
International trade and cultural diversity with preference selection
Bala, V. & N.V. Long (2005)
Optimal Domestic Regulation and the Pattern of Trade
Martimort, D. & T. Verdier (2004)
A Multi-Country Approach to Factor-Proportions Trade and Trade Costs | Alternative | Published
Markusen, J.R. & A.J. Venables (2005/07)
Outsourcing and Trade in a Spatial World
Egger, H. & P. Egger (2005)
Offshoring in a Knowledge Economy | Published
Antras, P., L. Garicano, & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2005/06)
Trade and Growth in the Presence of Distortions
Cassing, J. & S. Tokarick (2005)
Anarchy and Autarky: Endogenous Predation as a Barrier to Trade
Anderson, J.E. & D. Marcoullier (2005)
A Schumpeterian North-South Growth Model of Trade and Wage Inequality
Grieben, W-H. (2005)
Technology Transfer Through Trade
Hoppe, M. (2005)
Comparative Advantage, Relative Wages, and the Accumulation of Human Capital
Teulings, C.N. (2005)
Abstract: I apply Ricardo's principle of comparative advantage to a theory of factor substitutability in a model with a continuum of worker and job types. Highly skilled workers have a comparative advantage in complex jobs. The model satisfies the distance-dependent elasticity of substitution (DIDES) characteristic: substitutability between types declines with their skill distance. I analyze changes in relative wages due to human capital accumulation. The concept of a complexity dispersion parameter or compression elasticity is introduced. Empirical studies suggest its value to be equal to two: a 1 percent increase in the stock of human capital reduces the Mincerian return by 2 percent.
R&D Policies, Trade and Process Innovation
Haaland, J.I. & H.J. Kind (2005)
Ricardian comparative advantage with intermediate inputs
Deardorff, A.V. (2005)
Globalization, globalisation: Trade, technology, and wages
Ethier, W.J. (2005)
A trade theorist's take on skilled-labor outsourcing
Deardorff, A.V. (2005)
Abstract: Recent concern has attended the phenomenon of skilled-labor outsourcing, in which firms in the United States and other advanced countries have drawn upon the services of skilled workers in developing countries for activities that they used to do at home. Motivated by this and the fact that such outsourcing would be hard to explain without technological differences, this paper explores theoretically a simple story of outsourcing in which factor proportions and technology interact across activities performed within industries or firms. The model has a single sector in which a final output is produced from two activities that differ in their intensity of use of skilled and unskilled labor. In one activity, the developed world (North) has a technical advantage. In the other it does not, but a new regime makes it possible to outsource it to the developing world (South). The paper shows that this outsourcing, if the countries continue to diversify, causes the wage of unskilled labor in North to fall below that in South. However, if factor endowments differ enough to lead to specialization, then it becomes possible for both factors in North to gain from this form of outsourcing.
Outsourcing and technology spillovers
Long, N.V. (2005)
Fragmented trade and manufacturing services--Examples for a non-convex general equilibrium
Wan, H. (2005)
Foreign direct investment and international trade in a continuum Ricardian trade model
Cheng, L.K., L.D. Qiu & G. Tan (2005)
Trade Liberalization in a Joint Spatial Inter-Temporal Trade Model
Huang, H., J. Whalley, John & S. Zhang (2005)
Market Size, Trade, and Productivity | Published
Melitz, M.J. & G.I.P. Ottaviano (2005/08)
Managed Trade, Trade Liberalisation and Local Pollution
Regibeau, P.M. & A. Gallegos (2005)
Unbundling the Pollution Haven Hypothesis
Taylor, M.S. (2005)
International Outsourcing and Incomplete Contracts
Spencer, B.J. (2005)
Endowment versus Finance: A Wooden Barrel Theory of International Trade
Ju, J. & S-J. Wei (2005)
Making Sense of Bolkestein-Bashing: Trade Liberalization under Segmented Labor Markets | Published
Saint-Paul, G. (2005/07)
The Anatomy of Start-Stop Growth
Jones, B.F. & B.A. Olken (2005)
Abstract: This paper investigates the remarkable extremes of growth experiences within countries and examines the changes that occur when growth starts and stops. We find three main results. First, all but the very richest countries experience both growth miracles and failures over substantial periods. Second, growth accounting reveals that physical capital accumulation plays a negligible role in growth take-offs and a larger but still modest role in growth collapses. The implied role of productivity in these shifts is also directly reflected in employment reallocations and changes in trade. Third, growth accelerations and collapses are asymmetric phenomena. Collapses typically feature reduced manufacturing and investment amidst increasing price instability, whereas growth takeoffs are primarily associated with large and steady expansions in international trade. This asymmetry suggests that the roads into and out of rapid growth expansions may not be the same. The results stand in contrast to much growth theory and conventional wisdom: despite much talk of poverty traps, even very poor countries regularly grow rapidly, and the role of aggregate investment in growth accelerations is negligible.
Heckscher–Ohlin revisited: implications of differential population dynamics for trade within an overlapping generations framework
Sayan, S. (2005)
Specialization and non-renewable resources: Ricardo meets Ricardo
Chakravorty, U., D. Krulce & J. Roumasset (2005)
The big push, industrialization and international trade: The role of exports
Trindade, V. (2005)
Trade and Growth: Reconciling the Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Evidence
Lopez, R.A. (2005)
Parallel Trade, International Exhaustion and Intellectual Property Rights: A Welfare Analysis
Valletti, T. & S. Szymanski (2005)
Reciprocal Dumping with Bertrand Competition
Friberg, R. & M. Ganslandt (2005)
Trade, Multinational Sales, and FDI in a Three-factor Model
Egger, P. & M. Pfaffermayr (2005)
How trade saved humanity from biological exclusion: an economic theory of Neanderthal extinction
Horan, R.D., E. Bulte & J.F. Shogren (2005)
The trade distorting effect of state trading enterprises in importing countries
McCorriston, S. & D. MacLaren (2005)
Airplanes and Comparative Advantage
Harrigan, J. (2005)
Brain Gain: Claims about Its Size and Impact on Welfare and Growth are Greatly Exaggerated
Schiff, M. (2005)
How barriers to international trade affect TFP
Herrendorf, B. & A. Teixeira (2005)
Changes in Infrastructure and Tariff Barriers: Local Vs. Global Impacts
Behrens, K., A.R. Lamorgese, G.I.P. Ottaviano & T. Tabuchi (2005)
Y2K and Offshoring: The Role of External Economies and Firm Heterogeneity
Mitra, D. & P. Ranjan (2005)
Trade and Turnover: Theory and Evidence
Davidson, C. & S.J. Matusz (2005)
Multinationals, Endogenous Growth, and Technological Spillovers: Theory and Evidence
Baldwin, R., H. Braconier & R. Forslid (2005)
How Robust is Comparative Advantage?
Deardorff, A. (2005)
Endowment Versus Finance: A Wooden Barrel Theory of International Trade
J. Ju & S-J. Wei (2005)
Can Deunionization Lead to International Outsourcing?
Lommerud, K.E., F. Meland & O.R. Straume (2005)
Buyer Investment, Product Variety, and Intrafirm Trade
Feenstra, R.C. & Y. Chen (2005)
Foreign Subsidization and the Excess Capacity Hypothesis
Blonigen, B.A. & W.W. Wilson (2005)
Do Countries Free Ride on MFN?
Ludema, R.D. & A.M. Mayda (2005)
Modeling the Offshoring of White-Collar Services: From Comparative Advantage to the New Theories of Trade and FDI
Markusen, J. (2005)
Trade in Ideal Varieties: Theory and Evidence
Hummels, D. & V. Lugovskyy (2005)
Rethinking the Gains from Immigration: Theory and Evidence from the U.S.
Ottaviano, G.I.P. & G. Peri (2005)
Globalisation and union opposition to technological change
Lommerud, K.E., F. Meland & O.R. Straume (2005)
A Spatial Theory of Trade
Rossi-Hansberg, E. (2005)
Contractual Versus Generic Outsourcing: The Role of Proximity
Feenstra, R.C. & B.J. Spencer (2005)
Neckties in the Tropics: A Model of International Trade and Cultural Diversity
Rauch, J.E. & V. Trindade (2005)
Oligopoly and Outsourcing
Bandyopadhay, S. & H.J. Wall (2006)
Trade, FDI, and the Organization of Firms
Helpman, E. (2006)
Competing for a Duopoly: International Trade and Tax Competition
Ferrett, B. & I. Wooton (2006)
Economic Development Under Alternative Trade Regimes
Castro, R. (2006)
Global Production and Currency Devaluation
Zhao, L. & Y. Xing (2006)
Long-run Lunacy, Short-run Sanity: a Simple Model of Trade with Labor Market Turnover
Davidson, C. & S.J. Matusz (2006)
Strategic Exports and R&D with Internationally Mobile Skilled Labor and Exchange Rate Volatility
Lahiri, S. & F. Mesa (2006)
Multinational Firms and Strategic FDI Subsidies
Ishii, Y. (2006)
Equilibrium Allele Distribution in Trading Populations
Gilles, S-P. (2006)
What You Export Matters
Hausmann, R., J. Hwang & D. Rodrik (2006)
Trade Liberalization with Heterogenous Firms
Baldwin, R.E. & R. Forslid (2006)
Pattern of trade and indeterminacy
Naito, T. (2006)
Organizing Offshoring: Middle Managers and Communication Costs
Antras, P., L. Garicano & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2006)
Trade and the Great Divergence: The Family Connection | Published
Galor, O. & A. Mountford (2006)
Elasticity of risk aversion and international trade
Broll, U., J.E. Wahl & W-K. Wong (2006)
Multinational Corporations, Stackelberg Leadership, and Tariff-jumping
Dixon, S. (2006)
On the Equivalence of Ad Valorem Tariffs and Specific Tariffs under Duopoly
Shea, K.L. & E.Y.P. Shea (2006)
Modeling Cultural Barriers in International Trade
Konya, I. (2006)
Trade and Growth with Heterogenous Firms | Published
Baldwin, R.E. & F. Robert-Nicoud (2006/08)
Tariffs, licensing and market structure
Mukherjee, A. & E. Pennings (2006)
International Trade with Competitiveness Effects in R&D
Pires, A.J.G. (2006)
Trade Liberalization and Compensation
Davidson, C. & S.J. Matusz (2006)
Innovation, Diffusion, and Trade
Eaton, J. & S. Kortum (2006)
Modelling the Impact of Trade Liberalisation: A Critique of Computable General Equilibrium Models
Taylor, L. & R. von Arnim (2006)
Tariffs vs Quotas in a Model of Trade with Capital Accumulation
Calzolari, G. & L. Lambertini (2006)
International Trade and Growth Miracles: the Implications of Nonhomothetic Preferences
Mountford, A. (2006)
Factor Price Equalization in a World of Many Trading Countries
Kemp, M.C. (2006)
Parallel Imports and Price Controls
Grossman, G.M. & E. C.-L. Lai (2006)
On the Determinants of Exporters' Currency Pricing: History vs. Expectations
Fukuda, S-i. & M. Ono (2006)
Home and Regional Biases and Border Effects in Armington Type Models
Whalley, J. & X. Xin (2006)
Trade, skill acquisition and distribution
Das, S.P. (2006)
People Flows in Globalization
Freeman, R.B. (2006)
Substitution in Markusen's classic trade and factor movement complementarity models
Schiff, M. (2006)
Fixed Transport Costs and International Trade
Laussel, D. & R.G. Riezman (2006)
Eli Heckscher, International Trade, and Economic History
Findlay, R., R.G.H. Henriksson, H. Lindgren & M. Lundahl (2006)
Outsourcing, Contracts and Innovation Networks
Naghavi, A. & G.I.P. Ottaviano (2006)
Demographics in Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Models: Overlapping Generations Versus Infinitely Lived Consumers
Bajona, C. & T.J. Kehoe (2006)
Trade, Growth, and Convergence in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model | Published
Bajona, c. & T.J. Kehoe (2006/10)
Can South-South Trade Liberalisation Stimulate North-South Trade?
Fugazza, M. & F.L. Robert-Nicoud (2006)
Trade Integration, Firm Selection and the Costs of Non-Europe
Del Gatto, M., G. Mion & G.I.P. Ottaviano (2006)
The Openness Growth Monitoring Model
Estrada, M.A.R. & S.F. Yap (2006)
Technological Improvements and Comparative Advantage Reconsidered
Shachmurove, Y. & U. Spiegel (2006)
Clusters and comparative advantage: Implications for industrial policy
Rodríguez-Clare, A. (2006)
Simultaneous Reform of Tariffs and Quotas
Neary, J.P. (2007)
Teaching Locals New Tricks: Foreign Experts as a Channel of Knowledge Transfers
Markusen, J.R. & N. Trofimenko (2007)
Pricing-to-Market in a Ricardian Model of International Trade
Atkeson, A. & A. Burstein (2007)
Firm heterogeneity, exporting and foreign direct investment
Greenaway, D. & R. Kneller (2007)
Offshoring: General Equilibrium Effects on Wages, Production and Trade
Baldwin, R. & F. Robert-Nicoud (2007)
Institutions and moral hazard in open economies
Vogel, J. (2007)
Foreign Firms, Domestic Wages
Malchow-Moller, N., J.R. Markusen & B. Schjerning (2007)
Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity with Heterogeneous Plants
Restuccia, D. & R. Rogerson (2007)
Intellectual Property Rights, Imitation, and Foreign Direct Investment: Theory and Evidence
Branstetter, L., R. Fisman, C.F. Foley & K. Saggi (2007)
Unbalanced Trade
Dekle, R., J. Eaton & S. Kortum (2007)
International trade and consumption network externalities
Janeba, E. (2007)
International Technology Transfer: Who Gains and Who Loses?
Ruffin, R.J. & R.W. Jones (2007)
Volatility, Labor Market Flexibility, and the Pattern of Comparative Advantage
Cunat, A. & M.J. Melitz (2007)
Offshoring and Product Innovation
Naghavi, A. & G.I.P. Ottaviano (2007)
Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, and Trade Liberalization | Published
Davis, D.R. & J. Harrigan (2007)
Sub-national Differentiation and the Role of the Firm in Optimal International Pricing
Balistreri, E.J. & J.R. Markusen (2007)
Outsourcing and Volatility
Bergin, P.R., R.C. Feenstra & G.H. Hanson (2007)
Offshoring and Unemployment
Mitra, D. & P. Ranjan (2007)
Offshoring in a Ricardian World | Published
Rodriguez-Clare, A. (2007/10)
Zeros, Quality and Space: Trade Theory and Trade Evidence
Baldwin, R. & J. Harrigan (2007)
On the equivalence of quantitative trade restrictions and tariffs
Dellas, H., A. Fernandes & K. Neusser (2007)
Inefficient trade patterns: Excessive trade, cross-hauling and dumping
Eden, B. (2007)
Immigration and Native Welfare
Felbermayr, G.J. & W. Kohler (2007)
A Note on Production Efficiency in Oligopolistic Trade Models
Ghosh, A. (2007)
Why are Trade Agreements Regional? | Published
Zissimos, B. (2007/11)
International Outsourcing under Monopolistic Competition: Winners and Losers
Do, V.D. & V.L. Ngo (2007)
Innovation, firm dynamics, and international trade | Published
Atkeson, A. & A. Burstein (2007/10)
Trade and Development in a Labor Surplus Economy
Barbier, E.B. & M. Rauscher (2007)
Firms in International Trade
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen, S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2007)
Transportation Costs and International Trade in the Second Era of Globalization
Hummels, D. (2007)
A Profile of the World's Young Developing Country Migrants
McKenzie, D. (2007)
Labor Market Rigidities, Trade and Unemployment | Published
Helpman, E. & O. Itskhoki (2007/10)
Export restraints in a model of trade with capital accumulation
Calzolari, G. & L. Lambertini (2007)
North-South Trade and Directed Technical Change
Bonfiglioli, A. & G. Gancia (2007)
Technology adoption and the selection effect of trade
Navas-Ruiz, A. & D. Sala (2007)
Is International Trade a Substitute for Migration?
Carbaugh, R.J. (2007)
International Outsourcing and the Supply Side Productivity Determinants
Grover, A. (2007)
Trade Shocks and Labor Adjustment: Theory
Cameron, S., S. Chaudhuri & J. McLaren (2007)
Some Simple Analytics of Trade and Labor Mobility
Chaudhuri, S. & J. McLaren (2007)
Trade Gains and Public Goods
Shimomura, K. (2007)
Trade Liberalization, Competition and Growth
Licandro, O. & Antonio Navas-Ruiz (2007)
On Chamberlinian-Ricardian Trade Patterns
Kikuchi, T., K. Shimomura & Z. Dao-Zhi (2007)
Abstract: This study provides a simple, many-industry model of trade which emphasizes the interaction between cross-country technical heterogeneity (i.e., a Ricardian aspect) and monopolistic competition among producers of differentiated products (i.e., a Chamberlinian aspect) as determinants of trade patterns. It is shown that the emergence of intra-industry trade is crucially dependent on the shape of the technology index schedule, which is obtained as a step-function.
Trade and the distribution of human capital
Bougheas, S. & R. Riezman (2007)
Immiserizing deindustrialization: A dynamic trade model with credit constraints
Chesnokova, T. (2007)
A knowledge-and-physical-capital model of international trade flows, foreign direct investment, and multinational enterprises
Bergstrand, J.H. & P. Egger (2007)
Quality, Trade and the Moving Window: The Globalisation Process
Sutton, J. (2007)
Endogenous Entry, Product Variety, and Business Cycles | Published
Bilbiie, F., F. Ghironi & M.J. Melitz (2007/12)
Trade and Wages: a Deeper Investigation
Jones, R.W. & R.J. Ruffin (2008)
Path Interdependence in a Dynamic Two Country Heckscher-Ohlin Model
Gaitan, B. & T.L. Roe (2007)
What Goods Do Countries Trade? New Ricardian Predictions
Costinot, A. & I. Komunjer (2007)
International Trade in Durable Goods: Understanding Volatility, Cyclicality, and Elasticities | Published
Engel, C. & J. Wang (2008/11)
Inventories, Lumpy Trade, and Large Devaluations | Published
Alessandria, G., J. Kaboski & V. Midrigan (2008)
Endogenous firm heterogeneity and the dynamics of trade liberalization
Ederington, J. & P. McCalman (2008)
Export variety and country productivity: Estimating the monopolistic competition model with endogenous productivity
Feenstra, R. & H.L. Kee (2008)
The Greater the Differences, the Greater the Gains?
Ethier, W.J. (2008)
Endogenous Variety and the Gains from Trade
Arkolakis, C., S. Demidova, P.J. Klenow & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2008)
Delay and dynamics in labor market adjustment: Simulation results
Artuç, E., S. Chaudhuri & J. McLaren (2008)
Globalization and specialization
Eckel, C. (2008)
Outsourcing and Optimal Nonlinear Taxation: A Note
Aronsson, T. & E. Koskela (2008)
Does Trade Foster Contract Enforcement?
Anderson, J.E. (2008)
The technology transfer paradox
Jones, R.W. & R.J. Ruffin (2008)
Wages, Unemployment and Inequality with Heterogeneous Firms and Workers
Helpman, E., O. Itskhoki & S. Redding (2008)
Contracts, Hold-Up, and Exports: Textiles and Opium in Colonial India
Kranton, R. & A.V. Swamy (2008)
Trade adjustment and the composition of trade
Erceg, C.J., L. Guerrieri & C. Gust (2008)
Fairness, Trade, and Inequality
Egger, H. & U. Kreickemeier (2008)
The emergence of property rights enforcement in early trade: A behavioral model without reputational effects
Hodgson, G.M. & T. Knudsen (2008)
Wage inequality in a dual economy and international mobility of factors: Do factor intensities always matter?
Chaudhuri, S. (2008)
Fixed export cost heterogeneity, trade and welfare
Jørgensen, J.G. & P.J.H. Schröder (2008)
External Economies and International Trade Redux
Grossman, G.M. & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2008)
Globalization of production and the technology transfer paradox
Lai, E. (2008)
Inequality and Unemployment in a Global Economy | Published
Helpman, E., O. Itskhoki & S. Redding (2008/10)
Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms, and International Trade
Manova, K. (2008)
The dynamics of trade and competition
Chen, N., J. Imbs & A. Scott (2008)
Global Production and Trade in the Knowledge Economy
Keller, W. & S.R. Yeaple (2008)
Gravity, Productivity and the Pattern of Production and Trade
Anderson, J.E. (2008)
An Elementary Theory of Comparative Advantage | Published
Costinot, A. (2009)
Comparative advantage, whether driven by technology or factor endowment, is at the core of neoclassical trade theory. Using tools from the mathematics of complementarity, this paper offers a simple yet unifying perspective on the fundamental forces that shape comparative advantage. The main results characterize sufficient conditions on factor productivity and factor supply to predict patterns of international specialization in a multifactor generalization of the Ricardian model which we refer to as an "elementary neoclassical economy." These conditions, which hold for an arbitrarily large number of countries, goods, and factors, generalize and extend many results from the previous trade literature. They also offer new insights about the joint effects of technology and factor endowments on international specialization.
Firm Heterogeneity and the Labor Market Effects of Trade Liberalization
Egger, H. & U. Kreickemeier (2009)
Bi-sourcing in the global economy
Du, J., Y. Lu & Z. Tao (2009)
On the origins of comparative advantage
Costinot, A. (2009)
Trust and Trade
Nupia, O. (2009)
Sustained Comparative Advantage and Semi-Endogenous Growth
Petsas, I. (2009)
Income Effects, Wealth Effects, and Multiple Equilibria in Trade Models with Durable Goods
Bond, E.W. & R.A. Driskill (2009)
Firms' Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints
Hallak, J.C. & J. Sivadasan (2009)
Comparative Advantage, Complexity and Volatility
Krishna, P. & A.A. Levchenko (2009)
Trade, Offshoring, and the Invisible Handshake | Published
Karabay, B. & J. McLaren (2009/10)
Skill Dispersion and Trade Flows | Published
Bombardini, M., G. Gallipoli & G. Pupato (2009/12)
The Increasing Returns Revolution in Trade and Geography
Krugman, P.R. (2009)
International Trade and Industrial Dynamics
Ederington, J. & P. McCalman (2009)
Offshoring and Unemployment: The Role of Search Frictions and Labor Minority
Mitra, D. & P. Rajan (2009)
International Trade and Growth: The Impact of Selection and Imitation
Stolting, S.Trade, wages, and productivity | Published
Behrens, K., G. Mion, Y. Murata & J. Südekum (2009/14)
Globalization and Individual Gains from Trade | Published
Behrens, K. & Y. Murata (2009/12)
Migration and trade: Theory with an application to the Eastern–Western European integration
Iranzo, S. & G. Peri (2009)
Rybczynski's Theorem in the Heckscher–Ohlin World — Anything Goes
Opp, M.M., H.F. Sonnenschein & C.G. Tombazos (2009)
Trade Agreements, Bargaining and Economic Growth | Published
Maoz, Y., D. Peled & A.
Sarid (2009/11)
Income Distribution, Product Quality, and International Trade | Published
Fajgelbaum, P.D., G.M. Grossman & E. Helpman (2009/11)
On the Dynamics of the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
Caliendo, L. (2009)
Unions, competition and international trade in general equilibrium
Bastos, P. & U. Kreickemeier (2009)
Multiple cones, factor price differences and the factor content of trade
Bernhofen, D.M. (2009)
Trade, Firm Structure, and Migration of Talent
Khraiche, M. (2009)
Financial Choice in a Non-Ricardian Model of Trade
Russ, K.N. & D. Valderrama (2009)
Foreign direct investment, international trade, and firm heterogeneity
Nishiyama, H. & M. Yamaguchi (2009)
Two and a Half Theories of Trade
Neary, J.P. (2009)
Multi-Product Firms and Flexible Manufacturing in the Global Economy
Eckel, C. & J.P. Neary (2009)
Trade, Multinational Production, and the Gains from Trade | Published
Ramondo, N. & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2009/12)
Trade Structure and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Two-Country Model | Published
Hu, Y. & K. Mino (2009/12)
New Trade Models, Same Old Gains? | Published
Arkolakis, C., A. Costinot & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2010/12)
Import substitution and economic growth
Rodrigues, M. (2010)
Intermediated Trade
Antràs, P. & A. Costinot (2010)
Which Parts of Globalization Matter for Catch-up Growth?
Romer, P.M. (2010)
Can Multistage Production Explain the Home Bias in Trade?
Yi, K-M. (2010)
Offshoring in the Global Economy: Microeconomic Structure and Macroeconomic Implications
Feenstra, R.C. (2010)
Abstract: An elegant synthesis of key research on the globalization of production and its relation to wage movements.
Trade Liberalization, Competition and Growth
Licandro, O. & A.N. Ruiz (2010)
Technology Choice and International Trade
Schmidt, G. (2010)
Hierarchical Trade
Gersbach, H. & H. Haller (2010)
North–South trade with increasing product variety
Gustafsson, P. & P. Segerstrom (2010)
Trade-in-goods and trade-in-tasks: An Integrating Framework | Published
Baldwin, R, & F. Robert-Nicoud (2010/14)
A Balls-and-Bins Model of Trade | Published
Armenter, R. & M. Koren (2010/14)
Putting Per-Capita Income Back into Trade Theory | Published
Markusen, J.R. (2010/13)
An Alternative Theory of the Plant Size Distribution with an Application to Trade
Holmes, T.J. & J.J. Stevens (2010)
Expansion of Trade at the Extensive Margin: A General Gains-from-Trade Result and Illustrative Examples
Markusen, J.R. (2010)
The Risk Content of Exports: A Portfolio View of International Trade
di Giovanni, J. & A.A. Levchenko (2010)
Firm heterogeneity, trade, and wage inequality
Unel, B. (2010)
Multinationals, Technological Incompatibilities, and Spillovers
Carluccio, J. & T. Fally (2010)
Sequential Exporting | Published
Albornoz, A., H. Calvo-Pardo, G. Corcos & E. Ornelas (2010/12)
Technology Diffusion through Trade with Heterogeneous Firms
Unel, B. (2010)
Factor Substitution and Relative Factor Prices
Ban, H. (2010)
Trade Liberalization, Firm Selection, and Variety Growth
Agur, I. (2010)
Competing to Outsource in the South
Zhao, L. & M. Okamura (2010)
FDI, Technology Spillovers, and Wages
Urban, D.M. (2010)
International Arbitrage and the Extensive Margin of Trade between Rich and Poor Countries | Published
Foellmi, R., C. Hepenstrick & J. Zweimüller (2010/18)
Income Differences and Prices of Tradables
Simonovska, I. (2010)
Exchange Rate Fluctuations, Plant Turnover and Productivity
Tomlin, B. (2010)
Trade-induced Learning and Industrial Catch-up
Mendoza, R.U. (2010)
Trade, Migration, and Inequality in a World without Factor Price Equalization
Oslington, P. & I. Towers (2010)
Should Small Countries Fear Deindustrialization?
Goh, A-T. & T.K. Michalski (2010)
Why the Lens Condition Cannot Imply Factor Price Equalization
Qi, L. (2010)
Theories of Heterogeneous Firms and Trade
Redding, S.R. (2010)
Firm Entry, Trade, and Welfare in Zipf's World | Published
di Giovanni, J. & A.A. Levchenko (2010/13)
Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover, and Wage Distributions in an Open Economy | Published
Cosar, A.K., K. Guner & J. Tybout (2010/16)
Recent Findings on Trade and Inequality
Harrison, A., J. McLaren & M.S. McMillan (2010)
On the Distributive Effects of Terms of Trade Shocks: The Role of Non-tradable Goods
Galiani, S., D. Heymann & N.E. Magud (2010)
International Migration and Human Rights
Hanson, G.H. (2010)
Appropriation, Property Rights Institutions, and International Trade
Stefanadis, C. (2010)
Ricardian–Heckscher–Ohlin comparative advantage: Theory and evidence
Morrow, P.M. (2010)
Unpacking sources of comparative advantage: A quantitative approach
Chor, D. (2010)
Exchange Rate Policy and Liability Dollarization: What do the Data Reveal about Causality?
Berkmen, S.P. & E. Cavallo (2010)
Trade liberalization, heterogeneous firms and the soft budget constraint
Alexeev, M. & Y.J. Jang (2010)
Theories of Heterogeneous Firms and Trade
Redding, S.J. (2010)
The Gravity Model
Anderson, J.E. (2010)
Teams of Rivals: Endogenous Markups in a Ricardian World
de Blas, B. & K. Russ (2010)
Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations
Epifani, P. & G. Gancia (2011)
Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Dynamics | Published
Dix-Carneiro, R. (2010/14)
International Trade, Offshoring and Heterogeneous Firms | Published
Baldwin, R. & T. Okubo (2011/14)
Trade and Labor Market Outcomes
Helpman, E., O. Itskhoki & S. Redding (2011)
Trade and the Global Recession | Published
Eaton, J., S. Kortum, B. Neiman & J. Romalis (2011/16)
The Network Structure of International Trade | Published
Chaney, T. (2011/14)
Market Penetration Costs and the New Consumers Margin in International Trade
Arkolakis, C. (2011)
Trade and the Skill Premium Puzzle with Capital Market Imperfections
Bonfatti, R. & M. Ghatak (2011)
Outsourcing with Heterogeneous Firms
Bakhtiari, S. (2011)
Factor Prices and International Trade: A Unifying Perspective
Burstein, A. & J. Vogel (2011)
An Elementary Theory of Global Supply Chains
Costinot, A., J. Vogel & S. Wang (2011)
Exports and Credit Constraints Under Incomplete Information: Theory and Evidence from China | Published
Feenstra, R.C., Z. Li & M. Yu (2011/14)
Tariff, Growth, and Welfare
Lee, S-F. (2011)
Division of Labor and Endogenous Comparative Advantage: A Smith–Ricardian Model of International Trade
Yu, Z. (2011)
International R&D Networks
Zu, L., B. Dong, X. Zhao & J. Zhang (2011)
Consumer Heterogeneity, Free Trade, and the Welfare Impact of Income Redistribution
Ju, J. (2011)
Trade, technology adoption and wage inequalities: theory and evidence
Bas, M. (2011)
Intraindustry trade and the skill premium: Theory and evidence
Dinopoulos, E., C. Syropoulos, B. Xu & Y.V. Yotov (2011)
Sectoral structure, heterogeneous plants, and international trade
Braymen, C.B. (2011)
Innovation and Production Offshoring: Implications on Welfare
Photchanaprasert, N. (2011)
In Which Exchange Rate Models Do Forecasters Trust?
Hauner, D., J. Lee & H. Takizawa (2011)
Intellectual Property Rights, Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Development
Branstetter, L. & K. Saggi (2011)
Trade and Sectoral Productivity
Fadinger, H. & P. Fleiss (2011)
Quality heterogeneity and global economic growth
Dinopoulos, E. & B. Unel (2011)
Productivity differences in an interdependent world
Fadinger, H. (2011)
One Money, One Market: A Revised Benchmark
Eicher, T.S. & C. Henn (2011)
Monopolistic Competition and North–South Trade
Oladi, R. & J. Gilbert (2011)
Nonhomotheticity and Bilateral Trade: Evidence and a Quantitative Explanation
Fieler, A.C. (2011)
Multilateral trade liberalisation, foreign direct investment and the volume of world trade
Collie, D.R. (2011)
Recent Perspectives on Trade and Inequality
Harrison, A., J. McLaren & M. McMillan (2011)
Innovation, Trade, and Finance | Published
Egger, P. & C. Keuschnigg (2011/15)
The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity
Caliendo, L. & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2011)
Country Size, International Trade, and Aggregate Fluctuations in Granular Economies | Published
di Giovanni, J. & A.A. Levchenko (2011/13)
A state-dependent model of intermediate goods pricing
Neiman, B. (2011)
Engendering Trade
Do, Q-T., A.A. Levchenko & C. Raddatz (2011)
Grossman-Hart (1986) Goes Global: Incomplete Contracts, Property Rights, and the International Organization of Production
Antras, P. (2011)
Importing Skill-Biased Technology | Published
Burstein, A., J. Cravino & J. Vogel (2011/13)
Global Sourcing of a Complex Good
Van Biesebroeck, J. & L. Zhang (2011)
The Simple Analytics of the Melitz Model in a Small Open Economy | Published
Demidova, S. & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2011/13)
Task Trade between Similar Countries | Published
Grossman, G.M. & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2011/12)
Trade and regional inequality
Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2011)
Calibrating spatial models of trade
Paris, Q., S. Drogué & G. Anania (2011)
A Theory of Domestic and International Trade Finance
Ahn, J. (2011)
Skill Biased Heterogeneous Firms, Trade Liberalization, and the Skill Premium
Harrigan, J. & A. Reshef (2011)
Product durability and trade volatility
Petropoulou, D. & K.T. Soo (2011)
North–South trade with multinational firms and increasing product variety
Gustafsson, P. & P.S. Segerstrom (2011)
The specific factors continuum model, with implications for globalization and income risk
Anderson, J.E. (2011)
How product innovation in the North may immiserize the South: A new look at the Ricardian model with a continuum of goods
Demmou, L. (2012)
Intermediaries in International Trade: Direct versus indirect modes of export | Published
Bernard, A.B., M. Grazzi & C. Tomasi (2012/14)
Marshall's Scissors: The Gains and Losses from Trade
Ruffin, R.J. & C. Dogan (2012)
International Capital Mobility and Free Trade Once Again
Batra, R. & H. Beladi (2012)
Welfare Effect of Mergers and Multilateral Trade Liberalization
Chaudhuri, A.R. & H. Benchekroun (2012)
Parallel Trade and its Ambiguous Effects on Global Welfare
Mueller-Langer, F. (2012)
A stochastic dynamic model of trade and growth: Convergence and diversification
Chatterjee, P. & M. Shukayev (2012)
A Dynamic Model of Trade with Heterogeneous Firms
Bache, P.A. (2012)
International trade with endogenous mode of competition in general equilibrium
Neary, J.P. & J. Tharakan (2012)
The rise of vertical specialization trade
Bridgman, B. (2012)
Dynamic Selection and the New Gains from Trade with Heterogeneous Firms
Sampson, T. (2012)
International trade, exhaustible-resource abundance and economic growth
Gaitan, B. & T.L. Roe (2011)
On the connection between intra-temporal and intertemporal trade | Published
Ju, J., K. Shi & S-J. Wei (2012/14)
International Trade: Linking Micro and Macro
Eaton, J., S.S. Kortum & S. Sotelo (2012)
Abstract: A recent literature has introduced heterogeneous firms into models of international trade. This literature has adopted the convention of treating individual firms as points on a continuum. While the continuum offers many advantages this convenience comes at some cost: (1) Shocks to individual firms can never have an aggregate effect. (2) It is hard to reconcile the small (sometimes zero) number of firms engaged in selling from one country to another with a continuum. (3) For such models to deliver finite solutions for aggregates, such as the price index, requires restrictions on parameter values that may not hold in the data. We show how a standard heterogeneous-firm trade model can be amended to allow for only an integer number of firms. The model overcomes the deficiencies of the continuum model enumerated above. Taking the model to aggregate data on bilateral trade in manufactures among 92 countries and to firm-level export data for a much narrower sample shows that it accounts for both the large share of a small number of firms in sales around the world and for zeros in bilateral trade data while maintaining the good fit of the standard gravity equation among country pairs with thick trade volumes. Randomness at the firm level adds substantially to aggregate variability.
Capital, finance, and trade collapse
Jiao, Y. & Y. Wen (2012)
The Theory of the Firm goes Global
Marin, D. (2012)
Economies of Scope and Patterns of Global Outsourcing
Yu, Z. (2013)
Global Supply Chains and Wage Inequality
Costinot, A., J. Vogel & S. Wang (2012)
Technological Change, Trade in Intermediates and the Joint Impact on Productivity
Bøler, E.A., A. Moxnes & K-H. Ulltveit-Moe (2012)
Goods Trade, Factor Mobility and Welfare | Published
Redding, S.J. (2012/16)
Productivity, Quality and Export Behaviour
Crinò, R. & P. Epifani (2012)
Competition, Markups, and the Gains from International Trade | Published
Edmond, C., V. Midrigan & D.Y. Xu (2012/15)
Optimal migration: A world perspective
Benhabib, J. & B. Jovanovic (2012)
Skill Premium and Trade Puzzles: A Solution Linking Production and Preferences
Caron, J., T. Fally & J.R. Markusen (2012)
Trade in Intermediate Inputs and Business Cycle Comovement
Johnson, R.C. (2012)
Gains from Trade when Firms Matter
Melitz, M.J. & D. Trefler (2012)
Putting Ricardo to Work
Eaton, J. & S. Kortum (2012)
Organizing the Global Value Chain | Published
Antras, P. & D. Chor (2012/13)
Global supply chains: Why they emerged, why they matter, and where they are going
Baldwin, R. (2012)
Inequality and International Trade: The Role of Skill-Biased Technology and Search Frictions
Ritter, M. (2012)
The Trade Comovement Puzzle and the Margins of International Trade | Published
Liao, W. & A. Santacreu (2012/15)
Financing constraints, firm dynamics, and international trade
Verani, S. & T. Gross (2012)
A directed search model of intermediated trade
Fernández-Blanco, J. (2012)
A simple model of quality heterogeneity and international trade
Dinopoulos, E. & B. Unel (2012)
Trade Flows, Multilateral Resistance, and Firm Heterogeneity | Published
Behar, A. & B.D. Nelson (2012/14)
Lumpy countries, urbanization, and trade
Brakman, S. & C. van Marrewijk (2012)
Ricardian selection
Finicelli, A., P. Pagano & M. Sbracia (2012)
Varieties and the transfer problem
Corsetti, G., P. Martin & P. Pesenti (2012)
Optimal tariffs, retaliation, and the welfare loss from tariff wars in the Melitz model
Felbermayr, G., B. Jung & M. Larch (2012)
Variable demand elasticities and tariff liberalization
Spearot, A.C. (2012)
Multinational Firms and the Structure of International Trade
Antras, P. & S.R. Yeaple (2013)
Gravity, Scale and Exchange Rates
Anderson, J.E., M. Vesselovsky & Y.V. Yotov (2013)
Trade and industrial structure with large firms and heterogeneity
Bekkers, E. & J. Francois (2013)
International Migration, Imperfect Information, and Brain Drain
Dequiedt, V. & Y. Zenou (2013)
Windfalls, Structural Transformation and Specialization
Kuralbayeva, K. & R. Stefanski (2013)
Integrating Gravity: The Role of Scale Invariance in Gravity Models of Spatial Interactions and Trade
Arvis, J-F. (2013)
The Endogenous Skill Bias of Technical Change and Inequality in Developing Countries
Behar, A. (2013)
Trade Theory with Numbers: Quantifying the Consequences of Globalization
Costinot, A. & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2013)
Firm Heterogeneity and Aggregate Welfare | Published
Melitz, M.J. & S.J. Redding (2013)
Capital-Skill Complementarity and the Skill Premium in a Quantitative Model of Trade
Parro, F. (2013)
Input Sourcing and Multinational Production
Garetto, S. (2013)
Innovation and Production in the Global Economy
Arkolakis, C., N. Ramondo, A. Rodriguez-Clare & S. Yeaple (2013)
A Bargaining Theory of Trade Invoicing and Pricing
Goldberg, L.S. & C. Tille (2013)
When can we do better than autarky?
Tian, G. & Y. Zhang (2013)
Foreign Trade and Investment: Firm-Level Perspectives
Helpman, E. (2013)
Structural change in an open economy
Uy, T., K-M. Yi & J. Zhang (2013)
Liquidity Constrained Exporters | Published
Chaney, T. (2013/16)
Trade and the Topography of the Spatial Economy
Allen, T. & C. Arkolakis (2013)
The Gravity of Knowledge
Keller, W. & S.R. Yeaple (2013)
Trade Liberalization and Gender Inequality
Juhn, C., G. Ujhelyi & C. Villegas-Sanchez (2013)
International migration, human capital formation, and saving
Stark, O. & A. Dorn (2013)
The Gravity Equation in International Trade: An Explanation | Pubished
Chaney, T. (2013/17)
International Health Economics
Egan, M. & T.J. Philipson (2013)
International Organization of Production with Heterogeneous Firms
Kersting, E.K. (2013)
The Interaction Between Technology Adoption and Trade When Firms are Heterogeneous
Unel, B. (2013)
Two-Country Dynamic Model of Trade with Heterogeneous Firms and Comparative Advantage
Lechthaler, W. & M. Mileva (2013)
Multinational Production, Exports and Aggregate Productivity
Rodrigue, J. (2013)
Export dynamics in large devaluations
Alessandria, G., S. Pratap & V. Yue (2013)
Globalization and Multiproduct Firms | Published
Nocke, N. & S. Yeaple (2013/14)
Growth or Decline of Comparative Advantage
Deardorff, A.V. (2013)
Export or Merge? Proximity vs. Concentration in Product Space
Muendler, M-A. (2013)
Allocative Efficiency, Mark-ups, and the Welfare Gains from Trade | Published
Holmes, T.J., W-T. Hsu & S. Lee (2013/14)
Trade and productivity: The family connection redux | Published
Prettner, K. & H. Strulik (2013/18)
Can the ageing North benefit from expanding trade with the South?
Georges, P., K. Lisenkova & M. Mérette (2013)
Labor Market Frictions, Firm Growth, and International Trade | Published
Fajgelbaum, P.D. (2013/20)
Matching and Sorting in a Global Economy | Published
Grossman, G.M., E. Helpman & P. Kircher (2013/17)
Middlemen Margins and Globalization
Bardhan, P., D. Mookherjee & M. Tsumagari (2013)
Certification programs and north-south trade
Podhorsky, A. (2013)
Time Preference and Income Convergence in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model | Published
Kawagishi, T. & K. Mino (2013/16)
Time as a Trade Barrier
Hummels, D.L. & G. Schaur (2013)
A Simple Theory of Trade, Finance and Firm Dynamics
Felbermayr, G. & G. Spiegel (2013)
Nontraded Goods and Real Exchange Rates in a Multi-Good Ricardian Model
Ruffin, R.J. (2014)
Bailing Outsourcing
Ng, T. (2014)
Missing Gains from Trade?
Melitz, M.J. & S.J. Redding (2014)
Parallel trade, product quality, and welfare
Matteucci, G. & P. Reverberi (2014)
Restoring the Product Variety and Pro-competitive Gains from Trade with Heterogeneous Firms and Bounded Productivity | Published/A>
International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics with Labor Market Frictions
International trade, risk taking and welfare
Trade and Uncertainty
Trade, Skills, and Quality Upgrading: A Theory with Evidence from Colombia
A Global View of Cross-Border Migration
Firm Dynamics and Residual Inequality in Open Economies
Trade and the Environment: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity
Learning to Export and the Timing of Entry to Export Markets
Tradable Immigration Quotas
Immigration, Search, and Redistribution: A Quantitative Assessment of Native Welfare
Two-Sided Heterogeneity and Trade | Published
Trade Imbalances, Export Structure and Wage Inequality
Trade Liberalization and Culture
Multinational production and trade in an endogenous growth model with heterogeneous firms
Comparative Advantage, International Trade, and Fertility | Published
Intra-industry Trade Liberalization and the Environment
Horizontal Mergers, Entry and International Trade
An Australian Contribution to International Trade Theory: The Dependent Economy Model
Selection into Trade and Wage Inequality
Retailers as agents and the limits of parallel trade
Market size, structure, and access: Trade with capacity constraints
What is 'Firm Heterogeneity' in Trade Models? The Role of Quality, Scope, Markups, and Cost
Financial Frictions and New Exporter Dynamics
International Trade and Intertemporal Substitution
Dynamic Selection: An Idea Flows Theory of Entry, Trade and Growth
Exporting under trade policy uncertainty: Theory and evidence
Learning to export from neighbors
Interdependent product cycles for globally sourced intermediates
Trade and imperfect competition in general equilibrium
International Trade and Intertemporal Substitution
Growth, Trade, and Inequality | Published
A Survey of the Economics of Fair Trade
International outsourcing, wage gap, and welfare
Beyond Ricardo: Assignment Models in International Trade
Microeconomic Uncertainty, International Trade, and Aggregate Fluctuations | Published
International Trade, Multinational Activity, and Corporate Finance
Network Analysis of World Trade using the BACI-CEPII Dataset
Corporate hierarchies and international trade: Theory and evidence
Offshoring and jobs: The myriad channels of influence
Information Frictions in Trade
Universal Gravity | Published
Multimarket Linkages, Trade and the Productivity Puzzle
Factor proportions and the growth of world trade
Equilibrium Technology Diffusion, Trade, and Growth
Immigration and Globalization: A Review Essay
Modeling an immigration shock
Why are losses from trade unlikely?
A Dynamic North-South Model of Demand-Induced Product Cycles
Trade and Labor Market Dynamics: General Equilibrium Analysis of the China Trade Shock | Published
Heterogeneous Firms, Quality, and Trade
Improving "national brands": Reputation for quality and export promotion strategies
Culture and Global Sourcing
Human Capital Formation and International Trade
Trade Intermediation, Financial Frictions, and the Gains from Trade
New Trade Models, New Welfare Implications
Reallocation effects in the specific factors and Heckscher-Ohlin models under firm heterogeneity
Offshoring and Directed Technical Change
A positive analysis of Fairtrade certification
The Elusive Pro-Competitive Effects of Trade | Published
Growth and Trade with Frictions: A Structural Estimation Framework
Effects on the Cross-Country Difference in the Minimum Wage on International Trade, Growth and Unemployment
Dynamic selection: an idea flows theory of entry, trade and growth
Nonparametric Counterfactual Predictions in Neoclassical Models of International Trade |
Exporter Heterogeneity and Price Discrimination: A Quantitative View | Published
Allocational efficiency with heterogeneous firms: Disentangling love of variety and market power
Diversification through Trade | Published
Trade Liberalization and Heterogeneous Technology Investments
Human capital and the dynamic effects of trade
Intra-Industry Trade with Bertrand and Cournot Oligopoly: The Role of Endogenous Horizontal Product Differentiation
A Coasian Model of International Production Chains
Trade dynamics with sector-specific human capital
The Roles of Innovators and Labor in a Schumpeterian Factor Endowments Based Model of Intra-industry Trade
Entrepreneurs, jobs, and trade
Exchange rate volatility and fluctuations in the extensive margin of trade
Contracting and the Division of the Gains from Trade
Imported Inputs and Productivity
Spillovers from Foreign Exporters
Uncertain lifetimes and convergence in a two-country Heckscher-Ohlin model
Firm heterogeneity, trade, multinationals, and growth: A quantitative evaluation
Love for quality, comparative advantage, and trade
International Trade with Indirect Additivity | Published
Renewable Resources, Pollution and Trade
Capital heterogeneity as a source of comparative advantage: Putty-clay technology in a ricardian model
The Economics of Temporary Migrations | Published
Skills, Tasks and the Scarcity of Talent in a Global Economy
On Measuring the Welfare Gains from Trade under Consumer Heterogeneity
A new trade network theory: What economists can learn from engineers
Capabilities, Wealth, and Trade
Trade and growth with heterogeneous firms revisited
Global Production with Export Platforms | Published
On sweatshop jobs and decent work
Financial constraints and international trade with endogenous mode of competition
Volatility and the Gains from Trade
Modelling Trading Networks and the Role of Trust
The welfare impact of global migration in OECD countries
Gravity with unemployment
Inter-industry trade and business cycle dynamics
Product Mix and Firm Productivity Responses to Trade Competition
Grounded by Gravity: A Well-Behaved Trade Model with Industry-Level Economies of Scale
International Trade in General Oligopolistic Equilibrium
The Geometry of the Distance Coefficient in Gravity Equations in International Trade
The Opportunity Costs of Entrepreneurs in International Trade | Published
Competing Gains From Trade
Heterogeneous Firms and International Trade: The Role of Productivity and Financial Fragility
Financial System Architecture and the Patterns of International Trade
Gains from variety? Product differentiation and the possibility of losses from trade under Cournot oligopoly with free entry
Population aging and comparative advantage
Exchange rate regimes and wage comovements in a Ricardian model with money
Trade and the Environment: New Methods, Measurements, and Results
Trade, Domestic Frictions, and Scale Effects
An Asymmetric Melitz Model of Trade and Growth | Published
Quantitative Trade Models: Developments and Challenges
Limited Consumer Attention in International Trade
Global Firms | Published
Migration and FDI: Reconciling the standard trade theory with empirical evidence
Global Talent Flows
Does International Trade Produce Convergence?
Variety and Quality in Trade Dynamics
International Menu Costs and Price Dynamics
Globalization and Wage Inequality
Goods-Market Frictions and International Trade | Published
How Exporters Grow
The Role of Trade Costs in the Surge of Trade Imbalances
A Theory of Comparative Advantage with Specialized Subnational Regions
Free Trade versus Autarky under Asymmetric Cournot Oligopoly
Intersectoral distortions and the welfare gains from trade
Imported inputs, irreversibility, and international trade dynamics
Capital Accumulation and Dynamic Gains from Trade | Published
Product cycles and growth cycles
Capital Goods Trade, Relative Prices, and Economic Development | Published
Indivisibilities in the Ricardian model of trade
Transit migration
The Lerner Symmetry Theorem: Generalizations and Qualifications
The Legal Grounds of Irregular Migration: A Global Game Approach
International trade and firms' attitude towards risk
International Trade, Technology, and the Skill Premium
The Macroeconomic Effects of Trade Tariffs: Revisiting the Lerner Symmetry Result | Published
Geography, Search Frictions and Endogenous Trade Costs
Wheat or Strawberries? Intermediated Trade with Limited Contracting
Trade and growth in a model of allocative inefficiency
Exporting and Organizational Change
Foreign direct investment as a signal
Oligopoly in International Trade: Rise, Fall and Resurgence
Financial Frictions, Trade, and Misallocation
New Exporter Dynamics
Slicing the Pie: Quantifying the Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Trade
The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from US Firms
Trade and Investment in the Global Economy
Too Much of a Good Thing? Exporters, Multiproduct Firms and Labor Market Imperfections
Multiproduct oligopoly and trade between asymmetric countries
The Impact of Trade on Inequality in Developing Countries
Product heterogeneity, cross-country taste differences, and the growth of world trade
Productivity growth from an international trade perspective
All Shook Up: International Trade and Firm-level Volatility
Capital accumulation and international trade
The Life-Cycle Dynamics of Exporters and Multinational Firms | Published
Endogenous comparative advantage, gains from trade and symmetry-breaking
Aggregating from Micro to Macro Patterns of Trade
Endowments, Skill-Biased Technology, and Factor Prices: A Unified Approach to Trade
Abstract: We develop a multi-factor, multi-sector Eaton-Kortum model in order to examine the impact of trade costs, factor endowments, and technology (both Ricardian and factor-augmenting) on factor prices, trade in goods, and trade in the services of primary factors (value-added trade). This framework nests the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model and the Vanek factor content of trade prediction. We take the model to the data using skilled and unskilled data for 38 countries. We have two findings. First, the key determinants of international variation in the factor content of trade are endowments and international variation in factor inputs used per dollar of output. Input-usage variation in turn is driven by (1) factor-augmenting international technology differences and (2) international factor price differences. Second, our estimates of factor-augmenting international technology differences -- which imply cross-country variation in skill-biased technologies -- are empirically similar to those used to rationalize cross-country evidence on income differences and directed technical change.
The Global Trade Slowdown: A Dynamic Approach
The role of trade in structural transformation
Can the HOS model explain changes in labor shares? A tale of trade and wage rigidities
Dynamic Comparative Advantage, Directed Mobility Across Sectors, and Wages
Financial Development and International Trade | Published
Betting on Exports: Trade and Endogenous Heterogeneity
An economic model of search and matching in international trade
Product space and the development of nations: A model of product diversification
Service outsourcing: The home, the host and the provider
A North-South model of trade with search unemployment
Comparative advantage and strategic specialization
Exporters in cross-section: Direct versus intermediated trade
Labour Market Effects of International Trade when Mobility is Costly
Technology and the dynamics of comparative advantage
Market size and TFP in the Melitz model
Industry Dynamics of Offshoring: The Case of Hard Disk Drives
AI and International Trade
Trade, firm selection, and innovation: the competition channel
International trade, income distribution and welfare
Trade with Correlation | Published
Trade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence | Published
International trade and the division of labor
Financial Frictions and Trade Dynamics
Quality uncertainty and intermediation in international trade
Inattentive importers
Networks and Trade | Published
Alternative Sources of the Gains from International Trade: Variety, Creative Destruction, and Markups
Granular Comparative Advantage | Published
Redistributing the Gains From Trade Through Progressive Taxation
Productivity Gaps and Tax Policies Under Asymmetric Trade
Trade and Geography in the Spread of Islam
Trade Adjustment Dynamics and the Welfare Gains from Trade | Published
Commodity Trade Matters
Firm heterogeneity, comparative advantage and the transfer problem
North-South Trade and Uneven Development in a Classical Conventional Wage Share Growth Model
New Technologies, Global Value Chains, and Developing Economies
The Crucial Role of International Trade in Adaptation to Climate Change
Trade and Credit Reallocation: How Banks Help Shape Comparative Advantage | Published
Understanding the International Elasticity Puzzle | Published
Aggregation and the Gravity Equation
Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity under Firm Heterogeneity
Might Global Uncertainty Promote International Trade?
Destination country financial development and margins of international trade
Financial choice and international trade
On the Heterogeneous Welfare Gains and Losses from Trade | Published
A larger country sets a lower optimal tariff
Gains from Trade with Variable Trade Elasticities
Evolving comparative advantage, sectoral linkages, and structural change
GVC journeys: Industrialisation and deindustrialisation in the age of the second unbundling
Transparency and sustainability in global commodity supply chains
Trade-Induced Structural Change and the Skill Premium
GVCs and Trade Elasticities with Multistage Production | Published
Networks, Barriers, and Trade | Published
The Margins of Trade
Entry, Trade, and Exporting over the Cycle
Trade and Firm Financing | Published
Markup Premia of Exporters: Because of Exporting, or in Spite of It?
What's the Big Idea? Multi-Function Products, Firm Scope and Firm Boundaries
Financial frictions and trade intermediation: Theory and evidence
Foreign direct investment subsidy in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms
Market size and entry in international trade: Product versus firm fixed costs
Trade and Uncertainty
Innovation, Growth, and Dynamic Gains from Trade
Migration, Congestion, and Growth
Trade and Catching Up to the Industrial Leader
Conceptual Aspects of Global Value Chains | Published
Effects of trade liberalization on growth and welfare through basic and applied researches
Taking the skill bias out of global migration
Vertical specialization in North-South trade: Industrial relocation, wage and welfare
Redistribution, selection, and trade
Imported inputs and the gains from trade
Gains from Trade: Does Sectoral Heterogeneity Matter? | Published
Markups, Quality, and Trade Costs
International production fragmentation, trade in intermediate goods and environment
Merger Policy in a Quantitative Model of International Trade
Gains from trade and the sovereign bond market
Comparative Advantage and Moonlighting
Domestic Trade Frictions and Agriculture
Firms, Failures, and Fluctuations: The Macroeconomics of Supply Chain Disruptions
Comparative advantage and equilibrium unemployment
Trade Relationships, Bargaining and Export Dynamics
Quality, variable markups, and welfare: A quantitative general equilibrium analysis of export prices
Labor market structure and offshoring
Pecking order and core-periphery in international trade
Transitional Growth and Trade with Frictions: A Structural Estimation Framework
CATs and DOGs
International trade, product lines and welfare: The roles of firm and consumer heterogeneity
Can global uncertainty promote international trade?
Industrial specialization matters: A new angle on equity home Bias
Migration costs and observational returns to migration in the developing world
Winners and Losers of Immigration
New-Keynesian Trade: Understanding the Employment and Welfare Effects of Trade Shocks
Firm Dynamics and Trade
New-Keynesian Trade: Understanding the Employment and Welfare Effects of Trade Shocks
Truncated productivity distributions and the intensive trade margin
Covid-19 shocking global value chains
Trade policy under monopolistic competition with firm selection
Structural Change and Global Trade | Published
Trade Integration, Global Value Chains, and Capital Accumulation
Aggregate Implications of Firm Heterogeneity: A Nonparametric Analysis of Monopolistic Competition Trade Models
Trade and Frictional Unemployment in the Global Economy
Pound for Pound Export Diversification
International Trade and Earnings Inequality: A New Factor Content Approach
8. Trade Costs and Strategic Investment in Infrastructure in a Dynamic Global Economy with Symmetric Countries
Why some places are left behind: urban adjustment to trade and policy shocks
Trade models and macroeconomics
Trade diversion is reversed in the long run
Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations
What Explains Excess Trade Persistence? A Theory of Habits in the Supply Chains
Trade, Technological Change, and Wage Inequality: The Case of Mexico
Global Value Chains
Government Policies in a Granular Global Economy | Published
Offshoring, Reshoring, Unemployment, and Wage Dynamics in a Two-Country Evolutionary Model
Perspectives on Trade and Structural Transformation
The Leontief Paradox Redux
Unemployment effects of trade with a low?wage country: A minimum-wage model with sector-specific factors
Trade and the Composition of Growth
Risky Gravity
Decomposing the growth of the high-skilled wage premium in an advanced economy open to trade
Trade and Innovation
Headquarters gravity: How multinationals shape international trade
Size, Trade, Technology and the Division of Labor
Comparative Advantage in Innovation and Production
A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics
Geographic Mobility and Redistribution
International outsourcing, exchange rates, and monetary policy?
Global Value Chains and Unequal Exchange- Market Power and Monopoly Power
Do non-exporters lose from lower trade costs?
Outsourcing, Inequality and Aggregate Output
Environmental regulations and international trade: A quantitative economic analysis of world pollution emissions
An Empirical Dynamic Model of Trade with Consumer Accumulation
Risks and global supply chains: What we know and what we need to know
Immigration and Occupational Comparative Advantage | Published
Exchange Rates as Trade Frictions: Estimates and Implications for Policy
Financial Frictions and International Trade
Monopsonistic labor markets and international trade
A Primer on Trade and Inequality
From Just in Time, to Just in Case, to Just in Worst-Case: Simple models of a Global Supply Chain under Uncertain Aggregate Shocks.
Winners and losers in global supply chain trade: Embedding GSC in CGE
Vertical Specialization, International Task Fragmentation, and Convergence
Firm heterogeneity, variable markups, and multinational production: A review from trade policy perspective
Offshoring, Automation, Low-Skilled Immigration, and Labor Market Polarization
International Trade and Innovation
The impact of trade with pure exporters
Firm-to-Firm Trade: Imports, Exports, and the Labor Market
Two-Sided Search in International Markets
Growth and Distribution regimes under Global Value Chains: Diversification, Integration and Uneven Development
Strategic trading and Ricardian comparative advantage
Large multiproduct exporters across rich and poor countries: Theory and evidence
Technology, market structure and the gains from trade
From Just-in-Time, to Just-in-Case, to Just-in-Worst-Case: Simple Models of a Global Supply Chain under Uncertain Aggregate Shocks
Heterogeneous workers, trade, and migration
The Comparative Advantage of Firms
Exporting and Offshoring with Monopsonistic Competition
International Trade and the Environment: Three Remaining Empirical Challenges
Information Frictions and News Media in Global Value Chains
Cutting Out the Middleman: The Structure of Chains of Intermediation
The international organization of production in the regulatory void
Quality and gravity in international trade
Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade: Revisiting gains from trade
Finance, Trade, Man and Machines: A New-Ricardian Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model
Foundation of the Small Open Economy Model with Product Differentiation
Origins of International Factor Structures
Lessons from U.S.-China Trade Relations
Imperfect Competition in Firm-to-Firm Trade
Dynamics of mass migration
The Small Open Economy in a Generalized Gravity Model
Abstract: To provide sharp answers to basic questions in international trade, a standard approach is to focus on a small open economy (SOE). Whereas the classic tradition is to define a SOE as an economy that takes world prices as given, in the modern trade literature a SOE is defined instead as one that takes foreign-good prices and export demand schedules as given. In this paper we develop a generalized gravity model that nests all of its standard microfoundations (e.g., Armington and Melitz-Pareto) and show how to take the limit so that an economy that becomes infinitesimally small behaves like a SOE. We then show how the resulting model of a SOE can be used to understand comparative statics and the optimal tariff in a way that is robust across the different microfoundations consistent with the gravity model.
Multinationals and Structural Transformation
Trade with Nominal Rigidities: Understanding the Unemployment and Welfare Effects of the China Shock
Trade, Jobs, and Worker Welfare
Aggregation Across Each Nation: Aggregator Choice and Macroeconomic Dynamics
The magnification effect in global value chains
Heterogeneous effects of nontariff measures on cross-border investments: Bilateral firm-level analysis
Theory of supply chains: a working capital approach
Search Frictions in International Goods Markets
Two-Sided Market Power in Firm-to-Firm Trade
Optimal Payment Contracts in Trade Relationships
Credit Constraints, Endogenous Innovations, and Price Setting in International Trade
Recent developments on trade and inequality
Firm Export Dynamics in Interdependent Markets
Trade, Technology, and Agricultural Productivity
Love of variety and gains from trade
A heterogeneous-firm model of trade and growth with country-specific credit constraints
Resilience in Vertical Supply Chains
The macroeconomic effects of global supply chain reorientation
Heterogeneous Agent Trade
Trade with Search Frictions: Identifying New Gains from Trade
Heterogeneous Agent Trade
Why trade when you can transfer the technology: Revisiting Smith and Ricardo
Export market penetration dynamics
Standing in international investment and trade disputes
Two-sided heterogeneity: New implications for input trade
Cultural distance, firm boundaries, and global sourcing
Supply Chain Resilience: Should Policy Promote International Diversification or Reshoring?
The dynamics of importer-exporter connections
Back to the future: Gravity at sixty
The Leisure Gains from International Trade
Technology and the Global Economy
Market size, income heterogeneity, and trade
The network origins of the gains from trade
The Paradox of Transfers: Distribution and the Dutch Disease
Trade and Domestic Distortions: The Case of Informality
Melitz Meets Lewis: The Impacts of Roads on Structural Transformation and Businesses
Preference Structures, Wealth Distribution, and Patterns of Trade in a Global Economy
Dynamic Models, New Gains from Trade?
Trade, Growth, and Product Innovation
Optimal Trade and Industrial Policy under Oligopoly
Abstract: In this paper we provide an integrative treatment of the welfare effects of trade and industrial policy under oligopoly, and characterize qualitatively the form that optimal intervention takes under a variety of assumptions about the number of firms, the substitutability of their products, and the markets in which they are sold. We find that when no domestic consumption occurs, optimal policy under duopoly with a single home firm depends on the difference between the firms' actual responses to their rivals and their response to their rivals' conjecture. If conjectures are consistent, free trade is optimal. A tax or subsidy is indicated depending on the size of the difference between the conjectured and actual response. With more than one home firm but still no domestic consumption, an export tax is indicated if conjectures are consistent. Production subsidies and export tax-cum-subsidies can raise national welfare in the presence of domestic consumption, because these policies can mitigate the extent of the consumption distortion implicit in the derivation of price from marginal cost.
Trade Liberalization and Trade Adjustment Assistance
Abstract: We explore the relationship between trade adjustment subsidies and successful reciprocal trade liberalization. We consider economies that are faced with a periodic need to move resources out of a declining import-competing sector, and that are attempting to sustain cooperative but self-enforcing trade agreements in the face of these adjustment needs. If the limitations associated with enforcement of international trade agreements are sufficiently severe, trade adjustment assistance can facilitate reciprocal trade liberalization. We argue that this suggests a possible efficiency rationale for adjustment policies that treat resources differently when traded sectors are involved.
The New Liberalism: Trade Policy Developments in Emerging Markets
What Should Trade Negotiators Negotiate About?
Abstract: In recent years there have been growing demands to make trade liberalization contingent on adoption of common labor and environmental standards. The straightforward economic answer is that this makes little sense: neither the gains from trade nor the gains from appropriate regulation are compromised if other countries impose standards that are weaker than your own. It is possible to offer second-bet economic rationales for harmonization, but these are empirically unconvincing. The only serious argument in favor or regulation is political: that regulation which is in the national interest may not be politically feasible unless other countries do the same.
Free versus Fair Trade: The Dumping Issue
On the Effect of the Internet on International Trade
Vertical Price Control and Parallel Imports: Theory and Evidence
Catching Up with the Competition: Trade Opportunities and Challenges for Arab Countries
Abstract: At a time when countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are joining the World Trade Organization, the lack of an economically sound analysis of trade policies in the region is especially notable. This volume remedies the situation by bringing together a distinguished group of applied trade economists to provide a broad view of the state of trade in and among the region's nations. The contributors provide original empirical analyses on key reform issues, and their work reflects deep knowledge of government concerns and policies.
Trade Policy during the Transition. Lessons form the 1990s
Labor Demand and Trade Reform in Latin America
Trade Policy of Transition Economics
Free Trade in the Americas: Policy Recommendations and Issue Papers
On 'Indirect' Trade-Related Research and Development Spillovers
World Bank to "intensify" work on trade
Keiretsu and Relationship-Specific Investment: Implications for Market-Opening Trade Policy
Market Access for Developing Countries' Exports
Shaping Future GATS Rules for Trade in Services
The WTO Agreement and Telecommunications Policy Reform
Too many codes of practice? Towards cohesion and sustainability in ethical trade
Eliminating Excessive Tariffs on Exports of Least Developed Countries
Standards and Related Regulations in International Trade: A Modeling Approach
Services in the International Economy
Abstract: This book contains selected papers from the First World Services Congress, a forum designed to enhance awareness of the increasingly important role of services in the global economy and to reach out to governments, the business community, international organizations, academicians, and the media. The Congress served as a vehicle for the presentation and discussion of academic research on the entire spectrum of services issues, as well as business options and issues.
India's Reform of External Sector Policies and Future Multilateral Trade Negotiations
The Economic and Strategic Motives for Antidumping Filings
Trim sovereignty or let investment flow? GATT, multinationals and developing countries
Ethical trade futures: strategies for campaigners
WTO, Agriculture, and Developing Countries
Why Are Some People (and Countries) More Protectionist Than Others? | Published
Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Antidumping Policy: Theory and Evidence
Punishment and Dispute Settlement in Trade Agreements
Abstract: This paper interprets dispute settlement procedures and punishments as responses to the fact that trade agreements are incomplete contracts. If no weight is given to the adjudication phase and if the degree of trade relatedness is known with certainty, the negotiated trade agreement will feature commensurate punishments, will induce violation of the dispute settlement ruling, and will deliver optimal liberalization and optimal unilateral trade-related action. With the adjudication phase of concern, the trade agreement will feature less liberalization, but still with a presumption of at least approximate commensurate punishment. The optimal trade agreement will likely induce abiding by the ruling when negotiators attach more importance to the adjudication phase, and violating it when they attach less.
WTO vs ethical trade: mutually inclusive or miles apart?
Abstract: How does the World Trade Organisation view ethical trade? Do Eco-labelling and forest certification schemes break WTO rules? Do they create trade impediments? What external factors might alter the impact of ethical trade?
Measuring Services Trade Liberalization and its Impact on Economic Growth: An Illustration
Global Trade and Food Safety: Winners and Losers in a Fragmented System
EU trade policy and development objectives: out of synch?
Signing up to the WTO
Post-Seattle blues: whither the WTO?
Trade Liberalisation and Poverty: A Handbook
International Cartel Enforcement: Lessons from the 1990s
Abstract: The enforcement record of the 1990s shows that private international cartels are not defunct—nor do they always fall quickly under the weight of their own incentive problems. Of a sample of 40 such cartels prosecuted by the United States and the European Union in the 1990s, 24 lasted at least four years. And for the 20 cartels in this sample where sales data are available, the annual worldwide turnover in affected products exceeded $30 billion. National competition policies address harm in domestic markets, and in some cases prohibit cartels without taking strong enforcement measures. Evenett, Levenstein, and Suslow propose a series of reforms to national policies and steps to enhance international cooperation that will strengthen the deterrents against international cartelization. Furthermore, the authors argue that aggressive prosecution of cartels must be complemented by vigilance in other areas of competition policy. If not, firms will respond to the enhanced deterrents to cartelization by merging or by taking other measures that lessen competitive pressures.
International Protection of Intellectual Property | Published
Antidumping as Safeguard Policy
Did Import Substitution Promote Growth in the Late Nineteenth Century?
Quantity Controls, License Transferability, and the Level of Investment
One Reason Countries Pay their Debts: Renegotiation and International Trade
Estimating the Poverty Impacts of Trade Liberalization
Dirty Exports and Environmental Regulation: Do Standards Matter to Trade?
Liberalizing Trade in Agriculture: Developing Countries in Asia and the Post-Doha Agenda
Tariff-jumping FDI and Domestic Firms' Profits
Cap and Trade Policies in the Presence of Monopoly and Distortionary Taxation
Trade Policy Reform and Poverty Alleviation
Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services and Financial Sector Stability (Analytical Approach)
Trade Openness, Investment Instability and Terms-of-Trade Volatility
Do We Really Know that the WTO Increases Trade? | Published
Do WTO Members have More Liberal Trade Policy? | Published
The Perversity of Preferences: The Generalized System of Preferences and Developing Country Trade Policies, 1976-2000
The Response of the Informal Sector to Trade Liberalization
Border Delays and Trade Liberalization
Multinational Enterprises, International Trade, and Productivity Growth: Firm-Level Evidence from the United States
Was It Stolper-Samuelson, Infant Industry or Something Else? World Trade Tariffs 1789-1938
Selective Information Provision and Special Interest Influence: The Case of Trade Policy
Industrial Tariffs and the Doha Development Agenda
Antidumping and retaliation threats
Trade Policy and Industrial Sector Responses: Using Evolutionary Models to Interpret the Evidence
Breaking the WTO logjam: towards enforceable special and differential treatment
Crimes and Punishments? Retaliation under the WTO
Abstract: It is ironic that the WTO, whose goal is promoting freer trade, authorizes its members to retaliate against violations by raising tariffs. Indeed, at last count, the WTO authorized more protection on US exports to Europe than were removed on these exports as a result of the Uruguay Round. Critics also contend that such retaliation has failed to induce members to comply with its rules, that it undermines national sovereignty, and that it is inherently unfair. The author considers the rationale for retaliation and how it is implemented in practice. He then presents a novel proposal for contingent liberalization commitments, which would improve on the current system while preserving its essential character.
Why is there an Anti-trade Bias in Trade Policy?
Labor Standards and the Free Trade Area of the Americas
Economic Implications of China's Accession to the WTO
The Consequences of China's WTO Accession on its Neighbors
An Experimental Test of Strategic Trade Policy
Trade Liberalisation and Economic Performance: An Overview
Trade Liberalisation and Wages in Developing Countries
Subsidy Agreements | Published
Preempting Protectionism in Services: The GATS and Outsourcing
WTO Negotiations on Market Access in Agriculture: a Comparison of Alternative Tariff Cut Proposals for the EU and the US
Free Trade Agreements: US Strategies and Priorities
Abstract: The sheer number of free trade agreements (FTAs) being pursued by the United States is unprecedented and has provoked major policy questions concerning US interests in the negotiations, the setting of priorities among the prospective FTA partners, the objectives of those partners, and the implications for broader initiatives such as the Doha Round in the World Trade Organization and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. The book makes the conceptual case for FTAs and their implications for the global trading system, examines lessons from past US experience, and analyzes the costs and benefits of specific pacts already being pursued or considered. The book concludes with Schott's recommendations for refocusing US efforts on "big stakes" agreements.
Are Uniform Tariffs Optimal?
Institutions, trade policy and trade flows
Trade policy analysis in the presence of duty drawbacks
The Rise of U.S. Antidumping Actions in Historical Perspective | Alternative
Trade Policy and Global Poverty
Abstract: In the fight to reduce global poverty, policymakers often focus on government aid to poor countries. This study suggests that industrial-country trade policy is an even more powerful means for alleviating poverty. Cline calculates that global free trade would confer income gains of at least $90 billion annually in developing countries for traditional “static” effects and long-term gains, including dynamic effects, of about $200 billion annually. Eliminating industrial-country protection alone would provide long-term gains to developing countries of about $100 billion annually-about twice as much as annual aid. The overall income gains would reduce the number of people in poverty globally by about 500 million by 2015, or by about one-fourth.
Reviving the Doha Round
Tariff Wars and Trade Deals with Costly Government
On the Economic Success of GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement
The Gains from Trade and Policy Reform Revisited
Trade barriers and wage inequality in a North–South model with technology-driven intra-industry trade
Trade liberalization and intersectoral labor movements
Welfare vs. Market Access: The Implications of Tariff Structure for Tariff Reform | Published
Trade Integration and Political Turbulence: Environmental Policy Consequence
Loss Aversion and Trade Policy
The Challenge of Reducing Subsidies and Trade Barriers | Alternative
What Do We Know About Tariff Incidence?
Anti-trade Bias in Trade Policy and General Equilibrium
Is There Policy Induced Quality Reversal in Intra-Industry Trade Between Developed and Less-Developed Countries?
On the optimal external tariff of a free trade area with internal market integration
Innovative (Imitative) Effort and Tariffs in Developing Countries: Policy Implications of Different Market Conducts, Government Commitment Levels, and Information (A)symmetries
Predicting the Poverty Impacts of Trade Reform
Trade Liberalization in a Globalizing World
Fundamental dimensions of U.S. trade policy
How the Dragon Captured the World Export Markets: Outsourcing and Foreign Investment Lead the Way
China's New Regional Trade Agreements
Tariff Protection, Intellectual Property Rights and North-South Trade with Perfect Price Flexibility
Dismantling Discrimination Against Developing Countries: Access, Rules and Differential Treatment
Dumping in Developing and Transition Economies
Anti-Dumping, Intra-Industry Trade and Quality Reversals
Implicit Mercantilism, Oligopoly, and Trade
Assessing Protectionism and Subsidies in Agriculture: A Gravity Approach
The Foreign Service and Foreign Trade: Embassies as Export Promotion
Trade remedies and World Trade Organization dispute settlement: Why are so few challenged?
Trade Policy, Income Risk, and Welfare
When and how should infant industries be protected?
Strategic trade and delegated competition
Agricultural Liberalization and the Developing Countries: Debunking the Fallacies
Issue Linking in Trade Negotiations: Ricardo Revisited or No Pain No Gain
Stable Tariffs and Retaliations
Coordinating Tariff Reduction and Domestic Tax Reform under Imperfect Competition
Setting the trade policy agenda : What roles for Economists?
Trade preferences and differential treatment of developing countries : a selective survey
Conditional Policies in General Equilibrium
My Policies or Yours: Have OECD Agricultural Policies Affected Incomes in Developing Countries?
Trade Policy and Illegal Immigration
Tax Revenue and (or?) Trade Liberalization
Certification of Origin as a Non-Tariff Barrier
Trade Justice or Free Trade?
Trade policy, cross-border externalities and lobbies: do linked agreements enforce more cooperative outcomes?
Trade and employment: stylized facts and research findings
Agricultural Negotiations at the WTO: First, Do No Harm
Tariffs in a Ricardian Model with a Monopolistically Competitive Sector: the Role of Nontradables
Doha Merchandise Trade Reform: What's at Stake for Developing Countries?
Agricultural Liberalization in the Doha Round
Issues of Manufactures Liberalization and Administered Protection in the Doha Round
Services Negotiations in the Doha Round: Promise and Reality
An Assessment of the Economic Effects of the Menu of U.S. Trade Policies
Achieving Fairness in the Doha Development Round
From Seattle to Hong Kong: Are We Getting Anywhere?
Non-preferential trading clubs
A Dual Policy Paradox: Why Have Trade and Immigration Policies Always Differed in Labor-Scarce Economies
What's So Special about China's Exports?
Does Import Protection Discourage Exports?
Do standards matter for export success?
The Implications of Trade Barriers for Sectoral Diversification and Macroeconomic Stability in Developing Economies
Do safeguard tariffs and antidumping duties open or close technology gaps?
Does Bilateralism Promote Trade? Nineteenth Century Liberalization Revisited
The Intervention Principle
National Treatment in the GATT
Do global trade distortions still harm developing country farmers?
Protection and unemployment
What Do Trade Negotiators Negotiate About? Empirical Evidence from the World Trade Organization | Published
Labor versus capital in trade-policy: The role of ideology and inequality
The Theory of Trade Policy and Trade Agreements: A Critique | Published
"GATT-think" with Asymmetric Countries
Globalization and Endogenous Firm Scope
Tariffs and Firm-Level Heterogeneous Fixed Export Costs
Strategic Labeling and Trade of GMOs
Delivering on Doha: Farm Trade and the Poor
Productivity matters for trade policy: theory and evidence | Published
The World Trade Organization's Doha cotton initiative: A tale of two issues
The Relative Importance of Global Agricultural Subsidies and Market Access
Globalization’s bystanders: Does trade liberalization hurt countries that do not participate?
Estimating Trade Restrictiveness Indices
US-China Trade Disputes: Rising Tide, Rising Stakes
Antidumping: A problem in international trade
Antidumping policy in developing countries: Safety valve or obstacle to free trade?
Working the system: Firm learning and the antidumping process
Third party anti-dumping: A tentative rationale
Market size and antidumping in duopolistic competition
Implementing a WTO agreement on trade facilitation: What makes sense?
Steepest Ascent Tariff Reforms
Fiscal Implications of Multilateral Tariff Cuts
Administrative Delays as Barriers to Trade
The World Trade Organization and antidumping in developing countries | Published
From the Corn Laws to Free Trade: Interests, Ideas, and Institutions in Historical Perspective
Commercial Policy in a Predatory World
On the Output Effects of Barriers to Trade
Liberalizing trade in services: a survey
Trade in Services, Trade Agreements and Economic Development: A Survey of the Literature
Would Protectionism Defuse Global Imbalances and Spur Economic Activity? A Scenario Analysis | Published
Trademark Protection or Protectionism?
Economic Integration and Rules of Origin Under International Oligopoly
Dumping as a signal of innovation
Losers, Winners and Prisoner's Dilemma in International Subsidy Wars
Beyond Trade Costs: Firms' Endogenous Access to International Markets
Quality-enhancing trade liberalization
Trade deflection and trade depression
Trade Policy with Heterogeneous Traders: Do Quotas Get a Bum Rap? | Published
Cost Effectiveness of R&D and Strategic Trade Policy
On the static and dynamic costs of trade restrictions for small developing countries
Revisiting the infant industry argument
Trade policy in a Ricardian model with a continuum of goods under nonhomothetic preferences
Inequality and endogenous trade policy outcomes
VAT, Tariffs, and Withholding: Border Taxes and Informality in Developing Countries | Published
Optimal Tariffs under a Revenue Constraint
Optimal Immigration Policy: Permanent, Guest-Worker, or Mode IV?
Informality, corruption and trade reform
Trade protection to reduce redistribution
Human capital, trade liberalization, and income risk
Trade Restrictiveness and Deadweight Losses from U.S. Tariffs, 1859-1961 | Published
The Doha Talks and the Bargaining Surplus in Agriculture
Trade costs, barriers to entry, and export diversification in developing countries
The Gains from Trade Liberalization
Mixing goods with two-part tariffs
Import Protection Bias
Trade Policy under Firm-Level Heterogeneity in a Small Economy | Published
Border and Behind-the-Border Trade Barriers and Country Exports
Trade Liberalisation is Good for You if You are Rich
The Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Trade Balance in Developing Countries
Developing countries and enforcement of trade agreements: why dispute settlement is not enough
Illusory Revenues: Tariffs in Resource-Rich and Aid-Rich Economies | Published
Measuring Protection: Mission Impossible?
Non-tariff barriers in CGE models: How useful for policy?
Information and disclosure in strategic trade policy
Illusory Revenues: Tariffs in Resource-Rich and Aid-Rich Economies
Trade policy and productivity
Consistent Trade Policy Aggregation | Published
Aid and Trade - A Donor´s Perspective
Antidumping, signaling and cheap talk
On the Role and Design of Dispute Settlement Procedures in International Trade Agreements | Published
Tariff retaliation versus financial compensation in the enforcement of international trade agreements
On the role of retaliation in trade agreements
Is the Washington Consensus Dead? Growth, Openness, and the Great Liberalization, 1970s-2000s
Offshoring and the Role of Trade Agreements | Published
An Analysis of So-Called Export-led Growth
The challenge of reducing international trade and migration barriers
State owned enterprises, shirking and trade liberalization
The MFN clause, welfare, and multilateral cooperation between countries of unequal size
National Treatment at the WTO: The Roles of Product and Country Heterogeneity
The United States is a Small Country in World Trade
Export surges: the power of a competitive currency | Published
Tariff and Equilibrium Indeterminacy--(I)
The Structure of Protection and Growth in the Late 19th Century
Adjusting to Trade Policy: Evidence from U.S. Antidumping Duties on Vietnamese Catfish
Efficient barriers to trade: A sequential trade model with heterogeneous agents
Profit Shifting and Trade Agreements in Imperfectly Competitive Markets | Published
Self-Enforcing Trade Agreements and Private Information
How do agricultural policy restrictions to global trade and welfare differ across commodities?
Trade Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Income Distribution in a Multiple-cone Neoclassical Growth Model
Tied Aid, Trade-Facilitating Aid or Trade-Diverting Aid?
The effects of loss aversion on trade policy: Theory and evidence
Optimum tariffs and retaliation: How country numbers matter
The Slide to Protectionism in the Great Depression: Who Succumbed and Why?
Revenue or Reciprocity? Founding Feuds over Early U.S. Trade Policy
Aid for Trade: Matching Potential Demand and Supply
Miracles and debacles revisited
Trade, Foreign Investment, and Industrial Policy for Developing Countries
Trade policies, concentration, growth and welfare
Smoke in the Water: The Use of Tariff Policy Flexibility in Crises
The Global Resort to Antidumping, Safeguards, and other Trade Remedies Amidst the Economic Crisis
Delocation and Trade Agreements in Imperfectly Competitive Markets
The WTO: Theory and Practice
The Economics of Trade Agreements in the Linear Cournot Delocation Model | Published
Is there a dirty little secret? Non-tariff barriers and the gains from trade
Reconciling Climate Change and Trade Policy
Export Promotion Agencies Revisited
International Trade and Domestic Regulation
Reciprocal Trade Agreements in Gravity Models: A Meta-Analysis
Are Standards Always Protectionist?
Trade sanctions, financial transfers and BRIC participation in global climate change negotiations
Managed Trade with Imperfect Information
Disaggregated data and trade policy analysis: The value of linking partial and general equilibrium models
Optimal remedies in international trade agreements
Self-Enforcing Trade Agreements: Evidence from Time-Varying Trade Policy | Published
Trade Agreements as Endogenously Incomplete Contracts
Changing contributions of different agricultural policy instruments to global reductions in trade and welfare
Would Freeing Up World Trade Reduce Poverty and Inequality? The Vexed Role of Agricultural Distortions
Tariff wars in the Ricardian Model with a continuum of goods
Developing Countries and Monitoring WTO Commitments in Response to the Global Economic Crisis
Trade policy in a “super size me” world
Comparative Trade Policy | Published
Strategic Trade Policy Through the Tax System
Trade Policy and Firm Boundaries
Are Free Trade Agreements Contagious? | Published
Innovation, antidumping, and retaliation
The chilling trade effects of antidumping proliferation
Backward stealing and forward manipulation in the WTO
Trade skirmishes safeguards: A theory of the WTO dispute settlement process
Competition Policy as Strategic Trade with Differentiated Products
Services Trade and Policy
Trade Liberalization, Standards and Protection
Protection and International Sourcing | Published
Taking Stock of Antidumping, Safeguards, and Countervailing Duties, 1990-2009
Trade Barrier Volatility and Agricultural Price Stabilization | Published
Unilateral Tariff Liberalisation
Manipulable behavior in international trade
Endogenous market structures and strategic trade policy
Conditional versus Unconditional Trade Concessions for Developing Countries
Infant industry protection and industrial dynamics
Growth, expectations and tariffs
Canada: No Place Like Home for Antidumping
Trade liberalization, antidumping, and safeguards: Evidence from India's tariff reform
Domestic trade protection in vertically-related markets
Optimal trade policy in tariff games with inside money
Strategic tariffs, tariff jumping, and heterogeneous firms
Export Restrictions and Price Insulation during Commodity Price Booms
Trade Policies, Investment Climate, and Exports across Countries
Innovation and trade with heterogeneous firms
Tariffs and Imports Misinvoicing Under Oligopoly
Differentiated Products, Vertical Related Markets, and Optimal Export Policy
Analyzing the System of Preferential Tariffs for Least Developed Countries
Export Restrictions and Price Insulation During Commodity Price Booms
Welfare Effects of Tariff Reduction Formulas
Separating the Opposing Effects of Bilateral Tax Treaties
Making Sense of Safeguards
The Impact of Input and Output Tariffs on Firms' Productivity: Theory and Evidence
FDI Policy, Greenfield Investment and Cross-border Mergers
Determinants of Trade Policy Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis
International Trade and Inclusive Growth: A Primer for Busy Policy Analysts
Did WTO rules restrain protectionism during the recent systemic crisis?
Heterogeneous Information and Trade Policy
Trade liberalization and unemployment: Theory and evidence from India
Trade and industrialisation after globalisation's 2nd unbundling: How building and joining a supply chain are different and why it matters
Protectionism Isn't Counter-Cyclic (anymore)
On the Measurement of Trade Costs: Direct vs. Indirect Approaches to Quantifying Standards and Technical Regulations
Trade liberalization and credit constraints: Why opening up may fail to promote convergence
Tariff Revenue and Tariff Caps
Trade Agreements and the Nature of Price Determination
Profits in the "New Trade" Approach to Trade Negotiations
How Do Technical Barriers to Trade Influence Trade?
Why Do Trade Negotiations Take So Long?
Emerging Economies and the Emergence of South-South Protectionism
Trade Preferences and Bilateral Trade in Goods and Services: A Structural Approach
Tariff pass-through and the distributional effects of trade liberalization
The better you are the stronger it makes you: Evidence on the asymmetric impact of liberalization
Estimating effects of price-distorting policies using alternative distortions databases
Protectionism during the crisis: Tit-for-tat or chicken games? | Published
Fast-Track Authority and International Trade Negotiations
Uncertainty and Trade Agreements | Published
Using trade policy to influence firm location
How Serious Is the Omission of Bilateral Tariff Rates in Gravity?
Are all trade protection policies created equal? Empirical evidence for nonequivalent market power effects of tariffs and quotas
Biofuel Subsidies and International Trade
When does coordination for free trade regimes fail?
Rain, Agriculture, and Tariffs | Published
Technology adoption, government policy and tariffication
Global Supply Chains, Currency Undervaluation, and Firm Protectionist Demands
Regional Effects of Trade Reform: What is the Correct Measure of Liberalization?
How Do Exporters Respond to Antidumping Investigations?
Trade Insulation as Social Protection
Task Routineness and Trade Policy Preferences | Published
Modeling trade policies under alternative market structures
A Win-Win-Win Tariff-Tax Reform under Imperfect Competition
Comparative Advantage and Optimal Trade Policy
Using the New Products Margin to Predict the Industry-Level Impact of Trade Reform
Revenue Tariff Reform
Per-capita Income as a Determinant of International Trade and Environmental Policies
The Tradability of Services: Geographic Concentration and Trade Costs | Published
Welfare Implications of Trade Liberalization and Fiscal Reform: A Quantitative Experiment
Pro-Poor Trade Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Trade Policy: Home Market Effect versus Terms-of-Trade Externality
China's potential future growth and gains from trade policy bargaining: Some numerical simulation results
Incentives to create jobs: Regional subsidies, national trade policy and foreign direct investment
Trade Policy Instruments over Time
A Welfare Ranking of Multilateral Reductions in Real and Tariff Trade Barriers when Firms are Heterogenous
Measuring China's Trade Liberalization: A Generalized Measure of Trade Restrictiveness Index
Import Dynamics and Demands for Protection
Innovation and the Trade Elasticity
Heterogeneous Firm-Level Responses to Trade Liberalization: A Test Using Stock Price Reactions
Emerging Economies, Trade Policy, and Macroeconomic Shocks
Race-to-the-bottom Tariff Cutting
Trade Liberalisation and Poverty: What have we learned in a decade?
Evidence on the Impact of Tariff Reductions on Employment in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review
Should Smaller Countries Be More Protectionist? The Diversification Motive for Tariffs
Trade Liberalization, Quality, and Export Prices | Published
The Economics of Fair Trade
Railroads and Economic Growth: A Trade Policy Approach
Price equalization, trade flows, and barriers to trade
Manufacturing Fetishism: The Neo-Mercantilist Preoccupation with Protecting Manufacturing
The signaling power of trade protection
The strength of the waterbed effect depends on tariff type
Spatially blind trade and fiscal impact policies and their impact on regional economies
Positive welfare effects of trade barriers in a dynamic partial equilibrium model
Tariffs, Trade and Productivity: A Quantitative Evaluation of Heterogeneous Firm Models
Establishment heterogeneity, exporter dynamics, and the effects of trade liberalization
Manufacturing exports and growth: When is a developing country ready to transition from primary exports to manufacturing exports?
Trade Liberalization and Competition Levels
Fair Trade and Free Entry: Can a Disequilibrium Market Serve as a Development Tool?
Duration and Term Structure of Trade Agreements
Chinese Outwards Mercantilism - the Art and Practice of Bundling | Published
Faddists, Enthusiasts and Canadian Divas: Broadcasting Quotas and the Supply Response
Trade barriers and the relative price of tradables
Processing Trade, Tariff Reductions, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Farsightedly stable tariffs
Is the WTO passe? | Published
The Armington Assumption and the Size of Optimal Tariffs
Antidumping, Intra-Industry Trade, and Quality Reversals
U.S. Multinationals and Preferential Market Access
Which Countries' Citizens Are Better Off With Trade?
Tariff binding and overhang: Theory and evidence
Dumping and Antidumping Duties
How Much of South Korea's Growth Miracle Can Be Explained by Trade Policy?
A Survey on the Economics of Fair Trade
The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone: Background, Developments and Preliminary Assessment of Initial Impacts
Tariff Liberalization and Trade Integration of Emerging Countries
Import quota allocation between regions under Cournot competition
Tariff Reductions, Entry, and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for the Last Two Decades
Trade policy and wage inequality: A structural analysis with occupational and sectoral mobility
The welfare consequences of import tariffs: A quantitative perspective
Input-trade liberalization, export prices and quality upgrading
The composition of trade flows and the aggregate effects of trade barriers
Sufficient statistics for tariff reform when revenue matters
Tariffs, vertical specialization and oligopoly
The Effects of Trade Policy
Passive Unilateral Cross-ownership and Strategic Trade Policy
Micro to Macro: Optimal Trade Policy with Firm Heterogeneity | Published
Trade Policy Uncertainty and Exports: Evidence from China's WTO Accession | Published
Global Supply Chains and Trade Policy
International Trade, Migration and Unemployment - The Role of Informal Sector
Flexible and welfare-consistent tariff aggregation over exporter regions
Quantitative Models of Commercial Policy
The Great Collapse in Value Added Trade
Unpacking the Long-Run Effects of Tariff Shocks: New Structural Implications from Firm Heterogeneity Models
The Empirical Landscape of Trade Policy
Reassessing the Productivity Gains from Trade Liberalization | Published
Asymmetric Trade Liberalizations and Current Account Dynamics
Non-Tariff Measures and the World Trading System
The trade reducing effects of restrictions on liner shipping
Food prices and the multiplier effect of trade policy
Differentiated Products, Divided Industries: Firm Preferences over Trade Liberalization
Individual Characteristics, Behavioral Biases, and Trade Policy Preferences: Evidence from a Survey in Japan
Protectionism in a liquidity trap
MFN vs Tariff Discrimination in the Presence of Cross Ownership
Aging, Trade, and Migration
Regionalism and falling external protection in high and low tariff members
Optimal trade policy with monopolistic competition and heterogeneous firms
Better, Faster, Stronger: Global Innovation and Trade Liberalization
Did export promotion help firms weather the crisis?
Corruption, Trade Costs, and Gains from Tariff Liberalization: Evidence from Southern Africa
General Equilibrium Trade Policy Analysis with Structural Gravity
Does Tariff Induce Intellectual Property Right Protection and Reduce Incidence of Piracy?
Measuring the Impacts of Global Trade Reform with Optimal Aggregators of Distortions
Growth, Real Exchange Rates and Trade Protectionism since the Financial Crisis
Globalization and risk averse workers: The roles of labor market and trade policies
Tariff pass-through, firm heterogeneity and product quality
The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade | Published
Trade Liberalization, Rival Exporters and Reallocation of Production: An Analysis of Indian Manufacturing
Multinational Investors as Export Superstars: How Emerging-Market Governments Can Reshape Comparative Advantage
WTO accession and tariff evasion
Trade to aid: EU's temporary tariff waivers for flood-hit Pakistan
Trade-induced productivity gains reduce incentives to impose strategic tariffs
Regional effects of export tax rebate on exporting firms: Evidence from China
Export Taxes and Consumption: Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire's De Facto Partition
Trade Policy and Redistribution when Preferences are Non-Homothetic | Published
Trade liberalization, forward-looking firms, and welfare
You're banned! The effect of sanctions on German cross-border financial flows
Sanctions and export deflection: evidence from Iran
Trade policy preferences and factor abundance
Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Brazilian Trade Liberalization | Published
Estimating the bilateral impact of nontariff measures on trade
Technology Diffusion and Trade Liberalization
Industrial Policy and the Timing of Trade Liberalization
The Heckscher-Ohlin model with monopolistic competition and general preferences
Trade and Fiscal Deficits, Tax Reform, and the Dollar: General Equilibrium Impact Estimates
Empirical Evidence on the Impact of Multilateral Trade Liberalization on Domestic Trade Policy
Policy Uncertainty, Trade, and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for China and the United States
Entry assumptions and welfare gains from trade
Learning by Ruling and Trade Disputes | Published
Trade Liberalization and Regional Dynamics
Trade policies, firm heterogeneity, and variable markups
Globalization, inequality and welfare
'Nash-in-Nash' Tariff Bargaining with and without MFN | Published
When bad trade policy costs human lives: tariffs on mosquito nets
Growth and welfare effects of unilateral trade liberalization with heterogeneous firms and asymmetric countries
Protectionism, how stupid is this? The causal effect of free trade for the world's poorest countries: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Switzerland
Policy and performance in customs: Evaluating the trade facilitation agreement
U.S. Job Flows and the China Shock | Published
The Anatomy of Trade Deflection
Investment Responses to Trade Liberalization: Evidence from U.S. Industries and Plants
Financial Development, the Choice of Technology, and Comparative Advantage
The Global Costs of Protectionism
Estimating the impact of country-level policy restrictions on services trade
Optimal tariffs with inframarginal exporters
Unilateral and multilateral sanctions: A network approach
Does trade weaken product standards?
When trade liberalization is self-fulfilling: Population aging and uncertainty
The Effect of Export Promotion on Firm-Level Performance
Quantitative Analysis of Multi-Party Tariff Negotiations | Published
The protectionist's progress: year 1
A Multidimensional Approach to Trade Policy Indicators
Economic and Policy Uncertainty: Export Dynamics and the Value of Agreements
Backfiring with backhaul problems: Trade and industrial policies with endogenous transport costs
Winning or losing in investor-to-state dispute resolution: The role of arbitrator bias and experience
Fast-Track Authority: A Hold-Up Interpretation | Published
Market integration and tariff cooperation between asymmetric countries
The trade effects of tariffs and non-tariff changes of preferential trade agreements
Innovation and Trade Policy in a Globalized World
Trade and fisheries subsidies
Peeling Away the Layers: Impacts of Durable Tariff Elimination
The Short-Run Impact of Import Bans on Poverty: The Case of Nigeria (2008–2012)
Fishing Downstream Revisited: A Multi-country Analysis of Antidumping Patterns
Technology spillovers, intellectual property rights, and export-platform FDI
The Macroeconomics of Border Taxes
Tariffs and markups in retailing
The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Firm Productivity and Innovation
Trade and currency weapons
Trade Diversion and the Initiation Effect: A Case Study of U.S. Trade Remedies in Agriculture
Export Markets and Labor Allocation in a Low-Income Country
Do Free Trade Agreements Affect Tariffs of Nonmember Countries? A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
Modelling heterogeneous firms and non-tariff measures in free trade agreements using Computable General Equilibrium
Trump economics and China-US trade imbalances
NAFTA collapse, trade war and North American disengagement
The interaction of climate and trade policy
From Final Goods to Inputs: The Protectionist Effect of Rules of Origin
Trade policy preference, childhood sporting experience, and informal school curriculum: An examination of views of the TPP from the viewpoint of behavioral economics
Competitive selection, trade, and employment: The strategic use of subsidies
Direct and indirect effects of trade liberalization: Evidence from Chile
The distributional consequences of trade liberalization: Consumption tariff versus investment tariff reduction
Trade, Luxury Goods, and a Growth-Enhacing Tariff
The Impacts of Export Taxes on Agricultural Trade
Foreign Rivals Are Coming to Town: Responding to the Threat of Foreign Multinational Entry
Services trade policy and sustainable development
The Macroeconomic Effect of Trade Policy
Does trade liberalization narrow the gender wage gap? The role of sectoral mobility
Trade elasticities, heterogeneity, and optimal tariffs
The persistence of trade policy in China after WTO accession
Does protectionism harm unskilled workers?
Endogenous trade policy in general equilibrium: An interaction of redistribution rule, trade openness, and labor market condition
Temporary Protection and Technology Adoption: Evidence from the Napoleonic Blockade
Abstract: This paper uses a natural experiment to estimate the causal effect of temporary trade protection on long-term economic development. I find that regions in the French Empire which became better protected from trade with the British for exogenous reasons during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) increased capacity in mechanized cotton spinning to a larger extent than regions which remained more exposed to trade. In the long run, regions with exogenously higher spinning capacity had higher activity in mechanized cotton spinning. They also had higher value added per capita in industry up to the second half of the nineteenth century, but not later.
From Selling Goods to Selling Services: Firm Responses to Trade Liberalization
Brexit Uncertainty and Trade Disintegration | Published
Increasing resistance to globalization: The role of trade in tasks
Macroeconomic Consequences of Tariffs
Trade liberalization, agency problem and aggregate productivity
The impact of economic sanctions on international trade: How do threatened sanctions compare with imposed sanctions?
When Britain Turned Inward: The Impact of Interwar British Protection
Endogenous Trade Protection and Exchange Rate Adjustment
Do economic sanctions affect protectionism? Evidence from agricultural support
Trade policy preferences and cross-regional differences: Evidence from individual-level data of Japan
The Return to Protectionism | Published
The Impact of the 2018 Trade War on U.S. Prices and Welfare | Published
The good, the bad and the ugly: Chinese imports, European Union anti-dumping measures and firm performance
Hidden protectionism? Evidence from non-tariff barriers to trade in the United States
Brexit and the macroeconomic impact of trade policy uncertainty
The Production Relocation and Price Effects of U.S. Trade Policy: The Case of Washing Machines
Trade Wars: What do they Mean? Why are they Happening Now? What are the Costs? | Published
Understanding Export Diversification: Key Drivers and Policy Implications
Trade Protectionism and US Manufacturing Employment | Published
Trade Policy and Market Power: Firm-level Evidence
Reassessing Trade Barriers with Global Value Chains
Does Trade Reform Promote Economic Growth? A Review of Recent Evidence
Taking Stock of Trade Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China's Pre-WTO Accession
Challenges to the trade system: The potential impact of changes in future trade policy
Global adjustment to US disengagement from the world trading system
Global implications of U.S. trade policies for reducing structural trade imbalances
Trade Wars and Trade Deals: Estimated Effects using a Multi-Sector Model
Coercive Trade Policy
Input trade liberalization and import switching: Evidence from Chinese firms
Trade liberalization, firm entry, and income inequality
The "New" Economics of Trade Agreements: From Trade Liberalization to Regulatory Convergence? | Published
Misallocation Under Trade Liberalization | Published
Do Value-Added Taxes Affect International Trade Flows? Evidence from 30 Years of Tax Reforms | Published
Technology licensing and innovation-A correction on two-part tariff analysis
Brands in Motion: How Frictions Shape Multinational Production
Trading off the income gains and the inequality costs of trade policy
China's "Great Migration": The impact of the reduction in trade policy uncertainty
Geography, competition, and optimal multilateral trade policy
How Distortions Alter the Impacts of International Trade in Developing Countries
U.S. Trade Policy in Historical Perspective
Trade and labour market institutions: A tale of two liberalizations
Trade Tariff, Wage Gap and Public Spending | Published
Preferential and multilateral liberalization: Evidence from Latin America's use of tariffs, antidumping and safeguards
Tariff Passthrough at the Border and at the Store: Evidence from US Trade Policy
Tariff Passthrough at the Border
Trade Wars, Technology and Productivity
Restricting trade and reducing variety: Evidence from Ethiopia
Quality Upgrading and Export Performance in the Asian Growth Miracle
WTO tariff commitments and temporary protection: Complements or substitutes?
Clashing over Commerce: A History of US Trade Policy
Abstract: Should the United States be open to commerce with other countries, or should it protect domestic industries from foreign competition? This question has been the source of bitter political conflict throughout American history. Such conflict was inevitable, James Madison argued in The Federalist Papers, because trade policy involves clashing economic interests. The struggle between the winners and losers from trade has always been fierce because dollars and jobs are at stake: depending on what policy is chosen, some industries, farmers, and workers will prosper, while others will suffer. Clashing over Commerce is the most authoritative and comprehensive history of US trade policy to date, offering a clear picture of the various economic and political forces that have shaped it. From the start, trade policy divided the nation—first when Thomas Jefferson declared an embargo on all foreign trade and then when South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union over excessive taxes on imports. The Civil War saw a shift toward protectionism, which then came under constant political attack. Then, controversy over the Smoot-Hawley tariff during the Great Depression led to a policy shift toward freer trade, involving trade agreements that eventually produced the World Trade Organization. This book makes sense of this turbulent history by showing how different economic interests tend to be grouped geographically, meaning that every proposed policy change found ready champions and opponents in Congress.
Who's Paying for the US Tariffs? A Longer-Term Perspective
Rising Import Tariffs, Falling Export Growth: When Modern Supply Chains Meet Old-Style Protectionism
The impact of the 1932 General Tariff: a difference-in-difference approach
The trade effects of anti-dumping duties: Firm-level evidence from China
The economic effects of trade policy uncertainty
Optimal trade policy with trade imbalances
Intellectual property, tariffs, and international trade dynamics
Salvation by good works? Offshoring, corporate philanthropy, and public attitudes toward trade policy
Can the optimal tariff be zero for a growing large country? | Published
On the Pacific Salmon Treaty
Have the free trade agreements reduced inflation rates?
Disputes in International Investment and Trade
The Macroeconomic Stabilization of Tariff Shocks: What is the Optimal Monetary Response?
Why Special Economic Zones? Using Trade Policy to Discriminate across Importers
The Environmental Bias of Trade Policy Published
Market power and export taxes
Trade and Welfare (Across Local Labor Markets)
The Impact of Retaliatory Tariffs on Agricultural and Food Trade
Credit market frictions and trade liberalizations
Gender, Informal Employment and Trade Liberalization in Mexico
Exploring the Heterogeneous Effects of Export Promotion
Retaliatory Use of Public Standards in Trade
How Do Restrictions on High-Skilled Immigration Affect Offshoring? Evidence from the H-1B Program
Using Equity Market Reactions to Infer Exposure to Trade Liberalization
What Do Voters Learn from Foreign News? Emulation, Backlash, and Public Support for Trade Agreements
On the Distributional Effects of International Tariffs | Published
Trade, Productivity and (Mis)allocation
Trade tariff, wage gap and public spending
Why hasn't the impact of the trade war been greater?
Are tariffs bad for growth? Yes, say five decades of data from 150 countries
Self-Harming Trade Policy? Protectionism and Production Networks
Export scope, managerial efficiency, and trade liberalization: Evidence from Chinese firms
When Tariffs Disturb Global Supply Chains | Published
Protectionism and the effective lower bound in the euro area
Export, FDI and the welfare gains from trade liberalization
Macroeconomic Effects of Tariffs Shocks: The Role of the Effective Lower Bound and the Labour Market | Published
Trade liberalization, input intermediaries and firm productivity: Evidence from China
The hidden cost of trade liberalization: Input tariff shocks and worker health in China
What is the optimal immigration policy? Migration, jobs, and welfare
Optimal trade policy, equilibrium unemployment, and labor market inefficiency
The Gravitational Constant?
Firm Input Choice Under Trade Policy Uncertainty
The Rise and Fall of Import Substitution | Published
A Ricardian rationale for the WTO rules on R&D subsidies
Trade policy uncertainty and innovation: Firm level evidence from China's WTO accession
Phase out tariffs, phase in trade?
Export to elude
Domestic segment of global value chains in China under state capitalism
Managing global production: theory and evidence from just-in-time supply chains
Financial Development and Trade Liberalization
De-globalisation, welfare state reforms and labour market outcomes
The impact of trade liberalisation on poverty and inequality: Evidence from CGE models
A Model of the Euro Area, China and the United States: Trade Links and Trade Wars
Protectionism and Economic Growth: Causal Evidence from the First Era of Globalization
Modeling Trade Tensions: Different Mechanisms in General Equilibrium
The impact of trade liberalization on productivity distribution under the presence of technology diffusion and innovation
Contesting an international trade agreement
A Second-best Argument for Low Optimal Tariffs | Published
North-South trade liberalization and factor reallocations between manufacturing and R&D
The Dynamic and Distributional Aspects of Import Tariffs
Tariff Pass-Through at the Border and at the Store: Evidence from US Trade Policy
Intellectual Property Infringement by Foreign Firms: Import Protection through the ITC or Court
Fostering global value chains through international agreements: Evidence from Vietnam
Rising protectionism and global value chains: quantifying the general equilibrium effects
Protectionism and the business cycle
How issue framing shapes trade attitudes: Evidence from a multi-country survey experiment
The Smoot-Hawley Trade War | Published
From Inefficient Behind-the-Border Policies to Inefficient Trade Agreements: A Two-Tier Asymmetric Information Model
Trade Protection, Stock-Market Returns, and Welfare
The effect of the US-China trade war on Chinese new firm entry
Disentangling trade reform impacts on firm market and production decisions
Trade Policy is Real News: Theory and Evidence
The Human Capital Legacy of a Trade Embargo
To What Extent Are Tariffs Offset By Exchange Rates?
The cost of a global tariff war: A sufficient statistics approach
A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century
Trade Policy
The US-China trade war and Phase One agreement
Trade and innovation policies: Coexistence and spillovers
Retaliatory temporary trade barriers: New facts and patterns
No Credit, No Gain: Trade Liberalization Dynamics, Production Inputs, and Financial Development | Published
Optimal Tariffs and Trade Policy Formation: U.S. Evidence from the Smoot-Hawley Era
Trade liberalization, selection, and technology adoption with vertical linkages
Household Impacts of Tariffs: Data and Results from Agricultural Trade Protection
Multi-stage strategic trade policy in a differentiated duopoly
Bias and consistency in three-way gravity models
Properly capturing tariff rate quotas for trade policy analysis in computable general equilibrium models
Tariff evasion with endogenous enforcement
Different antidumping legislations within the WTO: What can we learn from China's varying market economy status?
Optimal tariffs and firm technology choice: An environmental approach
The impact of export promotion with matchmaking on exports and service outsourcing
Trade policy uncertainty and stock returns
Trade liberalization, roads and firm productivity
Can Trade Taxes be a Major Source of Government Revenue?
Illuminating the Effects of the US-China Tariff War on China's Economy
Trade liberalization with granular firms
Local Protectionism, Market Structure, and Social Welfare: China's Automobile Market
Power purchase agreements with incremental tariffs in local currency: An innovative green finance tool
Tariff Pass-through in Wholesaling: Evidence from Firm-level Data in Japan?
Ambivalence About International Trade in Open- and Closed-ended Survey Responses
Global value chains and the removal of trade protection
From Hermit Kingdom to Miracle on the Han: Policy Decisions that Transformed South Korea into an Export Powerhouse
How Economic Ideas Led to Taiwan's Shift to Export Promotion in the 1950s
The Role of Trade in Economic Development
The Economic Impacts of the US-China Trade War
The US-China Trade War and Global Reallocations | Published
Do Unilateral Trade Preferences Help Reduce Poverty in Beneficiary Countries?
Supply chain networks, trade and the Brexit deal: a general equilibrium analysis
Anticipation effects of protectionist U.S. trade policies
How does trade respond to anticipated tariff changes? Evidence from NAFTA
Tariffs and Macroeconomic Dynamics
US trade policy and the US dollar
Trade, Misallocation, and Capital Market Integration
Protectionism and Gender Inequality in Developing Countries
A Measurement of Aggregate Trade Restrictions and their Economic Effects
Antidumping, firm performance, and subsequent responses
Self-enforcing trade policy and exchange rate adjustment
Mobile capital, optimal tariff, and tariff war
Unintended consequences of trade integration on child labor
Trade Policy Uncertainty
Lerner meets Metzler: Tariff pass-through of worldwide trade
Unintended consequences: Can the rise of the educated class explain the revival of protectionism?
The Effect of Tariffs in Global Value Chains
Unequal gains, prolonged pain: A model of protectionist overshooting and escalation
A model of the Euro area, China, and the United States: Trade links and trade wars
The Trade Reform Wave of 1985-1995
Tariff barriers and the protection of intellectual property in the global economy
Do exporters respond to both tariffs and nominal exchange rates? Evidence from Chinese firm-product data
Bilateral Trade Imbalances | Published
The Macroeconomy After Tariffs
Export capacity constraints and distortions
Understanding of Trade
Reducing tariff evasion: The role of trade facilitation
How does import market power matter for trade agreements?
Tariff-based product-level trade elasticities
A structural quantitative analysis of services trade de-liberalization
Anxiety or pain? The impact of tariffs and uncertainty on Chinese firms in the trade war
No double standards: Quantifying the impact of standard harmonization on trade
Does a larger country set a higher optimal tariff with monopolistic competition and capital accumulation?
Trade Policy and Global Sourcing: An Efficiency Rationale for Tariff Escalation | Published
Trade, Leakage, and the Design of a Carbon Tax
Precautionary Protectionism | Published
Non-Tariff Barriers in the U.S.-China Trade War
Intra-bloc tariffs and preferential margins in trade agreements
Trade policy with FANG's (aka trade policy and multi-sided platforms)
The Effects of Fair Trade Certification: Evidence from Coffee Producers in Costa Rica
Uncertainty, Shock Prices and Debt Structure: Evidence from the U.S.-China Trade War
The Dynamic Effects of Multilateral Trade Policy with Export Churning
The Employment Consequences of Anti-Dumping Tariffs: Lessons from Brazil
Trade Policy Implications of a Changing World: Tariffs and Import Market Power
Optimal Tariffs in a Two-Country R&D-Based Growth Model
Trade Conflicts and Credit Supply Spillovers: Evidence from the Nobel Peace Prize Trade Shock
Lose to gain: Heterogeneous impact of trade policy uncertainty on firms' domestic sales
Tariffs, R&D, and two merger policies
The trade war's impact on the financial market: Observations from the historical global trade war - the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act
Deep Trade Agreements and FDI in Partial and General Equilibrium: A Structural Estimation Framework
What Determines State Heterogeneity in Response to U.S. Tariff Changes?
Retaliation through Temporary Trade Barriers
Can Evidence-Based Information Shift Preferences Towards Trade Policy?
Comparison of price caps and tariffs to counter a foreign monopoly
Trade policy uncertainty and new firm entry: Evidence from China
Trade Wars, Nominal Rigidities and Monetary Policy
Optimal tariffs with endogenous vertical structure: Uniform versus discriminatory tariffs
Putting Quantitative Models to the Test: An Application to Trump's Trade War
Foreign Direct Investment, Global Value Chains, and Labor Rights: No Race-to-the-Bottom?
Global Value Chains and Labor Standards: The Race-to-the-Bottom Problem
Trading with Friends in Uncertain Times
Technical barriers to trade and export performance: Comparing exiting and staying firms
The Economic Impact of Deepening Trade Agreements
Trade, policy, and economic development in the digital economy
Carbon Border Adjustments, Climate Clubs, and Subsidy Races When Climate Policies Vary
The impact of import tariffs on GDP and consumer welfare: A production network approach
Who Benefits From The Export-Import Bank Aid?
An Import(ant) Price of Brexit Uncertainty
Supply Chain Adjustments to Tariff Shocks: Evidence from Firm Trade Linkages in the 2018-2019 U.S. Trade War
Quota removal, destination-specific export shocks, and skill acquisition in China
Trading with friends in uncertain times
Are trade restrictions counter-cyclical? Evidence from a new aggregate measure
Trade Liberalization Versus Protectionism: Are the Dynamic Welfare Implications Symmetric? | Published
R&D Subsidy and Import Substitution: Growing in the Shadow of Protection
Trade policy and air pollution: Evidence from the adjustment of the export tax rebate in China
Trade Policies and Fiscal Devaluations
Protection Without Discrimination
Trade policy uncertainty and pollution emissions of export enterprises-The case of China-ASEAN free trade area
Trade liberalization along the firm size distribution: The case of the EU-South Korea FTA
The US-China Trade War and the Relocation of Global Value Chains to Mexico
Why is Trade Not Free? A Revealed Preference Approach
Location, profitability, and international trade liberalization in European textile-clothing firms
Import Tariff Liberalization and Child Labor: Evidence from China
Tariff Reductions, Heterogeneous Firms, and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for 1990-2010
Regional Trade Policy Uncertainty
On multimarket collusion and trade policies
How nearshoring reshapes global deindustrialization
Optimal tariffs with uncertainty and downstream fixed costs
Optimal Infrastructure after Trade Reform in India
Tariff overhang and aid: Theory and empirics
Winners and Losers from the U.S.-China Trade War
Reassessing trade barriers with global production networks
A simple method to ex-ante quantify the unobservable effects of trade liberalization and trade protection
The carbon footprint of global trade imbalances
International sanctions and limits of Lerner Symmetry
Trade reform, oligopsony, and labor market distortion: Theory and evidence
Does Trade Liberalization Foster Intimate Partner Violence?
Trade wars and industrial policy competitions: Understanding the US-China economic conflicts
Trade Barriers and Market Power: Evidence from Argentina's Discretionary Import Restrictions
The Macroeconomic Consequences of Import Tariffs and Trade Policy Uncertainty
Global value chain integration and non-tariff measures
Trade War and Peace: U.S.-China Trade and Tariff Risk from 2015-2050
The Cost of Trade Disruptions at Different Stages of Development
Help for the Heartland? The Employment and Electoral Effects of the Trump Tariffs in the United States
Trade Spillovers of Domestic Subsidies
Trade liberalization versus protectionism: Dynamic welfare asymmetries
Trade liberalization, regional trade openness degree, and foreign direct investment:Evidence from China
Trade in Low Carbon Technologies: The Role of Climate and Trade Policies
Non-tariff measures vs. tariffs: A fresh look at the evidence
All-around trade liberalization and firm?level employment: Theory and evidence from China
Sold to China: Container traffic in the Port of Piraeus
Trade liberalization, wage inequality, and monetary policy
The Pitfalls of Protectionism: Import Substitution vs. Export-Oriented Industrial Policy
When Protectionism Kills Talent
Hedging Along the Global Value Chain: Trade War and Firm Value
Trade and Trees
Trade Wars and the Optimal Design of Monetary Rules
Trade and the environment, trade policies and environmental policies-How do they interact?
The impacts of trade liberalization on the local labor market: Older women are especially vulnerable
Gain without pain? Non-tariff measures, plant markup, and productivity
International Policy Coordination in a Multisectoral Model of Trade and Health Policy
The Leontief Paradox, Reconsidered
Abstract: Using the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek model of trade, it is shown that a country is revealed to be relatively well endowed in capital compared with labor if and only if one of the following three conditions holds, where K(x), K(m), L(x), L(m), K(c), L(c) are capital and labor embodied in exports, imports, and consumption: (a) K(x) - K(m) > 0, L(x) - L(m) < 0; (b) K(x) - K(m) > 0, L(x) - L(m) > 0, [K(x) - K(m)]/[L(x) - L(m)] > K(c)/L(c); (c) K(x) - K(m) < 0, L(x) - L(m) < 0, [K(x) - K(m)]/[L(x) - L(m)] < K(c)/L(c). Leontief's data for the United States in 1947 satisfy (b), and the United States by trade is actually revealed by trade to be capital abundant. The comparison by Leontief of K(x)/L(x) with K(m)/L(m) is shown to be theoretically inappropriate.
Quality Change Under Trade Restraints in Japanese Autos
Abstract: In this paper, the author investigates the quality change in Japanese car and truck imports over 1979-85. Car im ports have been subject to a quota restraint since April 1981, while compact trucks have faced an ad valorem tariff of 25 percent since Au gust 1980. He finds evidence of substantial upgrading in Japanese car imports, with ambiguous quality change in trucks. The welfare cost o f the quota restraint in cars exceeds $1,000 per import in 1983 and 1984.
International Factor Price Differences: Leontief was Right!
Abstract: The factor price equalization hypothesis is widely at odds with the large variation in factor prices across countries. similarly, the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek theorem constitutes an incomplete description of trade in factor services: its predictions are always rejected empirically. These two issues are examined using a modification of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek model that allows for factor-augmenting international productivity differences. The empirical results are stark: this simple modification of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek theorem explains much of the factor content of trade and the cross-country variation in factor prices.
The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries
Abstract: The Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) theorem, which predicts that countries will export products that are made from factors in great supply, performs poorly. However, deviations from HOV follow pronounced patterns. Trade is missing relative to its HOV prediction. Also, rich countries appear scarce in most factors and poor countries appear abundant in all factors, a fact that squares poorly with the HOV prediction that abundant factors are exported. As suggested by the patterns, HOV is rejected empirically in favor of a modification that allows for home bias in consumption and international technology differences.
Monopolistic Competition and International Trade: Reconsidering the Evidence
Abstract: The authors test some propositions about international trade flows that are derived from models of monopolistic competition developed by Elhanan Helpman and Paul Krugman. The authors investigate whether the volume of trade between OECD countries is consistent with the predictions of a model in which all trade is intraindustry trade in differentiated products. They then repeat the test with non-OECD countries. The authors also investigate whether the share of intraindustry trade is consistent with a more general theoretical model in which some, but not all, trade is intraindustry trade. Their results lead the authors to question the apparent empirical success of these models.
Using International and Japanese Regional Data to Determine When the Factor Abundance Theory of Trade Works
Abstract: The Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model of factor service trade is a mainstay of international economics. Empirically, though, it is a flop. This warrants a new approach. The authors test the HOV model with international and Japanese regional data. The strict HOV model performs poorly because it cannot explain the international location of production. Restricting the sample to Japanese regions provides no help, inter alia giving rise to what Daniel Trefler calls the 'mystery of the missing trade.' However, when the authors relax the assumption of universal factor price equalization, results improve dramatically. In sum, the HOV model performs remarkably well.
The Decision to Export in Colombia: An Empirical Model of Entry with Sunk Costs
An Account of Global Factor Trade
Abstract: A half-century of empirical work on the factor proportions theory has identified devise simple amendments that bring theory and data into reasonable congruence. Our study considers standard and novel hypotheses regarding the failures of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek formulation and is the first to examine these directly on the technology and absorption data of interest. We show how a few simple and plausible amendments, verified directly by this data, suffice for a striking confirmation of the HOV theory. Countries export the services of abundant factors and in approximately the right magnitude. HOV works.
Protection for Sale: An Empirical Investigation
Abstract: A prominent model in the recent political-economy literature on trade policy is Grossman and Helpman's (1994) Protection for Sale' model. This model yields clear predictions for the cross-sectional structure of trade protection. The objective of our" paper is to check whether the predictions of the Grossman-Helpman model are consistent with the data and, if the model finds support, to estimate its two key structural parameters: the government's valuation of welfare relative to contributions, and the fraction of the voting population represented by a lobby. We find that the pattern of protection in the U.S. in 1983 is consistent with the basic predictions of the model. Our estimate of the government's valuation of welfare relative to contributions is surprisingly high; the weight of welfare in the government's objective function is estimated to be between 50 and 88 times the weight of contributions.
International Trade Statistics
Abstract: This report provides comprehensive, comparable and up-to-date statistics on trade in merchandise and commercial services for an assessment of world trade flows by country, region and main product groups or service categories. Some 240 tables and charts depict trade developments from various perspectives and provide a number of long-term time series as additional information. Major trade developments are summarized and discussed in the first part of the report under Overview. This volume has been produced by a team of statisticians from the Statistics Division in collaboration with the Economic Research and Analysis Division.
After Columbus: Explaining the Global Trade Boom 1500-1800
Reports on World Agricultural Trade
Weightless Machines and Costless Knowledge: An Empirical Analysis of Trade and Technology Diffusion
Border Effects within the NAFTA Countries
Exchange Rate Effects on the Volume of Trade Flows: An Empirical Analysis Employing High-Frequency Data
Global Production Sharing and Rising Inequality: A Survey of Trade and Wages
On Price-Setting for Identtical Products in Markets without Formal Trade Barriers
Trade Liberalization in China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization
Plant- and Firm-Level Evidence on "New" Trade Theories
Ginis in General Equilibrium: Trade, Technology and Southern Inequality
A Tariff-Growth Paradox? Protection's Impact the World Around 1875-1997
Markups, Entry Regulation, and Trade: Does Country Size Matter? | Published
Do Rich and Poor Countries Specialize in a Different Mix of Goods? Evidence from Product-Level US Trade Data
What Role for Empirics in International Trade?
Borders, Trade and Welfare
Specialization and the Volume of Trade: Do the Data Obey the Laws?
Abstract: The core subjects of trade theory are the pattern and volume of trade: which goods are traded by which countries, and how much of those goods are traded. The first part of this paper discusses evidence on comparative advantage, with an emphasis on carefully connecting theoretical models with data analyses. The second part of the paper considers the theoretical foundations of the gravity model and reviews the small number of studies that have tried to test, rather than simply use, the implications of gravity. Both parts of the paper yield the same conclusion: we are still in the very early stages of empirically understanding specialization and the volume of trade, but the work that has been done can serve as a starting point for further research.
Trade Linkages and Output-Multiplier Effects: A Structural VAR Approach with a Focus on Asia
Trade and Production, 1976-99
Import-Reducing Effect of Trade Barriers: A Cross-Country Investigation
The Composition of Foreign Direct Investment and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: Evidence from Transition Economies
Testing Trade Theory in Ohlin's Time
Shipping the Good Apples Out? An Empirical Confirmation of the Alchian-Allen Conjecture
Intra-national Home Bias: Some Explanations
The Home Market Effect and Bilateral Trade Patterns
Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services and Financial Sector Stability (Empirical Approach)
Quantifying the Impact of Trade on Wages: The Role of NonTraded Goods | Published
Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services
Closed Jaguar, Open Dragon: Comparing Tariffs in Latin America and Asia before World War II
Trade, technology, and productivity: A study of Brazilian manufacturers, 1986-1998
Compiling and Using Export and Import Price Indices
Doomed to Deficits? Aggregate U.S. Trade Flows Re-Examined
What Has Happened to Wages in Mexico since NAFTA?
An Econometric Analysis of Trade Diversion under NAFTA
Bargaining Power and Foreign Direct Investment in China: Can 1.3 Billion Consumers Tame the Multinationals?
New Estimates of the Average Tariff of the United States, 1790-1820
Why Plant-Level Productivity Studies are Often Misleading, and an Alternative Approach to Inference
Evolving Discretionary Practices of U.S Antidumping Activity
Falling Trade Costs, Heterogeneous Firms, and Industry Dynamics | Published
Strategic Approaches to Science and Technology in Development
Footloose and Pollution-Free | Published
Measuring the Impact of Distortions in Agricultural Trade in Partial and General Equilibrium
Trade Liberalization, Firm Performance, and Labor Market Outcomes in the Developing World: What Can We Learn from Micro-Level Data?
Trade Reforms and Wage Inequality in Colombia | Published
One Size Fits All? Heckscher-Ohlin Specialization in Global Production
Heckscher-Ohlin Theory and Individual Attitudes Towards Globalization | Published
On the Duration of Trade | Published
International Trade and Wage Discrimination: Evidence from East Asia
Plants and Productivity in International Trade
Abstract: We reconcile trade theory with plant-level export behavior, extending the Ricardian model to accommodate many countries, geographic barriers, and imperfect competition. Our model captures qualitatively basic facts about U.S. plants: (i) productivity dispersion, (ii) higher productivity among exporters, (iii) the small fraction who export, (iv) the small fraction earned from exports among exporting plants, and (v) the size advantage of exporters. Fitting the model to bilateral trade among the United States and 46 major trade partners, we examine the impact of globalization and dollar appreciation on productivity, plant entry and exit, and labor turnover in U.S. manufacturing.
Trade Wars: The Exaggerated Impact of Trade in Economic Debate
Heterogeneity and the FDI versus Export Decision of Japanese Manufacturers
Is Japan's Trade (still) Different?
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: How Relevant Are Host-country and Industry Characteristics?
Which Countries Export FDI, and How Much?
Does the WTO Make Trade More Stable?
Outsourcing--Stains on the White Collar?
Armington Elasticities in Intermediate Inputs Trade: A Problem in Using Multilateral Trade Data
Globalization and the Gains from Variety
How Much Do Trading Partners Matter for Economic Growth?
Dissecting Trade: Firms, Industries, and Export Destinations
Globalization and the Gains from Variety
The Real Effects of Finance: Evidence from Exports
Inappropriate Pooling of Wealthy and Poor Countries in Empirical FDI Studies
Intraregional Trade in Emerging Asia
How Has NAFTA Affected the Mexican Economy? Review and Evidence
Trade, Regulations, and Growth
The Global Distribution of Trademarks: Some Stylized Facts
How Confident Can We Be in CGE-Based Assessments of Free Trade Agreements? | Published
Abstract: Computable General Equilibrium models, widely used for the analysis of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are often criticized for having poor econometric foundations. This paper improves the linkage between econometric estimates of key parameters and their usage in CGE analysis in order to better evaluate the likely outcome of a FTA for the Americas. Our econometric work focuses on estimation of the elasticity of substitution among imports from different countries, which is especially critical for evaluating the positive and normative outcomes of FTAs. We match the data in the econometric exercise to the policy experiment at hand. Then we sample from the distribution of parameter values given by our econometric estimates in order to generate a distribution of model results, from which we can construct confidence intervals. We conclude that there is great potential for combining econometric work with CGE-based policy analysis in order to produce a richer set of results that are likely to prove more satisfying to the sophisticated policy maker.
Trade Costs | Published
Moving Up or Moving Out? Anti-Sweatshop Activists and Labor Market Outcomes | Published
Abstract: During the 1990s, anti-sweatshop activists campaigned to improve conditions for workers in developing countries. This paper analyzes the impact of anti-sweatshop campaigns in Indonesia on wages and employment. Identification is based on comparing the wage growth of workers in foreign-owned and exporting firms in targeted regions or sectors before and after the initiation of anti-sweatshop campaigns. We find the campaigns led to large real wage increases for targeted enterprises. There were some costs in terms of reduced investment, falling profits, and increased probability of closure for smaller plants, but we fail to find significant effects on employment.
Trade Liberalization and Pollution Havens | Published
Trade, Inequality, and Poverty: What Do We Know? Evidence from Recent Trade Liberalization Episodes in Developing Countries
On the Measurement of Product Variety in Trade
The Factor Content of Bilateral Trade: An Empirical Test
Trade and Productivity
Across-product Versus Within-product Specialization in International Trade
A Flexible Modeling Framework to Estimate Interregional Trade Patterns and Input-Output Accounts
Overseas Assembly and Country Sourcing Choices
Will you Buy My Peg? The Credibility of a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime as a Determinant of Bilateral Trade
China Bashing 2004
The Impact of China on the Exports of Other Asian Countries
Working the System: Firm Learning and the Antidumping Process
The Long and Short of the Canada-U. S. Free Trade Agreement
Fear of Service Outsourcing: Is It Justified?
Export Variety and Country Productivity
Does Exporting Increase Productivity? A Microeconometric Analysis of Matched Firms
Is Mexico A Lumpy Country? | Published
Demographic Changes and International Factor Mobility
In Search of 'Offshoring': Evidence from U.S. Imports of Services
The currency union effect on trade and the FDI channel
World Trade Flows: 1962-2000
Abstract: We document a set of bilateral trade data by commodity for 1962-2000, which is available from (International Trade Data, NBER-UN world trade data). Users must agree not to resell or distribute the data for 1984-2000. The data are organized by the 4-digit Standard International Trade Classification, revision 2, with country codes similar to the United Nations classification. This dataset updates the Statistics Canada World Trade Database as described in Feenstra, Lipsey, and Bowen (1997), which was available for years 1970-1992. In that database, Statistics Canada had revised the United Nations trade data, mostly derived from the export side, to fit the Canadian trade classification and in some cases to add data not available from the export reports. In contrast, in the new NBER-UN dataset we give primacy to the trade flows reported by the importing country, whenever they are available, assuming that these are more accurate than reports by the exporters. If the importer report is not available for a country-pair, however, then the corresponding exporter report is used instead. Corrections and additions are made to the United Nations data for trade flows to and from the United States, exports from Hong Kong and China, and imports into many other countries.
Does Tariff Liberalization Increase Wage Inequality? Some Empirical Evidence
Foreign Direct Investment vs. Foreign Portfolio Investment
NAFTA's and CUSFTA's Impact on International Trade
The Effects of the Colombian Trade Liberalization on Urban Poverty
Growth, Expansion of Markets, and Income Elasticities in World Trade
How Do Differing Standards Increase Trade Costs? The Case of Pallets
The effect of trade liberalization on child labor
Trade raises income: a precise and robust result
Outsourcing Price Decisions: Evidence from U.S. 9802 Imports
Is Trade Good or Bad for the Environment? Sorting out the Causality
The Structure of Factor Content Predictions | Published
What does evidence tell us about fragmentation and outsourcing?
The Trade Liberalization Evaluation (TLE) Methodology | Comment
An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade: Evidence from Japan
Outsourcing Tariff Evasion: A New Explanation for Entrepot Trade
Wealth as a Determinant of Comparative Advantage
Importers, Exporters, and Multinationals: A Portrait of Firms in the U.S. that Trade Goods
Trade Responses to Geographic Frictions: A Decomposition Using Micro-Data | Published
The Variety and Quality of a Nation's Exports
Heterogeneous Firms and Trade: Testable and Untestable Properties of the Melitz Model
A Note on the Empirical Implementation of the Lens Condition
Wake Up and Smell the Ginseng: The Rise of Incremental Innovation in Low-Wage Countries | Published
U.S. Jobs Gained and Lost through Trade: A Net Measure
Trade and Development Report: New Features of Global Interdependence
Abstract: From the perspective of the Millennium Development Goals, it is good news that in 2004 per capita incomes grew almost everywhere in the developing world, and that short-term prospects are favourable. The bad news is that in sub-Saharan Africa even GDP growth of close to 5 per cent is still insufficient to attain the MDGs. The global outlook for 2005 and beyond is overshadowed by increasing global trade imbalances. How can these be corrected without a worldwide recession? The solution has to build on higher domestic demand in Europe and Japan, but a coordinated international macroeconomic approach that includes the major developing countries is also needed.
World Trade and Global Integration in Production Processes: A Re-assessment of Import Demand Equations
Increasing returns and market efficiency in agricultural trade
International trade, economic growth and intellectual property rights: A panel data study of developed and developing countries
The Welfare Cost of Autarky: Evidence from the Jeffersonian Trade Embargo, 1807-09
Which International Institutions Promote International Trade?
Distance and International Banking
Transpacific Trade Imbalances: Causes and Cures
Tradable Services: Understanding the Scope and Impact of Services Offshoring
International Trade in East Asia
Abstract: The practice of trading across international borders has undergone a series of changes with great consequences for the world trading community, the result of new trade agreements, a number of financial crises, the emergence of the World Trade Organization, and countless other less obvious developments. Here, a group of esteemed contributors provides a summary of empirical factors of international trade specifically as they pertain to East Asian countries such as China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.
Trade Costs, Trade Balances and Current Accounts: An Application of Gravity to Multilateral Trade
Trade Potentials in Gravity Panel Data Models
Is free trade deflationary?
A Test of Trade Theories when Expenditure is Home Biased | Published
A Re-Examination of the Border Effect
Supply Capacity, Vertical Specialization and Tariff Rates: The Implications for Aggregate U.S. Trade Flow Equations
Alternative Techniques for Estimation of Cross-Section Gravity Models
Intraindustry Trade and Relative Factor Endowments
Factor Price Equality and the Economies of the United States
Preference Erosion and Multilateral Trade Liberalization
International diffusion and intellectual property rights: An empirical analysis
North, South and Distance in the Gravity Model | Published
The Complementary Role of Exports and R&D Investments as Sources of Productivity Growth
Imports and Productivity
Does External Trade Promote Financial Development?
International trade and child labor: Cross-country evidence
Survival of the best fit: Exposure to low-wage countries and the (uneven) growth of U.S. manufacturing plants
Product quality and the direction of trade
How Does Trade Openness Influence Budget Deficits in Developing Countries?
Trade and inequality in wages and unemployment
Service Offshoring and Productivity: Evidence from the United States
Will the Doha Round Lead to Preference Erosion? | Published
Do Tariffs Matter for the Extensive Margin of International Trade? An Empirical Analysis | Published
Revisiting the effects of regional trade agreements on trade flows with proper specification of the gravity model
Is Human Capital Losing from Outsourcing? Evidence for Austria and Poland
Specialization, Outsourcing and Wages
Do Firms Learn from International Trade?
New Measures of Port Efficiency Using International Trade Data | Published
Domestic Taxes and International Trade: Some Evidence
The Impact of Federation on Australia's Trade Flows
Do standards matter for export success?
Illegal Migration from Mexico to the United States
The Relative Sophistication of Chinese Exports
What Determines Bilateral Trade Flows?
The Euro’s Trade Effects
The Unequal Effects of Liberalization: Evidence from Dismantling the License Raj in India
Optimal Tariffs: The Evidence
The data chase: what's out there on trade costs and nontariff barriers?
Multinationals, Technology, and the Introduction of Varieties of Goods | Published
Why don't firms export more? Product quality and Colombian plants
Margins of Multinational Labor Substitution
Measuring International Trade in Services
Trade liberalization and the allocation of labor between households and markets in a poor country
Multi-Product Firms and Product Switching | Published
Baumol-Tobin and the Welfare Costs of National Security Border Delays
Is the Border Really That Wide?
The Impact of Trade on Wages: What If Countries Are Not Small?
Outsourcing Jobs? Multinationals and US Employment
Managing the Noodle Bowl: The Fragility of East Asian Regionalism
Trading on time
Trade and harmonization: if your institutions are good, does it matter if they are different?
Trends in tariff reforms and trends in wage inequality
Openness and Industrial Response in a Wal-Mart World: A Case Study of Mexican Soaps, Detergents and Surfactant Producers
Has the Internet Increased Trade?
Quantifying the impact of services liberalization in a developing country
An empirical assessment of the welfare effects of reciprocal dumping
Rethinking the Effects of Immigration on Wages
Transfer Pricing by U.S.-Based Multinational Firms
Cross-Border Mergers and National Champions in an Integrating Economy
The Euro as Invoicing Currency in International Trade
From Groundnuts to Globalization: A Structural Estimate of Trade and Growth
Gravity for Dummies and Dummies for Gravity Equations
Measuring Competitiveness
Fairtrade and market failures in agricultural commodity markets
Importation and Innovation
Testing the Theory of Trade Policy: Evidence from the Abrupt End of the Multifibre Arrangement
Moving Forward Faster: Trade Facilitation Reform and Mexican Competitiveness
A profile of the world's young developing country migrants
Why Tariffs, Not Subsidies? A Search for Stylized Facts
Euros and Zeros: The Common Currency Effect on Trade in New Goods
Relativity in Trade Theory: Towards a Solution to the Mystery of Missing Trade
Do state trading exporters distort trade?
Trade, Wages, and Specific Factors
Trade Adjustment and Human Capital Investments: Evidence from Indian Tariff Reform
Distributional Effects of Globalization in Developing Countries
Immigrants Assimilate as Communities, Not Just as Individuals
Trade policy, trade volumes and plant-level productivity in Colombian manufacturing industries
The geography of trade in goods and asset holdings
The Trade Reducing Effects of Market Power in International Shipping | Published
Estimating Trade Flows: Trading Partners and Trading Volumes
Trade Costs in the First Wave of Globalization | Published
Can the Natural Resource Curse Be Turned Into a Blessing? The Role of Trade Policies and Institutions
Institutions, infrastructure, and trade
Trade and Workforce Changeover in Brazil
Quantifying international migration: a database of bilateral migrant stocks
Imports, entry and competition law as market disciplines
Market Access, Openness and Growth
International Productivity Differences, Infrastructure, and Comparative Advantage
National Border Effects: Location, Not Nationality, Matters
Can Comparative Advantage Explain the Growth of U.S. Trade?
Product Differentiation, Multi-product Firms and Estimating the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Productivity | Published
The Missing Globalization Puzzle: Evidence of the Declining Importance of Distance
Optimal Tariffs under a Revenue Constraint
Trade Openness and Growth: Pursuing Empirical Glasnost | Published
An experimental test of strategic trade policy
Multinationals and the Creation of Chinese Trade Linkages
Improved Access to Foreign Markets Raises Plant-Level Productivity ... for Some Plants
Please Pass the Catch-up: The Relative Performance of Chinese and Foreign Firms in Chinese Exports
Task Specialization, Comparative Advantages, and the Effects of Immigration on Wages
Trade costs, barriers to entry, and export diversification in developing countries
The Smuggling of Art, and the Art of Smuggling: Uncovering the Illicit Trade in Cultural Property and Antiques
Financial Integration within EU Countries: The Role of Institutions, Confidence and Trust
Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment
Trade Shocks and Labor Adjustment: A Structural Empirical Approach
Winners and losers: A Micro-level Analysis of International Outsourcing and Wages
Export Dynamics in Colombia: Firm-Level Evidence>
Trend in International Migration Flows and Stocks, 1975--2005
Foreign Direct Investment, Endogenous Tariffs, and Preferential Trade Agreements
Intra-industry trade with multinational firms
International trade in durable goods: understanding volatility, cyclicality, and elastics
Globalization and Taste Convergence: the Cases of Wine and Beer
Trade Liberalization, Intermediate Inputs, and Productivity: Evidence from Indonesia
Export Diversification: What’s behind the Hump?
Product Quality at the Plant Level: Plant Size, Exports, Output Prices and Input Prices in Colombia
Estimating Cross-Country Differences in Product Quality
Aggregate Investment Expenditures on Tradable and Nontradable Goods
Heterogeneous Responses of Firms to Trade Protection | Published
The border effect in small open economies
International Migration, Remittances and Household Investment: Evidence from Philippine Migrants’ Exchange Rate Shocks
Imperfect Substitution between Immigrants and Natives: A Reappraisal
Product specialization in international trade: A further investigation
On the conservation of distance in international trade
Explaining Rising Inequality: Skill-Biased Technical Change and North-South Trade
Much Ado About Nothing: American Jobs and the Rise of Service Outsourcing to China and India
Firm Heterogeneity and the Structure of U.S. Multinational Activity: An Empirical Analysis | Published
The Skill Bias of World Trade
Trade, Firms, and Wages: Theory and Evidence | Alternative
Multi-product Firms and Product Turnover in the Developing World: Evidence from India
Global Trade and the Maritime Transport Revolution
Endogenous Borders? Exploring a Natural Experiment on Border Effects
Immigration and National Wages: Clarifying the Theory and the Empirics
Is export promotion effective in developing countries? Firm-level evidence on the intensive and the extensive margins of exports
Do Interest Groups Affect U.S. Immigration Policy?
Globalization Drives Strategic Product Switching
Effects of TRIPS on Growth, Welfare and Income Inequality in an R&D-Growth Model
Imported Intermediate Inputs and Domestic Product Growth: Evidence from India
Testing the Melitz Model of Trade: An Application to U.S. Motion Picture Exports | Published
The Economic Consequences of the International Migration of Labor
Financial factors and the margins of trade: evidence from cross-country firm-level data | Published
Trade, Remittances, Institutions, and Economic Growth
The Estimated Effects of the Euro on Trade: Why Are They Below Historical Effects of Monetary Unions Among Smaller Countries?
Estimating Trade Restrictiveness Indices
An Anatomy of International Trade: Evidence from French Firms | Published
Measuring Globalization of International Trade: Theory and Evidence
New Evidence on the Formation of Trade Policy Preferences
Exporting and Firm Performance: Chinese Exporters and the Asian Financial Crisis
The Margins of U.S. Trade
Adaptation and the Boundary of Multinational Firms
Margins of Multinational Labor Substitution
The Causes and Effects of International Migrations: Evidence from OECD Countries 1980-2005
The Olympic Effect
Global distortions to agricultural markets: new indicators of trade and welfare impacts, 1955 to 2007
Trade and Income -- Exploiting Time Series in Geography | Published
International trade and unemployment: Theory and cross-national evidence
Trade Reforms and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia
Estimating the Border Effect: Some New Evidence
How remote is the offshoring threat?
Measuring the Benefits of Product Variety with an Accurate Variety Set
The Two Waves of Service Sector Growth
International Trade and Labor Income Risk in the United States
The better you are the stronger it makes you : evidence on the asymmetric impact of liberalization
Trade Liberalization and New Imported Inputs
The Better You Are the Stronger It Makes You: Evidence on the Asymmetric Impact of Liberalization
Estimating the Impact of Trade and Offshoring on American Workers Using the Current Population Surveys | Published
Exporting Out of Poverty: Provincial Poverty in Vietnam and U.S. Market Access
Alternative Measures of Offshorability: A Survey Approach
R&D Investment, Exporting, and Productivity Dynamics | Published
Human Capital, Exports, and Earnings
Services outsourcing and innovation: An empirical investigation
Offshoring and the Onshore Composition of Tasks and Skills
One Money, One Market - A Revised Benchmark
Export Prices and Heterogeneous Firm Models
Offshoring, Firm Performance and Establishment-Level Employment: Identifying Productivity and Downsizing Effects
Markups and Firm-level Export Status | Published
The Distance Effect and the Regionalization of the Trade of Low-Income Countries
What Can Be Learned from Crisis-Era Protectionism? An Initial Assessment
The Trade Response to Global Downturns: Historical Evidence
International trade and income differences | Published
The Determinants of Intra-Firm Trade
Tear Down this Wall: On the Persistence of Borders in Trade
Micro, Macro, and Strategic Forces in International Trade Invoicing
Export promotion agencies: Do they work?
Competition and Quality Upgrading
Heterogeneous firms or heterogeneous workers? Implications for the exporter premium and the impact of labor reallocation on productivity
Time as a Determinant of Comparative Advantage
Inter-Firm Trade Finance in Times of Crisis
The power of exports
Trade openness and income — A re-examination
Distance, Trade, and Income - The 1967 to 1975 Closing of the Suez Canal as a Natural Experiment | Published
The Consumption Terms of Trade and Commodity Prices
A Touch of Sophistication: FDI and Unit Values of Exports
Elasticity Optimism
Measuring the Gains from Trade under Monopolistic Competition
Do trade missions increase trade?
Importing, exporting and innovation in developing countries | Published
Wholesalers and Retailers in U.S. Trade (Long Version)
Globalization, Trade & Wages: What Does History tell us about China?
Trade Liberalization and Heterogeneous Firm Models: An Evaluation Using the Canada - US Free Trade Agreement
The Role of Intermediaries in Facilitating Trade | Published
Climate Shocks and Exports
Global Wage Inequality and the International Flow of Migrants
Cultural proximity and trade
What Constrains Africa's Exports?
Trade Openness Reduces Growth Volatility When Countries Are Well Diversified
Offshoring, tasks, and the skill-wage pattern
Trade costs, resource reallocation and productivity in developing countries
Exports versus FDI revisited: does finance matter?
Beyond the average effects: The distributional impacts of export promotion programs in developing countries
Intra-firm Trade and Product Contractibility (Long Version)
Power Laws in Firm Size and Openness to Trade: Measurement and Implications | Published
The erosion of colonial trade linkages after independence
Power Laws in Firm Size and Openness to Trade: Measurement and Implications
Multi-Product Exporters: Product Churning, Uncertainty and Export Discoveries
Pop Internationalism: Has A Half Century of World Music Trade Displaced Local Culture? | Published
Export Performance and Trade Facilitation Reform: Hard and Soft Infrastructure | Published
The Contribution of Trade to Wage Inequality: The Role of Skill, Gender, and Nationality
Exports, Export Destinations, and Skills
OECD Imports: Diversification and Quality Search
Product and Process Innovation and Firms' decision to Export
The great trade collapse of 2008-2009: an inventory adjustment?
Exports, Borders, Distance, and Plant Size
Outsourcing and pass-through
Trade liberalisation and human capital adjustment
Demand Spillovers and the Collapse of Trade in the Global Recession
US Trade and Wages: The Misleading Implications of Conventional Trade Theory
Do Developed and Developing Countries Compete Head to Head in High-tech?
Trade Credit Contracts
Lingua franca: The role of English in international trade
Does Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Protection Induce More Bilateral Trade? Evidence from China’s Imports
Product adjustments: A firm-level analysis of the impact of a real exchange rate shock
Export Discoveries, Diversification and Barriers to Entry | Published
Report on the State of Available Data for the Study of International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment
Geographical Diversification of Developing Country Exports
The Dynamic Effects of Currency Union on Trade
What Goods Do Countries Trade? A Quantitative Exploration of Ricardo's Ideas
Foreign Market Conditions and Export Performance: Does 'Crowdedness' Reduce Exports?
Foreign Affiliate Sales and Trade in Both Goods and Services
From Beijing to Bentonville: Do Multinational Retailers Link Markets? | Published
Specialization: Pro- and Anti-globalizing, 1990-2002
Give Credit Where Credit Is Due: Tracing Value Added in Global Production Chains
Immigration, Offshoring and American Jobs | Published
The Structure of Tariffs and Long-Term Growth
The quality of a firm's exports: Where you export to matters
Partial- and General-Equilibrium Measures of Trade Restrictiveness
A Note on Detecting Learning by Exporting | Published
Firm Heterogeneity and Costly Trade: A New Estimation Strategy and Policy Experiments | Published
African Export Successes: Surprises, Stylized Facts, and Explanations
Export versus FDI in services
The Extensive Margin of Exporting Products: A Firm-level Analysis | Published
Gravity Chains: Estimating Bilateral Trade Flows When Parts And Components Trade Is Important
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
Determinants of Trade Misinvoicing
Dissecting intra-industry trade
Do language barriers affect trade?
The Evolution of Comparative Advantage: Measurement and Welfare Implications | Published
Export growth and factor market competition: theory and evidence
Low-Wage Countries' Competition, Reallocation Across Firms and the Quality Content of Exports
Structural estimation and solution of international trade models with heterogeneous firms
Trade booms, trade busts, and trade costs
Deductions from the Export Basket: Capabilities, Wealth and Trade
Does WTO Matter for the Extensive and the Intensive Margins of Trade?
Export differentiation in transition economies
Export specialization and economic growth around the world
The impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on the margins of international trade
Measuring quality in international trade
Evidence on Productivity, Comparative Advantage, and Networks in the Export Performance of Firms | Published
Service Export Sophistication and Economic Growth
International Outsourcing and the Sector Bias: New Empirical Evidence
Lifting the Domestic Veil: The Challenges of Exporting Differentiated Goods Across the Development Divide
Market Size, Competition, and the Product Mix of Exporters | Published
Trade Liberalization and Firm Dynamics
Are capital intensive firms the biggest exporters?
How do high-skilled natives view high-skilled immigrants? A test of trade theory predictions
Did Export Diversification Soften the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis?
Poultry in Motion: A Study of International Trade Finance Practices | Published
How Wages and Employment Adjust to Trade Liberalization: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Austria | Published
Protectionist Responses to the Crisis: Damage Observed in Product-Level Trade
Intra-industry Trade Liberalization: Why Skilled Workers are More Likely to Support Free Trade
Estimating the Constraints to Trade of Developing Countries
Trade liberalization, firm heterogneity, and wages: new evidence from matched employer-employee data
Diaspora effects in international migration: key questions and methodological issues
Trade and Inequality in India
Export Quality Dynamics
Trade Credit Contracts
The role of extensive and intensive margins and export growth
Law, trade, and development
Need for Speed: Is Faster Trade in the EU Trade-creating?
Structural Estimation of Gravity Models with Path-dependent Market Entry
Economic Performance under NAFTA: A Firm-Level Analysis of the Trade-Productivity Linkages
Foreign Firms and Local Communities
On the Genesis of Multinational Foreign Affiliate Networks
Ethnic networks and trade: Intensive versus extensive margins
The WTO trade effect
Firm Location and the Determinants of Exporting in Developing Countries
Limited Information Bayesian Model Averaging for Dynamic Panels with an Application to a Trade Gravity Model
Heterogeneous Firm-Level Responses to Trade Liberalization: A Test Using Stock Price Reactions
The Wage Effects of Offshoring: Evidence from Danish Matched Worker-Firm Data | Published
Is the WTO mystery really solved?
Exchange rate exposure under liquidity constraints
A Sorted Tale of Globalization: White Collar Jobs and the Rise of Service Offshoring | Published
Trade Prices and the Global Trade Collapse of 2008-2009
Trade Policy, Trade Costs, and Developing Country Trade
Rigidities in Employment Protection and Exporting
The Empirics of Firm Heterogeneity and International Trade
Export dynamics and sales at home | Published
Trade, Wages, and Profits | Published
Volatility due to offshoring: Theory and evidence
Gravity, trade integration, and heterogeneity across industries
Service Trade and Occupational Tasks: An Empirical Investigation
Export sophistication and economic growth: Evidence from China
Exchange rate undervaluation and manufactured exports: A deliberate strategy?
Dedollarization and financial robustness
Buffalo Hunt: International Trade and the Virtual Extinction of the North American Bison
Trade and Investment under Policy Uncertainty: Theory and Firm Evidence | Published
Measured Aggregate Gains from International Trade | Published
North-South Standards Harmonization and International Trade
Measuring the Upstreamness of Production and Trade Flows
Trade Diversification, Income, and Growth: What Do We Know?
Time as a Trade Barrier
Trade and prices with heterogeneous firms
Local costs of distribution, international trade costs and micro evidence on the law of one price
Trade costs and productivity in services sectors
Gold Standard Gravity
Evaluating Estimates of Materials Offshoring from U.S. Manufacturing
Prices, Markups and Trade Reform | Published
International trade in natural resources: Practice and policy
Bilateral Exchange Rates and Jobs
Import Prices, Income, and Inequality | Published
Spillover Effects of Exchange Rates: A Study of the Renminbi
The Rise of Middle Kingdoms: Emerging Economies in Global Trade | Published
Trade, Variety, and Immigration | Published
Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage: Old Idea, New Evidence
Trade and Inequality: From Theory to Estimation | Published
On the development strategy of countries of intermediate size—An analysis of heterogeneous firms in a multi-region framework
Do Free Trade Agreements Increase Economic Growth of the Member Countries?
Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage: Old Idea, New Evidence
How Trade Credits Foster International Trade
Protectionism Isn't Counter-Cyclic (anymore)
Trade Credit and Taxes | Published
Why Trade Matters After All | Published
Native language, spoken language, translation and trade | Published
Some Stylized Facts about International Trade Flows
Distance and Political Boundaries: Estimating Border Effects under Inequality Constraints
Estimating domestic content in exports when processing trade is pervasive
International Standards and International Trade: Empirical Evidence from ISO 9000 Diffusion
Fragmentation and Trade in Value Added over Four Decades
Language, Ethnicity and Intra-firm Trade
The Global Economics of Water: Is Water A Source of Comparative Advantage? | Published
The Effect of Trade and Migration on Income
Carry-Along Trade | Published
The Connection between Imported Intermediate Inputs and Exports: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Trade and productivity: Self-selection or learning-by-exporting in India
Time to Ship During Financial Crises
Financial reforms and international trade | Published
Market Access in Global and Regional Trade
Sources of Comparative Advantage in Polluting Industries
International Trade without CES: Estimating Translog Gravity | Published
Export Superstars | Published
The great synchronization of international trade collapse
A simple solution to the distance puzzle in international trade
The Rise of Middle Kingdoms: Emerging Economies in Global Trade
Importers, Exporters, and Exchange Rate Disconnect | Published
Cultural Distance and Bilateral Trade
Multi-Product Firms and Product Quality
Facilitating International Production Networks: The Role of Trade Logistics
Monitoring Export Vulnerability to Changes in Growth Rates of Major Global Markets
Bridging trade theory and labor econometrics: the effects of international migration
Industrial Policy and Downstream Export Performance | Published
Effects of Terms of Trade Gains and Tariff Changes on the Measurement of US Productivity Growth
Firm heterogeneity, rules of oigin, and rule of cumulation
Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and Cookbook
The implications of natural resource exports for non-resource trade
Productivity and the decision to import and export: Theory and evidence
Time zone differences as trade barriers
Financial Development and the Choice of Trade Partners | Published
Are distance effects really a puzzle?
The Margins of Multinational Production and the Role of Intrafirm Trade
Preparing to Export
How Important Is the New Goods Margin in International Trade?
Multi-product Firms and Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Value added content of trade: A comprehensive approach
Paying a Visit: The Dalai Lama Effect on International Trade
Scale, Scope, and the International Expansion Strategies of Multiproduct Firms
Estimating productivity with multi-product firms, pricing heterogeneity and the role of international trade
Credit constraints, inequality and the growth gains from trade
Trade and innovation in services: evidence from a developing economy
The Labor Market Effects of Immigration and Emigration in OECD Countries
Endowment Differences and the Composition of Intra-Industry Trade
The Tip of the Iceberg: A Quantitative Framework for Estimating Trade Costs | Published
Global Supply Chains, Currency Undervaluation, and Firm Protectionist Demands
How Many Dimensions Do We Trade In? Product Space Geometry and Latent Comparative Advantage
Drivers of Export Upgrading
Why Trucks Jump: Offshoring and Product Characteristics
Technology differences in empirical studies of international trade
Import diversification along the growth path
Firm-Level Comparative Advantage
The Elasticity of Trade: Estimates and Evidence
Antidumping and the Death of Trade
Ricardian Productivity Differences and the Gains from Trade
Trade Facilitation and Country Size
Product diversification, relative specialisation and economic development: Import-export analysis
R&D, trade in intermediate inputs, and the comparative advantage of advanced countries
Exporter Dynamics, Firm Size and Growth, and Partial Year Effects
Export or Merge? Proximity vs. Concentration in Product Space
Openness to Import and Productivity
Estimating the Extensive Margin of Trade
Neighbors and the Evolution of the Comparative Advantage of Nations: Evidence of International Knowledge Diffusion?
Quantifying the Evolution of World Trade, 1870-1949
Intra-national Trade Costs: Measurement and Aggregation | Published
Exporter Dynamics, Firm Size and Growth, and Partial Year Effects
Product sophistication: A tie that binds partners in international trade
Financial liberalization and the relationship-specificity of exports
Borders, Ethnicity and Trade
Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports
Under Construction: Development, Democracy, and Difference as Determinants of Systemic Liberal Peace
Openness and Income: the Roles of Trade and Migration
Unobservable skill dispersion and comparative advantage
Financial reforms, product differentiation, and trade
Gravity and Extended Gravity: Using Moment Inequalities to Estimate a Model of Export Entry | Published
Evaluating Aid for Trade: A Survey of Recent Studies
Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Development Finance: Risks and Opportunities
Trust in trade: The causal role of social trust on individual trade preferences
Imports of Intermediate Inputs and Country Size
Learning, Incomplete Contracts and Export Dynamics: Theory and Evidence from French Firms
Exporters and Shocks: Dissecting the International Elasticity Puzzle
International Productivity Gaps and the Export Status of Firms: Evidence from France and Japan
In Search of the Armington Elasticity | Published
The state's role and position in international trade: A complex network perspective
Immigration and Structural Change: Evidence from Post-War Germany
Evolving Comparative Advantage and the Impact of Climate Change in Agricultural Markets: Evidence from 1.7 Million Fields around the World
Who Exports Better Quality Products to Smaller or More Distant Markets?
Is the 'euro effect' on trade so small after all? New evidence using gravity equations with panel cointegration techniques
Choosing Multiple Offshoring Strategies: Determinants and Complementarity
Export Growth and Credit Constraints
Export Destinations and Input Prices
The role of direct flights in trade costs
A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration
Islands in Trade: Disentangling Distance from Border Effects
Epidemic trade
Measuring the Unequal Gains from Trade
The Border Effect and the Nonlinear Relationship between Trade and Distance
Firm Exports and Multinational Activity under Credit Constraints
Bank Linkages and International Trade
How Do the "GATS-Plus" and "GATS-Minus" Characteristics of Regional Service Agreements Affect Trade in Services?
Tariff Incidence: Evidence from U.S. Sugar Duties, 1890-1930
Local Intermediate Inputs and the Shared Supplier Spillovers of Foreign Direct Investment | Published
Learning-by-exporting versus self-selection: New evidence for 19 sub-Saharan African countries
No Guarantees, No Trade: How Banks Affect Export Patterns
Offshoring, Mismatch, and Labor Market Outcomes
A Global Assessment of Human Capital Mobility: The Role of Non-OECD Destinations
Evidence on policies to increase the development impacts of international migration
Multinational Pricing: Lessons from IKEA
Trade Partner Diversification and Growth: How Trade Links Matter | Published
The Multiple Impacts of the Exchange Rate on Export Diversification
Trade Credit and Cross-country Predictable Firm Returns
Exporting and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Trial | Published
Trade and Tasks: An Exploration over Three Decades in Germany
The Global Trade Slowdown: Cyclical or Structural? | Published
Spatial exporters
Trade Liberalization and the Skill Premium: A Local Labor Markets Approach
Can Trade Agreements Curtail Trade Creation and Prevent Trade Diversion?
An Illustrated User Guide to the World Input-Output Database: the Case of Global Automotive Production
Per Capita Income and the Mystery of Missing Trade
Consumer Demand for Fair Trade: Evidence from a Multistore Field Experiment
Per-Shipment Costs and the Lumpiness of International Trade
Open Skies: Estimating Travelers' Benefits from Free Trade in Airline Services
High-end variety exporters defying gravity: Micro facts and aggregate implications
Kyoto and Carbon Leakage: An Empirical Analysis of the Carbon Content of Bilateral Trade
How You Export Matters: Export Mode, Learning and Productivity in China | Published
Indirect exporters and importers
Untangling Trade and Technology: Evidence from Local Labour Markets
Trade, Wages and Collective Bargaining: Evidence from France
Structural Gravity and Fixed Effects | Published
Does Exporting Improve Matching? Evidence from French Employer-Employee Data
Market Access Conditions and Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports Diversification
There goes gravity: eBay and the death of distance
Made in China, sold in Norway: Local labor market effects of an import shock
Impacts of FTA Utilization on Firm Performance
Virtual proximity and audiovisual services trade
Exchange rate pass-through and product heterogeneity: Does quality matter on the import side?
Currency Unions and Trade: A Post-EMU Mea Culpa
International specialization and the return to capital
What do Exporters Know? | Published
Outsourcing, Importing and Innovation: Evidence from Firm-level Data for Emerging Economies
Effects of renminbi appreciation on foreign firms: The role of processing exports
Exchange rate fluctuations and the margins of exports
When Is It Optimal to Delegate: The Theory of Fast-Track Authority
International trade and performance of firms: Unraveling export, import and productivity puzzle
International migration, migrant stock, and remittances: Reexamining the motivations to remit
Latent Trade Diversification and Its Relevance for Macroeconomic Stability
Estimating the Gravity Model When Zero Trade Flows Are Frequent and Economically Determined
The Role of Language in Shaping International Migration
Multi-way clustering estimation of standard errors in gravity models
The Gains from Input Trade in Firm-Based Models of Importing | Published
The Impacts of Trade Facilitation Measures on International Trade Flows
Export Promotion and Firm Entry into and Survival in Export Markets
Like Me, Buy Me: The Effect of Soft Power on Exports | Published
Dark Costs, Missing Data: Shedding Some Light on Services Trade | Published
The exchange rate, asymmetric shocks and asymmetric distributions
Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis | Published
Price regulation and parallel imports of pharmaceuticals
Unprecedented Changes in the Terms of Trade
Learning versus sunk costs explanations of export persistence
Trade Frictions and Market Access of Developing Countries: A Product-level Empirical Investigation
The comparative effects of independence on trade
The Long-Term Impacts of International Migration: Evidence from a Lottery | Published
Exporter Behavior, Country Size and Stage of Development: Evidence from the Exporter Dynamics Database | Published
Dark Costs, Missing Data: Shedding Some Light on Services Trade
Global Value Chains and the Exchange Rate Elasticity of Exports | Published
The Dynamics of Comparative Advantage
FTA Effects on Agricultural Trade with Matching Approaches
Austerity and Exports
Estimating the effects of the container revolution on world trade
Abstract: Many historical accounts have asserted that containerization triggered complementary technological and organizational changes that revolutionized global freight transport. We are the first to suggest an identification strategy for estimating the effects of the container revolution on world trade. Our empirical strategy exploits time and cross-sectional variation in countries' first adoption of container facilities and combines it with product-level variation in containerizability and container usage. Applying our container variables on a large panel of product level trade flows for the period 1962–1990, our estimates suggest economically large concurrent and cumulative effects of containerization and lend support for the view of containerization being a driver of 20th century economic globalization.
Big is Beautiful when Exporting
Measuring productivity premia with many modes of internationalization
Global production sharing and the measurement of price elasticity in international trade
Cables, Sharks and Servers: Technology and the Geography of the Foreign Exchange Market
Firm-Level Investment and Export Dynamics
Quality and the Great Trade Collapse
Does Trade Credit Boost Firm Performance?
Trade, education, and the shrinking middle class
Accounting for the New Gains from Trade Liberalization | Published
IV Quantile Regression for Group-Level Treatments, With an Application to the Distributional Effects of Trade (pages 809-833)
Exporting Firm Dynamics and Productivity Growth: Evidence from China
Measuring Openness to Trade | Published
Trust, firm organization, and the pattern of comparative advantage
How firms export: Processing vs. ordinary trade with financial frictions
Gravity with scale effects
Heckscher-Ohlin: Evidence from Virtual Trade in Value Added
Preferences and the home bias in trade
Does product complexity matter for firms' output volatility?
Does the Global Trade Slowdown Matter? | Published
Exports and Job Training
Exporters, Engineers, and Blue-Collar Workers
Domestic Value Added in Exports: Theory and Firm Evidence from China
Exchange rate misalignment and export diversification in developing countries
Risk Sharing and Internal Migration
Testing the Core-competency Model of Multi-product Exporters
Exports and Job Training
International trade and tourism flows: An extension of the gravity model
ICT and Exporting: The Effects of Broadband on the Extensive Margin of Business Service Exports
Migrant Networks and Trade: The Vietnamese Boat People as a Natural Experiment
The Volatility of International Trade Flows in the 21st Century: Whose Fault Is It Anyway?
Disaggregating the Impact of the Internet on International Trade
Bank Lending Technologies and the Great Trade Collapse: Evidence from EU Micro-data
Technology and Production Fragmentation: Domestic versus Foreign Sourcing | Published
A World Trade Leading Index (WTLI)
Organization and export performance
The impact of domestic regulations on international trade in services: Evidence from firm-level data
Should we care about the uncertainty around measures of political-economic development?
6½ Decades of Global Trade and Income: "New Normal" or "Back to Normal" after GTC and GFC?
Misreporting Trade: Tariff Evasion, Corruption, and Auditing Standards | Pubished
Is The Mediterranean The New Rio Grande? US And EU Immigration Pressures In The Long Run
Winners and losers from a commodities-for-manufactures trade boom
Buyer-seller relationships in international trade: Do your neighbors matter?
Micro, macro, and strategic forces in international trade invoicing: Synthesis and novel patterns
With Whom Do Nations Trade? - The Fading Distance
The Long-Run Effects of Labor Migration on Human Capital Formation in Communities of Origin
Looking for Local Labor Market Effects of NAFTA
The Role of Newly Industrialized Economies in Global Value Chains
Let's Try Next Door: Technical Barriers to Trade and Multi-Destination Firms | Published
Quantiles, corners, and the extensive margin of trade
Household debt and spending during the financial crisis: Evidence from Danish micro data
Volatility and diversification of exports: Firm-level theory and evidence
Migration, Diversity, and Economic Growth
Income-Induced expenditure switching
Foreigners Knocking on the Door: Trade in China During the Treaty Port Era
Bank Internationalization and Firm Exports: Evidence from Matched Firm-Bank Data
Testing the General Validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
Trade Elasticities
Trade Finance Affects Trade Dynamics
Has Trade Been Driving Global Economic Growth?
Foreign Language Learning and Trade
Trade Liberalization and Mortality: Evidence from U.S. Counties
Monopsony Power in Migrant Labor Markets: Evidence from the United Arab Emirates
Production fragmentation, upstreamness, and value added: Evidence from Factory Asia 1990-2005
Crisis severity and the international trade network
Does Freer Trade Really Lead to Productivity Growth? Evidence from Africa
The Effects of Cultural Differences on Bilateral Trade Patterns
A Portrait of Trade in Value Added over Four Decades | Published
Has trade been driving global economic growth?
Statistics to Measure Offshoring and its Impact
Currency Wars? Unconventional Monetary Policy Does Not Stimulate Exports
Distorted Trade Barriers: A Dissection of Trade Costs in a "Distorted Gravity" Model
Financial imperfections, product quality, and international trade
A tale of two tails: Productivity distribution and the gains from trade
Firms' Export Decisions: Demand Trumps Financial Shocks
Assessing the Fragility of Global Trade: The Impact of Localized Supply Shocks Using Network Analysis
Terms-of-Trade Cycles and External Adjustment
The Role of Foreign Banks in Trade
Gains from trade due to within-firm productivity: does services exporting matter?
Foreign Banks and Trade: Bridging the Information Gap?
Does Vertical Specialization Increase Productivity?
The effect of patents on trade
Instrumental Variables and Causal Mechanisms: Unpacking The Effect of Trade on Workers and Voters
Subsidies with export share requirements in China
Trade and labor reallocation with heterogeneous enforcement of labor regulations
Effects of Timeliness on the Trade Pattern between Primary and Processed Goods
Launching Export Accelerations in Latin America and the World
Measures of Participation in Global Value Chains and Global Business Cycles
Trade networks and colonial trade spillovers
Characterizing Global Value Chains: Production Length and Upstreamness
New Exporters and Continuing Exporters under Exchange Rate Fluctuations
World Trade in Services: Evidence from A New Dataset
Economic Upgrading through Global Value Chain Participation: Which Policies Increase the Value Added Gains?
Multi-product offshoring
Tradability and the Labor-Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence from the U.S. | Published
Two-Way Models for Gravity
ICT's effect on trade: Perspective of comparative advantage
The Income Elasticity of Import Demand: Micro Evidence and An Application | Published
Revealed comparative advantage: What is it good for?
Did divine wind rescue Japan out of the lost decade?
Trading with China: Productivity Gains, Job Losses | Published
International trade, risk and the role of banks
The impact of export promotion on export market entry
Short Run Gravity | Published
Trade Induced Structural Change and the Skill Premium
Globalization, Markups, and US Welfare
Margins of Labor Market Adjustment to Trade
Services Trade and Global Value Chains
Calculating Trade in Value Added
Financial Shocks, Supply-chain Relationships and the Great Trade Collapse
The finance-trade nexus revisited: Is the global trade slowdown also a financial story?
Sunk Costs of R&D, Trade and Productivity: The Moulds Industry Case
Identifying foreign suppliers in U.S. import data
On the stability of intra-industry trade
Intra-Industry, Intra-Product, and Inter-Product Trade
Export Diversification and Sources of Growth in Emerging Market Economies
The Wind of Change: Maritime Technology, Trade, and Economic Development
Human Barriers to International Trade
Two Great Trade Collapses: The Interwar Period & Great Recession Compared
Exporter Dynamics and Partial-Year Effects
The Nature of Trade and Growth Linkages
Export Quality in Advanced and Developing Economies: Evidence from a New Data Set
How Wide Is the Firm Border? | Published
From micro to macro: Demand, supply, and heterogeneity in the trade elasticity
No guarantees, no trade: How banks affect export patterns
Unprecedented changes in the terms of trade
Sizing up Market Failures in Export Pioneering Activities
Trade and Income in the Long Run: Are There Really Gains, and Are They Widely Shared? | Published
Demand, costs and product scope in the export market
Trade, Merchants, and the Lost Cities of the Bronze Age | Published
The Slowdown in Global Trade: A Symptom of A Weak Recovery
Can Developing Countries Gain from Defying Comparative Advantage? Distance to Comparative Advantage, Export Diversification and Sophistication, and the Dynamics of Specialization
Growth by Destination: The Role of Trade in Africa's Recent Growth Episode
Measuring Global Value Chains | Published
The 'China Shock', Exports and U.S. Employment: A Global Input-Output Analysis
Reversal of migration flows: A fresh look at the German reunification
Organizing the global value chain: A firm-level test
Product churning, reallocation, and Chinese export growth
Analyzing Trade Growth Effects of Deviations from Long-run Economic Growth
The Comparative Advantages in the Services Sector of Developing Economies
Quantifying the Losses from International Trade
The Gravity of Ideas: How distance affects translations
Export diversification and economic development: A dynamic spatial data analysis
The distance effect in banking and trade
International knowledge spillover through trade: A time-varying spatial panel data approach
Value-added exports and U.S. local labor markets: Does China really matter?
Trade, Quality Upgrading, and Input Linkages
On the Measurement of Upstreamness and Downstreamness in Global Value Chains
New Estimates for Direction of Trade Statistics
The Anatomy of a Trade Collapse: The UK, 1929-33
The rise of exporting by U.S. firms
Do Employee Spinoffs Learn Markets From Their Parents? Evidence From International Trade | Published
Dispersion in macroeconomic volatility between the core and periphery of the international trade network
The World Is Not Yet Flat: Transport Costs Matter!
The US Gains from Trade: Valuation Using the Demand for Foreign Factor Services | Published
Exchange Rate Movements, Firm-Level Exports and Heterogeneity
Using Gross Trade Data to Map Archetypal GVCs
Economic Benefits of Export Diversification in Small States
International Competition, Returns to Skill, and Labor Market Adjustment
Escaping Import Competition and Downstream Tariffs
The buyer margins of firms' exports
The International Elasticity Puzzle Is Worse Than You Think
Selection and Market Reallocation: Productivity Gains from Multinational Production
Finance, Comparative Advantage, and Resource Allocation
Firm-to-firm Connections in Colombian Imports
Do Imports and Exports Adjust Nonlinearly? Evidence from 100 Countries
Export Product Concentration and De Facto Fiscal Space: Does Openness to International Trade matter?
Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade: External Exchange Rate Volatility Matters
A Prima Facie Evidence on the Impact of Export Diversification on Relative Trade Preferential Margin
Services Development and Comparative Advantage in Manufacturing | Alternative | Published
Long-term relatedness between countries and international migrant selection
Managing Trade: Evidence from China and the US
Gravity and Comparative Advantage: Estimation of Trade Elasticities for the Agricultural Sector
Currency Wars? Unconventional Monetary Policy Does Not Stimulate Exports
Of Mice and Merchants: Trade and Growth in the Iron Age
Measuring Bilateral Exports of Value Added: A Unified Framework
Does Machine Translation Affect International Trade? Evidence from a Large Digital Platform
Export spillover and location choice
Living with Lower Productivity Growth: Impact on Exports
Exporters' product vectors across markets
Tariff scares: Trade policy uncertainty and foreign market entry by Chinese firms
Trade and Domestic Production Networks | Published
Trading across Borders in Online Auctions
The Intensive Margin in Trade
Multi-destination firms and the impact of exchange-rate risk on trade
The Intensive Margin in Trade
Organizing Global Supply Chains: Input Cost Shares and Vertical Integration | Published
Techies, Trade, and Skill-Biased Productivity
Venting Out: Exports During a Domestic Slump
Exporting and Plant-Level Efficiency Gains: It's in the Measure
Immigration and firms' integration in international production networks
The surprising instability of export specializations
Global Value Chains: What are the Benefits and Why Do Countries Participate?
Effective Trade Costs and the Current Account: An Empirical Analysis
Commodity Terms of Trade: A New Database
Does the distinction between gross and value-added exports matter? An empirical investigation of export elasticities
The impact of oil prices on trade
Demand Learning and Firm Dynamics: Evidence from Exporters
Import Competition, Heterogeneous Preferences of Managers, and Productivity
Indirect measures of trade costs: Limitations and caveats
Misfits in the Car Industry: Offshore Assembly Decisions at the Variety Level
Exporting Sweatshops? Evidence from Myanmar
Trade Shocks and the Shifting Landscape of U.S. Manufacturing | Published
Export take-offs and acceleration: Unpacking cross-sector linkages in the evolution of comparative advantage
Skills, population aging, and the pattern of international trade
Trade, Migration, and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis of China
Export Diversification in Low-Income Countries and Small States: Do Country Size and Income Level Matter?
Price, Product Quality, and Exporter Dynamics: Evidence from China
Disentangling Global Value Chains
Excessive Entry and Exit in Export Markets
Estimating the Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Total Exports
Trade and the geographic spread of the great recession
Network Effects in Internal Migration
Global Value Chains and Relative Labor Demand: A Geometric Synthesis of Neoclassical Trade Models
Global value chain participation and current account imbalances
Early 20th Century American Exceptionalism: Production, Trade and Diffusion of the Automobile
How Accurate are Global Trade-Finance Data?
Do visas hinder international trade in goods?
Trade balance dynamics and exchange rates: In search of the J-curve using a structural gravity approach
Product Standards and Firms' Export Decisions
Economic preferences and trade outcomes
The Impact of Immigration on Competing Natives' Wages: Evidence from German Reunification
The Impact of Immigration on Firm-Level Offshoring
The Great Trade Collapse: An Evaluation of Competing Stories | Published
Estimating the trade elasticity over time
The Inflexible Structure of Global Supply Chains
Collective Reputation in Trade: Evidence from the Chinese Dairy Industry
Trade Flows and Exchange Rates: Importers, Exporters and Products
Service Imports, Workforce Composition, and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finnish Microdata
The Consumption Response to Trade Shocks: Evidence from the US-China Trade War
International Transfer Pricing and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Linked Trade-Tax Statistics in the UK
Immigrants, occupations and firm export performance
Markups, Quality, and Trade Costs | Published
Estimating the Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Total Exports
Estimating firm product quality using trade data
Bank credit and trade credit: Evidence from natural experiments
Unit Values for Import and Export Price Indexes – A Proof of Concept
The Labor Market Effects of Offshoring by U.S. Multinational Firms
Immigration and the macroeconomy: Some new empirical evidence
Why Japan lost its comparative advantage in producing electronic parts and components
Growth Gains from Trade
Big Data on Vessel Traffic: Nowcasting Trade Flows in Real Time
Export decision under risk
The Impact of Intranational Trade Barriers on Exports: Evidence from a Nationwide VAT Rebate Reform in China
Footloose global value chains: How trade costs make a difference
Global Value Chains and External Adjustment: Do Exchange Rates Still Matter? | Published
Exporting Through Intermediaries: Impact on Export Dynamics and Welfare
The unintended consequences of migration policy on origin-country labor market decisions
Subsidies, spillovers and exports
3D printing, international trade, and FDI
Measuring Trade Profile with Granular Product-Level Data
Product life-cycle, knowledge capital, and comparative advantage
Volatility in the small and in the large: The lack of diversification in international trade
Does trade reduce infant mortality? Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
New trade models, different distributions, same old results?
The Origins and Dynamics of Export Superstars
Home-biased gravity: The role of migrant tastes in international trade
Trade and Political Fragmentation on the Silk Roads: The Economic Effects of Historical Exchange between China and the Muslim East
The Structure of Multinational Firms' International Activities
Heterogeneous Globalization: Offshoring and Reorganization
Trade policy changes, tax evasion and Benford's law
The dynamic factor network model with an application to international trade
The Long and Short (Run) of Trade Elasticities
International Trade and Social Connectedness | Published
Export price shocks and rural labor markets: The role of labor market distortions
Exposure of belt and road economies to China trade shocks
World Seaborne Trade in Real Time: A Proof of Concept for Building AIS-based Nowcasts from Scratch
Machine Learning in Gravity Models: An Application to Agricultural Trade
Fair trade or trade fair? International food trade and cross-border macronutrient flows
Global Supply Chains in the Pandemic | Published
The trade effects of skilled versus unskilled migration
China's Foreign Trade and Investment, 1800 - 1950
High Order Openness
The Globalization of Refugee Flows | Published
Trade effects of the New Silk Road: A gravity analysis
The superstar and the followers: Intra-firm product complementarity in international trade
The Health Toll of Import Competition
What drives cross-country differences in export variety? A bilateral panel approach
Processing immigration shocks: Firm responses on the innovation margin
Lexicographic biases in international trade
What goes around comes around: Export-enhancing effects of import-tariff reductions
Discrete trade
Linder hypothesis revisited: Does it hold for services trade?
Migration from Developing Countries: Selection, Income Elasticity, and Simpson's Paradox
Structural change and global trade flows: Does an emerging giant matter?
Multidimensional financial development, exporter behavior and export diversification
The Heterogeneous Effects of Trade across Occupations: A Test of the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
The international trade effects of bilateral investment treaties
Estimating the Armington elasticity: The importance of study design and publication bias
Price gaps at the border: Evidence from multi-country household scanner data
Trade credit, cash holdings, and product market competition
Landscape Change and Trade in Ancient Greece: Evidence from Pollen Data
All Aboard: The Effects of Port Development
Exporting from China: The Determinants of Trade Status
Latent Exports: Almost Ideal Gravity and Zeros
Global supply chain shifting: A macro sense of production relocation based on multi-regional input-output table
Curbing Shocks to Corporate Liquidity: The Role of Trade Credit
Trade, technology, and the channels of wage inequality
New nonlinear estimators of the gravity equation
Women hold up half the sky? Trade specialization patterns and work-related gender norms
Cheap Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets
Silk Roads to Riches: Persistence Along an Ancient Trade Network
Trade Shocks and Labor Market Adjustment
Bought, Sold and Bought Again: The Impact of Complex Value Chains on Export Elasticities | Published
How do households adjust to tariff liberalization? Evidence from China's WTO accession
Superstar exporters: An empirical investigation of strategic interactions in Danish export markets
Measuring trade in value added with firm-level data
Confidence intervals for the trade cost parameters of cross-section gravity models
Melting constants in trade gravity's rainbow
Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake
Four Great Asian Trade Collapses
Increase versus transformation of exports through technological and institutional innovation: Evidence from Bayesian model averaging
Trade Credit and Product Pricing: The Role of Implicit Interest Rates
Supply chain performance and economic growth: The impact of COVID-19 disruptions
Decomposing episodes of large growth in international trade
The US-Chinese trade war: an event study of stock-market responses
Concentration in International Markets: Evidence from US Imports
Network-centric indicators for fragility in global financial indices
Accounting for trade deficits
Access to finance and the exchange rate elasticity of exports
At your service! The role of tax havens in international trade with services
The impact of COVID-19 on international trade: Evidence from the first shock
Growing like China: Firm performance and global production line position
Relationship stickiness, international trade, and economic uncertainty
Education and the Evolution of Comparative Advantage
Gravity model estimates of the spatial determinants of trade, migration, and trade-and-migration policies
The matching and sorting of exporting and importing firms: Theory and evidence
The Distributional Effects of Trade: Theory and Evidence from the United States
Estimating Border Effects: The Impact of Spatial Aggregation
Concentration in international markets: Evidence from US imports
The 2020 trade collapse: Exporters amid the pandemic
Historical migration and contemporary health
Modelling import penetration
Does trade cause detrimental specialization in developing economies? Evidence from countries south of the Suez Canal
What you import matters for productivity growth: Experience from Chinese manufacturing firms
On the market failure of "missing pioneers"
Opposing firm-level Responses to the China Shock: Horizontal Competition Versus Vertical Relationships?
Global Agricultural Value Chains and Structural Transformation
Corporate taxes and multi-product exporters: Theory and evidence from trade dynamics
Pull factors for migration: The impact of migrant integration policies
From theory to policy with gravitas: A solution to the mystery of the excess trade balances
The Structural Outcomes of Investment Surges
Revisiting time as a trade barrier: Evidence from a panel structural gravity model
Venting Out: Exports during a Domestic Slump
Borrowing Constraints and the Dynamics of Return and Repeat Migrations
Supply Chain Fragmentation and the Global Trade Elasticity: A New Accounting Framework
Exporting pollution: where do multinational firms emit CO2?
Semiparametric estimation of varying trade elasticities in gravity
Reshaping Global Trade: The Immediate and Long-Run Effects of Bank Failures | Published
Technology-induced trade shocks? Evidence from broadband expansion in France
On the evolution of comparative advantage: Path-dependent versus path-defying changes
Abstract: A country’s specialization evolves over time in a dynamic process, with shifts in comparative advantages, resulting in new products being added to the country’s export basket. According to the renowned Product Space (PS) framework (Hausmann and Klinger, 2007; Hidalgo et al., 2007), this dynamic process is characterized by strong path dependence, as a country’s current production capabilities (technologies, production factors, institutions, etc.) determine what a country produces today, but also limits what it can produce tomorrow. We use a novel methodology to explore whether the patterns of specialization of a large sample of countries for the period 1995–2015 correspond to the predictions of the PS framework. Despite finding evidence of path dependence, our analysis also finds that a significant number of new products later added to countries’ export baskets were unrelated to their initial specialization pattern. We shed light on the determinants of these path-dependent changes in countries’ export baskets and show that economic growth is weaker in countries with a higher degree of path dependence.
Information Frictions, Internet, and the Relationship between Distance and Trade
Export modes and firms' adjustments to exchange rate movements
Trade, Human Capital, and Income Risk
Currency Carry Trade by Trucks: The Curious Case of China's Massive Imports from Itself
Disaggregated gravity: Benchmark estimates and stylized facts from a new database
Trade, Structural Transformation and Development: Evidence from Argentina 1869-1914
Exchange Rate Elasticities of International Tourism and the Role of Dominant Currency Pricing
Unfolding Trade Effect in Two Margins of Informality. The Peruvian Case
Servicification and manufacturing exports: Evidence from India
Gravity at Sixty: The Bijou of Trade
Supply Bottlenecks: Where, Why, How Much, and What Next?
Ancestry and international trade
Decomposing value added in gross exports from a country and bilateral perspective
The costs of regulatory barriers to trade in services: New estimates of ad valorem tariff equivalents
The international spillover effects of US trade policy uncertainty
Trade Under Lockdown
The impact of intellectual property rights protection on trade: The role of a "third country" in market power and market expansion effects
Supply Chains and Port Congestion Around the World
High Performance Export Portfolio: Design Growth-Enhancing Export Structure with Machine Learning
Do Environmental Regulations Affect the Decision to Export?
Port congestion, container shortages, and U.S. foreign trade
Trade, access to varieties, and patterns of consumption
Is the Internet bringing down language-based barriers to international trade?
Determinants of Global Value Chain Participation: Cross-Country Evidence
Knowledge flows and global value chains
The Gift of Moving: Intergenerational Consequences of a Mobility Shock
Local Shocks and Internal Migration: The Disparate Effects of Robots and Chinese Imports in the US
Valuation effects of the US-China trade war: The effects of foreign managers and foreign exposure
How do endowments determine trade? quantifying the output mix, factor price, and skill-biased technology channels
Global value chains over business cycles
The Twin Peaks of the Export Intensity Distribution
International Trade and Letters of Credit: A Double-Edged Sword in Times of Crises
International patent protection and trade: Transaction-level evidence
The Effects of Joining Multinational Supply Chains: New Evidence from Firm-to-Firm Linkages
Imports, Exports, and Earnings Inequality: Measures of Exposure and Estimates of Incidence
Rise and Fall of Empires in the Industrial Era: A Story of Shifting Comparative Advantages
Is 3D printing a threat to global trade? The trade effects you didn't hear about
Trade competition and migration: Evidence from the quartz crisis
Offshoring and well-being of workers
Assessing the impact of China shocks on intra-ASEAN trade
Jobs and Productivity Growth in Global Value Chains: New Evidence for Twenty-five Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Firm-destination heterogeneity and the distribution of export intensity
The Round Trip Effect: Endogenous Transport Costs and International Trade
The Effects of High-Skilled Immigration Policy on Firms: Evidence from Visa Lotteries
Trade Disruption and Risk Perception
Trade shocks, industrial growth, and electrification in early 20th-century China
Horses for Courses: Measuring Foreign Supply Chain Exposure
Latent unbalancedness in three-way gravity models
Multinationals' Sales and Profit Shifting in Tax Havens
Dynamics of Trade Credit in China
Import Penetration and Executive Compensation
Climate Variability and International Trade
Trade as `an Engine of Growth: Sputtering but Fixable
Fragmentation in Global Trade: Accounting for Commodities
Trade Shocks, Population Growth, and Migration
Modeling country-sectoral spillovers in generalized propensity score matching: An empirical test on trade data
Why reshore? Evidence from Swedish firms
Are your labor shares set in Beijing? The view through the lens of global value chains
Trade Networks and Natural Disasters: Diversion, not Destruction
O-Ring Production Networks
Trade openness and connectedness of national productions: Do financial openness, economic specialization, and the size of the country matter?
Labor compliance programs in developing countries and trade flows: Evidence from Better Work
The Changing Firm and Country Boundaries of US Manufacturers in Global Value Chains
Special Economic Zones and Human Capital Investment: 30 Years of Evidence from China
Top Talent, Elite Colleges, and Migration: Evidence from the Indian Institutes of Technology
How Far Goods Travel: Global Transport and Supply Chains from 1965-2020
Global Value Chains in Developing Countries: A Relational Perspective from Coffee and Garments
Destination trade credit and exports: Evidence from cross-country panel data
Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multinational Activity: Theory and Evidence from the United States
Controlling for exporter-level factors when estimating import demand elasticities
Testing competing world trade models against the facts of world trade
Global Supply Chains: The Looming "Great Reallocation"
Imports, supply chains and firm productivity
Trade and growth in the world economy
Product Variety, the Cost of Living, and Welfare across Countries
Employment protection and the provision of trade credit
Corporate tax evasion: Evidence from international trade
College Expansion, Trade, and Innovation: Evidence from China
Trade and economic growth: Does the sophistication of traded goods matter?
Hidden Exposure: Measuring US Supply Chain Reliance
Progressive income tax and comparative advantage in trade
Trade Uncertainty and U.S. Bank Lending
International Trade Responses to Labor Market Regulations
Importing the Opioid Crisis? International Trade and Fentanyl Overdoses
Stalled Racial Progress and Japanese Trade in the 1970s and 1980s
Positioning in Global Value Chains: World Map and Indicators, A new dataset available for GVC analyses
Effects of international trade on income revisited
Exporting and sourcing strategies
Navigating the Waves of Global Shipping: Drivers and Aggregate Implications
Cultural distance, firm boundaries, and global sourcing
Trade networks and firm value: Evidence from the U.S.-China trade war
Multinational production and intra-firm trade
The Intensive Margin in Trade: How Big and How Important?
Broken Relationships: De-Risking by Correspondent Banks and International Trade
The ABCs of Firm Heterogeneity when Firms Sort into Markets: The Case of Exporters
Bound by ancestors: Immigration, credit frictions, and global supply chain formation
Supply chain risk: Changes in supplier composition and vertical integration
The rise of superstar firms in the United States: The role of global sourcing
From Dominant to Producer Currency Pricing: Dynamics of Chilean Exports
Productivity convergence in international trade: The role of industrial-based policies
Growth gains from offshore outsourcing
Gravity, globalization and time-varying heterogeneity
Robots and export quality
Import competition, labor market regulations, and firm outsourcing
The Long-Run Effect of Migration on Firms' Trade: Evidence from China
Trade Shocks and Higher-Order Earnings Risk in Local Labor Markets
Trade credit and the stability of supply chains
Climate distance and bilateral trade
How export performance is mediated by innovation, owner characteristics, and location
The dynamic impact of trade on environment
Return Migration and Human Capital Flows
Trade policy uncertainty & resource misallocation
Decomposing China's bilateral export growth: A firm-regional-transactions structural gravity approach
Catch-Up Growth and Inter-industry Productivity Spillovers: Evidence from Trade Data
Accounting for the Evolution of China's Production and Trade Patterns
Heterogeneous Impacts of Trade Shocks on Workers
Economic Complexity Analysis of Export Prices
How Responsive Are Wages to Firm-Specific Changes in Labour Demand? Evidence from Idiosyncratic Export Demand Shocks
Computerization, offshoring and trade: The effect on developing countries
Cultural affinity and international trade in motion pictures: Empirical evidence using categorised internet search activity
Investment in Infrastructure and Trade: The Case of Ports
Trade and Inequality: A Sufficient Statistics Approach
Commercial Rivalry as Seller Incidence Shifting: Non-parametric Accounting of the China Shock
Big hits in export growth
A Tale of Two Countries: Global Value Chains, the China Trade Shock, and Labor Markets
Machine learning and economic forecasting: the role of international trade networks
Softening the Blow: U.S. State-Level Banking Deregulation and Sectoral Reallocation after the China Trade Shock
The Heterogeneous Effects of Uncertainty on Trade
Trade and credit: Revisiting the evidence
Estimating gravity coefficients with multiple layers of heterogeneity
Distance(s) and the volatility of international trade(s)
Higher economic growth in poor countries, lower migration flows to the OECD - Revisiting the migration hump with panel data
Deficit aversion: Mercantilist ideas and individual trade preferences
New Dimensions in Regional Integration
Abstract: Interest in regional integration has recently revived in both developed and developing countries. The United States has responded to the lack of progress in the Uruguay Round of the GATT by pursuing bilateral trade negotiations with Canada and Mexico, while the developing countries' trade liberalizations of the 1980s have prompted them to re-evaluate the potential benefits of regional integration. The tendency for the world trading system to divide into three blocs - the European Community, the Americas and East Asia - is providing their members with guaranteed access to large markets, but non-member countries will suffer from the loss of access and there is an increasing risk of trade wars. In this book, derived from a conference organized jointly by the World Bank and CEPR in April 1992, leading international experts assess the renewed attractiveness of regional integration to individual countries, the types of integration that are suitable to various circumstances, the conditions necessary to their success, and the relationship between regionalism and multilateral free trade.
Regionalism versus Multilateralism
Abstract: The literature on regionalism versus multilateralism is growing as economists and political scientists grapple with the question of whether regional integration arrangements are good or bad for the multilateral system. Are regional integration arrangements "building blocks or stumbling blocks," in Jagdish Bhagwati's phrase, or stepping stones toward multilateralism? As economists worry about the ability of the World Trade Organization to maintain the GATT's unsteady yet distinct momentum toward liberalism, and as they contemplate the emergence of world-scale regional integration arrangements (the EU, NAFTA, FTAA, APEC, and, possibly, TAFTA), the question has never been more pressing. Winters switches the focus from the immediate consequences of regionalism for the economic welfare of the integrating partners to the question of whether it sets up forces that encourage or discourage evolution toward globally freer trade. The answer is, "We don't know yet." One can build models that suggest either conclusion, but these models are still so abstract that they should be viewed as parables rather than sources of testable predictions.
Open Regionalism
Abstract: “Open regionalism” represents an effort to resolve one of the central problems of contemporary trade policy: how to achieve compatibility between the explosion of regional trading arrangements 1 around the world and the global trading system as embodied in the World Trade Organization. The concept seeks to assure that regional agreements will in practice be building blocks for further global liberalization rather than stumbling blocks that deter such progress.
Preferential and Non-Preferential Trade Flows in World Trade
Can Bilateralism Ease the Pains of Multilateral Trade Liberlization?
Regional Integration Agreements: A Force for Convergence or Divergence?
An Economic Theory of GATT
Abstract: We propose a unified theoretical framework within which to interpret and evaluate the foundational principles of GATT. Working within a general equilibrium trade model, we represent government preferences in a way that is consistent with national income maximization but also allows for the possibility of distributional concerns as emphasized in leading political-economy models. Using this general framework, we establish that GATT's principles of reciprocity and non-discrimination can be viewed as simple rules that assist governments in their effort to implement efficient trade agreements. From this perspective, we argue that preferential agreements undermine GATT's ability to deliver efficient multilateral outcomes.
The Role of Multilateral Institutions in International Trade Cooperation
Abstract: The World Trade Organization (WTO) lacks the power to directly enforce agreements. It is therefore important to understand what role the WTO can play to facilitate international cooperation, and whether a multilateral institution can offer distinct advantages over a web of bilateral agreements. This paper examines two potential benefits of a multilateral trade institution: first, verifying violations of the agreements and informing third parties, thus facilitating multilateral reputation mechanisms; second, promoting multilateral trade negotiations rather than a web of bilateral negotiations. The model suggests that a multilateral approach is particularly important when there are strong imbalances in bilateral trading relationships.
The Long and Short of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
South-South Regional Integration and Industrial Growth: The Case of the Andean Pact
Trade Integration and Risk Sharing
Is Mercosur a Stepping Stone for Global Competition? An Empirical Assesment
Financial Globalization and Real Regionalization
Regional Integration and Industrial Growth among Developing Countries: The Case of Three ASEAN Members
Mega trading blocks: friend or foe of free trade?
Regional Integration and Development in Small States
Regionalism and the WTO
Abstract: Proceedings of a conference on regionalism and the WTO, held April 26, 2002 at the WTO.
Regional Agreements and Trade in Services
Trade-Related Technology Diffusion and the Dynamics of North-South and South-South Integration
Regional Cooperation, and the Role of International Organizations and Regional Integration
Agriculture in the Doha Agenda
The Monetary Consequences of a Free Trade Area of the Americas
Gradualism in free trade agreements: a theoretical justification
East Asia Integrates: a trade policy for shared growth
Abstract: Countries of East Asia face a substantial challenge to sustain income growth and poverty reduction in today’s competitive global economy, as they continue to recover from the 1997 financial crisis and to adapt to China’s emergence as a major world and regional trader. But even as they make decisions about the pace and extent of change needed to compete in the new East Asia, governments also face fundamental challenges to ensure that the benefits of regional and global trade are shared more evenly, among and within countries and social groups. These challenges can be met if action is taken to promote formal economic cooperation through trade and investment liberalization, consistent with a strong development orientation, according to the World Bank’s latest research on trade in East Asia. East Asia Integrates: A Trade Policy for Shared Growth, released today in Singapore, urges that this emerging, complex agenda, be addressed through an integrated regional trade strategy for East Asia – one that is more open and equitable than in the past.
Reciprocity in Free Trade Agreements
What Would a Development-Friendly WTO Architecture Really Look Like?
The Case for Auctioning Countermeasures in the WTO | Published
More Favorable and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries: Toward a New Approach in the World Trade Organization
The Impact of China’s WTO Accession on East Asia
Emerging Trends in WTO Dispute Settlement: Back to the GATT?
The WTO Promotes Trade, Strongly But Unevenly | Published
The United States and the New Regionalism/ Bilateralism
Regional Blocs and Foreign Direct Investment
Regional Integration and Development
Abstract: The growth of regional trading blocs has been one of the major developments in international relations in recent years. This volume extends the literature on it by examining regionalism from the viewpoint of developing countries, by providing a comprehensive account of existing theory and empirical results, by incorporating the findings of formal analyses of the politics and dynamics of regionalism, and by analyzing issues of credibility, deep integration, and the relationship between regionalism and multilateralism. In addition the volume offers concrete guidance to policy makers. Regional integration has an ambiguous impact on welfare and is too complex and case-specific to permit universal operational rules. Nevertheless, the authors have extracted a number of robust messages from the analysis that apply in the majority of circumstances. These are collected together into eight themes, broken down into thirty rules of thumb, that should guide policy makers considering creating or joining a new trade bloc.
In defence of the WTO: hard rules are better than no rules at all?
The Trade and Investment Effects of Preferential Trading Arrangements
The Impacts of an East Asia FTA on Foreign Trade in East Asia
WTO Dispute Settlements in East Asia
China's Integration into the World Economy: Implications for Developing Countries
The Impact of Free Trade Agreements in Asia
After Cancun: Possibilities for a New North-South Grand Bargain on Trade
NAFTA and Mexico's Less-Than-Stellar Performance
China: International Trade and WTO Accession
Multilateral trade negotiations, bilateral opportunism and the rules of GATT/WTO | Erratum
Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO: Why, When and How?
The WTO and the Poorest Countries: The Stark Reality
Are regional trading arrangements trade creating? An application of extreme bounds analysis
Regionalism and Multilateral Trade Liberalization with Asymmetric Countries
A strategic and welfare theoretic analysis of free trade areas
Economic determinants of free trade agreements
North-South Technology Diffusion, Regional Integration, and the Dynamics of the “Natural Trading Partners” Hypothesis
The Development Round of trade negotiations in the aftermath of Cancun
Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Trade Agreements: The Market Size Effect Revisited
Regionalism in Standards: Good or Bad for Trade?
The World Trade Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis
Abstract: With more than eighty chapters, this three-volume work – described by the current Director-General of the World Trade Organization as an "outstanding contribution" to understanding the world trading system – is by far the most comprehensive study yet undertaken of the WTO. Contributors to the book include two former Directors-General of the WTO, a former Deputy Director-General, a former and a present member of the WTO Appellate Body, and several present and former officials of the WTO Secretariat. They also include a number of former heads of country delegations to the GATT and the WTO, as well as leading academics and practitioners from many countries. The core of the book is the section on the legal framework of the WTO, which contains detailed legal analyses of the GATT 1994 and each of the specialized WTO agreements, as well as a discussion of the institutional framework of the WTO. The book also includes a number of chapters on the WTO dispute resolution process – a critical part of the world trading system – and on the growing phenomenon of regional trade agreements. In addition, the book contains sections discussing important political aspects of the WTO, such as the relationship between trade and the environment, labor, and human rights. A section on economic issues includes chapters analyzing the economic aspects of such critical aspects as anti-dumping, safeguards, trade and the environment, and trade and labor. A series of country reports considers the WTO from the perspective of individual members and would-be members, ranging from the United States and the European Union to Mongolia.
International Cooperation on Domestic Policies: Lessons from the WTO Competition Policy Debate
Understanding Rules of Origin
The Clash of Liberalizations: Preferential versus Multilateral Trade Liberalization in the European Union | Published
What Does Regional Trade in South Asia Reveal about Future Trade Integration? Some Empirical Evidence
The World Trade Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis
Abstract: With more than eighty chapters, this three-volume work – described by the current Director-General of the World Trade Organization as an "outstanding contribution" to understanding the world trading system – is by far the most comprehensive study yet undertaken of the WTO. Contributors to the book include two former Directors-General of the WTO, a former Deputy Director-General, a former and a present member of the WTO Appellate Body, and several present and former officials of the WTO Secretariat. They also include a number of former heads of country delegations to the GATT and the WTO, as well as leading academics and practitioners from many countries. The core of the book is the section on the legal framework of the WTO, which contains detailed legal analyses of the GATT 1994 and each of the specialized WTO agreements, as well as a discussion of the institutional framework of the WTO. The book also includes a number of chapters on the WTO dispute resolution process – a critical part of the world trading system – and on the growing phenomenon of regional trade agreements. In addition, the book contains sections discussing important political aspects of the WTO, such as the relationship between trade and the environment, labor, and human rights. A section on economic issues includes chapters analyzing the economic aspects of such critical aspects as anti-dumping, safeguards, trade and the environment, and trade and labor. A series of country reports considers the WTO from the perspective of individual members and would-be members, ranging from the United States and the European Union to Mongolia. The book is an essential tool for anyone with a professional interest in the WTO, ranging from government officials involved in trade policy to legal practitioners to academics.
Beyond Goods and Services: Competition Policy, Investment, Mutual Recognition, Movement of Persons, and Broader Cooperation Provisions of Recent FTAs involving ASEAN Countries
International fragmentation and the new economic geography
The Economic Analysis of International Production/Distribution Networks in East Asia and Latin America: The Implication of Regional Trade Arrangements
Trade preferences to small developing countries and the welfare costs of lost multilateral liberalization
The Changing Landscape of Regional Trade Agreements
The WTO After 10 Years: Global Problems and Multilateral Solutions
Abstract: Papers and presentations from the recent WTO public symposium "WTO After 10 Years: Global Problems and Multilateral Solutions" are now available on the WTO website. This year's event coincided with the 10th Anniversary of the WTO. Participants from governments, parliaments, civil society, the business sector, academia and the media were invited to analyse and reflect upon these past ten years and discuss the challenges the organization faces into the future.
Preferential Trade Agreements as Stumbling Blocks for Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Evidence for the US
Trade Agreements as Self-Protection
Rules of Origin in North-South Preferential Trading Arrangements with an Application to NAFTA
Preferential Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific Region
BRICSAM and the Non-WTO
Trade creating free trade areas and the undermining of multilateralism
Product Specific Rules of Origin in EU and U.S. Preferential Trading Agreements: An Assessment
European Union–developing country FTAs: overview and analysis
Preference erosion and multilateral trade liberalization
How often are propositions on the effects of regional trade agreements theoretical curiosa?
Bilateralism and Free Trade
Multilateralism and Hub-and-Spoke Bilateralism
Trade Issues in the Doha Round: Dispelling Some Misconceptions | Published
The world trading system: In the fog of uncertainty
Winners and Losers from the Gradual Formation of Trading Blocs
Recent Regional Agreements: Why So Many, Why So Much Variance in Form, Why Coming So fast, and Where are They Headed?
Quality of Governance and the Formation of Preferential Trade Agreements
Rules of origin for preferential trading arrangements: implications for the ASEAN Free Trade Area of EU and U.S. experience
Preferential trade agreements and their role in world trade
Do free trade agreements actually increase members' international trade?
When Do Trade Blocs Block Trade?
Does WTO Membership Make a Difference at the Extensive Margin of World Trade?
Will the Doha Round Lead to Preference Erosion?
Regionalization, Changes in Home Bias, and the Growth of World Trade
Endogenous trade bloc formation in an asymmetric world
Free trade networks
Normative comparisons of customs unions and other types of free trade association
Evaluating the trade effect of developing regional trade agreements : a semi-parametric approach
Pareto-optimal Delegation in Customs Unions
Is Regionalism Viable? A Case for Global Free Trade
Feasible multilateralism and the effects of regionalism
Are Trade Blocs Building or Stumbling Blocks? New Evidence
The trade structure effects of endogenous regional trade agreements
Recurrent trade agreements and the value of external enforcement
Trade Creation and Diversion Revisited: Accounting for Model Uncertainty and Natural Trading Partner Effects
New measures of trade creation and trade diversion
Big-Think Regionalism: a Critical Survey
Enlargement and common external tariff in a political-economic model of customs union
Trade diversion under selective preferential market access
Does regionalism affect trade liberalization toward non-members?
The Value of Making Commitments Externally: Evidence from WTO Accessions
Estimating the effects of free trade agreements on international trade flows using matching econometrics
Do countries free ride on MFN?
In Search of WTO Trade Effects:Preferential Trade Agreements Promote Trade Strongly, But Unevenly | Published
Common External Tariff Choice in Core Customs Unions
Global Free Trade is in the Core of a Customs Union Game
WTO as Moral Support
Implications of WTO disciplines for special economic zones in developing countries
Regional Trade Integration and Multinational Firm Strategies
The ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: Impact on Trade Flows and External Trade Barriers
GATT/WTO Promotes Trade Strongly: Sample Selection and Model Specification
Trade negotiations within the GATT/WTO framework: A survey of successes and failures
Alternatives to the Doha Round">Who Uses FTAs?
Feenstra, R.C. (2014/18)
Cacciatore, M. (2014)
Vannoorenberghe, G. (2014)
Novy, D. & A.M. Taylor (2014)
Fieler, A.C., M. Eslava & D. Xu (2014)
di Giovanni, J., A.A. Levchenko & F. Ortega (2014)
Felbermayr, G., G. Impullitti & J. Prat (2014)
Kreickemeier, U. & P.M. Richter (2014)
Sheard, N. (2014)
Fernández-Huertas Moraga, J. & H. Rapoport (2014)
Battisti, M., G. Felbermayr, G. Peri & P. Poutvaara (2014)
Bernard, A.B., A. Moxnes, K.H. Ulltveit-Moe (2014/18)
Crinò, R. & P. Epifani (2014)
Suranovic, S. & R. Winthrop (2014)
Maemir, H. & T.H.W. Ziesemer (2014)
Do, Q-T., A. Levchenko & C. Raddatz (2014/16)
Benarroch, M. & J. Gaisford (2014)
Brito, D. & D. Magueta (2014)
Metaxas, P.E. & E.J. Weber (2014)
Sampson, T. (2014)
Maskus, K.E. & F. Stähler (2014)
Soderbery, A. (2014)
Hottman, C., S.J. Redding & D.E. Weinstein (2014)
Leibovici, F., D. Kohn & M. Szkup (2014)
Leibovici, F. & M.E. Waugh (2014)
Sampson, T. (2014)
Handley, K. (2014)
Fernandes, A.P. & H. Tang (2014)
Van Biesebroeck, J. & L. Zhang (2014)
Koska, O.A. & F. Stähler (2014)
Leibovici, F. & M.E. Waugh (2014)
Grossman, G.M. & E. Helpman (2014/18)
Dammert, A.C. & S. Mohan (2014)
Lo, C-P. (2014)
Costinot, A. & J. Vogel (2014)
Alessandria, G., H. Choi, J.P. Kaboski & V. Midrigan (2014/15)
Foley, C.F. & K. Manova (2014)
De Benedictis, L., S. Nenci, G. Santoni, L. Tajoli & C. Vicarelli (2014)
Marin, D. & T. Verdier (2014)
Groizard, J.L., P. Ranjan & A. Rodriguez-Lopez (2014)
Allen, T. (2014)
Allen, T., C. Arkolakis & Y. Takahashi (2014/19)
Matsushima, N. & L. Zhao (2015)
Zymek, R. (2015)
Perla, J., C. Tonetti & M.E. Waugh (2015)
Borjas, G.J. (2015)
Boldrin, M. & A. Montes (2015)
Bykadorov, I., A. Gorn, S. Kokovin & E. Zhelobodko (2015)
Foellmi, R., S. Hanslin & A. Kohler (2015)
Caliendo, L., M. Dvorkin & F. Parro (2015/19)
Antoniades, A. (2015)
Cagé, J. & D. Rouzet (2015)
Gorodnichenko, Y., B. Kukharskyy & G. Roland (2015)
Unel, B. (2015)
Chan, J.M.L. (2015)
Melitz, M.J. & S.J. Redding (2015)
Bekkers, E. & R. Stehrer (2015)
Acemoglu, D., G. Gancia & F. Zilibotti (2015)
Podhorsky, A. (2015)
Arkolakis, C., A. Costinot, D. Donaldson & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2015/19)
Anderson, J.E., M. Larch & Y.V. Yotov (2015)
Inaba, C. & K. Fukuda (2015)
Sampson, T. (2015)
Adao, R., A. Costinot & D. Donaldson (2015/17)
Simonovska, I., A. Weinberger & J.W. Jung (2015/19)
Jung, B. (2015)
Caselli, F., M. Koren, M. Lisicky & S. Tenreyro (2015/19)
Bas, M. & I. Ledezma (2015)
Auer, R.A. (2015)
Brander, J.A. & B.J. Spencer (2015)
Fally, T. & R. Hillberry (2015)
Guren, A., D. Hémous, Morten Olsen (2015)
Sedgley, N.H. & K.M. Tan (2015)
Dinopoulos, E. & B. Unel (2015)
Naknoi, K. (2015)
Bernard, A.B. & S. Dhingra (2015)
Halpern, L., M. Koren & A. Szeidl (2015)
Bohnstedt, A. (2015)
Sen, P. (2015)
Wu, T.T. (2015)
Jaimovich, E. & V. Merella (2015)
Bertoletti, P., F. Etro & I. Simonovska (2016/18)
Rus, H.A. (2016)
Ishise, H. (2016)
Dustmann, C. & J-S. Gorlach (2015/16)
Koch, M. (2016)
Nigai, S. (2016)
Hübler, M. (2016)
Sutton, J. & D. Trefler (2016)
Ourens, G. (2016)
Tintelnot, F. (2016/17)
Chau, N.H. (2016)
Bouët, A. & A-G. Vaubourg (2016)
Allen, T. & D. Atkin (2016)
Barrio, R.A., T. Govezensky, E. Ruiz-Gutierrez & K.K. Kaski (2016)
Aubry, A., M. Burzynski & F. Docquier (2016)
Heid, B. & M. Larch (2016)
Lechthaler, W. & M. Mileva (2016)
Mayer, T., M.J. Melitz & G.I.P. Ottaviano (2016)
Kucheryavyy, K., G. Lyn & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2016)
Neary, J.P. (2016)
Rauch, F. (2016)
Kehoe, T.J., P.S. Pujolas & K.J. Ruhl (2016)
Struck, C. & A. Velic (2016)
Assenza, T., D.D. Gatti, J. Grazzini & G. Ricchiuti (2016)
Amissah, E., S. Bougheas, F. Defever & R. Falvey (2016)
Collie, D.R. (2016)
Cai, J. & A. Stoyanov (2016)
Kurokawa, Y., J. Pang & Y. Tang (2016)
Cherniwchan, J., B.R. Copeland & M.S. Taylor (2016)
Ramondo, N., A. Rodríguez-Clare & M. Saborío-Rodríguez (2016)
Naito, T. (2016/17)
Kehoe, T.J., P.S. Pujolas & J. Rossbach (2016)
Egger, H. & J. Falkinger (2016)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen, S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2016/18)
Jayet, H. & L. Marchal (2016)
Kerr, S.P., W. Kerr, C. Özden & C. Parsons (2016)
Giraldo, I. (2016)
Masashige, H. (2016)
Schoenle, R. (2016)
Helpman, E. (2016)
Krolikowski, P. & A.H. McCallum (2016/21)
Fitzgerald, D., S. Haller & Y. Yedid-Levi (2018)
Reyes-Heroles, R. (2016)
Dong, B. & S-K. Wong (2017)
Amir, R., J.Y. Jin & M. Tröge (2017)
Swiecki, T. (2017)
Ramanarayanan, A. (2017)
Ravikumar, B., A.M. Santacreu & M.J. Sposi (2017/19)
Iwaisako, T. & H. Tanaka (2017)
Mutreja, P., B. Ravikumar & M.J. Sposi (2017/18)
Soo, K.T. (2017)
Djajic, S. (2017)
Costinot, A. & I. Werning (2017)
Naiditch, C. & R. Vranceanu (2017)
Broll, U. & S. Mukherjee (2017)
Burstein, A. & J. Vogel (2017)
Lindé, J. & A. Pescatori (2017/19)
Brancaccio, G., M. Kalouptsidi & T. Papageorgiou (2017)
Krishna, K. & Y. Sheveleva (2017)
Cothren, R. & R. Radhakrishnan (2017)
Caliendo, L., F. Monte & E. Rossi-Hansberg (2017)
Koska, O.A., N.V. Long & F. Frank Stähler (2017)
Head, K. & B.J. Spencer (2017)
Kohn, D., F. Leibovici & M. Szkup (2017)
Ruhl, K.J. & J.L. Willis (2017)
Galle, S., A. Rodriguez-Clare & M. Yi (2017)
Antràs, P., T.C. Fort & F. Tintelnot (2017)
Anderson, J.E., M. Larch & Y.V. Yotov (2017)
Eckel, C. & S.R. Yeaple (2017)
Cheng, Y-L. & T. Tabuchi (2017)
Pavcnik, N. (2017)
Auer, R.A. (2017)
Lewrick, U., L. Mohler & R. Weder (2017)
Senses, M., A. Zlate & C. Kurz (2017)
Alvarez, F. (2017)
Gumpert, A., A. Moxnes, N. Ramondo & F. Tintelnot (2017/20)
Chatterjee, A. (2017)
Redding, S.J. & D.E. Weinstein (2017)
Morrow, P.M. & D. Trefler (2017)
Mix, C. & G. Alessandria (2017)
Teignier, M. (2017)
Decreuse, B. & P. Maarek (2017)
Auray, S., D. Fuller, D. Lkhagvasuren & A. Terracol (2017)
Leibovici, F. (2018/21)
Bonfiglioli, A., R. Crinò & G. Gancia (2018)
Reimer, J.J. & X. Zhang (2018)
Desmarchelier, B., P.J. Regis & N. Salike (2018)
Goswami, A.G. (2018)
Stepanok, I. (2018)
Kang, M. (2018)
Wang, Q. & M.J. Gibson (2018)
Ashournia, D. (2018)
Navas, A. (2018)
Felbermayr, G. & B. Jung (2018)
Igami, M. (2018)
Goldfarb, A. & D. Trefler (2018)
Impullitti, G. & O. Licandro (2018)
McCalman, P. (2018)
Lind, N. & N. Ramondo (2018/23)
Bai, X., A. Chatterjee, K. Krishna & H. Ma (2018/21)
Soo, K.T. (2018)
Bergin, P., L. Feng & C-Y. Lin (2018)
Dasgupta, K. & J. Mondria (2018)
Dasgupta, K. & J. Mondria (2018)
Bernard, A.B. & A. Moxnes (2018)
Feenstra, R.C. (2018)
Gaubert, C. & O. Itskhoki (2018/21)
Lyon, S.G. & M.E. Waugh (2018)
Bretschger, L. & S. Valente (2018)
Michalopoulos, S., A. Naghavi & G. Prarolo (2018)
Alessandria, G., H. Choi & K. Ruhl (2018/21)
Fally, T. & J. Sayre (2018)
Trionfetti, F. (2018)
Sasaki, H. (2018)
Rodrik, D. (2018)
Gouel, C. & D. Laborde (2018)
Keuschnigg, C. & M. Kogler (2018/22)
Yilmazkuday, H. (2018/19)
Redding, S.J. & D.E. Weinstein (2019)
Dhingra, S. & J. Morrow (2019)
Baley, I., L. Veldkamp & M.E. Waugh (2019)
Ma, X. & W. Xie (2019)
Cho, I., S. Contessi, K.N. Russ & D. Valderrama (2019)
Carroll, D.R. & S. Hur (2019/20)
Naito, T. (2019)
Brooks, W.J. & P.S. Pujolas (2019)
Sposi, M. (2019)
Baldwin, R. & T. Okubo (2019)
Gardner, T.A., M. Benzie, J. Börner, E. Dawkins, S. Fick, R. Garrett, J. Godar, A. Grimard, S. Lake, R.K. Larsen, N. Mardas, C.L. McDermott, P. Meyfroidt, M. Osbeck, M. Persson, T. Sembres, C. Suavet, B. Strassburg, A. Trevisan & C. West (2019)
Cravino, J. & S. Sotelo (2019)
Johnson, R.C. & A. Moxnes (2019/23)
Baqaee, D. & E. Farhi (2019/24)
Eaton, J. & A.C. Fieler (2019)
Alessandria, G.A. & H. Choi (2019)
Bergin, P., L. Feng & C-Y. Lin (2019/21)
McQuoid, A. & L. Rubini (2019)
Liu, M. & D. Trefler (2019)
Chan, J.M.L. (2019)
Wu, Y-C., S. Chen & M-J. Chang (2019)
Steingress, W. (2019)
Novy, D. & A.M. Taylor (2019)
Hsu, W-T., R.G. Riezman & P. Wang (2019)
Azarnert, L.V. (2019)
Conesa, J.C., M.J. Delventhal, P.S. Pujolas & G. Raveendranathan (2019)
Antràs, P. (2019/20)
Fukuda, K. (2019)
Biavaschi, C., M. Burzynski, B. Elsner & J. Machado (2019)
Kurata, H., R. Nomura & N. Suga (2020)
Kohl, M. (2020)
Ramanarayanan, A. (2020)
Giri, R., K-M. Yi & H. Yilmazkuday (2020/21)
Chen, N. & L. Juvenal (2020)
Zhang, J. (2020)
Breinlich, H., V. Nocke & N. Schutz (2020)
Kikkawa, A.K. & A. Sasahara (2020)
Auray, S., D.L. Fuller & G. Vandenbrouke (2020)
Sotelo, S. (2020)
Acemoglu, D. & A. Tahbaz-Salehi (2020)
Carrère, C., M. Fugazza, M. Olarreaga & F. Robert-Nicoud (2020)
Abbritti, M., I. Kim & T. Trani (2020)
Fan, H., Y.A. Li, S. Xu & S.R. Yeaple (2020)
Shin, S. & C. Davidson (2020)
Magerman, G., K. De Bruyne & J. Van Hove (2020)
Anderson, J.E., M. Larch & Y.V. Yotov (2020)
Eckel, C. & R. Riezman (2020)
McCalman, P. (2020)
Baley, I., L. Veldkamp & M. Waugh (2020)
Hu, C. (2020)
Lagakos, D., S. Marshall, A.M. Mobarak, C. Vernot & M.E. Waugh (2020)
Fiaschi, D. & C. Tealdi (2020)
Rodríguez-Clare, A., M. Ulate & J.P. Vásquez (2020)
Alessandria, G.A., C. Arkolakis & K.J. Ruhl (2020)
Rodríguez-Clare, A., M. Ulate & J.P. Vásquez (2020)
Coughlin, C.C. & S. Bandyopadhyay (2020)
Eppinger, P.S., G. Felbermayr, O. Krebs & B. Kukharskyy (2020)
Bagwell, K. & S.H. Lee (2020)
Lewis, L.T., R. Monarch, M. Sposi & J. Zhang (2020/22)
Sposi, M., K-M. Yi & J. Zhang (2020)
Adão, R., C. Arkolakis & S. Ganapati (2020)
Carrère, C., A. Grujovic & F. Robert-Nicoud (2020)
Anderson, J.E. & Y.V. Yotov (2020)
Adão, R., P. Carrillo, A. Costinot, D. Donaldson & D. Pomeranz (2020)
Yanase, A. & N.V. Long (2020)
Venables, A.J. (2021)
Fair, R.C. (2021)
Naito, T. (2021)
Dix-Carneiro, R., P.K. Goldberg, C. Meghir & G. Ulyssea (2021)
Lastauskas, P., M. Comunale & J. Dainauskas (2021)
Waddle, A. (2021)
Antràs, P. & D. Chor (2021)
Gaubert, C., O. Itskhoki & M. Vogler (2021)
Radi, D., F. Lamantia & G.I. Bischi (2021)
Alessandria, G.A., R.C. Johnson & K-M. Yi (2021)
Kiyota, K. (2021)
Brecher, R.A. & Z. Yu (2021)
Kane, R.F. (2021)
Juvenal, L. & P.S. Monteiro (2021)
Edwards, T.H. & M. Lücke (2021)
Melitz, M.J. & S.J. Redding (2021)
Wang, Z. (2021)
Limão, N. & Y. Xu (2021)
Somale, M. (2021)
Eaton, J., M. Eslava, D. Jinkins, C.J. Krizan & J.R. Tybout (2021)
Coen-Pirani, D. (2021)
Ho, W-M. (2021)
Basu, D. & R. Vasudevan (2021)
Piguillem, F. & L. Rubini (2021)
Bilal, A. & H. Lhuillier (2021)
Duan, Y., T. Ji, Y. Lu & S. Wang (2021)
Piveteau, P. (2021)
Baldwin, R. & R. Freeman (2021)
Hanson, G.H. & C. Liu (2021/23)
Anderson, J.E. & P. Saini (2021)
Kohn, D., F. Leibovici & M. Szkup (2021)
Jha, P. & A. Rodriguez-Lopez (2021)
Rodrik, D. (2021)
Jiang, B., D.E. Rigobon & R.Rigobon (2021)
Dixon, P.B. & M.T. Rimmer (2021)
Marjit, S. & R. Oladi (2021)
Ding, Z. (2022)
Mandelman, F.S. & A. Zlate (2022)
Akcigit, U. & M. Melitz (2022)
Gao, B. & M. Tvede (2022)
Eaton, J., S.S. Kortum & F. Kramarz (2022)
Eaton, J., D. Jinkins, J.R. Tybout & D. Xu (2022)
Ganguly, A. & D. Spinola (2022)
Toraubally, W.A. (2022)
Macedoni, L. (2022)
Impullitti, G., O. Licandro & P. Rendahl (2022)
Jiang, B., D. Rigobon & R. Rigobon (2022)
Heiland, I. & W. Kohler (2022)
Boehm, J., S. Dhingra & J. Morrow (2022)
Egger, H., U. Kreickemeier, C. Moser & J. Wrona (2022)
Cherniwchan, J.M. & M.S. Taylor (2022)
Bui, H., Z. Huo, A.A. Levchenko & N. Pandalai-Nayar (2022)
Grant, M. & M. Startz (2022)
Herkenhoff, P. & S. Krautheim (2022)
Flach, L. & F. Unger (2022)
Kokovin, S., P. Molchanov & I. Bykadorov (2022)
Marjit, S. & G.G. Das (2022)
Caliendo, L. & R.C. Feenstra (2022)
Jiang, Z. & R.J. Richmond (2022)
Caliendo, L. & F. Parro (2022)
Dhyne, E., A.K. Kikkawa & G. Magerman (2022)
Brausmann, A. & S. Djajic (2022)
Demidova, S., T. Naito & A. Rodríguez-Clare (2022)
Alviarez, V.I., C. Chen, N. Pandalai-Nayar, L. Varela, K-M. Yi & H. Zhang (2022)
Rodríguez-Clare, A., M. Ulate & J.P. Vasquez (2022)
Artuc, E., P.S. Bastos & E. Lee (2022)
Noëmie, L., S. Rana & L. Simon (2022)
Hayakawa, K. & H. Mukunoki (2023)
Adarov, A. & M. Ghodsi (2023)
Kim, S-J. & H.S. Shin (2023)
Lenoir, C., J. Martin & I. Mejean (2023)
Alviarez, V.I., M. Fioretti, K. Kikkawa & M. Morlacco (2023)
Fischer-Thöne, C. (2023)
Eckel, C. & F. Unger (2023)
Dai, M. (2023)
Alfaro-Urena, A., J. Castro-Vincenzi, S. Fanelli & E. Morales (2023)
Farrokhi, F. & H.S. Pellegrina (2023)
Gouel, C. & S. Jean (2023)
Ohdoi, K., K. Mino & Y. Hu (2023)
Grossman, G.M., E. Helpman & A. Sabal (2023)
Clancy, D., V. Valenta & D. Smith (2023)
Waugh, M.E. (2023)
Ara, T. (2023)
Waugh, M.E. (2023)
Acharyya, R. & S. Marjit (2023)
Steinberg, J.B. (2023)
Ossa, R., R.W. Staiger & A.O. Sykes (2023)
Ara, T. (2023)
Gorodnichenko, Y., B. Kukharskyy & G. Roland (2024)
Grossman, G.M., E. Helpman & H. Lhuillier (2024)
Gimenez-Perales, V. (2024)
Anderson, J.E. (2024)
Velasquez, A. (2024)
Eaton, J. & S.S. Kortum (2024)
Kichko, S. & P.M. Picard (2024)
Bosker, M. & B. Westbrock (2024)
Chisik, R. & N. Behzadan (2024)
Dix-Carneiro, R., P.K. Goldberg, C. Meghir & G. Ulyssea (2024)
Kaboski, J.P., J. Lu, W. Qian & L. Ren (2024)
Nakamoto, Y., Z. Mino & Y. Hu (2024)
Boehm, C., A.A. Levchenko, N. Pandalai-Nayar & H. Toma (2024)
Goes, C. (2024)
Trade Policy
Eaton, J. & G.M. Grossman (1986)
Fung, K.C. & R.W. Staiger (1994)
Drabek, Z. & S. Laird (1997)
Krugman, P. (1997)
Klitgaard, T. & K. Schiele (1998)
Freund, C. & D. Weinhold (2000)
Maskus, K.E. & Y. Chen (2000)
Hoekman, B. & J. Zarrouk (2000)
Hare, P.G. (2000)
Fajnzylber, P. & W.F. Maloney (2000)
Moraga, J.L. & J.M. Viaene (2001)
North-South Centre & Institute of the Americas (2001)
Lumenga-Neso, O., M. Olarreaga & M. Schiff (2001)
Bretton Woods Project (2001)
Qiu, L.D. & B.J. Spencer (2001)
IMF & World Bank (2001)
Mattoo, A. (2001)
Cowhey, P. & M.M. Klimenko (2001)
Blowfield, M. (2001)
Hoekman, B., F. Ng & M. Olarreaga (2001)
Ganslandt, M. & J.R. Markusen (2001)
Stern, R.M. (ed) (2001)
Srinivasan, T.N. (2001)
Blonigen, B.A. & T.J. Prusa (2001)
Prusa, T.J. & S. Skeath (2001)
Morrissey, O. (2001)
Zadek, S. (2001)
Díaz-Bonilla, E., S. Robinson, M. Thomas & Y. Yanoma (2001)
Mayda, A.M. & D. Rodrik (2001/2005)
Blonigen, B.A. & J.H. Park (2001)
Ethier, W.J. (2001)
Tallontire, A. & M. Blowfield (2001)
Mattoo, A., R. Rathindran & A. Subramanian (2001)
Wilson, J.S. & T. Otsuki (2001)
Stevens, C. & J. Kennan (2001)
Laird, S. (2001)
Laird, S. (2001)
McCulloch, N., X. Cirera & A. Winters (2001)
Evenett, S.J., M.C. Levenstein & V.Y. Suslow (2001)
Grossman, G. & E.L.C. Lai (2002)
Finger, J.M., F. Ng & S, Wangchuk (2001)
Irwin, D.A. (2002)
Krishna, K., L.H. Tan & R. Ranjan (2002)
Rose, A.K. (2002)
Reimer, J.J. (2002)
Wilson, J.S., T. Otsuki & M. Sewadeh (2002)
Wilson, J.S. (2002)
Blonigen, B.A., K. Tomlin & W.W. Wilson (2002)
Fullerton, D. & G.E. Metcalf (2002)
Hoekman, B., C. Michalopoulos, M. Schiff & D. Tarr (2002)
Kireyev, A.P. (2002)
Razin, A., E. Sadka & T. Coury (2002)
Rose, A.K. (2002/04)
Rose, A.K. (2002)
Ozden, C. & E. Reinhardt (2003)
Goldberg, P.K. & N. Pavcnik (2003)
Cudmore, E. & J. Whalley (2003)
Keller, W. & S.R. Yeaple (2003)
Williamson, J.G. (2003)
Belfrage, C.J. (2003)
Bacchetta, M. & B. Bora (2003)
Blonigen, B.A. & C.P. Bown (2003)
Erdem, E. & J. Tybout (2003)
Stevens, C. (2003)
Lawrence, R.Z. (2003)
Limão, N. & A. Panagariya (2003)
Elliott, K.A. (2003)
Li, Y. (2003)
McKibbin, W.J. & W.T. Woo (2003)
Engelmann, D. & H-T. Normann (2003)
Winters, L.A. (2004)
Arbache, J.S., A. Dickerson & F. Green (2004)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2004/06)
Mattoo, A. & S. Wunsch (2004)
Bureau, J-C. & L. Salvatici (2004)
Schott, J.J. (editor) (2004)
Amiti, M. (2004)
Jansen, M. & H.K. Nordås (2004)
Ianchovichina, E. (2004)
Irwin, D. (2004)
Cline, W.R. (2004)
Schott, J.J. (2004)
Burbidge, J. & G. Myers (2004)
Bown, C.P. (2004)
Diewert, W.E. & A.D. Woodland (2004)
Beaulieu, E., M. Benarroch & J. Gaisford (2004)
Wacziarg, R. & J.S. Wallack (2004)
Anderson, J.E. & J.P. Neary (2004/07)
Fredriksson, P.G. & M. Mani (2004)
Freund, C. & C. Ozden (2004)
Anderson, K. (2004)
Tokarick, S.P. (2004)
Limao, N. & A. Panagariya (2004)
Kunin, M. & K. Zigic (2004)
Mukunoki, H. (2004)
Ionascu, D. & K. Zigic (2004)
Reimer, J.J. & T.W. Hertel (2004)
Faini, R. (2004)
Bohara, A.K., A.I. Camargo, T. Grijalva & K. Gawande (2004)
Adams, F.G., B. Gangnes & Y. Shachmurove (2004)
Antkiewicz, A. & J. Whalley (2004)
Ionascu, D. & K. Zigic (2004)
Hoekman, B. (2004)
Moraga-González, J.L. & J-M. Viaene (2004)
Moraga-González, J.L. & J-M. Viaene (2004)
McGuire, M.C. & H. Ohta (2005)
Paiva, C. (2005)
Rose, A.K. (2005)
Bown, C. (2005)
Krebs, T., P. Krishna & W. Maloney (2005)
Melitz, M.J. (2005)
Miller, N.H. & A. Pazgal (2005)
Panagariya, A. (2005)
Horstmann, I.J., J.R. Markusen & J. Robles (2005)
Oladi, R. (2005)
Keen, M. & J.E. Ligthart (2005)
Anderson K. (2005)
Hoekman, B. & C. Ozden (2005)
Krishna, K. (2005)
Ashraf, N., M. McMillan & A.P. Zwane (2005)
Bandyopadhyay, S. & R. Takashima (2005)
Baunsgaard, T. & M. Keen (2005)
Chambolle, C. & E. Giraud-Heraud (2005)
Singleton, A. (2005)
Limão, N. (2005)
Hoekman, B. & L.A. Winters (2005)
Polaski, S. (2005)
Sen, P. (2005)
Anderson, K., W. Martin & D. van der Mensbrugghe (2005)
Messerlin, P. (2005)
Deardorff, A.V. & R.M. Stern (2005)
Vastine, J.R. (2005)
Kiyota, K. & R.M. Stern (2005)
Brown, A. & R.M. Stern (2005)
Bhagwati, J. (2005)
Raimondos-Møller, P. & A.D. Woodland (2005)
Hatton, T.J. & J.G. Williamson (2005)
Rodrik, D. (2006)
Tokarick, S. (2006)
Otsuki, T., M.X. Chen & J.S. Wilson (2006)
Srour, G. (2006)
Crowley, M.A. (2006)
Accominotti, O. & M. Flandreau
Grinols, E.L. (2006)
Horn, H. (2006)
Anderson, K. & E.V. Ernesto (2006)
Bradford, S. (2006)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2006/11)
Dutt, P. & D. Mitra (2006)
Ethier, W.J. (2006/07)
Epifani, P. & J. Vitaloni (2006)
Nocke, V. & S. Yeaple (2006)
Jørgensen, J.G. & P.J.H. Schröder (2006)
Veyssiere, L. & K. Giannakas (2006)
Elliott, K.A. (2006)
Karacaovali, B. (2006/11)
Anderson, K. & E. Valenzuela (2006)
Anderson, K., W. Martin & E. Valenzuela (2006)
Stern, R.M. & A.V. Deardorff (2006)
Lee, H.K., A. Nicita & M. Olarreaga (2006)
Hufbauer, G.C., Y. Wong & K. Sheth (2006)
Zanardi, M. (2006)
Niels, G. & A. ten Kate (2006)
Blonigen, B.A. (2006)
Richardson, M. (2006)
Falvey, R. & S. Wittayarungruangsri (2006)
Finger, M.J. & J.S. Wilson (2006)
Raimondos-Moller, P. & A.D. Woodland (2006)
Elborgh-Woytek, K., J-J. Hallaert, H.P. Lankes, A.M. Sadikov & D. Smith (2006)
Regibeau, P.M. & K.E. Rockett (2006)
Bown, C.P. (2006/08)
Schonhardt-Bailey, C. (2006)
Anderson, J.E. (2006)
Ferreira, P.C. & A. Trejos (2006)
Hoekman, B. (2006)
Hoekman, B. (2006)
Faruqee, H., D. Laxton, D. Muir & P. Pesenti (2006/08)
Baroncelli, E., E. Krivonos & M. Olarreaga (2007)
Ishikawa, J., H. Mukunoki & Y. Mizoguchi (2007)
Miyagiwa, K. & Y. Ohno (2007)
Pires, A.J.G. (2007)
Pires, A.J.G. (2007)
Eswaran, M. & A. Kotwal (2007)
Bown, C.P. & M.A. Crowley (2007)
Krishna, K. & L.H. Tan (2007/10)
Kujal, P. & J.M. Ruiz (2007)
Van Marrewijk, C. & K.G. Berden (2007)
Sauré, P. (2007)
Stibora, J. & A. de Vaal (2007)
Limão, N. & A. Panagariya (2007)
Keen, M. (2007/08)
Hatta, T. & Y. Ogawa (2007)
Schiff, M. (2007)
Marjit, S., S. Ghosh & A. Biswas (2007)
Glazer, A. & P. Ranjan (2007)
Krebs, T., P. Krishna & W. Maloney (2007)
Irwin, D.A. (2007/10)
Furtan, W.H., A. Guzel & K. Karantininis (2007)
Dennis, A. & B. Shepherd (2007)
Brown, D. & T.N. Srinivasan (2007)
Hoernig, S.H. & T.M. Valletti (2007)
Pecorino, P. (2007)
Demidova, S. & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2007/09)
Sadikov, A.M. (2007)
Ackah, C. & O. Morrissey (2007)
Wu, Y. & L. Zeng (2008)
Hoekman, B.M. & C.P. Bown (2008)
Collier, P. & A.J. Venables (2008/10)
Cipollina, M. & L. Salvatici (2008)
Fugazza, M. & J-C. Maur (2008)
Creane, A. & K. Miyagiwa (2008)
Collier, P. & A.J. Venables (2008)
Badinger, H. (2008)
Anderson, J.E. (2008/09)
Nowak-Lehmann, F.D., I. Martínez-Zarzoso, S. Klasen & D. Herzer (2008)
Cassing, J. & T. To (2008)
Maggi, G. & R.W. Staiger (2008/2011)
Limão, N. & K. Saggi (2008)
Martin, A. & W. Vergote (2008)
Estevadeordal, A. & A.M. Taylor (2008)
Antras, P. & R.W. Staiger (2008/12)
Yang, J. (2008)
Anderson, K. & L.A. Winters (2008)
Ghosh, M. & J. Whalley (2008)
Saggi, K. (2008)
Saggi, K. & N. Sara (2008)
Magee, C.S.P. & S.P. Magee (2008)
Freund, C. & M.D. Pierola (2008/11)
Zhang, Y. (2008)
Lehmann, S.H. & K.H. O'Rourke (2008)
Brambilla, I., G. Porto & A. Tarozzi (2008)
Eden, B. (2009)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2009/12)
Bagwell, K. (2009)
Lloyd, P.J., J.L. Croser & K. Anderson (2009)
Kiyota, K. (2009)
Pettersson, J. & L.M. Johansson (2009)
Tovar, P. (2009)
Zissimos, B. (2009)
Eichengreen, B. & D.A. Irwin (2009)
Irwin, D.A. (2009)
Gamberoni, E. & R. Newfarmer (2009)
Panagariya, A. (2009)
Harrison, A. & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2009)
González-Val, R., L. Lanaspa & F. Pueyo (2009)
Foletti, L., M. Fugazza, A. Nicita & M. Olarreaga (2009)
Bown, C.P. (2009)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2009)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2009)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2009/12)
Winchester, N. (2009)
Mattoo, A., A. Subramanian, D. van der Mensbrugghe & J. He (2009)
Lederman, D., M. Olarreaga & L. Payton (2009)
Staiger, R.W. & A.O. Sykes (2009)
Cipollina, M. & L. Salvatici (2010)
Marette, S. & J. Beghin (2010)
Tian, H. & J. Whalley (2010)
Hochman, G. & E. Segev (2010)
Narayanan, B.G., T.W. Hertel & J.M. Horridge (2010)
Beshkar, M. (2010)
Bown, C.P. & M.A. Crowley (2010/13)
Horn, H., G. Maggi & R.W. Staiger (2010)
Anderson, K. & J.L. Croser (2010)
Anderson, K., J. Cockburn & W. Martin (2010)
Opp, M.M. (2010)
Bown, C.P. (2010)
McCalman, P. (2010)
Wiberg, M. (2010/14)
Becker, J. (2010)
Alfaro, L., P. Conconi, H. Fadinger & A.F. Newman (2010)
Baldwin, R. & D. Jaimovich (2010/12)
Miyagiwa, K., H. Song & H. Vandenbussche (2010)
Vandenbussche, H. & M. Zanardi (2010)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2010)
Beshkar, M. (2010)
De Stefano, M. & M. Rysman (2010)
Francois, J. & B. Hoekman (2010)
Essaji, A. (2010)
Ornelas, E. & J.L. Turner (2010/12)
Bown, C.P. (2010)
Anderson, K. & S. Nelgen (2010/11)
Baldwin, R. (2010)
Sun, N. & H. Yao (2011)
Etro, F. (2011)
Conconi, P. & C. Perroni (2011)
Ederington, J. & P. McCalman (2011)
Honkapohja , S., A.H. Turunen & A.D. Woodland (2011)
Ludema, R.D. & A.M. Mayda (2011)
Bown, C.P. & P. Tovar (2011)
Wang, K-C.A., H-W. Koo & T-J. Chen (2011)
Yu, J. & S. Zhang (2011)
Cole, M.T. & R.B. Davies (2011)
Martin, W. & K. Anderson (2011)
Seker, M. (2011)
Long, N.V., H. Raff & F. Stähler (2011)
Biswas, A.K. & S. Sengupta (2011)
Chou, S.J-H. (2011)
Green, A. & H. de Gorter (2011)
Anderson, K. & W. Martin (2011)
Jørgensen, J.G. & P.J.H. Schröder (2011)
Blonigen, B.A., L. Oldenski & N. Sly (2011)
Hartigan, J.C. (2011)
Luong, T.A. (2011)
Qiu, L.D. & S. Wang (2011)
Gawande, K., B. Hoekman & Y. Cui (2011)
Lederman, D. (2011)
Evenett, S.J. (2011)
Ponzetto, G.A.M. (2011)
Hasan, R., D. Mitra, P. Ranjan & R.N. Ahsan (2011)
Baldwin, R. (2012)
Rose, A.K. (2012)
Chen, N. & D. Novy (2012)
Peters, K. & M. Schnitzer (2012)
Amador, M. & K. Bagwell (2012)
Antràs, P. & R.W. Staiger (2012)
Ossa, R. (2012)
Bao, X. & and L.D. Qiu (2012)
Moser, C. & A.K. Rose (2012)
Bown, C.P. (2012)
Egger, P., M. Larch & K.E. Staub (2012)
Marchand, B.U. (2012)
Iacovone, L. (2012)
Anderson, K., W. Martin & D. van der Mensbrugghe (2012)
Boffa, M. & M. Olarreaga (2012)
Conconi, P., G. Facchini & M. Zanardi (2012)
Limao, N. & G. Maggi (2013/15)
Cook, N.P.S. & J.D. Wilson (2013)
Hayakawa, K. (2013)
Blonigen, B.A., B.H. Liebman, J.R. Pierce & W.W. Wilson (2013)
Bandyopadhyay, S., S. Bhaumik & H.J. Wall (2013)
Kim, M. & Y-H. Kim (2013)
Bastos, P., O.R. Straume & J.A. Urrego (2013)
Ederington, J. & P. McCalman (2013)
Jensen, J.B., D.P. Quinn & S. Weymouth (2013)
Kovak, B.K. (2013)
Lu, Y., Z. Tao & Y. Zhang (2013)
Do, Q-T., A.A. Levchenko & M. Ravallion (2013)
Blonigen, B.A. & J. McGrew (2013/14)
Anania, G. & M. Scoppola (2013)
Fujiwara, K. (2013)
Costinot, A., D. Donaldson, J. Vogel & I. Werning (2013)
Kehoe, T.J., J.M. Rossbach & K.J. Ruhl (2013)
Anderson, J.E. & J.P. Neary (2013)
Markusen, J.R. (2013)
Gervais, A. & J.B. Jensen (2013/19)
Kim, S.H. & M.A. Kose (2014)
Nicita, A., M. Olarreaga & G. Porto (2014)
Campolmi, A., H. Fadinger & C. Forlati (2014)
Li, C. & J. Whalley (2014)
Adams, L., P. Régibeau & K. Rockett (2014)
Bown, C.P. (2014)
Schröder, P.J.H. & A. Sørensen (2014)
Chen, B., H. Ma & Y. Xu (2014)
Hillberry, R. & P. McCalman (2014)
Rubini, L. (2014)
Breinlich, H. (2014)
Bown, C.P. & M.A. Crowley (2014)
Vézina, P-L. (2014)
Martuscelli, A. & L.A. Winters (2014)
Cirera, X., D. Willenbockel & R.W.D. Lakshman (2014)
Gaisford, J. & O. Ivus (2014)
Fan, H., Y.A. Li & S.R. Yeaple (2014/15)
Dragusanu, R., D. Giovannucci & N. Nunn (2014)
Fernando, P-C. (2014)
Mutreja, P., B. Ravikumar, R. Riezman & M. Sposi (2014)
Cassidy, A.W., E. Tower & X. Wang (2014)
Khatibi, A. (2014)
Hoernig, S. (2014)
Hewings, G.J.D. (2014)
Tuinstra, J., M. Wegener & F. Westerhoff (2014)
Breinlich, H. & A. Cuñat (2016)
Alessandria, G. & H. Choi (2014)
Sheridan, B.J. (2014)
Chen, P. & D. Liu (2015)
de Janvry, A., C. McIntosh & E. Sadoulet (2015)
Guriev, S. & M. Klimenko (2015)
Aizenman, J., Y. Jinjarak & H. Zheng (2015/18)
Richardson, M. & S. Wilkie (2015)
Martincus, C.V., J. Carballo & A. Graziano (2015)
Sposi, M. (2015)
Yu, M. (2015)
Kawasaki, R., T. Sato & S. Muto (2015)
Bagwell, K., C.P. Bown & R.W. Staiger (2015/16)
Li, C., J. Wang & J. Whalley (2015)
Moraga-González, J.L. & J-M. Viaene (2015)
Blanchard, E. & X. Matschke (2015)
Kosack, S. & J.L. Tobin (2015)
Beshkar, M., E.W. Bond & Y. Rho (2015)
Blonigen, B.A. & T.J. Prusa (2015)
Connolly, M. & K-M. Yi (2015)
Dammert, A.C. amp; S. Mohan (2015)
Yao, D. & J. Whalley (2015)
Disdier, A-C., L. Fontagné & M. Mimouni (2015)
Abbassi, A., L.D. Tamini & A. Dakhlaoui (2015)
Caliendo, L., R.C. Feenstra, J. Romalis & A.M. Taylor (2015)
Artuç, E. & J. McLaren (2015)
Felbermayr, G., B. Jung & M. Larch (2015)
Bas, M. & V. Strauss-Kahn (2015)
French, S. (2016)
Anderson, J.E. & J.P. Neary (2016)
Ara, T. & A. Ghosh (2016)
Goldberg, P.K. & N. Pavcnik (2016)
Fanti, L. & D. Buccella (2016)
Costinot, A., A. Rodriguez-Clare & I. Werning (2016/20)
Feng, L., Z. Li & D.L. Swenson (2016/17)
Blanchard, E.J., C.P. Bown & R.C. Johnson (2016)
Marjit, S. & B. Mandal (2016)
Himics, M. & W. Britz (2016)
Ossa, R. (2016)
Nagengast, A.J. & R. Stehrer (2016)
Spearot, A. (2016)
Bown, C.P. & M.A. Crowley (2016)
Ahn, J., E. Dabla-Norris, R.A. Duval, B. Hu & L. Njie (2016/19)
Barattieri, A. (2016)
Ederington, J. & M. Ruta (2016)
Bertho, F., I. Borchert & A. Mattoo (2016)
Giordani, P.E., N. Rocha & M. Ruta (2016)
Osgood, I. (2016)
Tomiura, E., B. Ito, H. Mukunoki & R. Wakasugi (2016)
Lechthaler, W. (2016)
Din, H-R., K-C.A. Wang & W-J. Liang (2016)
Chisik, R., H. Onder & D. Qirjo (2016)
Crivelli, P. (2016)
Haaland, J.I. & A.J. Venables (2016)
Coelli, F., A. Moxnes & K.H. Ulltveit-Moe (2016)
Van Biesebroeck, J., J. Konings & C.V. Martincus (2016)
Sequeira, S. (2016)
Latch, M. & Y. Yotov (2016)
Acharyya, R. & D.S. Banerjee (2016)
Laborde, D., W. Martin & D. van der Mensbrugghe (2016)
Georgiadis, G. & J. Gräb (2016)
Ranjan, P. (2016)
Ludema, R.D. & Z. Yu (2016)
Autor, D.H., D. Dorn & G.H. Hanson (2016)
Edwards, L. & A. Sundaram (2017)
Freund, C. & T.H. Moran (2017)
Javorcik, B.S. & G. Narciso (2017)
Cheong, J., D.W. Kwak & H. Yuan (2017)
Hübler, M. & F. Pothen (2017)
An, L., C. Hu & Y. Tan (2017)
Soumahoro, S. (2017)
Do, Q-T. & A.A. Levchenko (2017)
Kao, K-F. & C-H. Peng (2017)
Besedeš, T., S. Goldbach & V. Nitsch (2017)
Haidar, J.I. (2017)
Jäkel, I.C. & M. Smolka (2017)
Dix-Carneiro, R., R.R. Soares & G. Ulyssea (2017/18)
Bratt, M. (2017)
Beladi, H. & R. Oladie (2017)
Hollstein ,T.F. & K. Estévez (2017)
Etro, F. (2017)
Cline, W.R. (2017)
Gnangnon, S.K. (2017)
Handley, K. & N. Limão (2017)
Nguyen, H.T. & O.A. Timoshenko (2017)
Maggi, G. & R.W. Staiger (2017/20)
Dix-Carneiro, R. & B.K. Kovak (2017)
Demidova, S. (2017)
Antràs, P., A. de Gortari & O. Itskhoki (2017)
Bagwell, K., R.W. Staiger & A. Yurukoglu (2017/20)
Klau, A. (2017)
Naito, T. (2017)
Ritzel, C. & A. Kohler (2017)
Hillberry, R. & X. Zhang (2017)
Asquith, B.J., S. Goswami, D. Neumark & A. Rodriguez-Lopez (2017/19)
Avsar, V. (2017)
Pierce, J.R. ∓ P.K. Schott (2017)
Gong, B. & H. Zhou (2017)
Kutlina-Dimitrova, Z. & C. Lakatos (2017)
Gervais, A. (2018)
Sharma, R.R. (2018)
Joshi, S. & A.S. Mahmud (2018)
Berti, K. & R. Falvey (2018)
Kishishita, D. (2018)
Munch, J. & G. Schaur (2018)
Bagwell, K., R.W. Staiger & A. Yurukoglu (2018/21)
Dadush, U. (2018)
Cerdeiro, D.A. & R.J. Nam (2018)
Carballo, J., K. Handley & Nuno Limao (2018)
Ishikawa, J. & N. Tarui (2018)
Donaubauer, J., E. Neumayer & P. Nunnenkamp (2018)
Celik, L., B. Karabay & J. McLaren (2018/20)
Tsubuku, M. (2018)
Cheong, J., D.W. Kwak & K.K. Tang (2018)
Akcigit, U., S.T. Ates & G. Impullitti (2018)
Bayramoglu, B., B.R. Copeland & J-F. Jacques (2018)
Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, A. & C. Henn (2018)
Dabalen, A. & N.T.V. Nguyen (2018)
Andersen, M.T. & R.M. Feinberg (2018)
Ghosh, A., H. Morita & X. Nguyen (2018)
Barbiero, O., E. Farhi, G. Gopinath & O. Itskhoki (2018)
Cole, M.T. & C. Eckel (2018)
Shu, P. & C. Steinwender (2018)
Bénassy-Quéré, A., M. Bussière & P. Wibaux (2018)
Carter, C.A. & S. Steinbach (2018)
McCaig, B. & N. Pavcnik (2018)
Saggi, K., A. Stoyanov & H.M. Yildiz (2018)
Jafari, Y. & W. Britz (2018)
Lin, J.Y & X. Wang (2018)
Robinson, S. & K. Thierfelder (2018)
Pothen, F. & M. Hübler (2018)
Conconi, P., M. García-Santana, L. Puccio & R. Venturini (2018)
Yamamura, E. & Y. Tsutsui (2018)
Molana, H. & C. Montagna (2018)
Linarello, A. (2018)
Turnovsky, S.J. & J. Rojas-Vallejos (2018)
Azarnert, L.V. (2018)
Beckman, J., C. Estrades, M. Flores & A. Aguiar (2018)
Bao, C.G. & M.X. Chen (2018)
Fiorini, M. & B. Hoekman (2018)
Erceg, C., A. Prestipino & A. Raffo (2018)
Brussevich, M. (2018)
Soderbery, A. (2018)
Garred, J. (2018)
Beladi, H., S. Marjit & R. Oladi (2018)
Acharya, R.C. (2018)
Juhász, R. (2018)
Breinlich, H., A. Soderbery & G.C. Wright (2018)
Graziano, A., K. Handley & N. Limão (2018/21)
Egger, H. & C. Fischer (2018)
Furceri, D., S.A. Hannan, J.D. Ostry & A.K. Rose (2018)
Chen, C. (2019)
Afesorgbor, S.K. (2019)
de Bromhead, A., A. Fernihough, M. Lampe & K.H. O'Rourke (2019)
Auray, S., M.B. Devereux & A. Eyquem (2019)
Lv, Z. & T. Xu (2019)
Ito, B., H. Mukunoki, E. Tomiura & R. Wakasugi (2019)
Fajgelbaum, P.D., P.K. Goldberg, P.J. Kennedy & A.K. Khandelwal (2019)
Amiti, M., S.J. Redding & D. Weinstein (2019)
Jabbour, L., Z. Tao, E. Vanino & Y. Zhang (2019)
Grundke, R. & C. Moser (2019)
Steinberg, J.B. (2019)
Flaaen, A.B., A. Hortaçsu & F. Tintelnot (2019)
Mattoo, A. & R.W. Staiger (2019/21)
Giri, R., S.N. Quayyum & R. Yin (2019)
Li, C., J. Wang & J. Whalley (2019/21)
Asprilla, A., N. Berman, O. Cadot & M. Jaud (2019)
Imura, Y. (2019)
Irwin, D.A. (2019)
Alessandria, G.A., S.Y. Khan & A. Khederlarian (2019)
Bekkers, E. (2019)
Robinson, S. & K. Thierfelder (2019)
Salvatore, D. & F. Campano (2019)
Caceres, C. & D.A. Cerdeiro & R. Mano (2019)
Anesi, V. & G. Facchini (2019)
Tian, W. & M. Yu (2019)
Chao, C-C., M.S. Ee, X. Nguyen & E.S.H. Yu (2019)
Grossman, G.M., P. McCalman & R.W. Staiger (2019/21)
Bai, Y., K. Jin & D. Lu (2019/24)
Benzarti, Y. & A. Tazhitdinova (2019/21)
Lu, Y., S. Banerjee & S. Poddar (2019)
Head, K. & T. Mayer (2019)
Artuc, E., G. Porto & B. Rijkers (2019)
Facchini, G., M.Y. Liu, A.M. Mayda & M. Zhou (2019)
Nocco, A., G.I.P. Ottaviano & M. Salto (2019)
Atkin, D. & A. Khandelwal (2019)
Irwin, D.A. (2019)
Ruggieri, A. (2019)
Giuranno, M.G. & A. Nocco (2019/20)
Tovar, P. (2019)
Cavallo, A., G. Gopinath, B. Neiman & J. Tang (2019)
Gopinath, G., A. Calvallo, B. Neiman & J. Tang (2019)
Chen, C-M., W-J. Cheng, S-K. Peng, R. Riezman & P. Wang (2019)
Krishnan, P. & P. Zhang (2019)
Papageorgiou, C., F. Perez-Sebastian & N. Spatafora (2019)
Kuenzel, D.J. (2019)
Irwin, D.A. (2019)
Amiti, M., S.J. Redding & D.E. Weinstein (2020)
Handley, K., F. Kamal & R. Monarch (2020)
Lloyd, S.P. & S. Solomou (2020)
Felbermayr, G. & A. Sandkamp (2020)
Caldara, D., M. Iacoviello, P. Molligo, A. Prestipino & A. Raffo (2020)
Beshkar, M. & A. Shourideh (2020)
Mandelman, F.S. & A. Waddle (2020)
Kerner, A. & J.L. Sumner (2020)
Naito, T. (2020/21)
Jiang, S. & Y. Zhang (2020)
Kwark, N-H. & H. Lim (2020)
Ossa, R., R.W. Staiger & A.O. Sykes (2020)
Bergin, P.R. & G. Corsetti (2020)
Grant, M. (2020)
Shapiro, J.S. (2020/21)
Solleder, J-M. (2020)
Kim, R. & J. Vogel (2020)
Carter, C.A. & S. Steinbach (2020)
Brooks, W. & A. Dovis (2020)
Ben Yahmed, S. & P. Bombarda (2020)
Olarreaga, M., S. Sperlich & V. Trachsel (2020)
Nes, K. & K.A. Schaefer (2020)
Glennon, B. (2020)
Greenland, A.N., M. Ion, J.W. Lopresti & P.K. Schott (2020)
Chiang, C-F., J.M. Kuo, M. Naoi & J-T. Liu (2020)
Carroll, D.R. & S. Hur (2020/23)
Berthou, A., J.J-H. Chung, K. Manova & C. Sandoz-Dit-Bragard (2020)
Giuranno, M.G. & A. Nocco (2020)
Eichengreen, B. (2020)
Furceri, D., S.A. Hannan, J.D. Ostry & A.K. Rose (2020)
Barattieri, A. & M. Cacciatore (2020)
Qiu, L.D. & M. Yu (2020)
Grossman, G.M. & E. Helpman (2020/24)
Cova, P., A. Notarpietro & M. Pisani (2020)
Sun, P., Y. Tan & G. Yang (2020)
Jacquinot, P., M. Lozej & M. Pisani (2020/21)
Defever, F., M. Imbruno & R. Kneller (2020)
Fan, H., F. Lin & S. Lin (2020)
Guerreiro, J., S. Rebelo & P. Teles (2020)
Suwanprasert, W. (2020)
Jacks, D.S., K.H. O'Rourke & A.M. Taylor (2020)
Handley, K., N. Limão, R.D. Ludema & Z. Yu (2020)
Irwin, D.A. (2020/21)
Koh, Y. & G.M. Lee (2020)
Liu, Q. & H. Ma (2020)
Besedes, T., T. Kohl & J. Lake (2020)
Fan, H., Y. Liu, L.D. Qiu & X. Zhao (2020)
Tang, H., F. Wang & Z. Wang (2020)
Pisch, F. (2020)
Kohn, D., F. Leibovici & M. Szkup (2020)
Molana, H., C. Montagna & G.E. Onwordi (2020)
Anderson, E. (2020)
Audzei, V. & J. Bruha (2020)
Potrafke, N., F. Ruthardt, K. Wüthrich & F. Ruthardt (2020)
Hunt, B.L., S. Mursula, R.A. Portillo & M. Santoro (2020)
Kishi, K. & K. Okada (2021)
Cole, M.R., J. Lake & B. Zissimos (2021)
Caliendo, L., R.C. Feenstra, J. Romalis & A.M. Taylor (2021/23)
Campoamor, A.C. (2021)
Lechthaler, W. & M. Mileva (2021)
Cavallo, A., G. Gopinath, B. Neiman & J. Tang (2021)
Brander, J.A. & B.J. Spencer (2021)
Malesky, E.J. & H.V. Milner (2021)
Cappariello, R., S. Franco-Bedoya, V. Gunnella & G.I.P. Ottaviano (2021)
Barattieri, A., M, Cacciatore & F. Ghironi (2021)
Chatruc, M.R., E. Stein & R. Vlaicu (2021)
Mitchener, K.J., K. Wandschneider & K.H. O'Rourke (2021/22)
Bouët, A., D. Laborde & D. Martimort (2021)
Amiti, M., S.H. Kong & D. Weinstein (2021)
Cui, C., L.S-Z. Li (2021)
Bas, M. & C. Paunov (2021)
Alessandria, G.A. & C.B. Mix (2021)
Chakravarty, A., M. Parey & G.C. Wright (2021)
Jeanne, O. & J. Son (2021)
Lashkaripour, A. (2021)
Staiger, R.W. (2021)
Caliendo, L. & F. Parro (2021)
Bown, C.P. (2021)
Auboin, M., R. Koopman & A. Xu (2021)
Furceri, D., J.D. Ostry, C. Papageorgiou & P. Wibaux (2021)
Kohn, D., F. Leibovici & M. Szkup (2021/23)
Irwin, D.A. & A. Soderbery (2021)
Navas, A. & A. Nocco (2021)
Artuc, E., G. Porto & B. Rijkers (2021)
Livanis, G. & J.M. Geringer (2021)
Weidner, M. & T. Zylkin (2021)
Jafari, Y., W. Britz, H. Guimbard & J. Beckman (2021)
Bussy, A. (2021)
Sandkamp, A. & E. Yalcin (2021)
Steffen, N. (2021)
Makioka, R. (2021)
Bianconi, M., F. Esposito & M. Sammon (2021)
Fiorini, M., M. Sanfilippo & A. Sundaram (2021)
Lashkaripour, A. (2021)
Chor, D. & B. Li (2021)
Alfaro, M. & F. Warzynski (2021)
Barwick, P.J., S. Cao & S. Li (2021)
Taghizadeh-Hesary, F., N. Yoshino, E. Rasoulinezhad & C. Rimaud (2021)
Baek, Y., K. Hayakawa, K. Tsubota, S. Urata & K. Yamanouchi (2021)
Chang, A., T. Ferguson, J. Rothschild & B.I. Page (2021)
Bown, C.P., A. Erbahar & M. Zanardi (2021)
Irwin, D.A. (2021)
Irwin, D.A. (2021)
Atkin, D. & D. Donaldson (2021)
Fajgelbaum, P. & A. Khandelwal (2021)
Fajgelbaum, P., P.K. Goldberg, P.J. Kennedy, A. Khandelwal & D. Taglioni (2021/24)
Gnangnon, S.K. (2021)
Garcia-Lazaro, A., J. Mistak & F.G. Ozkan (2021)
Metiu, N. (2021)
Khan, S.Y. & A. Khederlarian (2021)
Hernández Vega, M.A. (2021)
Khalil, M. & F. Strobel (2021)
Tetenyi, L. (2021)
Artuc, E., N.M. Depetris Chauvin, G. Porto & B. Rijkers (2021)
Estefania-Flores, J., D. Furceri, S.A. Hannan, J.D. Ostry & A.K. Rose (2022)
Li, W., Y. Li, G. Jacoby & Z. Wu (2022)
Auray, S., M.B. Devereux & A. Eyquem (2022)
Takatsuka, H. & D-Z. Zeng (2022)
Figueiredo, E. & L.R. Lima (2022)
Handley, K. & N. Limão (2022)
Hayakawa, K., T. Ito & H. Mukunoki (2022)
Giordani, P.E. & F. Mariani (2022)
Eugster, J., F. Jaumotte, M. MacDonald & R. Piazza (2022)
Blanchard, E. & G. Willmann (2022)
Audzei, V. & J. Bruha (2022)
Irwin, D.A. (2022)
Geng, D. & K. Saggi (2022)
Chen, Z. & Y. Kurokawa (2022)
Cuñat, A. & R. Zymek (2022/24)
Furceri, D., S.A. Hannan, J.D. Ostry & A.K. Rose (2022)
Feng, X., Y. Wang & L. Zhao (2022)
Stantcheva, S. (2022)
Beverelli, C. & R. Ticku (2022)
Beshkar, M. & R. Lee (2022)
Fontagné, L., H. Guimbard & G. Orefice (2022)
Blank, S., P.H. Egger, V. Merlo & G. Wamser (2022)
Benguria, F., J. Choi, D.L. Swenson & M. Xu (2022)
Schmidt, J. & W. Steingress (2022)
Naito, T. (2022)
Antràs, P., T.C. Fort, A. Gutiérrez & F. Tintelnot (2022/24)
Weisbach, D., S.S. Kortum, M. Wang & Y. Yao (2022)
Traiberman, S. & M. Rotemberg (2022/23)
Chen, T., C-T. Hsieh & Z.M. Song (2022)
Ornelas, E. & P. Tovar (2022)
McCalman, P. (2022)
Dragusanu, R., E. Montero & N. Nunn (2022)
Ozdagli, A.K. & J. Wang (2022)
Mix, C. (2022)
de Souza, G. & H. Li (2022)
Piermartini, R. (2022)
Beladi, H., P-H. Chen, H. Chu, C-C. Lai & T-W. Lai (2022)
Cao, J., V. Dinger, R.E. Juelsrud & K. Liaudinskas (2022)
Liu, Q., Y. Li, S. Li & F. Wu (2023)
Arzandeh, M. & H. Gunay (2023)
Ang, J. & J. Wang (2023)
Larch, M. & Y.V. Yotov (2023)
Santacreu, A.M., M. Sposi & J. Zhang (2023)
Furceri, D., J.D. Ostry, C. Papageorgiou & P. Wibaux (2023)
Alfaro, L., M. Chen & D. Chor (2023)
Ehrhart, K-M., I. Schlecht, J. Schmitz & R. Wang (2023)
Cui, C. & L.S.-Z. Li (2023)
Auray, S., M.B. Devereux & A. Eyquem (2023)
Lee, K-D. & K. Choi (2023)
Adão, R., A. Costinot & D. Donaldson (2023)
Im, H. & J. McLaren (2023)
Im, H. & J. McLaren (2023)
Jakubik, A. & M. Ruta (2023)
Wei, H., Y. Tu & P. Zhou (2023)
Fontagné, L., N. Rocha, M. Ruta & G. Santoni (2023)
Herman, P.R. & S. Oliver (2023)
Clausing, K.A. & C. Wolfram (2023)
Kreuter, H. & M. Riccaboni (2023)
Benmelech, E. & J. Monteiro (2023)
Graziano, A.G., K. Handley & N. Limão (2023)
Handley, K., F. Kamal & R. Monarch (2023)
Zhang, J. & K. Zhou (2023)
Jakubik, A. & M. Ruta (2023)
Estefania-Flores, J., D. Furceri, S.A. Hannan, J.D. Ostry & A.K. Rose (2023)
Ravikumar, B., A.M. Santacreu & M. Sposi (2023/24)
de Souza, G. (2023)
Xu, Z., Q. Wen & T. Zhang (2023)
Erceg, C., A. Prestipino & A. Raffo (2023)
Rebeyrol, V. (2023)
Zhou, K., L. Yu, X. Jiang & S. Kumar (2023)
Chowdhry, S. & G. Felbermayr (2023)
Utar, H., A.C. Zurita & L.B. Torres Ruiz (2023)
Adão, R., A. Costinot, D. Donaldson & J.A. Sturm (2023)
Puig, F., A. Debón, S. Cantarero & H. Marques (2023)
Liu, K., X. Wang & T. Zhang (2023)
Caliendo, L., R.C. Feenstra, J. Romalis &aamp; A.M. Taylor (2023)
Poilly, C. & F. Tripier (2023)
Sikdar, S. (2023)
Lábaj, M. & E. Majzlíková (2023)
Constantatos, C. & I.N. Pinopoulos (2023)
Verma, P. (2023)
Lorz, O. & S. Thede (2023)
Dang, A.H., K. Krishna & Y. Zhao (2023)
Imura, Y. (2023)
Larch, M., S.W. Tan & Y.V. Yotov (2023)
Mahlkow, H. & J. Wanner (2023)
Itskhoki, O. & D. Mukhin (2023)
Pham, H. (2023)
Chong, A. & D. Velásquez (2024)
Ju, J., H. Ma, Z. Wang & X. Zhu (2024)
Joaquin D., J. Blaum, P.D. Fajgelbaum & A. Ospital (2024)
Boer, L. & M. Rieth (2024)
Garcés, I. & A. Vogt (2024)
Alessandria, G.A., S.Y. Khan, A. Khederlarian, K.J. Ruhl & J.B. Steinberg (2024)
Conesa, J.C., M.J. Delventhal, P.S. Pujolas & G. Raveendranathan (2024)
Autor, D., A. Beck, D. Dorn & G.H. Hanson (2024)
Rotunno, L. & M. Ruta (2024)
Ravikumar, B., A.M. Santacreu & M. Sposi (2024)
Zhao, H., Y. Li, Z. Wang & R. Zhao (2024)
Pienknagura, S. (2024)
Kuenzel, D.J. (2024)
Rodriguez-Lopez, A. & M. Yu (2024)
Koenig, P., S. Poncet, M. Sanch-Maritan, C. Duvallet & Y. Pigné (2024)
Lechthaler, W. & M. Mileva (2024)
Cherif, R. & F. Hasanov (2024)
Canayaz, M.I., I. Erel & U.G. Gurun (2024)
Han, L., L. Li, H. Liao & L. Yin (2024)
Harstad, B. (2024)
Auray, S., M.B. Devereux & A. Eyquem (2024)
Felbermayr, G., S. Peterson & J. Wanner (2024)
Yu, C. (2024)
Calì, M., M. Le Moglie & G. Presidente (2024)
Acharya, V.V., Z. Jiang, R.J. Richmond & E-L. Von Thadden (2024)
Empirical Trade Studies
Leamer, E.E. (1980)
Feenstra, R. (1988)
Trefler, D. (1993)
Trefler, D. (1995)
Hummels, D. & J. Levinsohn (1995)
Davis, D.R., D.E. Weinstein, S.C. Bradford & K. Shimpo (1997)
Roberts, M. & J. Tybout (1997)
Davis, D.R. & D.E. Weinstein (1998)
Golberg, P.K. & G. Maggi (1999)
WTO (2001)
O'Rourke, K.H. & J.G. Williamson (2001)
OECD (2001)
Navaretti, G.B. & I. Soloaga (2001)
Rogers, J.H. & H.P. Smith (2001)
Baum, C.F., M. Caglayan & N. Ozkan (2001)
Feenstra, R. & G. Hanson (2001)
Hassink, W.H.J. & R. Schettkat (2001)
Ianchovichina, E. & W. Martin (2001)
Tybout, J.R. (2001)
Chun, S. & D. Trefler (2001)
Clemens, M.A. & J.G. Williamson (2001)
Hoekman, B., H.L. Kee & M. Olarreaga (2001)
Schott, P.K. (2001)
Davis, D.R. & D.E. Weinstein (2001)
Anderson, J.E. & E. van Wincoop (2001)
Harrigan, J. (2001)
Abeysinghe, T. & K.J. Forbes (2001)
Nicita, A. & M. Olarreaga (2001)
Wang, Q. (2002)
Smarzynska, B.K. (2002)
Estevadeordal, A. & A.M. Taylor (2002)
Hummels, D. & A. Skiba (2002)
Hillberry, R. & D. Hummels (2002)
Hanson, G.H. X. Chong (2002)
Kireyev, A.P. (2002)
Tokarick, S.P. (2002/2005)
Clemens, M.A. & J.G. Williamson (2002)
Muendler, M.A. (2002)
Zieschang, K.D. & J. Dridi (2003)
Chinn, M. (2003)
Hanson, G. (2003)
Fukao, K., T. Okubo & R.M. Stern (2003)
Braunstein, E. & G. Epstein (2003)
Irwin, D.A. (2003)
Katayama, H., S. Lu & J. Tybout (2003)
Blonigen, B.A. (2003)
Bernard, A., J.B. Jensen & P.K. Schott (2003/06)
Maloney, W.F. & D. Lederman (2003)
Ederington, J., A. Levinson & J. Minier (2003/2005)
Tokarick, S.P. (2003)
Epifani, P. (2003)
Attanasio, O., P. Goldberg & N. Pavcnik (2003)
Schott, P.K. (2003)
O'Rourke, K. & R. Sinnott (2003/06)
Besedes, T. & T.J. Prusa (2003)
van der Meulen Rodgers, Y., G. Berik & J.E. Zveglich Jr. (2003)
Bernard, A.B., J. Eaton, J.B. Jensen & S. Kortum (2003)
Freeman, R.B. (2003)
Head, K. & J. Ries (2003)
Harrigan, J. & R. Vanjani (2003)
Nunnenkamp, P. & J. Spatz (2003)
Razin, A., Y. Rubinstein & E. Sadka (2003)
Rose, A.K. (2004)
Kirkegaard, J.F. (2004)
Saito, M. (2004)
Borda, C. & D.E. Weinstein (2004)
Arora, V.B. (2004)
Eaton, J., S. Kortum & F. Kramarz (2004)
Broda, C. & D. Weinstein (2004)
Becker, B. & D. Greenberg (2004)
Blonigen, B.A. & M. Wang (2004)
Zebregs, H.H. (2004)
Kose, A., G.M. Meredith & C.M. Towe (2004)
Bolaky, B. & C. Freund (2004)
Baroncelli, E., C. Fink & B. Smarzynska (2004)
Hertel, T., D. Hummels, M. Ivanic & R. Keeney (2004/07)
Anderson, J.A. & E. van Wincoop (2004)
Harrison, A. & J. Scorse (2004/10)
Ederington, J., A. Levinson & J. Minier (2004)
Goldberg, P.K. & N. Pavcnik (2004)
Feenstra, R. & H. Looi Kee (2004)
Choi, Y-S. & P. Krishna (2004)
Alcala, F. & A. Ciccone (2004)
Schott, P.K. (2004)
Wang, Z. & P. Canning (2004)
Swenson, D.L. (2004)
Bernhard, F-K. & E.M. Jurzyk (2004)
Hugbauer, G.C. & Y. Wong (2004)
Eichengreen, B., Y. Rhee & H. Tong (2004)
Blonigen, B.A. (2004)
Trefler, D. (2004)
Amiti, M. & S-J. Wei (2004)
Feenstra, R.C. & H.L. Kee (2004)
Girma, S., D. Greenaway & R. Kneller (2004)
Bernard, A.B., R. Robertson & P.K. Schott (2004/10)
Helliwell, J.F. (2004)
Van Welsum, D. (2004)
De Sousa. J. & J. Lochard (2004)
Feenstra, R., R.E. Lipsey, H. Deng, A.C. Ma & H. Mo (2005)
Milanovic, B. & L. Squire (2005)
Goldstein, I. & A. Razin (2005)
Romalis, J. (2005)
Goldberg, P.K. & N. Pavcnik (2005)
Wu, Y. (2005)
Aldaz-Carroll, E. & G. Raballand (2005)
Edmonds, E.V. & N. Pavcnik (2005)
Noguer, M. & M. Siscart (2005)
Swenson, D. (2005)
Frankel, J.A. & A.K. Rose (2005)
Trefler, D. & S.C. Zhu (2005/10)
Jones, R., H. Kierzkowski & C. Lurong (2005)
Estrada, M.A.R./De Lombaerde, P.A.A. (2005/06)
Bernhofen, D.M. & J.C. Brown (2005)
Fisman, R., P. Moustakerski & S-J. Wei (2005)
Wynne, J. (2005)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen & P.K. Schott (2005)
Hillberry, R. & D. Hummels (2005/08)
Hummels, D. & P. Klenow (2005)
Baldwin, R. (2005)
Bernard, A.B., R. Robertson & P.K. Schott (2005)
Puga, D. & D. Trefler (2005/09)
Groshen, E.L., B. Hobijn & M.M. McConnell (2005)
UNCTAD (2005)
Barrell, R. & S. Dees (2005)
Fafchamps, M., E. Gabre-Madhin & B. Minten (2005)
Schneider, P.H. (2005)
Irwin, D.A. (2005)
Rose, A.K. (2005)
Buch, C.M. (2005)
Lee, J-W., W.J. McKibbin & Y.C. Park (2005)
Jensen, J.B. & L.G. Kletzer (2005)
Ito, T. (editor) (2005)
Fazio, G., R. MacDonald & J. Melitz (2005)
De Benedictis, L. & C. Vicarelli (2005)
Kim, M. & H. Beladi (2005)
Brülhart, M. & F. Trionfetti (2005/09)
Gorodnichenko, Y. & L. Tesar (2005)
Chinn, M.D. (2005)
Egger, P. (2005)
Cieslik, A. (2005)
Bernard, A.B., S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2005)
Francois, J.F., B. Hoekman & M. Manchin (2005)
McCalman, P. (2005)
Melitz, J. (2005/07)
Aw, B.Y., M.J. Roberts & T. Winston (2005)
Halpern, L., M. Koren & A. Szeidl (2005)
Huang, Y. & J.R. Temple (2005)
Edmonds, E.V. & N. Pavcnik (2005)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen & P.K. Schott (2005)
Hallak, J.C. (2005)
Combes, J-L. & T. Saadi-Sedik (2006)
Bjørnstad, R. & T. Skjerpen (2006)
Amiti, M. & S-J. Wei (2006)
Amiti, M. & J. Romalis (2006/07)
Debaere, P.M. & S. Mostashari (2006/10)
Carrère, C. (2006)
Lorentowicz, A., D. Marin & A. Raubold (2006)
Munch, J.R. & J.R. Skaksen
MacGarvie, M. (2006)
Blonigen, B.A. & W.W. Wilson (2007/08)
Keen, M. & M.H. Syed (2006)
Irwin, D.A. (2006)
Otsuki, T., M.X. Chen & J.S. Wilson (2006)
Hanson, G.H. (2006)
Schott, P.K. (2006)
Baxter, M. & M.A. Kouparitsas (2006)
Baldwin, R.E. (2006)
Aghion, P., R. Burgess, S.J. Redding & F. Zilibotti (2006)
Broda, C., N. Limao & D.E. Weinstein (2006)
Bagai, S. & J.S. Wilson (2006)
Brambilla, I. (2006/09)
Brooks, E.L. (2006)
Muendler, M-A. & S.O. Becker (2006)
Lipsey, R.E. (2006)
Edmonds, E.V. & N. Pavcnik (2006)
Bernard, A.B., S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2006/10)
Huang, H. & J. Whalley (2006)
Ceglowski, J. (2006)
Saito, M. & I. Tokutsu (2006)
Harrison, A.E. & M.S. McMillan (2006)
Baldwin, R.A. (2006)
Djankov, S., C. Freund & C.S. Pham (2006)
Reshef, A. & R. Islam (2006)
Galiano, S. & G.G. Porto (2006)
Javorcik, B.S., W. Keller & J.R. Tybout (2006)
Wallsten, S. & G.R.G. Clarke (2006)
Konan, D.E. & K.E. Maskus (2006)
Friberg, R. & M. Ganslandt (2006)
Ottaviano, G.I.P. & G. Peri (2006)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen & P.K. Schott (2006)
Sudekum, J. (2006)
Kamps, A. (2006)
Broda, C., J. Greenfield & D. Weinstein (2006)
Baldwin, R. & D. Taglioni (2006)
Neary, J.P. (2006)
Ronchi, L. (2006)
Lichtenberg, F.R. (2006)
Harrigan, J. & G. Barrows (2006)
Soloaga, I., J.S. Wilson & A. Mejia (2006)
McKenzie, D.J. (2006)
Ederington, J. & J. Minier (2006)
Baldwin, R.E. & V. Di Nino (2006)
Fisher, E.O. & S.L. May (2006)
McCorriston, S. & D. MacLaren (2006)
Dasgupta, I. & T. Osang (2007)
Edmonds, E.V., N. Pavcnik & P. Topalova (2007)
Goldberg, P.K. & N. Pavcnik (2007)
Hatton, T.J. & A. Leigh (2007)
Fernandes, A.M. (2007)
Aviat, A. & N. Coeurdacier (2007)
Hummels, D., V. Lugovskyy & A. Skiba (2007/09)
Helpman, E., M. Melitz & Y. Rubinstein (2007)
Jacks, D.S., C.M. Meissner & D. Novy (2007/10)
Arezki, R. & F. van der Ploeg (2007)
Francois, J.F. & M. Manchin (2007)
Muendler, M-A. (2007)
Winters, L.A., T.L. Walmsley, R. Skeldon & C.R. Parsons (2007)
Kee, H.L. & B. Hoekman (2007)
Romalis, J. (2007)
Yeaple, S.R. & S.S. Golub (2007)
Evans, C.L. (2007)
Cuñat, A. & M. Maffezzoli (2007)
De Loecker, J. (2007/11)
Coe, D.T., A. Subramanian & N.T Tamirisa (2007)
Hatta, T. & Y. Ogawa (2007)
Billmeier, A. & T. Nannicini (2007/09)
Engelmann, D. & H-T. Normann (2007)
Swenson, D.L. (2007)
Lileeva, A. & D. Trefler (2007)
Blonigen, B. & A. Ma (2007)
Peri, G. & C. Sparber (2007)
Shepherd, B. & A. Dennis (2007)
Fisman, R. & S-J. Wei (2007)
Ekinci, M.F., S. Kalemli-Ozcan & B. Sorensen (2007)
Alfaro, L. & A. Charlton (2007)
Artuc, E., S. Chaudhuri & J. McLaren (2007)
Geishecker, I. & H. Görg (2007)
Eaton, J., M. Eslava, M. Kugler & J. Tybout (2007)
Lowell, B.L. (2007)
Blanchard, E.J. (2007)
Egger, H., P. Egger & D. Greenaway (2007)
Engel, C. & J. Wang (2007)
Aizenman, J. & E. Brooks (2008)
Amiti, M. & J. Konings (2007)
Cadot, O., C. Carrère & V. Strauss-Kahn (2007)
Kugler, M. & E.A. Verhoogen (2008)
Hallak, J.C. & P.K. Schott (2008)
Bems, R. (2008)
Konings, J. & H. Vandenbussche (2008)
Horváth, J., A. Rátfai & B. Döme (2008)
Yang, D. (2008)
Borjas, G.J., J. Grogger & G.H. Hanson (2008)
Pham, C.S. (2008)
Berthelon, M. & C. Freund (2008)
Chusseau, N., M. Dumont & J. Hellier (2008)
Liu, R. & D. Trefler (2008)
Yeaple, S. (2008/09)
Epifani, P. & G. Gancia (2008)
Amiti, M. & D.R. Davis (2008)
Goldberg, P.K., A. Khandelwal, N. Pavcnik & P. Topalova (2008)
Jacks, D.S. & K. Pendakur (2008)
Heinemeyer, H.C., M.S. Schulze & N. Wolf (2008)
Ottaviano, G.I.P. & G. Peri (2008)
Martincus, C.V. & J. Carballo (2008)
Facchini, G., A.M. Mayda & P. Mishra (2008)
Moreno Badia, M., V. Slootmaekers & I. Van Beveren (2008)
Chu, A.C. & S-K. Peng (2008)
Goldberg, P.K., A. Khandelwal, N. Pavcnik & P. Topalova (2008)
Hanson, G.H. & C. Xiang (2008/11)
Hanson, G.H. (2008)
Berman, N. & J. Héricourt (2008/10)
Le, T. (2008)
Frankel, J.A. (2008)
Kee, H.L., A. Nicita & M. Olarreaga (2008)
Eaton, J., S. Kortum & F. Kramarz (2008/11)
Arribas, I., F. Pérez & E. Tortosa-Ausina (2008)
Blonigen, B. (2008)
Park, A., D. Yang, X. Shi & Y. Jiang (2008)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen, S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2009)
Costinot, A., L. Oldenski & J.E. Rauch (2009)
Muendler, M-A. & S.O. Becker (2009)
Ortega, F. & G. Peri (2009)
Rose, A.K. & M.M. Spiegel (2009)
Lloyd, P.J., J.L. Croser & K. Anderson (2009)
Feyrer, J. (2009/19)
Dutt, P., D. Mitra & P. Ranjan (2009)
Eslava, M., J.C. Haltiwanger, A.D. Kugler & M. Kugler (2009)
Gopinath, G., P-O. Gourinchas, C-T. Hsieh & N. Li (2009)
Head, K., T. Mayer & J. Ries (2009)
Blonigen, B.A. & A. Soderbery (2009)
Eichengreen, B. & P. Gupta (2009)
Krishna, P. & M.Z. Senses (2009)
Iacovone, L. (2009)
Goldberg, P., A. Khandelwal, N. Pavcnik & P. Topalova (2009)
Iacovone, L. (2009)
Ebenstein, A., A. Harrison, M. McMillan & S. Phillips (2009/14)
McCaig, B. (2009)
Beine, M., F. Docquier & C. Özden (2009)
Blinder, A.S. & A.B. Krueger (2009)
Aw, B.Y., M.J. Roberts & D.Y. Xu (2009/11)
Fafchamps, M. (2009)
Görg, H. & A. Hanley (2009)
Becker, S.O., K. Ekholm & M-A. Muendler (2009)
Eicher, T.S. & C. Henn (2009)
Manova, K. & Z. Zhang (2009)
Moser, C., D.M. Urban & B. Weder di Mauro (2009)
De Loecker, J. & F. Warzynski (2009/12)
Carrère, C., J. de Melo & J. Wilson (2009)
Evenett, S.J. (2009)
Freund, C. (2009)
Waugh, M.E. (2009/10)
Corcos, G., D. Irac, G. Mion & T. Verdier (2009)
Nitsch, V. & N. Wolf (2009)
Goldberg, L.S. & C. Tille (2009)
Lederman, D., M. Olarreaga & L. Payton (2009)
Amiti, M. & A. Khandelwal (2009)
Irarrazabal, A., A. Moxnes & K-H. Ulltveit-Moe (2009)
Li, Y. & J.S. Wilson (2009)
C. Menichini, A.M. (2009)
Easterly, W., A. Reshef & J. Schwenkenberg (2009)
Manole, V. & M. Spatareanu (2009)
Feyrer, J. (2009/21)
Berka, M. & M.J. Crucini (2009)
Harding, T. & B. Smarzynska-Javorcik (2009)
Imbs, J. & I. Mejean (2009)
Feenstra, R.C. (2009)
Head, K. & J. Ries (2009)
Seker, M. (2009/12)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen, S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2010)
Mitchener, K.J. & S. Yan (2010)
Breinlich, H. & A. Cuñat (2010)
Ahn, J., A.K. Khandelwal & S-J. Wei (2010/11)
Jones, B.F. & B.A. Olken (2010)
Rosenzweig, M.R. (2010)
Felbermayr, G.J. & F. Toubal (2010)
Freund, C. & N. Rocha (2010)
Haddad, M.E., J.J. Lim & C. Saborowski (2010)
Baumgarten, D., I. Geishecker & H. Görg (2010)
Blyde, J. & G.
Iberti (2010)
Buch, C.M., I. Kesternich, A. Lipponer & M. Schnitzer (2010)
Martincus, C.V. & J. Carballo (2010)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen, S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2010)
di Giovanni, J., A.A. Levchenko & R. Rancière (2010/11)
Head, K., T. Mayer & J. Ries (2010)
di Giovanni, J., A.A. Levchenko & R. Ranciere (2010)
Iacovone, L. & B.S. Javorcik (2010)
Ferreira, F. & J. Waldfogel (2010/12)
Portugal-Perez, A. & J.S. Wilson (2010/12)
Klein, M.W., C> Moser & D.M. Urban (2010)
Brambilla, I., D. Lederman & G. Porto (2010)
Cadot, O., C. Carrere, M. Kukenova & V. Strauss-Kahn (2010)
Vanbeveren, I. & H. Vandenbussche (2010)
Alessandria, G., J.P. Kaboski & V. Midrigan (2010)
Holmes, T.J. & J.J. Stevens (2010)
Hellerstein, R. & S.B. Villas-Boas (2010)
Falvey, R., D. Greenaway & J. Silva (2010)
Bems, R., R.C. Johnson & K-M. Yi (2010)
Edwards, L. & R.Z. Lawrence (2010)
Edwards, L. & R.Z. Lawrence (2010)
Klapper, L., L. Laeven & R. Rajan (2010)
Ku, H. & A. Zussman (2010)
Awokuse, T.O. & H. Yin (2010)
Moxnes, A. & K-H. Ulltveit-Moe (2010)
Klinger, B. & D. Lederman (2010/11)
Feenstra, R.C., R.E. Lipsey, L.G. Branstetter, C.F. Foley, J. Harrigan, J.B. Jensen, L. Kletzer, C. Mann, P. Schott & G.C. Wright (2010)
Shepherd, B. (2010)
Bergin, P. & C-Y. Lin (2010)
Costinot, A., D. Donaldson & I. Komunjer (2010)
Breinlich, H. & A. Tucci (2010)
Li, C., J. Whalley & Y. Chen (2010)
Head, K., R. Jing & D.L. Swenson (2010/14)
Anderson, J.E. & Y.V. Yotov (2010)
Koopman, R., W. Powers, Z. Wang & S-J. Wei (2010)
Ottaviano, G.I.P., G. Peri & G.C. Wright (2010/13)
Nunn, N. & D. Trefler (2010)
Bastos, P. & J. Silva (2010)
Lloyd, P. & D. MacLaren (2010)
De Loecker, J. (2010/13)
Cherkashin, I., S. Demidova, H.L Kee & K. Krishna (2010/15)
Easterly, W. & A. Reshef (2010)
Bhattacharya, R., I. Patnaik & A. Shah (2010)
Arkolakis, C., S. Ganapati & M-A. Muendler (2010/21)
Baldwin, R. & D. Taglioni (2011)
Blonigen, B.A. & J. Piger (2011)
Patnaik, I., A. Sen Gupta & A. Shah (2010)
Van Biesebroeck, J. (2011)
Lohmann, J. (2011)
Levchenko, A.A. & J. Zhang (2011/16)
Namini, J.E., G. Facchini & R. Lopez (2011)
Martin, J. & I. Méjean (2011)
Balistreri, E.J., R.H. Hillberry & T.F. Rutherford (2011)
Jacks, D.S., C.M. Meissner & D. Novy (2011)
Sutton, J. & D. Trefler (2011)
Dutt, P., I. Mihov & Van Zandt (2011)
Besedeš, T. (2011)
Lee, J. (2011)
Foster, N., J. Poeschl & R. Stehrer (2011)
Liao, C-H. (2011)
Ricci, L.A. & F. Trionfetti (2011/12)
Mishra, S., S. Lundstrom & R. Anand (2011)
Horgos, D. (2011)
Artopoulos, A., D. Friel & J.C. Hallak (2011)
Mayer, T., M.J. Melitz & G.I.P. Ottaviano (2011/14)
Burstein, A. & M.J. Melitz (2011)
Forslid, R. & T. Okubo (2011)
O'Connell, M. (2011)
Camanho da Costa Neto, N. & R. Romeu (2011)
Antras, P. & C.F. Foley (2011/15)
Brülhart, M., C. Carrère & F. Trionfetti (2011/12)
Henn, C., B.J. McDonald (2011)
Beaulieu, E., M. Benarroch & J.D. Gaisford (2011)
Hallaert, J-J., R.C. Cepeda & G. Kang (2011)
Krishna, P., J.P. Poole & M.Z. Senses (2011)
Beine, M., F. Docquier & C. Ozden (2011)
Krishna, P. & G. Sethupathy (2011)
Krishna, P. & W.F. Maloney (2011)
Klapper, L., L. Laeven & R. Rajan (2011)
Besedeš, T. & T.J. Prusa (2011)
Moenius, J. & D. Berkowitz (2011)
Hornok, C. (2011)
Egger, P. & M. Pfaffermayr (2011)
De Hoyos, R.E. & L. Iacovone (2011)
Blonigen, B. & C. O'Fallon (2011)
Egger, P., M. Fahn, V. Merlo & G. Wamser (2011)
Coughlin, C.C. & H.J. Wall (2011)
Chang, P-L. & M-J. Lee (2011)
Farole, T. & D. Winkler (2011)
Chen, H., A. Mirestean & C.G. Tsangarides (2011)
Breinlich, H. (2011)
Hummels, D., R. Jorgensen, J.R. Munch & C. Xiang (2011/14)
Roy, J. (2011)
Guillou, S. & S. Schiavo (2011)
Liu, R. & D. Trefler (2011/19)
Gopinath, G., O. Itskhoki & B. Neiman (2011)
Hoekman, B. & A. Nicita (2011)
Seker, M. (2011)
Bernard, A.B., J.B. Jensen, S.J. Redding & P.K. Schott (2011)
Berman, N., A. Berthou & J. Hericourt (2011/15)
Egger, H., P. Egger & U. Kreickemeier (2011/13)
Bergin, P.R., R.C. Feenstra & G.H. Hanson (2011)
Chen, N. & D. Novy (2011)
Ariu, A. & G. Mion (2012)
Jarreaua, J. & S. Poncet (2012)
Nouira, R., P. Plane & K. Sekkat (2011)
Gondo, R. & F. Orrego (2011)
M. Scott Taylor (2011)
Handley, K. & N. Limão (2011/15)
Burstein, A. & J. Cravino (2011/15)
Cadot, O., A-C. Disdier & L. Fontagné (2012)
Antras, P., D. Chor, T. Fally & R. Hillberry (2012)
Cadot, O., C. Carrère & V. Strauss-Kahn (2012)
Hummels, D. & G. Schaur (2012)
Johnson, R.C. (2011)
Giri, R. (2011)
Miroudot, S., J. Sauvage & B. Shepherd (2012)
Anderson, J.E. & Y.V. Yotov (2012)
Feenstra, R.C. & J.B. Jensen (2012)
De Loecker, J., P.K. Goldberg, A. Khandelwal & N. Pavcnik (2012/16)
Ruta, M. & A.J. Venables (2012)
Bekkers, E. & J. Francois (2012)
Bekkers, E., J. Francois & M. Manchin (2012)
Mattoo, A., P. Mishra & A. Subramanian (2012)
Hanson, G.H. (2012)
Bo, C. & D.S. Jacks (2012/13)
Costinot, A. & D. Donaldson (2012)
Helpman, E., O. Itskhoki, M-A. Muendler & S.J. Redding (2012/17)
Forslid, R. & T. Okubo (2012)
Hur, J. & C. Park (2012)
Costinot, A. & D. Donaldson (2012)
Eck, K., M. Engemann & M. Schnitzer (2012)
Rose, A.K. (2012)
Desai, M.A., C.F. Foley & J.R. Hines Jr. (2012/16)
Ossa, R. (2012/15)
Mélitz, J. & F. Toubal (2012/14)
Harris, M.N., L. Kónya & L. Mátyás (2012)
Borraz, F., A. Cavallo, R. Rigobon & L. Zipitria (2012)
Koopman, R., Z. Wang & S-J. Wei (2012)
Clougherty, J.A. & M. Grajek (2012)
Johnson, R.C. & G. Noguera (2012)
Debaere, P., H. Lee & J. Lee (2012)
Debaere, P. (2012/14)
Ortega, F. & G. Peri (2012)
Bernard, A.B., E.J. Blanchard, I. Van Beveren & H.Y. Vandenbussche (2012/19)
Feng, L., Z. Li & D.L. Swenson (2012)
Haidar, J.I. (2012)
Berman, N., J. De Sousa, P. Martin & T. Mayer (2012)
Chen, X., A. Munasib & D. Roy (2012/14)
de Sousa, J., T. Mayer & S. Zignago (2012)
Broner, F.A., P. Bustos & V.M. Carvalho (2012)
Novy, D. (2012/13)
Freund, C. & M.D. Pierola (2013/15)
Antonakakis, N. (2012)
Yotov, Y.V. (2012)
Hanson, G.H. (2012)
Amiti, M., O. Itskhoki & J. Konings (2012/14)
Cyrus, T.L. (2012)
Manova, K. & Z. Zhang (2012)
Saslavsky, D. & B. Shepherd (2012)
Hollweg, C.H., D. Lederman & J-D. Reyes (2012)
Gaston, N. & D.R. Nelson (2013)
Blonigen, B. (2013/16)
Feenstra, R.C., B.R. Mandel, M.B. Reinsdorf & M.J. Slaughter (2013)
Bombarda, P. & E. Gamberoni (2013)
Head, K. & T. Mayer (2013)
Harding, T. & A.J. Venables (2013)
Kasahara, H. & B. Lapham (2013)
Egger, P.H. & M. Larch (2013)
Chan, M.L. & K. Manova (2013/15)
Lin, F. (2013)
Irarrazabal, A., A. Moxnes & L.D. Opromolla (2013)
Molina, D. & M-A. Muendler (2013)
Kehoe, T.J. & K.J. Ruhl (2013)
Chatterjee, A., R. Dix-Carneiro & J. Vichyanond (2013)
Foster, N. & R. Stehrer (2013)
Fuchs, A. & N-H. Klann (2013)
Yeaple, S.R. (2013)
Smeets, V. & F. Warzynski (2013)
Caselli, M. (2013)
Iacovone, L., A. Mattoo & A. Zahler (2013)
Docquier, F., C. Ozden & G. Peri (2013)
Cabral, M., R. Falvey & C. Milner (2013)
Irarrazabal, A., A. Moxnes & L.D. Opromolla (2013/15)
Jensen, J.B., D.P. Quinn & S. Weymouth (2013)
Arvis, J.F. (2013)
Zhu, S. & X. Fu (2013)
McCalman, P. & A. Spearot (2013)
Gundlach, E. & A. de Vaal (2013)
Jaimovich, E. (2013)
Crozet, M. & F. Trionfetti (2013)
Simonovska, I. & M.E. Waugh (2014)
Besedes, T. & T.J. Prusa (2013)
Levchenko, A.A. & J. Zhang (2013)
Amin, M. & J.I. Haidar (2013)
Parteka, A. & M. Tamberi (2013)
Nishioka, S. (2013)
Bernard, A.B., R. Massari, J-D. Reyes & D. Taglioni (2013)
Muendler, M-A. (2013)
de Boyrie, M.E. & M. Kreinin (2013)
Santos Silva, J.M.C., S. Tenreyro & K. Wei (2014)
Bahar, D., R. Hausmann & C.A. Hidalgo (2014)
Klasing, M.J. & P. Milionis (2014)
Agnosteva, D.E., J.E. Anderson & Y.V. Yotov (2014/19)
Bernard, A.B., R. Massari, J-D. Reyes & D. Taglioni (2014)
Córcoles, D., C. Díaz-Mora & R. Gandoy (2014)
Defever, F. & J. Suedekum (2014)
Aker, J.C., M.W. Klein, S.A. O'Connell & M. Yang (2014)
Koopman, R., Z. Wang & S-J. Wei (2014)
Gartzke, E. & A. Weisiger (2014)
Ortega, F. & G. Peri (2014)
Bombardini, M., G. Gallipoli & G. Pupato (2014)
Munasib, A. & D. Roy (2014)
Morales, E., G. Sheu & A. Zahler (2014/19)
Cadot, O., A. Fernandes, J. Gourdon, A. Mattoo & J. de Melo (2014)
Gelb, A., S. Tordo, H. Halland, N. Arfaa & G. Smith (2014)
Nguyen, Q. & T. Bernauer (2014)
Amin, M. & A. Islam (2014)
Aeberhardt, R., I. Buono & H. Fadinger (2014)
Fitzgerald, D. & S. Haller (2014)
Bellone, F., K. Kiyota, T. Matsuura, P. Musso & L. Nesta (2014)
Feenstra, R.C., P. Luck, M. Obstfeld & K.N. Russ (2014/18)
Fan, Y., S. Ren, H. Cai & X. Cui (2014)
Braun, S. & M. Kvasnicka (2014)
Costinot, A., D. Donaldson & C.B. Smith (2014)
Whang, U. (2014)
Camarero, M., E. Gómez & C. Tamarit (2014)
Cho, J., H. Chun & J. Hur (2014)
Besedeš, T., B-C. Kim & V. Lugovskyy (2014)
Bastos, P., J. Silva & E. Verhoogen (2014)
Yilmazkuday, D. & H. Yilmazkuday (2014)
Abramitzky, R., L.P. Boustan & K. Eriksson (2014)
Groizard, J.L., H. Marques & M. Santana (2014)
Boerner, L. & B. Severgnini (2014)
Fajgelbaum, P.D. & A.K. Khandelwal (2014)
Gallego, N. & C. Llano (2014)
Manova, K., S-J. & Z. Zhang (2014)
Hale, G., C. Candelaria, J. Caballero & S. Borisov (2014)
Zhou, N. & J. Whalley (2014)
Irwin, D.A. (2014)
Kee, H.L. (2014)
Foster-McGregor, N., A. Isaksson & F. Kaulich (2014)
Schmidt-Eisenlohr, T. & F. Niepmann (2014)
Arseneau, D.M. & B. Epstein (2014)
Artuc, E., F. Docquier, C. Özden & C. Parsons (2014)
McKenzie, D. & D. Yang (2014)
Baxter, M. & A. Landry (2014)
Onder, A.S. & H. Yilmazkuday (2014/16)
Goya, D. (2014)
Albuquerque, R., T. Ramadorai & S.W. Watugala (2014)
Atkin, D., A.K. Khandelwal & A. Osman (2014/17)
Becker, S.O . & M-A. Muendler (2014)
Constantinescu, C., A. Mattoo & M. Ruta (2015/20)
Defever, F., B. Heid & M. Larch (2015)
Dix-Carneiro, R. & B.K. Kovak (2015)
Cheong, J., D.W. Kwak & K.K. Tang (2015)
Timmer, M.P., E. Dietzenbacher, B. Los, R. Stehrer & G.J. de Vries (2015)
Cassing, J. & S. Nishioka (2015)
Hainmueller, J., M.J. Hiscox & S. Sequeira (2015)
Hornok, C. & M. Koren (2015)
Winston, C. & J. Yan (2015)
Martin, J. & F. Mayneris (2015)
Aichele, R. & G. Felbermayr (2015)
Krishna, K., X. Bai & H. Ma (2015/17)
Grazzi, M. & C. Tomasi (2015)
Autor, D.H., D. Dorn & G.H. Hanson (2015)
Carluccio, J., D. Fougère & E. Gautier (2015)
Fally, T. (2015)
Bombardini, M., G. Orefice & M.D. Tito (2015)
Nicita, A. & V. Rollo (2015)
Lendle, A., M. Olarreaga, S. Schropp & P-L. Vézina (2016)
Balsvik, R., S. Jensen & K.G. Salvanes (2015)
Hayakawa, K. (2015)
Hellmanzik, C. & M. Schmitz (2015)
Bernini, M. & C. TomasiBernini, M. & C. Tomasi (2015)
Glick, R. & A.K. Rose (2015)
Batista, C. & J. Potin (2015)
Dickstein, M.J. & E. Morales (2015/18)
Fritsch, U. & H. Görg (2015)
Eichengreen, B. & H. Tong (2015)
Fabling, R. & L. Sanderson (2015)
Celik, L., B. Karabay & J. McLaren (2015)
Sharma, C. & R.K. Mishra (2015)
Lim, S. & A.K.M. Mahbub Morshed (2015)
Lederman, D., S. Pienknagura & D. Rojas (2015)
Martin, W. & C.S. Pham (2015)
Adserà, A. & M. Pytliková (2015)
Egger, P.H. & F. Tarlea (2015)
Blaum, J., C. LeLarge & M. Peters (2015/18)
de Sa Porto, P.C., O. Canuto & C. Morini (2015)
Lederman, D., M. Olarreaga & L. Zavala (2015)
Rose, A.K. (2015/19)
Anderson, J.E., I. Borchert, A Mattoo & Y.V. Yotov (2015/18)
Demian, C-V. & F. di Mauro (2015)
Alfaro, L., P. Antras, D. Chor & P. Conconi (2015/19)
Brekke, K.R., T.H. Holmås & O.R. Straume (2015)
Kulish, M. & D. Rees (2015)
Timoshenko, O.A. (2015)
Nyantakyi, E.B., S. Husted & S. Nishioka (2015)
Lavallée, E. & J. Lochard (2015)
Gibson, J., D. McKenzie, H. Rohorua & S. Stillman (2015/18)
Fernandes, A.M., C. Freund & M.D. Pierola (2015/16)
Anderson, J.E., I. Borchert, A. Mattoo & Y.V. Yotov (2015)
Ahmed, S., M. Appendino & M. Ruta (2015/17)
Hanson, G.H., N. Lind & M-A. Muendler (2015)
Lee, G. & S.S. Lim (2015)
Bista, R., J. Ederington, J. Minier & B.J. Sheridan (2015)
Bernhofen, D.M., Z. El-Sahli & R. Kneller (2016)
Forslid, R. & T. OkuboForslid, R. & T. Okubo (2016)
Békés, G. & B. Muraközy (2016)
Athukorala, P-C. & F. Khan (2016)
Eichengreen, B., R. Lafarguette & A. Mehl (2016)
Rho, Y. & J. Rodrigue (2016)
Chen, N. & L. Juvenal (2016)
Li, D., Y. Lu, T. Ng & J. Yang (2016)
Blanchard, E. & G. Willmann (2016)
Hsieh, C-T., N. Li, R. Ossa & M-J. Yang (2016/20)
Chetverikov, D., B. Larsen & C. Palmer (2016)
Huang, X. & X. Liu (2016)
Waugh, M.E. & B. Ravikumar (2016)
Cingano, F. & P. Pinotti (2016)
Manova, K. & Z. Yu (2016)
Anderson, J.E., M. Vesselovsky & Y.V. Yotov (2016)
Ito, T., L. Rotunno & P-L. Vézina (2016)
Morey, M. (2016)
Maggioni, D., A. Lo Turco & M. Gallegati (2016)
Constantinescu, C., A. Mattoo & M. Ruta (2016)
Bastos, P., J. Silva & R. Proença (2016)
Brambilla, I., D. Lederman & G. Porto (2016)
Kee, H.L. & H. Tang (2016)
Sekkat, K. (2016)
De Weerdt, J. & K. Hirvonen (2016)
Eckel, C., L. Iacovone, B. Javorcik & J.P. Neary (2016)
Bastos, P., J. Silva & R. Proença (2016)
Santana-Gallego, M., F.J. Ledesma-Rodríguez & J.V. Pérez-Rodríguez (2016)
Kneller, R. & J. Timmis (2016)
Parsons, C. & P-L. Vézina (2016)
Bennett, F., D. Lederman, S. Pienknagura & D. Rojas (2016)
Osnago, A. & S.W. Tan (2016)
Ferri, G. & P. Murro (2016)
Fort, T.C. (2016/17)
Barhoumi, K., O. Darné & L. Ferrara (2016)
Spanos, G. (2016)
Crozet, M., E. Milet & D. Mirza (2016)
Desbordes, R. & G. Koop (2016)
Kalra, S. (2016)
Kellenberg, D. & A. Levinson (2016/19)
Hanson, G. & C. McIntosh (2016)
Costa, F., J. Garred & J.P. Pessoa (2016)
Kamal, F. & A. Sundaram (2016)
Goldberg, L.S. & C. Tille (2016)
Michaely, M. & D. Wajnryt (2016)
Dinkelman, T. & M. Mariotti (2016)
Hakobyan, S. & J. McLaren (2016)
Boddin, D. (2016)
Fontagné, L. & G. Orefice (2016/18)
Machado, J.A.F., J.M.C. Santos Silva & K. Wei (2016)
Andersen, A.L., C. Duus & T.L. Jensen (2016)
Vannoorenberghe, G., Z. Wang & Z. Yu (2016)
Bove, V. & L. Elia (2016)
Bems, R. & J. di Giovanni (2016)
Keller, W., J.A. Santiago & C.H. Shiue (2016)
Bronzini, R. & A. D'Ignazio (2016)
Bernhofen, D.M. & J.C. Brown (2016)
Imbs, J. & I. Mejean (2016)
Arespa, M. & D. Gruber (2016)
Podkaminer, L. (2016)
Ginsburgh, V., J. Melitz & F. Toubal (2016)
Pierce, J.R. & P.K. Schott (2016)
Naidu, S., Y. Nyarko & S-Y. Wang (2016)
Ito, T. & P-L. Vézina (2016)
Endrész, M. & F. Skudelny (2016)
Bresnahan, L., I. Coxhead, J. Foltz & T. Mogues (2016)
MacDermott, R.J. & D. Mornah (2016)
Johnson, R.C. & G. Noguera (2016)
Podkaminer, L. (2016)
Feenstra, R.C. (2017)
Rose, A.K. (2017)
Besedeš, T. & M.T. Cole (2017)
Crinò, R. & L. Ogliari (2017)
Nigai, S. (2017)
de Nicola, F. & S.W. Tan (2017)
Dew, B., M. Pinat & Y. Korniyenko (2017)
Werner, A.M., G. Adler & N.E. Magud (2017)
Claessens, S., O. Hassib & N. Van Horen (2017)
Dincer, N.N. & A. Tekin-Koru (2017)
de Nicola, F. & S.W. Tan (2017)
Constantinescu, C., A. Mattoo & M. Ruta (2017)
Palangkaraya, A., P.H. Jensen & E. Webster (2017)
Dippel, C., R. Gold, S. Heblich & R. Pinto (2017)
Defever, F. & A. Riaño (2017)
Almeida, R.K. & J.P. Poole (2017)
Baniya, S. (2017)
Cerra, V. & M.T. Woldemichael (2017)
Wang, Z., S-J. Wei, X. Yu & K. Zhu (2017)
Berthou, A. & H. Ehrhart (2017)
Wang, Z., S-J. Wei, X. Yu & K. Zhu (2017)
Tan, Y. & C. Zhao (2017)
Loungani, P., S. Mishra, C. Papageorgiou & K. Wang (2017)
Kummritz, V., D. Taglioni & D. Winkler (2017)
Eckel, C. & M. Irlacher (2017)
Burstein, A., G. Hanson, L. Tian & J. Vogel (2017.20)
Jochmans, K. (2017)
Wang, Y. & J. Li (2017)
Hummels, D. & K. Lee (2017)
French, S. (2017)
Ogawa, K., M. Saito & I. Tokutsu (2017)
Ahn, J. & R.A. Duval (2017)
Niepmann, F. & T. Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2017)
Broocks, A. & J. Van Biesebroeck (2017)
Anderson, J.E. & Y.V. Yotov (2017/20)
Cravino, J. & S. Sotelo (2017)
Feenstra, R.C. & D.E. Weinstein (2017)
Dix-Carneiro, R. & B.K. Kovak (2017)
Heuser, C. & A. Mattoo (2017)
Aslam, A., N. Novta & F. Rodrigues-Bastos (2017)
Johri, A. & T. Yip (2017)
Gächter, M. & I. Gkrintzalis (2017)
Santos, C.D. (2017)
Kamal, F. & R. Monarch (2017)
Hayakawa, K., T. Ito & T. Okubo (2017)
Michaely, M. & D. Wajnryt (2017)
Akram, V. & B.N. Rath (2017)
Pascali, L. (2017)
Fensore, I., S. Legge & L. Schmid (2017)
O'Rourke, K.H. (2017)
Bernard, A.B., E.A. Boler, R. Massari, J-D. Reyes & D. Taglioni (2017)
Didier, T. & M. Pinat (2017)
Henn, C., C. Papageorgiou, J.M. Romero & N. Spatafora (2017)
Atalay, E., A. Hortacsu, M.J. Li & C. Syverson (2017/19)
Bas, M., T. Mayer & M. Thoenig (2017)
Niepmann, F. & T. Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2017)
Kulish, M. & D.M. Rees (2017)
Wei, S-J., Z. Wei & J. Xu (2017)
Cerdeiro, D.A. & A. Komaromi (2017/21)
Aw, B.Y. & Y. Lee (2017)
Barjamovic, G., T. Chaney, K.A. Cosar & A. Hortacsu (2017/19)
Aslam, A., E. Boz, E.M. Cerutti, M. Poplawski-Ribeiro & P. Topalova (2017)
Lectard, P. & R. Rougier (2017)
Mullings, R. & A. Mahabir (2017)
Johnson, R.J. (2017/18)
Feenstra, R.J. & A. Sasahara (2017)
Grossmann, V., A. Schäfer, T. Steger & B. Fuchs (2017)
Del Prete, D. & A. Rungi (2017)
Hu, Z., J. Rodrigue, Y. Tan & C. Yue (2017)
Naanwaab, C.B. & J.A. Edwards (2017)
Cunha, N. & R. Forte (2017)
Lyon, S. & M.E. Waugh (2017)
Sin, I. (2018)
Basile, R., A. Parteka & R. Pittiglio (2018)
Brei, M. & G. von Peter (2018)
Ho, C-Y., W. Wang & J. Yu (2018)
Shen, L. & P. Silva (2018)
Fieler, A.C., M. Eslava & D.Y. Xu (2018)
Antras, P. & D. Chor (2018)
Marini, M., R. Dippelsman & M. Stanger (2018)
de Bromhead, A., A. Fernihough, M. Lampe & K.H. O'Rourke (2018)
Lincoln, W.F. & A.H. McCallum (2018)
Muendler, M-A. & J.E. Rauch (2018)
Chakrabarti, A.S. (2018)
Behrens, K., W.M. Brown & T. Bougna (2018)
Costinot, A. & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2018)
Berthou, A. & E. Dhyne (2018)
Ferrantino, M.J. & G. Schmidt (2018)
McIntyre, A., M.X. Li, K. Wang & H. Yun (2018)
Falvey, R., D. Greenaway & J. Silva (2018)
Fieler, A.C. & A. Harrison (2018)
Carballo, J., G.I.P. Ottaviano & C.V. Martincus (2018)
Fontagné, L., P. Martin & G. Orefice (2018)
Alfaro, L. & M.X. Chen (2018)
Jaud, M., M. Kukenova & M. Strieborny (2018)
Bernard, A.B, E.A. Boler & S. Dhingra (2018)
Arize, A.C. & M. Bahmani-Oskooee (2018)
Gnangnon, S.K. (2018)
Tunc, C., M.N. Solakoglu, A. Hazar & S. Babuscu (2018)
Gnangnon, S.K. (2018)
Liu, X., A. Mattoo, Z. Wang & S-J. Wei (2018/19/20)
Krieger, T., L. Renner & J. Ruhose (2018)
Bloom, N., K. Manova, J. Van Reenen, S.T. Sun & Z. Yu (2018)
Heerman, K.E.R. & I.M. Sheldon (2018)
Rose, A.K. (2018)
Bakker, J.D., S. Maurer, J-S. Pischke & F. Rauch (2018)
Los, B. & M.P. Timmer (2018)
Brynjolfsson, E., X. Hui & M. Liu (2018)
Hong, C. & H. Wu (2018)
di Mauro, F., B. Mottironi, G. Ottaviano & A. Zona-Mattioli
Fontagné, L., A. Secchi & C. Tomasi (2018)
Crowley, M., N. Meng & H. Song (2018)
Tintelnot, F., A.K. Kikkawa, M. Mogstad & E. Dhyne (2018/21)
Krasnokutskaya, E., C. Terwiesch & L. Tiererova (2018)
Fernandes, A.M., P.J. Klenow, S. Meleshchuk, D. Pierola & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2018)
Héricourt, J. & C. Nedoncelle (2018)
Fernandes, A., P.J. Klenow, S. Meleshchuk, M.D. Pierola & A. Rodriguez-Clare (2018)
Berlingieri, G., F. Pisch & C. Steinwender (2018/21)
Harrigan, J., A. Reshef & F. Toubal (2018)
Almunia, M., P. Antràs, D. Lopez-Rodriguez & E. Morales (2018)
Voigtlaender, N. & A. Garcia-Marin (2019)
Egger, P.H., K. Erhardt & A. Lassmann (2019)
Daruich, D., W. Easterly & A. Reshef (2019)
Raei, F., A. Ignatenko & B. Mircheva (2019)
Boz, E., N. Li & H. Zhang (2019)
Gruss, B. & S. Kebhaj (2019)
Ceglowski, J. (2019)
Nanovsky, S. (2019)
Berman, N., V. Rebeyrol & V. Vicard (2019)
Chen, C. & C. Steinwender (2019)
Gervais, A. (2019)
Head, K. & T. Mayer (2019)
Tanaka, M. (2019)
Eriksson, K., K. Russ, J.C. Shambaugh & M. Xu (2019/21)
Bahar, D., S. Rosenow, E. Stein & R. Wagner (2019)
Gu, K. & A. Stoyanov (2019)
Tombe, T. & X. Zhu (2019)
Lee, D. & H. Zhang (2019)
Rodrigue, J. & Y. Tan (2019)
de Gortari, A. (2019)
Kasahara, H. & H. Tang (2019)
Mayer, T. & W. Steingress (2019)
Stumpner, S. (2019)
Lorincz, L. & B. Nemeth (2019)
Franssen, L. (2019)
Brumm, J., G. Georgiadis, J. Gräb & F. Trottner (2019)
Cheng, D., M.J. Crucini, H. Oh & H. Yilmazkuday (2019)
Sturgess, B. (2019)
Umana-Dajud, C. (2019)
Badinger, H., A.F. de Clairfontaine (2019)
Fernandes, A.M., E. Ferro & J.S. Wilson (2019)
Korff, A. & N. Steffen (2019)
Prantl, S. & A. Spitz-Oener (2019)
Olney, W.W. & D. Pozzoli (2019)
Yilmazkuday, H. (2019/21)
Yilmazkuday, H. (2019)
Bayoumi, T., J. Barkema & D.A. Cerdeiro (2019)
Bai, J., L. Gazze & Y. Wang (2019)
Devereux, M.B., W. Dong & B. Tomlin (2019)
Ariu, A., K.N. Hakkala, J.B. Jensen & S. Tamminen (2019)
Waugh, M.E. (2019)
Liu, L., T. Schmidt-Eisenlohr & D. Guo (2019)
Marchal, L. & C. Nedoncelle (2019)
Chen, N. & L. Juvenal (2019/22)
Mayer, T. & W. Steingress (2019)
Piveteau, P. & G. Smagghue (2019)
Chen, S., H. Ma & Q. Wu (2019)
Fast, D. & S. Fleck (2019)
Kovak, B.K., L. Oldenski & N. Sly (2019)
Furlanetto, F. & O. Robstad (2019)
Thorbecke, W. (2019)
Marjit, S., A. Basu & C. Veeramani (2019)
Arslanalp, S., M. Marini & P. Tumbarello (2019)
De Sousa, J., A-C. Disdier & C. Gaigné (2019)
Bai, J. & J. Liu (2019)
Jakubik, A. & V. Stolzenburg (2019)
Adler, G., S. Meleshchuk & C.O. Buitron (2019/23)
Kamali, P. (2019)
Theoharides, C. (2019)
Girma, S., H. Görg & I. Stepanok (2019)
Abeliansky, A.L., I. Martínez-Zarzoso & K. Prettner (2019)
Kim, I.S., S. Liao & K. Imai (2020)
Chen, X. & Y. Shao (2020)
Kramarz, F., J. Martin & I. Mejean (2020)
Panda, P. (2020)
Ikizler, B. & A.O. Pehlivan (2020)
Freund, C. & M.D. Pierola (2020)
Zhang, P. (2020)
Blaydes, L. & C. Paik (2020)
Davies, R.B. & J.R. Markusen (2020)
Bernard, A.B., T.C. Fort, V. Smeets & F. Warzynski (2020)
Demir, B. & B. Javorcik (2020)
Bräuning, F. & S.J. Koopman (2020)
Boehm, C.E., A.A. Levchenko & N. Pandalai-Nayar (2020)
Bailey, M., A. Gupta, S. Hillenbrand, T. Kuchler, R.J. Richmond & S. Stroebel (2020/21)
Danzer, A.M. & R. Grundke (2020)
Bastos, P. (2020)
Cerdeiro, D.A., A. Komaromi, Y. Liu & M. Saeed (2020)
Gopinath, M., F.A. Batarseh & J. Beckman (2020)
Traverso, S. & S. Schiavo (2020)
Bonadio, B., Z. Huo, A.A. Levchenko & N. Pandalai-Nayar (2020/21)
Egger, P.H., M. v. Ehrlich & D.R. Nelson (2020)
Keller, W. & C.H. Shiue (2020)
Imbs, J. & L. Pauwels (2020)
Devictor, X., Q-T. Do & A.A. Levchenko (2020/21)
Baniya, S., N. Rocha & M. Ruta (2020)
Arnarson, B.T. (2020)
Adda, J. & Y. Fawaz (2020)
Parteka, A. (2020)
Gray, R., G. Montresor & G.C. Wright (2020)
Cheng, H., C. Hu & B.G. Li (2020)
Hayakawa, K., J. Ishikawa & N. Tarui (2020)
Lashkaripour, A. (2020)
Fu, D., Y. Chen & Y. Zhang (2020)
Clemens, M.A. & M. Mendola (2020)
Dennis, B.N. & T.B. Iscan (2020)
Nieminen, M. (2020)
Basco, S., M. Liégey, M. Mestieri & G. Smagghue (2020)
Heid, B. & I. Vozzo (2020)
Bajzik, J., T. Havranek, Z. Irsova & J. Schwarz (2020)
Beck, G.W., H-H. Kotz & N. Zabelina (2020)
Zhang, R. (2020)
Izdebski, A., T. Sloczynski, A. Bonnier, G. Koloch & K. Kouli (2020)
Ducruet, C., R. Juhász, D.K. Nagy & C. Steinwender (2020)
Cooper, R., G. Gong, G. Hu & P. Yan (2020)
Anderson, J.E. & P. Zhang (2020)
Fan, X-M. & H-G. Liu (2021)
Amberg, N., T. Jacobson, E. von Schedvin & R. Townsend (2021)
Borrs, L. & F. Knauth (2021)
Mnasri, A. & S. Nechi (2021)
Li, J. (2021)
Giannetti, M., N. Serrano-Velarde & E. Tarantino (2021)
Ahmad, Z. & L. Chicoine (2021)
Kim, R. & J. Vogel (2021)
de Soyres, F. & E. Pavlova (2021)
Dai, M., W. Huang & Y. Zhang (2021)
Ciliberto, F. & I.C. Jäkel (2021)
Bems, R. & A.K. Kikkawa (2021)
Pfaffermayr, M. (2021)
Blank, S. & P.H. Egger (2021)
Carvalho, V.M., M. Nirei, Y.U. Saito & A. Tahbaz-Salehi (2021)
de Bromhead, A., A. Fernihough, M. Lampe & K.H. O'Rourke (2021)
Bierut, B.K. & P. Dybka (2021)
Amberg, N., T. Jacobson & E. von Schedvin (2021)
Goel, R.K., J.W. Saunoris & S.S. Goel (2021)
Malloy, B. (2021)
Egger, P.H. & J. Zhu (2021)
Bonfiglioli, A., R. Crinò & G. Gancia (2021)
Samal, A., S. Kumar, Y. Yadav & A. Chakraborti (2021)
Yilmazkuday, H. (2021)
Dai, M., F. Nucci, A.F. Pozzolo & J. Xu (2021)
Hebous, S. & N. Johannesen (2021)
Hayakawa, K. & H. Mukunoki (2021)
Chor, D., K. Manova & Z. Yu (2021)
Martin, J., I. Mejean & M. Parenti (2021)
Felipe, J., H. Jin & A. Mehta (2021)
Freeman, R. & J. Lewis (2021)
Benguria, F. (2021)
Borusyak, K. & X. Jaravel (2021)
Coughlin, C.C. & D. Novy (2021)
Bonfiglioli, A., R. Crinò & G. Gancia (2021)
Benguria, F. (2021)
Andersen, T.B., C-J. Dalgaard, C.V. Skovsgaard & P. Selaya (2021)
Clements, K.W., L.H. Vo & M.J. Mariano (2021)
Gerritse, M. (2021)
Mo, J., L.D. Qiu, H. Zhang & X. Dong (2021)
Wei, S-J., Z. Wei & J. Xu (2021)
Aghion, P., A. Bergeaud, M. Lequien, M. Melitz & T. Zuber (2021)
Lim, S. (2021)
Flach, L., M. Irlacher & F. Unger (2021)
Beverelli, C. (2021)
Felbermayr, G. & Y.V. Yotov (2021)
Hoyos, M., E. Libman & A. Razmi (2021)
Oberhofer, H., M. Pfaffermayr & R. Sellner (2021)
Almunia, M., P. Antràs, D. Lopez-Rodriguez & E. Morales (2021)
Görlach, J-S. (2021)
Timmer, M.P., B. Los, R. Stehrer & G.J. Vries (2021)
Ben-David, I., Y. Jang, S. Kleimeier & M. Viehs (2021)
Hu, Y. & P. Zhang (2021)
Xu, C. (2021/22)
Malgouyres, C., T. Mayer & C. Mazet-Sonilhac (2021)
Coniglio, N.D., D. Vurchio, N. Cantore & M. Clara (2021)
Akerman, A., E. Leuven & M. Mogstad (2022)
Bolatto, S., M. Grazzi & C. Tomasi (2022)
Deng, L., P. Krishna, M.Z. Senses & J. Stegmaier (2022)
Liu, X., H. Tang, Z. Wang & S-J. Wei (2022)
Borchert, I., M. Larch, S. Shikher & Y.V. Yotov (2022)
Fajgelbaum, P. & S. Redding (2022)
Ding, D. & Y. Timmer (2022)
Cisneros-Acevedo, C. (2022)
Pattnayak, S.S. & A. Chadha (2022)
Yotov, Y. (2022)
Celasun, O., N-J.H. Hansen, A. Mineshima, M. Spector & J. Zhou (2022)
Fensore, I., S. Legge & L. Schmid (2022)
Miroudot, S. & M. Ye (2022)
Benz, S. & A. Jaax (2022)
Suwanprasert, W. (2022)
Berthou, A. & S. Stumpner (2022)
Doanh, N.K., N.T. Gam & Y. Heo (2022)
Komaromi, A., D.A. Cerdeiro & Y. Liu (2022)
Che, N.X. & X. Zhang (2022)
Cherniwchan, J. & N. Najjar (2022)
Steinbach, S. (2022)
Aubry, A. (2022)
Kitenge, E. & S. Lahiri (2022)
Fernandes, A.M., H.L. Kee & D. Winkler (2022)
Bisztray, M. & N. Poitiers (2022)
Nakamura, E., J. Sigurdsson & J. Steinsson (2022)
Faber, M., A.P. Sarto & M. Tabellini (2022)
Ding, H., B. Pu, T. Qi & K. Wang (2022)
Morrow, P.M. & D. Trefler (2022)
Wang, Z., S-J. Wei, X. Yu & K. Zhu (2022)
Defever, F. & A. Riaño (2022)
Crozet, M., B. Demir & B. Javorcik (2022)
de Rassenfosse, G., M. Grazzi, D. Moschella & G. Pellegrino (2022)
Alfaro-Ureña, A., I. Manelici & J.P. Vasquez (2022)
Adão, R., P. Carrillo, A. Costinot, D. Donaldson & D. Pomeranz (2022)
Bonfatti, R. & K. Cosar (2022)
Freund, C., A. Mulabdic & M. Ruta (2022)
Twinam, T. (2022)
Akay, A. & S. Savsin (2022)
Hayakawa, K. (2022)
Pahl, S., M.P. Timmer, R. Gouma & P.J. Woltjer (2022)
Defever, F. & A. Riaño (2022)
Wong, W.F. (2022)
Doran, K., A. Gelber & A. Isen (2022)
Kashiwagi, Y. & Y. Todo (2022)
Bo, S., T. Chen & C. Liu (2022)
Baldwin, R., R. Freeman & A. Theodorakopoulos (2022)
Czarnowske, D. & A. Stammann (2022)
Laffitte, S. & F. Toubal (2022)
Cun, W., V. Quadrini, Q. Sun & J. Xia (2022)
Lie, E. & K.D. Yang (2023)
Dunbar, G.R., W. Steingress & B. Tomlin (2023)
Ohnsorge, F.L. & L. Quaglietti (2023)
Bolhuis, M.A., J. Chen & B.R. Kett (2023)
Fernández Guerrico, S. (2023)
Nenci, S. & D. Vurchio (2023)
El-Sahli, Z. & J. Gullstrand (2023)
Reshef, A. & G. Santoni (2023)
Gigout, T. & M. London (2023)
Demir, B., A.C. Fieler, D.Y. Xu & K.K. Yang (2023)
Takongmo, C-O.M. & A. Touré (2023)
Robertson, R. (2023)
Fort, T.C. (2023)
Lu, F., W. Sun & J. Wu (2023)
Choudhury, P., I. Ganguli & P. Gaulé (2023)
Ganapati, S. & W.F. Wong (2023)
Boudreau, L., J. Cajal-Grossi & R. Macchiavello (2023)
Zeng, S., C. Luo & L. Zhao (2023)
Antràs, P., E. Fadeev, T.C. Fort & F. Tintelnot (2023)
Gervais, A. (2023)
Minford, P., Y. Xu & X. Dong (2023)
Alfaro, L. & D. Chor (2023)
Newman, C., J. Rand & F. Tarp (2023)
Salvatore, D., A. Costantiello & F. Campano (2023)
Cavallo, A., R.C. Feenstra & R. Inklaar (2023)
Li, T., T.C. Ang & C. Lu (2023)
Bussy, A. (2023)
Ma, X. (2023)
Niluka, P., S.P. Ekanayake, J.B. Madsen & T. Bharati (2023)
Baldwin, R., R. Freeman & A. Theodorakopoulos (2023)
Cai, J. & A. Stoyanov (2023)
Correa, R., J. di Giovanni, L.S. Goldberg & C. Minoiu (2023)
Muñoz, M. (2023)
Moore, T.J., W.W. Olney & B. Hansen (2023)
Batistich, M.K. & T.N. Bond (2023)
Mancini, M., P. Montalbano, S. Nenci & D. Vurchio (2023)
Ma, J. (2023)
Kang, Y. & U. Whang (2023)
Dunn, J. & F. Leibovici (2023)
Gorodnichenko, Y., B. Kukharskyy & G. Roland (2023)
Huang, Y., C. Lin, S. Liu & H. Tang (2023)
Alviarez, V. & A.F. Saad (2023)
Fernandes, A.M., P.J. Klenow, S. Meleshchuk, M.D. Pierola & A. Rodríguez-Clare (2023)
Borchert, L., R. De Haas, K. Kirschenmann & A. Schultz (2023)
Blum, B.S., S. Claro, I. Horstmann & D.A. Rivers (2024)
Choi, J., J. Hyun & Z. Park (2024)
Ersahin, N., M. Giannetti & R. Huang (2024)
Li, Y. & Z. Miao (2024)
De Gregorio, J., P. García, E.E. Luttini & M. Rojas (2024)
Nazlioglu, S., I. Huseyni, A. Tunc & J.E. Payne (2024)
Basu, A., S. Marjit & C. Veeramani (2024)
Baier, S. & S. Standaert (2024)
DeStefano, T. & J. Timmis (2024)
Chakraborty, P., D. Mitra & A. Sundaram (2024)
Baiardi, A. & C. Ammon (2024)
Martinez, T.R. & U. Mello (2024)
Ersahin, N., M. Giannetti & R. Huang (2024)
Lamonaca, E., M. Bozzola & F.G. Santeramo (2024)
Han, L., T.R. Wojan, Z. Tian & S.J. Goetz (2024)
Wang, H., Z. Zhang & Z. Zhang (2024)
Amanzadeh, N., A. Kermani & T. McQuade (2024)
Rodrigue, J., Q. Shi & Y. Tan (2024)
Egger, P.H., J. Li & H. Wu (2024)
Bolhuis, M.A. (2024)
Huang, H., J. Ju & V. Yue (2024)
Arni, P., P.H. Egger, K. Erhardt, M. Gubler & P. Sauré (2024)
Patelli, A., D. Mazzilli, A. Sbardella, A. Tacchella & L. Pietronero (2024)
Garin, A. & F. Silvério (2024)
Hidalgo, C. & A. Micco (2024)
Shin, S.Y., J. McKenzie & P. Crosby (2024)
Brancaccio, G., M. Kalouptsidi & T. Papageorgiou (2024)
Nigai, S. & D. Yang (2024)
Anderson, J.E. (2024)
Jaud, M., O. Cadot, A-C. Disdier & A. Suwa-Eisenmann (2024)
Choi, J., M. Endoh & A. Sasahara (2024)
Silva, T.C., P.V.B. Wilhelm & D.R. Amancio (2024)
Hoffmann, M. & L.R. Habibulina (2024)
Nana, I., R. Ouedraogo & S.J. Tapsoba (2024)
Gutiérrez, E. & E. Moral-Benito (2024)
Kitenge, E. & S. Lahiri (2024)
Mehl, A., G. Sabbadini, M. Schmitz & C. Tille (2024)
Bencek, D. & C. Schneiderheinze (2024)
Spater, J. (2024)
Regional/Multilateral Integration Agreements
de Melo, J. & A. Panagariya (1993)
Winters, A. (1995)
Bergsten, C.F. (1997)
Grether, J.M. & M. Olarreagas (1998)
Cadot, O., J. de Melo & M. Olarreaga (1998)
Venables, A.J. (1999)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (1999)
Maggi, G. (1999)
Trefler, D. (2001)
Madani, D.H. (2001)
Kraay, A. & J. Ventura (2001)
Olarreaga, M. (2001)
Heathcote, J. & F. Perri (2001)
Madani, D.H. (2001)
Crawford, J. & S. Laird (2001)
Schiff, M. (2002)
Various (2002)
Mattoo, A. & C. Fink (2002)
Schiff, M., W. Yanling & M. Olarreaga (2002)
Schiff, M. & A.L. Winters (2002)
Messerlin, P. (2003)
Eichengreen, B. & A.M. Taylor (2003)
Chisik, R. (2003)
Krumm, K. & H. Kharas (Editors) (2003)
Freund, C. (2003)
Mattoo, A. & A. Subramanian (2003)
Bagwell, K., P.C. Mavroidis & R.W. Staiger (2003/07)
Michalopoulos, C., L.A. Winters & B. Hoekman (2003)
Ianchovichina, E. & T. Walmsley (2003)
Holmes, P., J. Rollo & A.R. Young (2003)
Subramanian, A. & S-J. Wei (2003/07)
Hilaire, A. & Y. Yang (2003)
Donnenfeld, S. (2003)
Schiff, M. & L.A. Winters (2003)
Holmes, P. (2003)
Dee, P. & J. Gali (2003)
Urata, S. & K. Kiyota (2003)
Ahn, D. (2003)
Yang, Y. (2003)
Kawasaki. K. (2003)
Palley, T.I. (2003)
Tornell, A., F. Westermann & L. Martinez (2004)
Rumbaugh, T.R. & N.R. Blancher (2004)
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2004/05)
Keck, A. & P. Low (2004)
Mattoo, A. & A. Subramanian (2004)
Ghosh, S. & S. Yamarik (2004)
Hadjiyiannis, C. (2004)
Bond, E.W., R.G. Riezman & C. Syropoulos (2004)
Baier, S.L. & J.H. Bergstrand (2004)
Schiff, M. & Y. Wang (2004)
Stiglitz, J. & A. Charlton (2004)
Jaumotte, F. (2004)
Chen, M.X. & A. Mattoo (2004)
Macrory, P.F.J., A.E. Appleton & M.G. Plummer (2005)
Hoekman, B. & K. Saggi (2004)
Krishna, K. (2005)
Karacaovali, B. & N. Limao (2005/08)
Pitigala, N. (2005)
Macrory, P.F.J., A.E. Appleton & M.G. Plummer (2005)
Dayaratna Banda, O.G. & J. Whalley (2005)
Jones, R.W. & H. Kierzkowski (2005)
Kimura, F. & M. Ando (2005)
Limao, N. & M. Olarreago (2005)
Crawford, J. & R.V. Fiorentino (2005)
Various Authors (2005)
Limao, N. (2005)
Wu, J.P. (2005)
Anson, J., O. Cadot, A. Estevadeordal, J. de Melo, A. Suwa-Eisenmann & B. Tumurchudur (2005)
Feridhanusetyawan, T. (2005)
Antkiewicz, A. & J. Whalley (2005)
Ornelas, E. (2005)
Cadot, O., C. Carrere, J. de Melo & B. Tumurchudur (2005)
Francois, J.F., M. McQueen & G. Wignaraja (2005)
Francois, J., B. Hoekman & M. Manchin (2005)
Abrego, L., R. Riezman & J. Whalley (2005)
Goyal, S. & S. Joshi (2006)
Mukunoki, H. & K. Tachi (2006)
Tokarick, S. (2006/08)
Ostry, S. (2006)
Macho-Stadler, I. & L. Xue (2006)
Whalley, J. (2006)
Endoh, M. (2006)
Cadot, O., J. de Melo & A. Portugal-Perez (2006)
Medvedev, D. (2006)
Baier, S.L. & J.H. Bergstrand (2007)
Kono, D.Y. (2007)
Felbermayr, G.J. & W. Kohler (2007)
Amiti, M. & J. Romalis (2007)
Whalley, J. & X. Xin (2007)
Melatos, M. & A. Woodland (2007)
Furusawa, T. & H. Konishi (2007)
Kemp, M.C. (2007)
Coulibaly, S. (2007)
Melatos, M. & A.D. Woodland (2007)
Oladi, R. & H. Beladi (2007)
Ornelas, E. (2008)
Baldwin, R. & E. Seghezza (2008)
Egger, H., P. Egger & D. Greenaway (2008)
Klimenko, M., G. Ramey & J. Watson (2008)
Eicher, T., C. Henn, & C. Papageorgiou (2008)
Magee, C.S.P. (2008)
Baldwin, R. (2008)
Bandyopadhyay, S., S. Lahiri & S. Roy (2008)
Borchert, I.
Estevadeordal, A., C. Freund & E. Ornelas (2008)
Tang, M-K., S-J. Wei (2008)
Baier, S.L. & J.H. Bergstrand (2008)
Ludema, R.D. & A.M. Mayda (2009)
Eicher, T.S. & C. Henn (2009/11)
Melatos, M. & A. Woodland (2009)
Konishi, H., C. Kowalczyk & T. Sjöström (2009)
Furusawa, T. (2009)
Creskoff, S. & P. Walkenhorst (2009)
Antras, P. & C.F. Foley (2009)
Calvo-Pardo, H., C. Freund & E. Ornelas (2009)
Liu, X. (2009)
Baldwin, R.E. (2009)
Deardorff, A.V. & R.M. Stern (2009)
Hayakawa, K., D. Hiratsuka, K. Shiino & S. Sukegawa (2009)
The effects of free trade areas on non-members: Modelling Kemp–Vanek admissibility
Waschik, R. (2009)
Preferential trading arrangements as strategic positioning
Seidmann, D.J. (2009)
Joining the World Trade Organization: What is the Impact?
Balding, C. (2010)
Distance and Regionalization of Trade for Low-Income Countries
Carrère, C., J. de Melo & J. Wilson (2010)
Bilateralism, multilateralism, and the quest for global free trade
Saggi, K. & H.M. Yildiz (2010)
Are Free Trade Agreements Contagious?
Baldwin, R. & D. Jaimovich (2010)
Regional Trade Agreements
Freund, C. & E. Ornelas (2010)
The Washington Consensus: Assessing a Damaged Brand
Birdsall, N. A. de la Torre & F.V. Caicedo (2010)
Effects of Hub-and-Spoke Free Trade Agreements on Trade: A Panel Data Analysis
Hur, J., J.D. Alba & D. Park (2010)
Do Customs Union Members Engage in More Bilateral Trade than Free-Trade Agreement Members?
Roy, J. (2010)
North–South Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment
Tekin-Koru, A. & A. Waldkirch (2010)
Debt Relief, Investment and Growth
Johansson, P. (2010)
Protection Reduction and Diversion: PTAs and the Incidence of Antidumping Disputes | Published
Prusa, T.J., R. Teh & M. Zhu (2010/22)
Third-country effects on the formation of free trade agreements
Chen, M.X. & S. Joshi (2010)
Vertical trade and free trade agreements
Kawabata, Y., A. Yanase & H. Kurata (2010)
Customs Unions and Special Protection
Tabakis, C. (2011)
A “New Trade” Theory of GATT/WTO Negotiations
Ossa, R. (2011)
Bilateral Trade Agreements and the Feasibility of Multilateral Free Trade
Saggi, K. & H.M. Yildiz (2011)
Forming Efficient Free-Trade Networks: A Sequential Mechanism
Zhang, J., L. Xue & X. Yin (2011)
Terms of Trade and Global Efficiency Effects of Free Trade Agreements, 1990-2002 | Published
Anderson, J.E. & Y.V. Yotov (2011/16)
Does It Matter Who You Sign With? Comparing the Impacts of North-South and South-South Trade Agreements on Bilateral Trade | Published
Behar, A. & L. Cirera i Criville (2011/13)
Whom to Send to Doha? The Shortsighted Ones!
Larch, M. & W. Lechthaler (2011)
Determinants of successful regional trade agreements
Vicard, V. (2011)
The Trade Effects of Endogenous Preferential Trade Agreements
Egger, P., M. Larch, K.E. Staub & R. Winkelmann (2011)
The WTO Government Procurement Agreement and Its Impacts on Trade
Chen, H. & J. Whalley (2011)
Who Benefits from Regional Trade Agreements? The View from the Stock Market | Published
Moser, C. & A.K. Rose (2011/14)
Coping with Shocks and Shifts: The Multilateral Trading System in Historical Perspective
Irwin, D.A. & K.H. O'Rourke (2011)
Beyond Trade: The Impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on FDI Inflows
Medvedev, D. (2011)
Can the Doha Round be a Development Round? Setting a Place at the Table
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2011)
Policy choice: Theory and evidence from commitment via international trade agreements
Limão, N. & P. Tovar (2011)
Preferential Trade Agreements and the Labor Market
Ornelas, E. (2011)
Preferential Trade Agreements and the World Trade System: A Multilateralist View
Krishna, P. (2012)
Gradualism and dynamic trade adjustment: Revisiting the pro-trade effect of free trade agreements
Jung, B. (2012)
Frequency domain analysis of foreign exchange order flows
Gradojevic, N. (2012)
Trade disputes, quality choice, and economic integration
Chisik, R. (2012)
Free Trade Agreement and Vertical Trade with a Manufacturing Base
Yanase, A., H. Kurata & Y. Kawabata (2012)
The Customs Union issue: Why do we observe so few of them?
Facchini, G., P. Silva & G. Willmann (2012)
WTO Accession and Performance of Chinese Manufacturing Firms | Published
Brandt, L, J. Van Biesebroeck, L. Wang & Y. Zhang (2012/17)
Networks, Firms, and Trade
Bastos, P. & J. Silva (2012)
The TRIPs Agreement and Technological Innovation
Di Vita, G. (2013)
How Important can the Non-Violation Clause be for the GATT/WTO? | Published
Staiger, R.W. & A.O. Sykes (2013/17)
Size inequality, coordination externalities and international trade agreements
Limão, N. & K. Saggi (2013)
The evolution of free trade networks
Zhang, J., Z. Cui & L. Zu (2013)
Emerging Countries and Trade Regionalization. A Network Analysis
Iapadre, P.L. & L. Tajoli (2013)
On the trade-diversion effects of free trade agreements
Dai, M., Y.V. Yotov & T. Zylkin (2013)
Do nonreciprocal preferential trade agreements increase beneficiaries' exports?
Gil-Pareja, S., R. Llorca-Vivero & J.A. Martínez-Serrano (2014)
Economic Determinants of Free Trade Agreements Revisited: Distinguishing Sources of Interdependence
Baier, S.L., J.H. Bergstrand & R. Mariutto (2014)
China's Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements
Li, C., J. Wang & J. Whalley (2014)
Domestic policies in self-enforcing trade agreements
Sauré, P. (2014)
Economic Integration Agreements and the Margins of International Trade
Baier, S.L., J.H. Bergstrand & M. Feng (2014)
Bilateral versus Multilateral Free Trade Agreements: A Welfare Analysis
Yilmazkuday, D. & H. Yilmazkuday (2014)
Dynamic Free Trade Networks: Some Numerical Results
Daisaka, H. & T. Furusawa (2014)
Impact of diagonal cumulation rule on FTA utilization: Evidence from bilateral and multilateral FTAs between Japan and Thailand
Hayakawa, K. (2014)
The Doha Round Impasse: A Graphical Account
Evenett, S.J. (2014)
Competitive Diffusion of Trade Agreements in Latin America
Quiliconi, C. (2014)
What Do We Know About Preferential Trade Agreements and Temporary Trade Barriers?
Bown, C.P., B. Karacaovali & P. Tovar (2014)
Innovation and the trade elasticity
Rubini, L. (2014)
Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in the WTO
Conconi, P. & C. Perroni (2014)
The "Emulator Effect" of the Uruguay Round on US Regionalism
Fugazza, M. & F. Robert-Nicoud (2014)
Green Subsidies and the WTO
Charnovitz, S. (2014)
Regionalism in Trade: An Overview of the Last Half-Century
Michaely, M. (2014)
Heterogeneous Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements: How does Partner Similarity Matter?
Cheong, J., D.W. Kwak & K.K. Tang (2014)
Optimal Design of Trade Agreements in the Presence of Renegotiation
Maggi, G. & R.W. Staiger (2015)
Does Preferential Trade Benefit Poor Countries? A General Equilibrium Assessment with Nonhomothetic Preferences
Stibora, J. & A. de Vaal (2015)
Trade Openness and Cross-country Income Differences
Hepenstrick, C. & A. Tarasov (2015)
Trade Agreements and Enforcement: Evidence from WTO Dispute Settlement | Published
Bown, C.P. & K.M. Reynolds (2015/17)
Protectionism is "Alive and Well"- Agriculture in the EU-Canada Trade Agreement
Kerr, W. & J. Hobbs (2015)
Are We Confusing Poverty with Preferences?
van den Boom, B., A. Halsema & V. Molini (2015)
Economic integration agreements, border effects, and distance elasticities in the gravity equation
Bergstrand, J.H., M. Larch & Y.V. Yotov (2015)
The TRIPS Agreement as a Coercive Threat: Estimating the Effects of Trade Ties on IPR Protection Regimes
Cardwell, R. & P.L. Ghazalian (2015)
Preferential Trade Agreements Harm Third Countries
Mossay, P. & T. Tabuchi (2015)
Does A Regional Trade Agreement Lessen or Exacerbate Growth Volatility? An Empirical Investigation | Published
Kpodar, K. & P.A. Imam (2015/16)
Multilateral environmental agreements and the WTO
Millimet, D.L. & J. Roy (2015)
Value of WTO trade agreements in a New Keynesian model | Published
Ganelli, G. & J. Tervala (2015)
Trade Negotiations under Alternative Bargaining Structure
Sen, N. & R. Biswas (2015)
Multilateral Trade Bargaining: A First Look at the GATT Bargaining Records | Published
Bagwell, K., R.W. Staiger & A. Yurukoglu (2015/20)
Export Diversification Effects of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
Beverelli, C., S. Neumueller & R. Teh (2015)
Trade Liberalization and Markup Dispersion: Evidence from China's WTO Accession (#10)
Lu, Y. & L. Yu (2015)
Legislated Protection and the World Trade Organization
Bowen, T.R. (2015)
Regional Trade Agreements and Cross-border Lobbying: Empirical Evidence from the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement Negotiations
Stoyanov, A. (2015)
Deep Trade Agreements and Vertical FDI: The Devil Is in the Details
Osnago, A. & N. Rocha (2015)
What's left for the WTO?
Bown, C.P. (2015)
Migration and Regional Trade Agreements: A (New) Gravity Estimation
Figueiredo, E., L.R. Lima & G. Orefice (2015)
The GATT's Starting Point: Tariff Levels circa 1947
Bown, C.P. & D.A. Irwin (2015)
Contributions of the GATT/WTO to Global Economic Welfare: Empirical Evidence
Anderson, K. (2015)
A Trade and Welfare Analysis of Tariff Changes Within the TPP
Cheong, J. & S. Takayama (2016)
The World Trade Organization and the Future of Multilateralism
Baldwin, R. (2016)
External trade diversion, exclusion incentives and the nature of preferential trade agreements
Missios, P., K. Saggi & H.M. Yildiz (2016)
Optimal international agreement and restriction on domestic efficiency
Lee, G.M. (2016)
The Purpose of Trade Agreements
Grossman, G.M. (2016)
The Design of Trade Agreements
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2016)
Preferential Trade Agreements
Limao, N. (2016)
The GATT's Starting Point: Tariff Levels circa 1947
Bown, C.P. & D.A. Irwin (2016)
The Impact of Trade Agreements: New Approach, New Insights
Hannan, S.A. (2016)
China's Gains from WTO Accession: Imports vs Exports
Lai, T-W., R. Riezman & P. Wang (2016)
The Silent Success of Customs Unions
Gnutzmann, H. & A. Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan (2016)
Preferential Liberalization, Antidumping, and Safeguards: Stumbling Block Evidence from MERCOSUR
Bown, C.P. & P. Tovar (2016)
Liberalization Agreements in the GATT/WTO and the Terms-of-trade Externality Theory: Evidence from Three Developing Countries
Tesfayesus, A. (2016)
Multilateral Trade Bargaining and Dominant Strategies | Published
Bagwell, K. & R.W. Staiger (2016/18)
On the different geographic characteristics of Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions
Lake, J. & H.M. Yildiz (2016)
The Economic Structure of International Trade-in-Services Agreements | Published
Staiger, R.W. & A.O. Sykes (2016/21)
WTO dispute determinants
Kuenzel, D.J. (2017)
The welfare effect of a free trade agreement in the presence of foreign direct investment and rules of origin
Mukunoki, H. (2017)
Impact of the China-Australia FTA on global coal production and trade
Xiang, H., Y. Kuang & C. Li (2017)
Horizontal Depth: A New Database on the Content of Preferential Trade Agreements
Hofmann, C., A. Osnago & M. Ruta (2017)
The Impact of Trade Agreements in Latin America using the Synthetic Control Method
Hannan, S.A. (2017)
Least-Developed Countries in a World of Global Value Chains: Are WTO Trade Negotiations Helping?
Flentø, D. & S. Ponte (2017)
India's Trade Potential and Free Trade Agreements: A Stochastic Frontier Gravity Approach
Kumar, S. & P. Prabhakar (2017)
How Did China's WTO Entry Benefit U.S. Consumers? | Published
Amiti, M., M. Dai, R.C. Feenstra & J. Romalis (2017/20)
US policy spillover(?) - China's accession to the WTO and rising exports to the EU
Mau, K. (2017)
Electoral motives, constituency systems, ideologies, and a free trade agreement: The case of Japan joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations
Kagitani, K. & K. Harimaya (2017)
The impact of trade costs on the European Regional Trade Network: An empirical and theoretical analysis
Basile, R., P. Commendatore, L. De Benedictis & I. Kubin (2017)
A BIT Far? Geography, International Economic Agreements, and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Emerging Markets
Gomez-Mera, L. & G.J. Varela (2017)
Preferential Trade Agreements and Global Value Chains: Theory, Evidence, and Open Questions
Ruta, M. (2017)
Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in Deep Agreements
Mattoo, A., A. Mulabdic & M. Ruta (2017)
Are global trade negotiations behind a fragmented world of "gated globalization"?
Lake, J. & S. Roy (2017)
How close is Asia already to being a trade bloc?
Li, C. & J. Whalley (2017)
Geography, Income, and Trade in the 21st Century
Liu, D. & C.M. Meissner (2017)
Trade Disputes and Settlement
Maggi, G. & R.W. Staiger (2018)
How deep is your love? A quantitative spatial analysis of the transatlantic trade partnership
Krebs, O. & M. Pflüger (2018)
What Do Trade Agreements Really Do? | Published
Rodrik, D. (2018)
On the relationship between quality and productivity: Evidence from China's accession to the WTO
Fan, H., Y.A. Li & S.R. Yeaple (2018)
Reciprocity in trade negotiations and welfare
Raimondos, P. & A. Woodland (2018)
NAFTA and the Wages of Married Women
Hakobyan, S. & J. McLaren (2018)
Welfare effects of TTIP in a DSGE model
Engler, P. & J. Tervala (2018)
Stopped TTIP? Its potential impact on the world and the role of neglected FDI
Latorre, M.C. & H. Yonezawa (2018)
Cooperation in WTO's Tariff Waters?
Nicita, A., M. Olarreaga & P. Silva (2018)
Impact of Free Trade Agreement Use on Import Prices | Published
Hayakawa, K., N. Laksanapanyakul, H. Mukunoki & S. Urata (2018/19)
How Preferential Is Preferential Trade?
Espitia, A., A. Mattoo, M. Mimouni, X. Pichot & N. Rocha (2018)
21st Century Trade Agreements and the Owl of Minerva
Hoekman, B. & D. Nelson (2018)
The Economics and Politics of Revoking NAFTA
Auer, R., B. Bonadio & A.A. Levchenko (2018)
On the widely differing effects of free trade agreements: Lessons from twenty years of trade integration
Baier, S.L., Y.V. Yotov & T. Zylkin (2019)
Gradualism in the GATT: Strategic tariff bargaining and forward manipulation
Chan, J.M.L. (2019)
Should the WTO require free trade agreements to eliminate internal tariffs?
Saggi, K., W.F. Wong & H.M. Yildiz (2019)
The effect of free trade agreements revisited: Does residual trade cost bias matter?
Kharel, P. (2019)
Trade Diversion and Trade Deficits: The case of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement | Published
Russ, K.N. & D.L. Swenson (2019)
Mega-regional trade agreements and Asia: An application of structural gravity to goods, services, and value chains
Shepherd, B. (2019)
Quantifying the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
Felbermayr, G., F. Kimura, T. Okubo & M. Steininger (2019)
NAFTA to USMCA: What is Gained?
Burfisher, M.E., F. Lambert & T.D. Matheson (2019)
The role of standards in the policy debate on the EU-US trade agreement
Blind, K. & J-A. Müller (2019)
Choosing between multiple regional trade agreements: Evidence from Japan's imports
Hayakawa, K., S. Urata & T. Yoshimi (2019)
Trade in intermediate inputs, customs unions, and global free trade
Tsirekidze, D. (2019)
Exporting out of Agriculture: The Impact of WTO Accession on Structural Transformation in China
Erten, B. & J. Leight (2019)
Do trade flows respond to nudges? Evidence from the WTO's Trade Policy Review Mechanism
Kuenzel, D.J. (2019)
Managed Trade: What Could be Possible Spillover Effects of a Potential Trade Agreement Between the U.S. and China?
Cerutti, E.M., S. Chen, P. Deb, A. Gjonbalaj, S.A. Hannan & A. Mohommad (2019)
Rules of origin and the profitability of trade deflection
Felbermayr, G., F. Teti & E. Yalcin (2019)
Preferential trade agreements and antidumping protection
Tabakis, C. & M. Zanardi (2019)
A Global View of Creative Destruction
Hsieh, C-T., P.J. Klenow & I.B. Nath (2019)
Comparison of deep integration in the Melitz, Krugman and Armington models: The case of The Philippines in RCEP
Balistreri, E.J. & D.G. Tarr (2019)
The impact of trade agreements on world export prices
Flach, L. & F. Gräf (2020)
Patent protection in developing countries and global welfare: WTO obligations versus flexibilities
Bond, E.W. & K. Saggi (2020)
Tariff bindings and the dynamic formation of Preferential Trade Agreements
Lake, J., M. Nken & H.M. Yildiz (2020)
Why your neighbor matters: Positions in preferential trade agreement networks and export growth in global value chains
Park, J.H. & B.K. Kim (2020)
Comparing Alternative China and US Arrangements with CPTPP
Li, C., X. Lin & J. Whalley (2020)
Does the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership contribute to regional integration?
Ben Slimane, F., S. Boubaker & J. Jouini (2020)
Are Trade Agreements Good For You?
Maggi, G. & R. Ossa (2020)
Why Trump shot the Sheriffs: The end of WTO dispute settlement 1.0
Bown, C.P. & S. Keynes (2020)
The Value of the WTO
Koopman, R., J. Hancock, R. Piermartini & E. Bekkers (2020)
WTO accession, trade expansion, and air pollution: Evidence from China’s county-level panel data
Chen, S., F. Lin, X. Yao & P. Zhang (2020)
The WTO is not passé
Dutt, P. (2020)
Persistent effects of initial labor market conditions: The case of China's tariff liberalization after WTO accession
Dai, M., W. Huang & Y. Zhang (2020)
The impact of globalization on youth education: Empirical evidence from China's WTO accession
Lin, F. & C.X. Long (2020)
Do regional trade agreements really help global value chains develop? evidence from Thailand
Hayakawa, K., N. Laksanapanyakul & T. Matsuura (2020)
Investigating dynamic price co-movements in the international milk market using copulas: The role of trade agreements
Rezitis, A.N., A. Rokopanos & M.G. Tsionas (2021)
Preferential trade agreements and global sourcing
Ornelas, E., J.L. Turner & G. Bickwit (2021)
Country asymmetry, trade agreements, and transfers
Kilolo, J-M.M. (2021)
Economics of international investment agreements
Horn, H. & T. Tangerås (2021)
Subnational Income Growth and International Border Effects
Adam, H.L., M. Larch & D. Stadelmann (2021)
Preferential trade agreements and MFN tariffs: Global evidence
Kuenzel, D.J. & R.R. Sharma (2021)
Structural gravity and trade agreements: Does the measurement of domestic trade matter?
Campos, R.G., J. Timini & E. Vidal (2021)
Investment commitments in PTAs and MNCS in partner countries
Kim, S.Y. (2021)
Does Digital Trade Change the Purpose of a Trade Agreement?
Staiger, R.W. (2021)
Firm-level trade effects of WTO accession: Evidence from Russia
Cristea, A.D. & A. Miromanova (2022)
The consequences of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement for the UK's international trade
Fusacchia, I., L. Salvatici & L.A. Winters (2022)
The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: lessons learnt
Bennett, A. & D. Vines (2022)
Negotiating exclusion: Regulatory barriers in preferential trade agreements
Çinar, I. & R. Gulotty (2022)
The Long-Run Labor Market Effects of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
Kovak, B.K. & P.M. Morrow (2022)
Export Expansion and Investment in Children's Human Capital: Evidence from the U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement
McCaig, B., M. Nguyen & R. Kaestner (2022)
Trade liberalization and regional labor market dynamics: Evidence from China's WTO accession
Zhou, S., B. He, H-Y-L. Ni & S. Pang (2022)
Trade policy uncertainty and foreign direct investment: Evidence from China's WTO accession
Bao, X., J. Deng, H. Sun &p J. Sun (2022)
Gravity and Heterogeneous Trade Cost Elasticities
Chen, N. & D. Novy (2022)
The Effect of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) on the extensive and intensive margins of exports
Xiong, T. (2022)
How are the precedents of trade policy rules made under the World Trade Organization?
Takechi, K. (2023)
How WTO commitments tame uncertainty
Jakubik, A. & R. Piermartini (2023)
Unveiling the trade and welfare effects of regional services trade agreements: A structural gravity approach
Lin, Q. & X. Lin (2023)
Do preferential trade agreements stimulate high-tech exports for low-income countries?
Cheong, J. (2023)
ASEAN-5: Further Harnessing the Benefits of Regional Integration amid Fragmentation Risks
Baek, N., K. Chahande, K.M. Eklou, T. Kinda, V. Nahata, U. Rawat & A. Stepanyan (2023)
International trade cooperation's impact on the world economy
Métivier, J., M. Bacchetta, E. Bekkers & R. Koopman (2023)
Profits, Scale Economies, and the Gains from Trade and Industrial Policy
Lashkaripour, A. & V. Lugovskyy (2023)
Import competition and energy efficiency: Firms' responses to the WTO accession in China
Liu, X., Y. Liu & R. Zhao (2023)
How bilateral trade deals get in the way of multilateral agreements: Why WTO is marginalized
Beckman, J., M. Ivanic & S. Shaik (2023)
How are the precedents of trade policy rules made under the World Trade Organization?
Takechi, K. (2023)
Preferential trade agreements, externalities, and domestic policy
Bezmaternykh, N. & P. Missios (2023)
Intellectual property-related preferential trade agreements and US offshoring to developing countries
Canals, C., M.A. Klein & F. Sener (2023)
Identifying Chinese supply shocks: Effects of trade on labor markets
Fischer, A.M., P. Herkenhoff & P. Sauré (2023)
Increasing marginal costs, firm heterogeneity, and the gains from "deep" international trade agreements
Bergstrand, J.H., S.R. Cray & A. Gervais (2024)
The costs and benefits of rules of origin in modern free trade agreements
Ornelas, E. & J.L. Turner (2024)
Free trade agreements and domestic value added in exports: An analysis from the network perspective
Yang, Y. & W. Liu (2024)
Do trade agreements contribute to the decline in labor share? Evidence from Latin American countries
González-Rozada, M. & H. Ruffo (2024)
Centralization of trade agreements network and global value chain participation
Fan, Z., Y. Zhou & S. Anwar (2024)
Contingent Trade Agreements
Harstad, B. (2024)
Importer market power and preferential trade agreements: Empirical evidence
Jestrab, R. (2024)
Quantifying economic impacts of trade agreements with heterogeneous trade elasticities
Kee, H.L. & A. Nicita (2024)
Tariffs, product standards, and national treatment at the WTO
Geng, D. (2024)